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Almost time for Star Wars: TOR (Christmas), Tera Online (Spring) and Guild Wars 2 (Unknown). These are possibly the next gen MMOs that people more or less are looking out for NA, and that are coming out soon.As for a Japanese next gen you can possibly look at ArchAge and Blade and Soul.
Have you tried the game called Torchlight? Its a cartoony diablo like game where you can take on three heros, a Destroyer, Vanquisher and an Alchemist. The Destroyer is more physically prone with fighting as shown by his set of skills, the Vanquisher is more advanced with use of pistols, rifles and bows and the Alchemist is the mage of the three, my personal favorite. You play as one hero who explores within several types of dungeons to fight a magnitude of monsters to attain gold, equipment and all forms of loot. The battling is relatively easy to get accustom to and its actually very appealing to the eyes to see so much destruction (yes my own pleasure). There is one home area which serves like a central home for all your items, equipment, scrolls purchases as well as an area to collect more missions, this is the general area you would be spending a lot of your time throughout the game when your not busting skulls. Each player can have one pet to support them, either a tiger/cat thing or a wolf, one of the good features of this game I believe is actually the pet, as in the usual case in an RPG type game, your inventory suddenly becomes full you would have to return to town to sell them but with the pet provided by this game you may send him back to town with just the click of a finger to sell your loot. Plus the pet works like a second inventory bag which makes me very happy considering the bunch of things you find within this game. You may also feed fish to your pet that allows it to transform into different types of monsters as well and different effects in their statistics. Torchlight is about this mysterious ore called Ember which causes people and monsters to attain magical power and also make many mad as well for it's power. The town you start in has a rich amount of Ember within it and as such its your job to defeat these creatures within the Mines as its power is a corrupting influence to many which caused many civilizations to fall. I haven't beaten the game yet but its a fun game to try and did I mention the game is small? Yes its a small game for its price. You should definitely take a look into it, a nice game to spend the time.
I cannot say that the game isn't visually appealing and it makes you feel like your really into it, but the aspect I have a problem with Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 on the PC, just making sure to state so I won't be attacked later on, was the fact that it didn't have any LAN game capabilities like the rest of COD series games. I was really surprised when I looked in my menu and saw no lan play unless its for coop missions I think. Seriosuly, how can this be a complete game without LAN? So I just stick with Modern Warfare 1 as at least that allows me the joyous play of LAN parties. Not all the time we want to be connected to the internet to have a fun time ~_~ . What about those who have no internet at the time but want to play with a group of friends, I guess they forgot about that with its design or a way to fight against piracy of the game. But way to kill the game without implementing it.Storyline though I like it, I really love the way the game feels. Everything is beautifully rendered... it makes a perfect solo game for me ~_~....
I'm not necessarily sure what your looking for in terms of an RPG whether its for online play or not, but I'm not sure if you heard of a game called TorchLight? Its basically like diablo but with cartoonish tone towards it. Its a very excellent game in fun and smooth looking graphics. I think a lot of computers can actually play this game as it doesn't harness that much out of your computer but there is still the option to just lower the graphics which doesn't seem to change much but a higher output in fps is provided. Quick to understand, fun to play and really innovative as you level up and gain more spells, techniques, powers etc. The three main classes are Warrior, Alchemist and a Rogue. As for the online realm I haven't seen any free mmorpg games that have taken my attention as of late... I definitely haven't seen any free mmorpg that has kept my attention. Perhaps Ragnarok Online was a good substitute for a time (well playing on private servers) but that like 6-8 years ago when it was much more popular and the community wasn't so >__> yes... However if your looking for a p2p mmorpg that has great promise within the future, I would have to direct you towards Tera-Online. Its a beautiful next-gen game made on the unreal 3 engine and from the former creators of Lineage 2 game. It probably won't be out till December though so it may be a long wait. But trust me real time fighting into any mmorpg is a plus to me as well as enticing lore within the game.But I guess I can just name one free mmo while im at it that did take my attention for just a bit that was Mabinogi Online, it was a great game until if you want to compete with others you had to keep re birthing which obviously cost money. But it was a cute game more or less, fairly easy fighting system, it was sorta like a rock, paper, scissors type of battle system. So it was more about strategy and knowing what your enemy had prepared to attack you with. Lots to do in this game, you don't must have to fight as their even part time jobs you can do to get money and special items. You can even bring up your fame within villages etc. It was fun, but I quit really because ... well my friends were no longer playing it so I lost a motivation to continue it. Considering dungeons are instanced you don't really meet up with people much unless you force your way into conversations and social environments.
Ah yes I saw Mabinogi: Heroes it looks pretty good and has lots of action such as back breaking and throwing of items around the place, plus it seems some of the environment seems to be breakable and movable, which is pretty cool. It seems to be non target based fighting just like Tera which made me interested within it. But Tera still tops it as its open world and open pvp, where Mabinogi is all about instances which can be rather boring. But I guess we have to wait to see more on that game but I have to admit the youtube videos so far on Mabinogi: Heroes is nothing less than appealing.Blade and Soul nobody really knows how the battling is like within this game as majority of what we see for this game is cinematics upon cinematics. It would be nice to see the actual gamplay of Blade & Soul for once or is NCSoft trying to trick the masses as they did with Aion. Trust me the Aion trailers seemed so much different from the actual game Aion its not funny. NCSoft is just known for their awesome cinematic videos to get the masses but then the game is absolutely different and plagued with terrible customer support.
What Are The Hardest Ps1 Games You Have Ever Played?
Unknown_99 replied to sxcrunner18's topic in Computer Gaming
Hardest playstation one game I have ever played...that would probably be final fantasy 8 for me and well I haven't gotten the drive to take up the game again. I just couldn't beat Diablo xD, but I didn't level up much so it was perhaps the reason and I was young and naive! Since I got the game when it just hit the market. -
My first system was the original Nintendo with Super Mario Brothers 3 and Dr. Mario. Such fun times it was, strangely enough it was my mother who taught me to play the games but it didn't take long before I surpassed her.
Never played the game but strangely enough I've always been interested in how it looks or pehaps how much of a rival I saw him to Mario xD. There should have been a clash between Mario and Bandicoot definitely D:<. But as I have my playstation 1 and 2 I think I can finally go get a cheap bandicoot game and play it for myself.I've played Nitro Kart but it felt pretty much the same as Mario Kart, so it wasn't that much of an appeal to me.
Well this thread is about What was your first MMORPG and how was your experience while playing it, if you happen to remember.Well my first MMORPG was Graal Online, its a very cutesy game with similar tile sets to that of Zelda games on the Super Nintendo. The game back then was rather large in population like 1000-3000 players and well we could say the behavior of the population was rather... untamed, well this was on their free servers such as Unholy Nation. But the game was made for everyone young and adult alike even though you would come across the usual threats you have within most MMOs so one would have to be careful on whom they trust etc. I made quite a few friends on Unholy Nation back then and actually lovers, I could see how naive I was back then as the I was just a kid and what do I know about love? Besides that, it had quests, pvp, events and tournaments that allow you to win things that made you just ever a little better than the other guy. But not all free servers on graal online were the same, every server had its own uniqueness even though they were utilizing the same tile set, some had classes, some had epic stories and these free servers could be placed up by just anyone that was approved by the owners of Graal Online which was pretty neat. But after a while I purchased for the Gold Servers as I wanted to play the updated version of Graal Online, which was much bigger people and better graphics, well of course I was psyched as my guy actually looked like a person and not a chibi teddy bear body character wielding a sword. On those servers it was tough to coop though since I was rather young and I didn't really understand what I was to be doing so it was more or less just me walking around and creating weapons. Hehe, but the game had classes even though I didn't really see the difference between them back then but maybe Graal Online is still around but I doubt it has that much members anymore especially with the new type of games out today, MMO wise. But because of Graal Online it really pushed me into liking MMOs as I really liked playing with others than just being solo play.
What's Your Favorite Class/job? From Final Fantasy and other RPGs
Unknown_99 replied to lekrissy's topic in Computer Gaming
My favorite class within all the Final Fantasy series was Dragoon, well its called several names through the Final Fantasy series "Dragoons" or "Lancers", well within Final Fantasy 11 I had a Taru Taru Dragoon and having a pet dragon was indeed fun and made you feel less lonely when you actually do solo farming. But they all share the same whether it is dragoon or lancer which is basically to utilize a spear and the jump techniques. Oh man the Final Fantasy Tactics Lancer was epic in the sense they pretty much could avoid all damage by using a jump technique, well you cannot target what you cannot see but problem with the technique in that game was if the enemy was to happen to move before your technique came through its an obvious miss as the enemy wouldn't be within the spot you targeted for the jump.Second favorite class is Ninja and I'm talking the one from Tactics as well, you could pretty much throw anything within your inventory whether it was swords, elemental balls, chains, spears, books (Funniest) etc. Plus they have the ability Dual Wield which allows double weapons which gives you double attack, so ninja was rather a very agile, quick and strong class plus they seem to move the furthest. -
Steam: What A Load Of Crap! I wish I could download pirated games.
Unknown_99 replied to rob86's topic in Computer Gaming
Well recently I was offered Team Fortress 2 as a gift via email so I went to the site had to register, I understood the basic concept of that then downloaded the software. Well strangely the links in the email were old and pointing somewhere else that no longer existed so I was looking all over for this Steam download which apparently was itched up within the About US page ....So installed, logged in and let my game download via their STEAM software but I had no problems with wait or anything and I'm within Jamaica currently. Besides the whole bother with finding the steam engine to install after that it was pretty much a breeze. But I'm sorry your feeling such problems with their service though. -
The most memorable RPG to me most definitely would be Final Fantasy Tactics on the Playstation 1, I just really liked the storyline, graphics and the system itself allowing diversity in classes and skills. To me it was the first of its kind and really it was such an epic quest that was fun and really I played that game hours and hours on end. Even till this day I sometimes dust off my Playstation 2 and run some Final Fantasy Tactics as even today when their is so many 3rd gen games available I rather just play the simple, addictive and fun Tactics.Second would go to Legend of Dragoon for Playstation 1 as well, story, characters and the flashy armor transformations and skills really got me. I really like Dart and Rose. xD hehe I didn't get to finish this game though due to me lending it someone and they just never gave me back the game. ><
Upcoming MMO's that I find interesting for 2010 is Final Fantasy 14, Tera, Star Wars Online (The Old Republic) and Blade and Soul. Majority of these are asian created games so it probably might not be the like of others since their is always the fear of tons of grinding. Either way you could easily look at one of these games. Tera is action based no point and click and I believe Blade and Soul is along those lines as well. Final Fantasy 14 uses the classic battle system of FF11 so thats basically for fans of the genre. Now The Old Republic is the only american one from the list, it seems pretty cool so far as they tried their best to make the battles very "epic" in the sense of how many enemies you can take on etc and also making the story diverse depending on your actions just like Knights of the Old Republic the video game.
1. Well this is an obvious yes as you see games such as True Crimes, GTA Series and the rest. But really nearly every game has violence even cartoonie things like Tom and Jerry etc, so violence really can't be taken from a game because just beating up someone is considered violence. The only games I know off my head that have no violence within it is probably the pre-school games were you are learning to read.2. I think they are tough enough, ESRB is doing their jobs with it with the american games. Everything has its tag whether it be eC (Early Childhood), (E)veryone and (E)veryone 10+, (T)een, (M)ature(17+), (A)dut(18+). The problems is actually more on the foreign games because their ratings are different from the US rating games. You could actually see that in Japan games that condone rape can be seen publicly. 3. Depends on player, not everyone will go into a violent hiss and harm people just because they play violent games. Sometimes violence can be from other things such as family issues, personal issues being bullied or raped etc... there are so many reasons that can make a person be more violent. It doesn't necessarily has to be games. I for one when I have a bad day I like just going home and playing a beat up game. But it doesn't mean I will go within the real world and try do what I have done within these games.4. Games is a mix of Film and Music, as they try to capture you within the story. If a game has a story then it will incorporate all the things a film will have and music.
best game on earth, if not, the multiverse Ikaruga
Unknown_99 replied to purplemonkeydishwasher000's topic in Computer Gaming
My best game still remains as Final Fantasy Tactics, its just such a nice game with so much classes and animals, that it makes it so interesting. Plus its strategy, good use of the brain and knowing when to move in a character or not or to retreat etc. I really did wish they made a Final Fantasy Tactics for the PS2 but it never happened, lets see if one will come for the PS3, though I highly doubt that will happen T3T....Ogre Battle 64 was pretty cool as well, that came second to Tactics and it was really similar as is. Just you had more units at your dispsal and the battles didn't really last as long. It was more like small battles and you kept on battling till the other team either retreats or is completely destroyed. I remember how fun it was hunting those golems hehe xD I wanted to capture all the creatures in that.