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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Hell yea thats the point, buts its actually is about getting everybody together no matter what your race is as one, and getting down as they say. Just having a fun time "feeling your self"
  2. C4 and Weapons Call Of Duty Tips And Tricks I am new to gaming and the article above was just AWESOME. There are two things I am stuck on and would really make a difference. How do you get C4 and claymoore, and how do you get the good guns when you respawn. Or do you just always have to take them from the fallen enemy? This info would really make all the difference for me. Thanks! Suzie -reply by Suzanne
  3. how to make her leave me alone!!!!!! How To Avoid A Person? Hey guys I need help. Well, our family moved, and we started visiting this church. And this girl ignored me then one day came up and started being really nice to me. We became friends. Then she started getting extremely annoying and she is now a drama queen. Well she's always been a drama queen but she will NOT leave me alone and if I say ONE THING wrong -even if its nto mean at all- she gets all "upset" and ignores me for a while, and blabs her mouth off to her mom and she is SOOOOO INCREDIBLY ANNOYING! my mom sez we won't invite her over until she shapes up. And she lies her stupid head off to get her way! HELP HELP HELP! -reply by rachel
  4. help hack Are There Any Cheats For Sherwood Mmorpg Replying to kingy61 Yes but you need a cheat engine! It is how you gen on the dragon statue Hex+2 bytes value 4191 near the girl who gives you quests then go to the merchant for your second scann type in 4216 the go to the ramp and freze all adresses and walk to the dragon statue For more help look up "sherwood bounce hack on youtube" -reply by -(Ninja)-(hacker)-
  5. Shareaza does How To Fix Problems With Shareaza I downloaded the latest version of Shareaza and attempted to register, but couldn't get through. When I tried to open the program, nothing happened when I nclicked the icon. What has happened? I wish I'd stayed with the older version. -question by John Nolan
  6. Ihave Gunz downloaded, it doesnt work Gunz Online I go to add and remove programs and gunz is there, yet when I try to start the game it just tries to download again.Do you know what is wrong??? -feedback by Nicky Cernera
  7. MMORPG Anyone Know Any Good Mmorpg Games? You could try http://www.legacy-game.net/main.php It's free and very addictive. -LCPie
  8. Hide HTML source code when the browsers View Source is clicked How To Stop People From Pirating Your Source Codes I have few web pages. I want those pages not to show my code. Right click must be disabled and in View source, there must not be any contents. Would you Please help me? Thank you -reply by smitha
  9. I cant even start rpg maker 2003!How do you open it -.-"-reply by keywarrior
  10. iGuest

    Gmail Drive

    Use New Version Gmail Drive Replying to Trap FeedBacker Uninstall gmail drive, reboot computer (this is the most important), download and install gmailfs112 version. Try enter, use full e-mail (name@gmail.Com), the error will appear, try again and will function. -reply by Leandro Abade
  11. Hello to all you people,By the WAY DID I MENTION ../..----------------------------Moderator Editby the way, asfds, did you take into account that your IP address is recorded as well as your e-mail ? Think about that next time you will forget being polite here.
  12. I am on a router if I change the ip of the cable motum box will it change both computers ip's????-Chelsea
  13. I cant open my command promt it tells me thats its not made for my computer and then the box closes. So I cant do the process you told me to do. What should I do?-Chelsea
  14. How can one connect to a database using DNS on another computer not running Webserver?
  15. plz reply Request A Signature My name is ""monu"". I love music and girls . So Please send me my sign -viplav garg
  16. Im confused Photoshop Tutorial: Forum Signatures I made one sig but I want to know where to find more backgrounds becuase I want to make more sigs whit more background.So plaease tell me Thanks -Wmaster8
  17. Hell ya... What Is The Best Free Mmorpg That Includes Player Vs Player? Replying to Feedbacker Warhammer Online is going to be XXXXX, possibly put WoW in it's place. I've played many, many MMORPGs, WoW is definately the best as far as P2P games, but there are alot of fun games out there that are free. Just try em all til you find something you like. I mean, I can tell you my favorites, but you're not me, so really all I can say is keep trying ones out til you find your match. There's so many, you can't hope to ever get really bored... -----------------------------Moderator Edit : Read the rules, some words are not welcome here, I put XXXXX instead
  18. Which part of neem are used for birth control as contraceptive and how to use? Neem: A Natural Treatment That Works? This is a right time to understand this cause this drugs have harmed our women -SAMSON KIBONA
  19. easy money fast How Do I Make Gold Fast In Runescape/ OK this is for any1 Go down to the barbarian place (whatever it is called) and then go down into the hole and run like hell through the dungon. Note: only go through the first three levels and you will get 10k and then if you want go through the last level and get some dumb boots that decrease your magic. Duh 1 more note: after ever level go back up and put all your money in the bank just cause if you die... Well you know XP Haha 1 more note: on the first level don't run you will waste your running energy, the dudes wont attack on the first level. -reply by eshkdom
  20. about epsxe Playstation Emulation When I got to file run cdrom on my epsxe it interupts me with an error report. How do I solve this problem. -matt z
  21. Yeah, I've noticed that I have a ridiculous fear. I joke about it a lot but it manages to ruin my life during Christmas times (when its shown on TV) and when I browse around in video game stores and DVD stores. My phobia is of Steven Spielberg's E.T. I can't help it, if I see it, even a small action figure or toy I freak out and in worst case scenarios I burst into tears, though thankfully it's getting better now, but I'm trying to conquer my fear -reply by Rikku
  22. Thanks How To Play *.rm Files With Media Player Thanks for this post. Very useful -thelostkez
  23. easy money for any level of player Runescape Money Guide Ok first of all this is breaking the rules of runescapae but your not going to get caught and your gonna get easy money so who cares. Right,all you need is 2 computers.Go on 1 computer and make a new account.Then when your finished set you player recovery questions and start playing the game. Fly through the tutorial and when you finish it and land in lumbridge,run to the barbarian village.Now go down into the stronghold of security(hole in the middle of where everybody will be mining)run thourhg the 1st lvl and collaect the 2k. Then go down to the next lvl and get th money ,then do this once more and go through the maze and get your final 10k.(JUST WAIT AT A DOOR WHEN THERE IS MONSTERS INSIDE AND THEN RUN OUT WHEN THERE NOT NEAR THE DOOR AND RUN TO THE DOOR YOU NEED TO GET TO)then when you have your 10k come out of the stronghold and teleport to lumbridge. Now its time to go to your second computer.Start up runescape on that one and go to the same world that your other player is in.Bring them both to lummy and trade 3k to your player.Then wait 15 mins and repeat.Continue this until all the 10k is transfered to your account.And there you have it!10k for maybe 45 minutes work!! -theoneandonly
  24. Laptop in Hybernation Can't Start Up My Computer I was using my laptop yesterday prior to going to work & it went into hibernate & shut down. Now it won't start at all, nothing on the screen just black, no sound. Only thing that happens is a yellow light on front blinks for a few seconds then still nothing. I'd been connected to the mains not working on battery. Can someone please help as I need the files on that computer. -reply by Denise
  25. My dog pees and poops every where in the house.I am trying to teach him not to pee and poop every where but he doesnt listen.What should I do-reply by garza@yahoo.Cm
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