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Posts posted by YungOdo

  1. Have you scanned your computer for viruses? when your using a dial-up sometime a incoming call can interfere with the connection but in other cases it can be something else like a virus or computer error maybe.. im using netzero now and it kicks me off maybe about every hour or so.. i had that problem before and i was told your phone voice msg's can also cause problems with a connection..

  2. So im going to need 10 credits to reset my password? :P well im still shown as hosted so in that case my hosting account couldnt have been restricted for any reasons i guess, and there is no way i could have forgotten it because its the password i use for mostly everything, but when ever i enter my information its still not letting me access the cpanel which has been occurring for 2 days now.. im not sure if its a sever error or someone hacked my password i dont know But i've pm'd Opaque yesterday about the problem i guess he hasnt been on yet..

  3. If there was no internet i believe the world would be much different and i would be more active on the outside and be doing all the things i used to do before becoming a internet fiend like going out and playing sports hanging out at the library, movies and roaming the streets with friends. Im still active on the outside but without the net i would have more of a life, not saying i dont but the internet can get really addictive to people and for some it can be a way of live (shopping, meeting people, news, media etc.)

  4. I wouldnt advise anyone to try these methods it was posted for entertainment purposes i just find some of it humorous..


    We all need food to live. In the society that we live in now if we don't have money then we don't have food. That is exactly what the government wants us to think! That is how it forces us and makes us go to work, and slave away. But that is wrong! More lies that the government spoon-feeds us. Here are several ways you can get yourself some free grub:



    Go into any restaurant and order any meal you want. Eat it, then ask for the check. While the waiter is getting the check (usually takes them about 15 minutes) just get up and leave (or you can wait until the waiter actually brings you the check). If you do this at the right time when the restaurant is full (usually Friday and Saturday nights around 6 p.m.) no one will stop you. If for some reason the front way is blocked you can always sneak out from the bathroom window. No window in the bathroom? Then you can go out through the kitchen. If stopped by one of the cooks mutter something about going to see the manager, or say that you're new.


    Order any meal you want. Wait till it's served to you. Wait until the waiter starts to walk away, quickly put a cockroach or hair, or something of that sort, on your plate. Yell at the waiter to come back. Show him the hair/bug in your food. Refuse to pay for your meal. The waiter will offer you a free meal, if he doesn't, insist that he does or you'll call the manager and the Health & Sanitation Committee.


    In self-serve restaurants where you eat first then pay at the exit: just eat all you want and stuff the rest in your pockets. Then either go out through the bathroom window or through the back. You can put on an apron so you wont get hassled by the cooks.

    You and your partner should come in to the restaurant (or a Burger King type place), order your food, and eat it. When you are done eating and the check comes start a loud argument with each other, if necessary throw fake punches at one another. You will be asked to leave. So you just got a free meal. If you do this in a Burger-King type place, where you pay before you eat, wait until the food is on the counter, then start the fight, before paying. Don't forget to grab the bag with the burgers as you are being thrown out of the place by the coppers.



    Most stores toss out day-old bread, and other baked goods. You can come up to them (the employees) and ask them to give it to you. It helps if you say that you have a large family and you are currently in a "financial struggle." You can also say that you run an animal shelter and want to give the bread to the animals.

    Most supermarkets offer free samples of new foods on Saturdays and Sundays. You can also ask for free samples of meat at the meat counter. And why not take some fruits that are just lying there in the open, begging to be eaten.



    Churches, homeless shelters, and soup kitchens offer free meals to the homeless. On holidays such as Christmas and Thanksgiving those places have special meals with lots of food. So dress up like your favorite hobo and stop by your favorite shelter today. Just remember to come early.


    Get a cardboard box and label it "American Cancer Society" or "First Christian Church." Then go around door-to-door saying that you are collecting foods for the needy.


    Walk around town, if you spot any large outdoor parties at a park, with food, just invite yourself to the party. If someone asks you who you are, mutter something about being "John's friend."


    Grow your own food. Invest in some seeds and start your own garden. If you know someone who already has a garden wait until nightfall and go to their garden and "borrow" their fruits and veggies.


    Some hotels offer free breakfast and even dinner (if you live in the hotel). Enter the hotel, take the stairs or elevator up to a higher floor, look around for a room with one of those "do not disturb" signs on it. Remember the room number. Go back downstairs, and start eating. If they come up to you and ask for your room number, just tell them the number of the room with the "do not disturb" sign. Make sure to come early and eat as quickly as you can.

    Most hotels also let you put the price of any meal eaten at the hotel on your total room tab. So just got to a hotel restaurant, tell them to put the food on your room tab, tell them the room number you picked , and you can go to a different hotel every day, and eat a semi-luxurious meal.


    If you write to some food companies, praising their food, they will often send you coupons for their-brand free food. To get the address of the company that makes the food you want, look on the box for an address. Make sure to write a nice letter, praising the company and their "fine" products.

  5. C'mon face it, video games are a complete waste of your time! Every time you turn on your console you should be asking yourself "Is there something better I should be doing with my time... like reading a good book... or watching a good movie... or flirting with a beautiful girl? Do I get anything out of this, does this make me a better person?"

    hmm you must lose alot :P but i play video games enoyment when i have
    nothing else to do..its like my anti-drug i dont usually play them that much though

  6. Hiccups - What Causes the Hiccups?

    Hiccups are usually a reaction to your stomach and digestive system getting wonky. This happens when you eat too much, drink bubbly drinks like soda, or swallow too much air. Some people get the hiccups for no reason at all. Other things that cause hiccups include skull fracture, epilepsy, tuberculosis and believe it or not, constipation (not being able to poop).


    Hiccups - Common Cures for the Hiccups

    Unlike sneezing, farting, burping, etc., hiccups don't serve any purpose. They're just annoying and pointless! So how do you get rid of hiccups? Which remedy works best? Home remedies are usually based on the idea that you have to disrupt the hiccup cycle. Remedies include holding your breath, breathing into a bag, pulling your tongue, sudden fright, or - get this - eating sugar. Just drinking water, if done soon enough, might wash down a chunk of food in the throat that's pressing against a nerve.


    If these fail, a doctor could prescribe the drug chlorpromazine, tickle the pharynx with a hollow flexible tube through the nose, or use hypnosis or acupuncture. Not doing the trick? You could use extreme measures. In 1833, it was recommended that you blister or burn the skin above the phrenic nerve on the neck and back. Ouch! There are endless sites with the "perfect cure" for hiccups, so the next time you "hic" head over to this site for a cure!

    Hiccups can get real annoying sometimes every time i have hiccups i drink alot of water and hold my breath a couple times it seems to work for me..

  7. My first game system ever was either atari or socrates i think that was more like an educational system i used to love those games until i got a nintendo and then super nintndo the first two games i had for that was mortal kombat and nba jam then after that i got a sega genesis for christmas i play beavis and butthead alot.. those are the older systems i had

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