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Posts posted by YungOdo

  1. I used to smoke marijuana when i was much younger, sometimes i smoked either when im stressed or just bored and in some ways it became useful to me because it opened my mind to better thought and ideas.. I wouldnt really look at it as an addiction drug it depends on how you control your habit, and i dont really consider marijuana as a drug but a therapeutic substance. In my opinion its the most safest "drug" known excluding the fact of it being illegal in most areas.. although i would never influence anyone to use it but alcohol is perfectly legal which is the #1 leading cause of death for teens in the united state, and cigarettes wich is one of the main causes of cancer, and to my knowledge i've never heard of any death related issues regarding marijuana although there can be some bad side effects to it, which in my case i've experienced some extreme lazyness.. :)

  2. Do you believe in this statement? and what does it mean... i dont know because in my opinion its always the enemy that you have to keep a close eye on and watch there moves in order to defend yourself when needed and sometimes the people you consider friends can turn there back against you and family also, but as the statement i believe it means the if you have friends that are true you wouldnt have to watch there every move IF you trust them.. and your enemies are more likely to hurt you so you have to keep them close and watch them at all times.. what do you think?

  3. Thanks for the advice guys, i'll make sure i be more careful next time of how i set my site up although im not really good at security knowledge execpt for chmoding files or what not.. I wouldnt put the blame on Xisto or any member on the site for my site being "hacked" or whatever you want to call it, but i surely have an idea on who could have done this :P but i wouldnt point the finger at anyone.. it doesnt really matter i just hate starting hard work all over again but i'll make backups regularly as suggested and try to be more secure and hope these little sh*ts dont try to hack my site again :D

  4. Ok seriously, I've worked in a restaurant and had people walk out on a bill. You know what happened? I GOT STUCK WITH THE BILL! So instead of taking home my tips for the day, , I ended up having to pay out all of what I earned and then some to cover it. By the way, most servers get minimum wage, some even less, and have to earn enough to pay their bills and expenses from tips. So screw you people, you suck! :P

    :D Sorry to hear about that.. the only time iv'e taken food was at a buffet, hey its all you can eat why not take some with you..

    Sell yourself for sex? lol

    Wth lol.. where did that come from

  5. The trap takes security quite seriously and you need to be just as concerned about it.
    Do you have any details about this event that the Server Admins need to know about? Was there a breach through the server defenses? Or was it a couple of buddies that guessed your password?

    What makes you think it was a "hacker" and not a friend who knew the password?

    Im sure it was a hacker because nobody i know personally would do this and its near impossibly to even try to guess my password.. Once i got to my home page i was "shocked" because i never thought i would get hacked plus i've worked hard on it, but Oh well :P

  6. Through all my troubles of getting to the cpanel of my account and accessing my site come to find out its been hacked, this is what it said on the index.php page of my forum..


    Hack By: lulu_akita and nghia_dia_tinh_yeu92



    Sorry admin host ......



    Hi Hi!

    i've deleted everything i had in the public_html...these bastards i hate hackers.. now i have to change all my passwords :P

  7. :P Nice try but no on hosting credit refund. Sorry.
    Perhaps the IP address used alone is not liked by your browser or by your ISP. Sometimes your ISP rather have the domain resolved to a name than used IP straight out.

    Be sure to add your domain to TRUSTED SITE list and always use your-domain.ext/cpanel. This is easier to remember.

    Darnish! well it was sure worth a try, thanks for resolving my issue Buffalo

  8. I think this subject against the rule. It is immoral and illegal activity to promote stealing and cheating. The honest peples who will suffer from such actions when they will doubt any real complain in future.

    Oook guy thats why i stated "I wouldnt advise anyone to try these methods it was posted for entertainment purposes i just find some of it humorous.."
    Are you purposely going to every post that i make with a complaint? ..geez
    If you dont like them thats your problem if the mods or staff believes that its inappropriate content then it can be easily deleted no biggie

  9. Well when i click on the "access your cpanel" option the popup window comes up with the user & password input boxes, then when i type my information and hit ok the window leaves then appears again. Its not showing any error stating that i put in the wrong password or anything.. and when i try to access my account via FTP the status of the username says OK but the password comes up invalid..

  10. You Might Meet in the Mens Rest Room..


    1. Excitable - Shorts half twisted around, cannot find hole, rips shorts.

    2. Sociable - Joins friends in piss whether he has to or not.

    3. Crosseyed - Looks into the next urinal to see how the other guy is fixed.

    4. Timid - Cannot piss if someone is watching, flushes urinal, comes back later.

    5. Indifferent - All urinals being used, pisses in sink.

    6. Clever - No hands, fixes tie, looks around and usually pisses on floor.

    7. Worried - Not sure of where he has been lately, makes quick inspection.

    8. Frivolous - Plays stream up, down and across urinals, tries to hit fly or bug.

    9. Absent Minded - Opens vest, pulls out tie, pisses in pants.

    10. Childish - Pisses directly in bottom of urinal, likes to watch it bubble.

    11. Sneak - Farts silently while pissing, acts very innocent, knows man in next urinal will get blamed.

    12. Patient - Stands very close for a long time. While waiting he reads with free hand.

    13. Desperate - Waits in long line, teeth floating, pisses in pants.

    14. Tough - Bangs c*** on side of urinal to dry it.

    15. Efficient - Waits until he has to crap, then does both.

    16. Fat - Backs up and takes a blind shot at urinal, pisses in shoe.

    17. Little - Stands on box, falls in, and drowns.

    18. Drunk - Holds left thumb in right hand, pisses in pants.

    19. Disgruntled - Stands for a while, gives up, walks away.

    20. Conceited - Holds two inch d*** like a baseball bat.

  11. which brand of cigarettes do you smoke? I prefer newport 100's or kools because they pull smooth and i like the taste but marlboro's which most people usually smoke are disgusting, they taste dry and nasty and leaves a bad after taste after you smoke them.. i've been smoking black & mild cigars since i was 14 but i wouldnt smoke a whole one though because i get light headed and i might pass out.. i know smoking is bad but we all have our bad habits.. i've tried to quit twice but didnt work and it had got bad because i played alot of sports and during drill practices i would get lazy and out of breath so i had to cut it down. Have you ever tried to put a dudded out cigarette in your pocket? its the worse smell ever!.. thats how i got caught in school at times when i used to smoke outside of gym class.. i dont smoke that much anymore though, maybe about 4 or 5 cigarettes..

  12. You know your having a bad day when...


    You lose the piece of paper where you had your passwords written.


    You remember that you accidently threw out the piece of paper with all your

    passwords on it, and you have to rummage through 5 feet of garbage to look

    for it.


    After looking through the garbage for an hour, you realize that you have a

    text file of your passwords saved to disk.


    You forget to turn the computer off before you start messing around with the

    inside of it.


    Your air conditioner breaks down right in the middle of a heat wave.


    You accidently burn a whole in the floor during Chemistry Lab.


    You feel like listening to an ABBA album.


    You seal an envelope before you put in the letter.


    The radio station you're listening to starts playing the new song by George

    Michael and Elton John.


    You destroy your radio because it started playing the new song by George

    Michael and Elton John.


    You remember that you payed $150 for the radio which you just destroyed.


    You forget to turn off your computer while you're away for the weekend.


    Your car runs out of gas while you're driving in the South Side of Chicago late

    at night.


    You forget to study for a final exam.


    Your car gets stalled at a railroad crossing.


    Your disk drive starts to smoke when you turn on your computer.


    You get your access lowered on a BBS.


    You taste 40% Bran Flakes, and find out that you LIKE THEM!


    You go to school and wait outside for two hours before you realize it's



    You cram four hours for a test that you think will be given tomorrow, but

    you find out that it will be a week from tomorrow.


    You find out that you are not a cool dude.


    You have to boot 200+ disks to look for a particular program.


    You try to look straight into an eclipse.


    You accidently enter a gay bar.


    Your passwords all get deleted because you forget to tell the sysops that

    you were going on vacation for the summer.


    You get expelled from school.


    You attempt to extinguish a grease fire by pouring water on it.


    Your car has a full tank, but still doesn't run.


    You remember that, although your car only takes unleaded gas, you filled it

    up with regular.


    Someone else has used your handle while you were out of town, and has ruined

    your reputation.


    You begin to post a message but forgot what you wanted to post about.


    You hear the song by Elton John and George Michael so many times that you

    start to like it.


    You forget to adjust your clock for Daylight Savings Time and arrive at

    school an hour late.


    You see it begin to rain, and remember that you forgot to put the top up on

    your convertible.


    You try to boot a disk for 5 minutes, and wonder why it isn't working.


    You open your drive and find out that you put the disk in sideways.


    You realize that your disk drive head is probably ruined by now.


    You get Dead or Alive's "Youthquake" album as a present.


    You become sick to your stomach after getting a certain album as a present.


    Your furnace breaks down when it's 30 degrees below zero outside.


    You find out that you are blocking against William Perry in Sunday's Bears



    You try to lick the third rail on an "El" platform.


    You see a text file that you wrote with someone else's name on it.


    You find out that you're going south for the winter---to Antarctica.


    You forget to take the garbage out, and it has to sit there for another week.


    You attempt to eat a Frozen T.V. Dinner without cooking it.


    You find out that your friend tried to sharpen a pen in your $80 electric

    pencil sharpener.


    You buy a 10 megabyte hard drive and find out that it won't work with your



    Your little brother thinks that your floppies are 45" singles and tries to

    play them on the stereo.


    You accidently initalize the disk with your software list on it, and have to

    boot up 200+ disks to redo it.


    You find out that you have to read a 500 page novel in two days.


    You try to use a hair dryer while still in the shower in order to "save time."


    You find out that you are having a bad day.

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