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Everything posted by wassie

  1. thats a great idea! but make sure you give me the post count you use to have.i'll change it for you.
  2. i must appologize to you all, in the shifting the servers. allot of info about the forum was lost. we only got the old backup from the forum. i understand if some people have posted allot on this forum, and olmost got hosted. and now there account was lost. no fear! wassie is near! i olmost know all the people on this forum. and i know most of their post counts. so if you register again and with your old forum-name. and send me an pm with what you think was your old post count, and if i think thats right i change it for you, dont abuse this service. greetz wassie [i only changed 2 accounts yet... so people pm me!!!]
  3. wahahah maybe he wants ophra videos
  4. you can select a part and use the graniet-tool somewere elsei will explain:----------------------------------------------------------- ----------| |selection| ---------- klik graniet-----------------------------------------------------------this way you get diferent effects.you could also try to look at good-tutorials.comthey explain it better i think
  5. well i tryed it a bit,looks pretty nice.but i dont have a website at the moment,so i have to wait for the hosting i get here.
  6. if you got photoshop you dont have to try paint shop pro.because photoshop has all the features that paint shop prohas and photoshop got more.so my meaning is that photoshop is better that paint shop pro.the only thing i dont like about photoshop is that you must make gif animations with another program thats with photoshop (i dont know the name exactly)thats why for animations i use other programs
  7. well i got to admit,that i dont really know EVANASENCE i know LP of course,they make pretty nice musik,i like some of the songes they make,(like in the end)but in my country there aren't really thatmuch fans about rock and so,but i like them a bit.its not entyerly my style,but its oke
  8. offcourse i must agree with you, but why not enjoy the moment, and over about 5 years stop with it. and go on training you musles. so you get more females around you, and that you live a good life after
  9. i think that harry potter is just a good story.maybe got some things in it that dont really fit in there.but Rowling did a good job,now she has a lot of fans.all ages.i read 3 books of them,i didnt read the first 2.i saw the movie of first one.and i hope to see the movie of the second too.
  10. hi,i saw nobody was talking here,(maybe they are shy)so i thought let me be the "first boy"i'm a boy,i'm 180 long,i got brown eyes,and brown hair.i was born in the Netherlands,and i still live here.my real name is "Armand"(thats a Frensh name)i just got my exams done, and i past them next year i'm going to this school,were i'm learning alot about computers, website-buildingand all those things.i dont know exactly what i want to be.but its a step in the futuregreetzwassie*editedthis is allready outdated
  11. when i klick the link i get a forum. so its a game in a forum. that isn't really fun, you have to post, post, post, if you want to be good. i'm exualy not really intrested in webbrowser-based games. i like 3d games and stuff more. I play Americas Army now http://www.americasarmy.com/ its a good game. looks great, they just realleast a new patch. and ofcource its FREE its a game about wars, and its online ofcource. more information you can find on their site.
  12. oke that sounds really good i'll try it out.if i got any complains or what so ever,i'll post them.the free thingy is a big advantage and the way you were talking about the program.lets me know its a good program.but i'll check it out.
  13. i got this website (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) where u can look for free webhosts. and you also have a power-search. were you can specify where you exacualy are looking for. thats the way i found you
  14. it depends,because you get other understandings all over the world. because you have other languages.in dutch "trap" means "stairs"so you get something like 17 stairs but in english you can understand trap as a snareso there are 17 snares little strange name if you ask me.if you want more people to go here to look for hosting.you gotta change it to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ or something like that
  15. but what is best about there 2 series,is that they both use famouse things.like south-park used star-wars and lord of the rings.and the simpsons use the presedent and those things.
  16. some people like it some people hate it.not my choise to be.my little brother reads them like 9 times i'm also not such a reader.but when i'm bored. i gotta do something right?
  17. sometimes the people go and search the internet for free buttons and free menus and stuff. you can also create them easyly on frontpage and stuff, because there standart buttons, or people copy them from other websites.some people (like me ) make them ourselfs.with photoshop or what so ever
  18. well you can try looking on the website: http://www.adobe.com/products/contribute.html or you can look on google.com for some reviews i think.
  19. thats pretty much true yes.but, dreamweaver has more options, but you dont have to use them all do you? i know like 10% of the options. and i still like it more. i must admit that dreamweaver is best for the experienced ones, but for me its fine
  20. yeah i also think simpsons are better.homer is like the funnyest man in the world
  21. wassie


    this topic is a bit...double
  22. well i live in the netherlands...and here we got 2 sbsp'sone trancelated in dutchand one just in english.but the one in dutch is like more funny.because the voices are really funny.sbsp has like this really happy high voice.so i like the dutch version more
  23. well i never saw the last one but i like the first and second too.and you voted for the first one.so i vote for the second one
  24. yeah i know.but i think my signature is a bit... big.dont you think?do i have to change it?
  25. wow you already got 6 schools i going to my 4 school next year :S i just got my exams. AND I GRADUATED (i dont nog exactly how you name it in english)
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