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  1. What? You guys would rather have it more ergonomically-shaped? Lol!
  2. Why bother questioning? Just live your life and if it's really problematic, think about it when you're like around 70 or 80 years old. And if you die anytime before that (God forbid) then well... ignorance is bliss, right?
  3. Hmmm.... http://home.btconnect.com/hgi/ps3/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  4. Newage and smooth jazz for me.
  5. I don't support cybersex nor have I done it, but I think it's an interesting alternative for writers who are trying to get a hot sex scene for one of their stories. The reason is that you don't know what the other person will respond after you "make a move". It's all random... I mean who knows, one moment you could be in one really intense part of the "sex" and then your partner decides to pull out a gun and make you do "something" for her/him or that person will shoot. Or the idea that the person you're speaking to is completely anonymous so that could also account for a suspense/mystery scene in a story. I wouldn't be surprised if everything that's logged in cybersex all sound corny and uncreative, but with a bit of editing, a skilled writer could make it interesting. And it helps for lazy writers since the "main content" is already laid out for you. Just change a few things here and there and then you're done, lol.
  6. I like it because it's easy on the eyes, however mind if I suggest something? The light green background you have should be changed to a different color, something that's already used on your layout... like that blue or orange you used.
  7. Meh... kids these days.... but I would be a hypocrite to say that I support "NO!" to these dolls. Take for example me... if my parents hadn't exposed me to violent-content movies when I was really young then I wouldn't have been able to enjoy them now. But the funny thing is I don't go around killing people, nor does even the thought of doing such an action give me any satisfaction because I know it's wrong and just full of consequences.So I wouldn't really blame the parents, I blame the kids for being dumb enough to get influenced so easily by materialistic things like dolls wearing skimpy clothes.
  8. Oh, I'm definitely surprised by the text in the center. I expected something different... something more clear, more precise, more meaningful (for the lack of a better word) that would contrast the chaotic abstractness that surrounds the light in the center. IF ANYTHING, get rid of the text, lol.The overall design, however, is really nice. I like abstract art, but it's rather unfortunate that most people produce it for the looks and disregard meanings behind the art.
  9. Maybe I'm just getting too deep with all this, but your poem is actually far more unique than you think it is."Happie"- You intentionally wrote the word this way, instead of the actual spelling which is "happy". Like you said, this is a poem of how you feel, so you demonstrate that by how you feel "happie" should be spelled."You" and "U"- Your transitions between using the words "you" and "u" show a contrast of how much you want to stress those words. "You" sounds more personal, more direct, and since it's longer in spelling, it almost even sounds like it has to be elongated when spoken. On the other hand, "U" is simpler and gives a sense of friendliness, kind of like how you decide to spell "happy" to "happie"."1" instead of "One"- The usage of the numeral character 1 seems to be more powerful in the context of your poem, strangely enough. Most people would expect to see "one" on there, but by using "1" you're telling people (literally) only one."..."- Expresses a constant flow of thoughts in your head that you have decided to omit, for various reasons which I obviously don't know. And even if that wasn't your intention, the ellipses help give a sense of a calm and subtle pause, instead of something powerful like a comma or a period. Your poem is okay overall, and since you did admit that it is just how you're feeling then I can't really say anything else much about it. Unfortunately, not to be mean or anything, the content of your poem doesn't have that much originality to it since there's a number of other poems like this already. But that's fine. Better to express your thoughts than repress them.
  10. Well, it's good. But...- It is a bit dark, could you increase its brightness, or put a screen layer on top of it? If the dark look was what you were aiming for then nevermind about what I just said...- The text on the left is a little too close to the hand in the middle, you might want to align the text a little bit farther out.- The message "It is as if time stood on dead air" is great, but I can't see how it really relates to the image you're using on the sig. I don't mean to sound like a stuck-up person (because I know I couldn't make a sig any better than anyone, lol) but I'm just trying to give my input here. Besides, it's far more constructive than the usual "it's great!" comment and leave it at that.
  11. I wouldn't say I enjoy being scared, but I'll list what I'm scared of:- Rollercoasters. I don't like the feeling inside my body when I'm going down for the dive.- Deep oceans. It's so dark below and the mystery is what creeps me out.- Little insects. You can't tell which one is lethal from the other unless you're an insect-expert, which I'm not.- Dying before I see myself get married, have kids, see my kids grow, and to see them get a family of their own.- The Excorcist movie. The girl is really freaky-looking and the fact that the movie was loosely based on an actual event is even scarier.There's more but I would rather not think about them too much otherwise I'd be scared just by even mentioning them on here, lol.
  12. Well since you kindly ask the question (and notice what I put in bold there), then I guess it's okay for me to speak my mind about this. I think there really his some sort of higher being/beings out there, whether metaphysically or physically, that's "controlling" everything. All the good things and bad things that happen are both part of the game/plot/order, or whatever you want to call it. This being creates, sets up everything, and allows us to freely roam about and sees what we're doing, and will only take action if deemed necessary. Think of The Sims, or SimCity... Essentially, we're like God (or the Gods, if you're polytheistic) in those games. It's kind of late where I live and I'm tired, so hopefully what I just said makes sense, lol.
  13. There's a little saying that goes around that 1 year is equivalent to 100 computer years. I wouldn't be surprised if in the future computers will be able to do far complex things that we could only imagine today, BUT I believe they will still have many limitations. That's the interesting thing about living, breathing, organic beings, because what mechanical things lack, we gain or have gained... I don't even know where to begin to explain what I'm trying to say here, but just take my word for it. Unfortunately, in this state right now, I think computers will be upgraded to the max not to help the lives of human beings, but to see which one is the most destructive of all. Needless to say, the reason behind all this is because of war. The neat little features that we take for granted due to technological advances are sometimes byproducts of engineers, technicians, computer scientists all trying to find ways to update the nation's defense systems.So this is all to say that I am hopeful that we manage to see advanced computers (and maybe even be able to live on another planet) but the probability of a happy-go-lucky future is kind of low in my opinion, unless we stop with this war crap and actually start focusing on things that actually make sense and are more meaningful.
  14. Shinjiru

    Existance life

    How do you know? Have you died and gotten resurrected to speak the truth? Based on your essay, which sounds really depressing (no offense), how can you claim that relationships is the single most important thing? What makes it better than faith, than skill and talent, or even your own pet dog? Besides, some people don't like being in relationships or don't even want to be in at all. And also, what's the use of having a relationship with another person if your claim that "life sucks and then you die" is true? Well, I wouldn't doubt what you said in the first line there. But now that you're dont contemplating, don't you think it's time for YOU to get away from the computer and actually DO something about all this? You can't stay miserable for long. And if you do, you will end up committing suicide which I myself don't recommend but if you're going to end up doing it, I can't stop you. At any rate, that's just the way life is man. We don't live in a perfect world because humans weren't born to be perfect. And all the laws you can think of that science has developed thus far prove that there's absolutely no way for anyone to be able to create a perfect world. You can do every little thing to help, which would be greatly appreciated, but don't expect to see world-changing results. And even world-changing results that were accomplished by leaders in history have not achieved the goal of a perfect world. So my best advice to you is to ease down with the contemplating, live life to the fullest, and if it really bothers you that much, do what you can to help. That's all.
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