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the blonde girl

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Everything posted by the blonde girl

  1. Yes, I was watching Buffalo news when they announced that. Apparently, the "Half Blood Prince" is neither Harry nor Voldemort, but someone from the second book. Which really doesn't narrow it down much. Then again, maybe it's Riddle (before he became Voldemort) and JK is just trying to confuse the readers. Apparently, Riddle was a half-blood.
  2. shridhar- Ophra(is that how you spell it? I don't watch the show) is the name of a famous talkshow in America.Apparently, Ophra has been ruled the riches black woman alive, or something like that.
  3. Anyone see the movie?I have, I think it was the day after the premier, and even the the theater was screening it every 40 minutes or so, the theater was jam-packed.But was it worth all the anticipation? I don't think so. When I saw the preview I really thought this'll be the most dramatic and darkest one of all three, but instead it was really lacking.Lacking what? Well, the starters, the mysterious Dumbledore, the smug wizards who wore WIZARD clothing, and a semi-coherent plot.
  4. Nah. I'm more into metal than the whole tired-artist facade.A couple of my friends are die-hard Linkin Park/Evanasence fans, but I just don't see it.Actually, Linkin Park was voted as the favourite band of our graduation class. That was surprisingly, because they are certainly much better bands out there.Meh.
  5. Yeah, Battle Angel Alita was kind of lame in some parts and I couldn't at all get into the story. These were more along the lines of plot-progression, and battle scenes (sometimes the drawing is so clutered you can't make anything of it). Other parts are very cool, although the plot moves to quickly. Fortunately, you don't really FEEL that because it's not even within the grasp of reality anyway. What's a bit more going to do?
  6. chelcy, no, I think you found the wrong site (Fearless isn't exactly very popular on the web.) The series have nothing to do with religion.
  7. ultasmad, I did hear something about that. McDonald's much be antsy, getting this much bad public scrutiny.wassie, that's completely cool. But that's one of the problems people seem to not get: them being thin at this moment. But what about after five years? Ten? Twenty? Are you sure that you'll be in shape even if you do eat fast food. That's the real question here.
  8. I've read all five books.Not big a fan, though. I mean, sure, Rowling definitely has an active imagination and all that, but there's some things that are wrong with the books: for example, Quidditch. Funny how there's really not much point for everyone else but the seekers to play, huh?I mean, think about it, unless the SEEKER catches the snitch, the game'll go on forever, if it has to, right? Well, then, what's the point of selecting other team members if their playing doesn't really have any point to the overall scheme of things.Huh, could be JK's Gary Stue slip?
  9. The Simpsons, definitely.Of course I may be a bit biased since I've never fully watched South Park, but can full-out swearing top subtle wit? I don't think so.Plus, The Simpsons have very memorable characters, too. With Homer, Bart, Grandpa, Chief Wiggum, and many others, few TV shows top this assemblance of brilliance.
  10. Exactly, noxit. I mean, what? Are we going to rely on our lives to be healthy on their own? We can't just sit around, not do anything and eat fast food and then blame in on advertisements and fast food restaurants because WE can't control ourselves. It's not logical, and people need to develop more will power. This is just getting ridiculous.
  11. As of right now I only have Ultimate FX, along with Ultimate Paint. Yes, they're freeware programs. I can't yet afford anything along the lines of Paint 8 or Adobe Paint so I'm making dues with what I have.It's actually not THAT bad, and if you try hard enough you'll get a decent graphic.Oh well.
  12. is the new documentary dealing with the horrors of fast food and the path of obesity we're on as of present time.What are your thoughts on this topic? Should McDonald's, and other food franchises, continue to sell fatty foods? Technically, they're just out to make some money, and it's up to the PEOPLE to control themselves and think of their health?What do you think?
  13. Since the number of members is not that high, I don't think I'm going to get an overwhelming response on this topic, since some people are still not sure about where they're heading and what they're going to do in the future.But for those who do know, what's your path?I, myself, am interested in journalism and cinematography, but am still looking for new interests since I have the time to do so.
  14. What are your top 5 favourite books (1 being the highest, 5 the lowest)?I think mine would be:1. The Survivor's Club by Lisa Gardner2. Billy Straight by Jonathan Kellerman3. The Tutor by Peter Abrahams4. Fearless (series) by Francine Pascal5. Claws by Will Weaver
  15. Anyone read the books, or are familiar with the title?
  16. I'm not that big on manga. Probably because it's not all that accessible to me. But I read Vol. 1 of Battle Angle Alita a couple of weejs ago.I'm bigger on books, anyhoo.
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