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Everything posted by Darker333

  1. There is 2 million people and going up per day signing up and playing the beta events! This game is going to be the biggest hit since Unreal2k4!
  2. Hmm... a Japanese comic book or a 30minute episode in color and high-performance art. Anime, not a hard choice at all Well, for me, anyways.
  3. Maybe your referall link is getting you cash while we don't know it.. BUT WHO WANTS TO SPEND 2$ AND USE UP SO MUCH TIME JUST TO REMAKE IT. I can spend 1 hour working as a cashier and earn 10-22$! But I wont spend a few days making back 2 freakin dollars.
  4. Personally, I like Nikon Digital Camera's because they are cheap, fit well with how I use it, and it's excellent. But to tell the truth, any cammera is good as long as it's digital, cheap, and we1l equipt!( I know nothing about photography )
  5. Oh My God I love it! The way there is no code on there, no writting and how the page is totally BLANK! It's amazing. Seriously, I can't see it
  6. Eeer.. it say's CHMOD wont let me in.. How do I fix that
  7. My shipment for the best one ( guess which on the list ) is coming in 4 weeks now! I can't wait to upgrade from my 3.4ghz processor I wonder how great of a difference it will be, CPU-Power wise. Any takes?
  8. Err I think this is something you would PrivateMessage NilsC about
  9. That is why most people us IE Latest version, Opera, or Mozilla Firefox. I suggest Google'ing the last one I listed *wink wink*
  10. Dude, memory wont make your machine faster then it is now. Listen, look at your memory when your doing normal internet stuff. If it's below 30% then your fine. But when your gaming and it lags, then get as much as you need or can afford.A common misconception. MEMORY, AKA RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY, DOES NOT MAKE YOUR PC FASTER IF YOUR PC IS CURRENTLY USING LITTLE MEMORY WHEN BROWSING. ONLY GET MORE MEMORY FOR HIGH STRESS THINGS LIKE BIG GAMES OR HOSTING SERVERS. DONT GET IT IF YOUR MACHINE RUNS FINE BUT LAGS JUST A BIT. IF YOU WANT TO IMPROVE YOUR ACTUAL SPEED, THEN FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, GET A BETTER PROCESSOR.Im just pissed off how people think " Oh My machine runs fine with 500mn ram, so 1 gig more will make it so much faster"Bull ****
  11. Huh I just found a Photoshop 8.0 Burnt disk with my new printer and it has a key on the case.. could this be part of buying the printer or is it Big' G?
  12. I watch whatever is on at fox from 4 to 10pm.. Lol but I like the drama, not really cartoons.
  13. You do know the possibilities that once AI is 100% functionall into a machine we are going to be screwed over VERY fast. That is why we should think of, when the time comes, to make a super powered world wide "OFF" button to turn off aLL of the AI Robots when they are trying to over rule us.We will banish them into a nation, and since they can think faster then anything ever created, they will develope themselfs and create billions of robots with nuclear bullet guns, make artificial humans to spy on us, massive Blue-Nuclear war after the discovery of blue uranium at the core of the earth in 2045, and we are all screwed.Sort of depressing but suprisingly possible!
  14. Um Rakk... it's not a good idea AT ALL to tell people you only havea Router Firewall installed. I cant say if I know anything about hacking or not but just a tip... if you are seen connecting to a game or hosting and the person knows you have only a router.. your screwed buddy. It might not have happened yet but I can assure you once it does happen, your pc will be to frozen to move for DAYS.~Fuhrer Darker 333
  15. I use the 64-bit Windows XP or Windows Longhorn Beta4 Microsoft Private Issue because of games, easy ness and the fact that 64-bit is just.. unbelievable! And Longhorn is ok to but I cant tell you anything about it srry!~Fuhrer Darker 333
  16. Whoeve thinks that they truly dont care what people think of them is true are really mentally challanged. Because we are all raised in a world where we have to care what people think. That's society for ya!
  17. Is there a service that will when you go to a page or about to download something force a person to click a link just once to get me cash and then a script to validate that person and let them download it? Because I need a click server that will alow just clicking the link and now bothering for any of that "Now type what you see here" Crap.Or better yet, how about a "Every click of a banner will get you 10C closer to happyness!"~Fuhrer Darker 333
  18. I have a quick question. Is Adobe Photoshop CS ( 8.0 ) worth buying? * LOoks at the rediculous 400$ sign* I mean I know it;s awsome but for building a website is it worth it I mean. See im making my own custom designs so I need to know is CS is really really good.~Fuhrer Darkerr 333
  19. An 3D desktop... Wouldnt that sort of kill your ram by 200mb? I mean it's awsome but as long as it does not become part of a REQUIRED update and as long as if you ever install it for XP, you can remove it just as easy.~Fuhrer Darker 333
  20. karlo, ever think of modifying this great code using that PHP Maker tool some guy posted about? You can like add in a better design using it. Just some suggestion!
  21. You need to realize that they need to invent, and test this without using gas because it would take so much gas to run a flying car and you cant use gas to fly a car so forget that lolBut seriously, once they research it, it will be in testing, then it will be for private use for 4 years, then the military use, more testing, and then when it's out for the public... you wont be able to come close to affording it for 10 years!So forget it, not in this life time bud.
  22. One million round gun... it would be PERFECT in a flat terrain in a country where they still use Horses and IPF-Defenders Just keep shotting for 3 whole hours lol
  23. Um.. Im not sure that WorldOfWarcraft is playable offline because it's clearly an online ONLY game which was ment for paying to be able to play..Why would you pay to play a offline game as well? Silly Michael, MMORPG's are for NilsC ! ( lame )~Fuhrer Darker 333
  24. Scary thing is, they make it so that once the bullet is a few inches away from impact, the hardware is burned and it actually only 6$ per buller and 4000$ for a guidence system. Then again, let's try and make the whole world at least get into the industry buisness because right now Africa could be usefull.. and we could be making these Bullets at a rate of 100 million per country per day ( depends how rich the nation is )~Darker333
  25. Are you serious? Well good work on the coding part of the forum, but I don't like how there is no initial Style Format like IPB.. you can try to make your own if you like but be warned it takes some advanced html to be able to start ~Darker333
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