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Posts posted by mrdee


    Takes about 5 1/2 hours to make, plus overnight soaking and chillingServes 8Long, slow cooking is the key to this truly magnificent French dish. Remember, patience is a virtue!



    1kg dried haricot beans

    4 onions

    8 cloves

    2 carrots, cut in half

    8 bay leaves

    4 good sprigs fresh thyme

    8 garlic cloves

    900g pork belly, skin removed

    1/2 large or 1 small shoulder of lamb

    2 large duck breasts, skin removed

    8 Toulouse sausages

    3 tbsp olive oil, plus extra for drizzling

    2 celery sticks, washed and chopped

    2 tbsp sun-dried tomato purée

    10 tomatoes, skinned, deseeded and roughly chopped

    300ml dry white wine

    100g fresh white breadcrumbs


    How to make cassoulet


    1. Two days before serving, put the beans into a large bowl and cover with plenty of cold water to soak. The next day, drain the beans and put in a large saucepan so that the beans come no more than halfway up the side.

    2. Cut 2 of the onions in half, stud each half with 2 cloves and add to the pan. Add the carrot, 4 bay leaves, 2 thyme sprigs and 4 whole garlic cloves. Cut the pork belly into generous bite-size pieces and add to the pan. Cover everything with plenty of cold water and bring to the boil. Skim off any white scum, reduce the heat, cover and cook for 1 hour 20 minutes. Drain the cooking liquid, reserving 300ml. Cool, then cover and chill. Discard the studded onion, carrot, bay leaves, thyme and garlic. Put the cooked beans and pork into a bowl. Leave to cool, then cover and chill in the fridge overnight.

    3. Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 160ºC/fan140ºC/gas 3. Trim off any excess fat from the lamb and cut into generous bite-size pieces. Cut each duck breast into 4 pieces. Cut each sausage into 3 or 4 pieces. Finely chop the remaining onions and crush the remaining garlic. Heat the olive oil in a large roasting tin on the hob, add the lamb, duck and sausage and brown all over (cook in batches). Add the chopped onion, garlic and celery to the browned meat in the roasting tin and cook for 8-10 minutes, stirring occasionally until softened. Add the tomato purée and stir well. Add the tomatoes, wine, remaining thyme and bay leaves. Season and bring to the boil. Cover with foil and braise in the oven for 11/2 hours until tender. Remove and leave to cool. Cover and chill overnight.

    4. On the day of serving, remove all the ingredients from the fridge and preheat the oven to 180ºC/fan160ºC/ gas 4. Take a 7-litre ovenproof dish and put a layer of beans and pork in the bottom, then follow with a layer of the braised meat and tomato mixture. Repeat until both mixtures are used up. Pour the reserved bean water over, then cover with foil and cook for 11/2 hours in the oven. Top with the breadcrumbs, drizzle with a little olive oil and bake for a further 45 minutes. Alternatively, take 8 x 15cm clean terracotta flower pots (if they have a hole in them, cover the base with foil). After cooking the cassoulet for 11/2 hours, spoon into the pots, top with breadcrumbs, drizzle with oil and bake for 30-35 minutes. Serve in the pots.

    Wine suggestion

    A fairly young, rich red such as a southern French Syrah would add to the comforting qualities here.



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  2. Yes, Sheepdog,

    you DO have my sincere sympathy.


    It looks like it is always the same people trouble rain down on (same here), and it seems it is also the same people who always have all the luck (usually people who do not deserve it).


    And then that lousy "don't care" attitude of some people, like the judge, why do certain cases only once a month?

    Do the other ones pay better maybe?


    I am quite sure if it was something that concerned them or their nearest and dearest, they would magically find time to handle a case.


    And the further, this is certainly not only in the USA, the law, which always seems to protect the criminals rather than the victims, what has this world come to?

    They can do anything they like to people and get away with it, but if the victim tries to defend him/herself or his/her belongings or family, then they come out with "taking the law into your own hands" and other blah blah blah.


    It is really disgusting, all of it, those are the sort of things that would make people want to give up.


    Anyway, I want to wish you all the best of luck in all of this and (although it is easy for me to say), keep your head high, every cloud has a silver lining.

  3. Chicken Cacciatore.


    'Cacciatore' literally means 'hunter' in Italian, and this 'hunter style' dish makes good use of mushrooms (easily available to hunters trekking through forests!), onions tomatoes and herbs. If desired, serve over spaghetti.


    Ingredients Serves: 8

    250g plain flour for coating
    1/2 teaspoon salt
    1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
    1 whole 2 to 2.5kg chicken, cut into pieces
    2 tablespoons vegetable oil
    1 onion, chopped
    2 cloves garlic, minced
    1 (400g) tin chopped tomatoes
    1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
    125ml white wine
    1 green pepper, chopped
    200g punnet fresh mushrooms, quartered
    salt and pepper to taste




    Prep:20min › Cook:50min › Ready in:1hr10min


    Combine the flour, salt and pepper in a plastic bag. Shake the chicken pieces in flour until coated. Heat the oil in a large frying pan (one with a cover/lid). Fry the chicken pieces until they are browned on both sides. Remove from pan.
    Add the onion, garlic and pepper to the pan and saute until the onion is slightly browned. Return the chicken to the pan and add the tomatoes, oregano and wine. Cover and simmer for 30 minutes over medium low heat.
    Add the mushrooms and salt and pepper to taste. Simmer for 10 more minutes.

  4. Hello,

    I think this would be a nice post for Sheepdog to sink her teeth into, but, obviously, anyone who can give advice is more than welcome to post replies.


    The situation is this:


    We have four labradors, a mum and dad and two sons.]


    The mum and dad are both black, mum is an American labrador and dad is an English labrador.


    The sons are white and chocolate respectively.


    We have an enormous problem with the dogs shedding their fur, we never get finished with hoovering and cleaning up.


    As soon as the place has been hoovered, the fur starts appearing on the floor again.


    It also seems that it is mainly the dad and white son shedding fur, we see it from the colour, distinctive white hairs all the time, and we notice it when we brush them, as mum and the chocolate son barely leave any fur in the brush, but from dad and the white son, the brush immediately gets filled up with fur.


    In order to prevent the shedding, we brush the dogs every day, but it has not lead to a lot of results so far.


    I have also tried all the things I learned from my experience working for a vet years ago, but nothing seems to help.


    Is there anyone who knows a solution to reduce the amount of fur indoors, apart from shaving all their fur off?


    I am well aware of the fact that you can never get rid of all the fur they shed, but as things are at this moment, it is way over the top.


    If anyone could give further advice, we would be extremely grateful.



  5. Zymic are a load of rubbish.

    I have webspace there too, but only to use it as a testing dustbin.


    And even that cannot be done properly.

    If you try to do something which uses a bit of a serious MySQL database application, or upload a webform with inclusion of a MySQL database, you keep getting error messages all over the place.


    I have not had any banning or suspension issues, as I have not really published a lot, but yes, you are right, their staff are ignorant, rude and arrogant.


    I have noticed that when I posted on their forum about the umpteenth thing that went wrong.


    i would say: steer well clear of that place.

  6. Hi,


    I hope someone can help me with this issue before it drives me up the wall:


    I have a Samsung CLP-300 Laser Printer, and I have bought a Buffalo HD-HD250LAN NAS.


    What I am trying to achieve is to connect my printer to the NAS so it can be used on the network.

    However, it is causing me lots of grief.


    Either the printer shows up as being connected but will not print, or I get a message the printer does not exist or there is no driver, it gives me anything except sheets of paper coming from the printer.


    I run Windows 8 64 bit and I have a universal Samsung driver ready, but when I try to install this one, it keeps telling me there is no printer connected.


    A few questions now:


    • Should I install the driver on my machine, on the NAS or on both?
    • The IP address of the NAS is, is the IP address of the printer the same, and if not, how can I find that IP address?
    • Or even better, is there an experienced person here who could talk me through the process step by step?

    (Although question 1 is not very useful, as the driver keeps refusing to install as I explained above).


    The NAS is connected to the routher via Ethernet cable, and the printer is on the NAS' USB port.


    If I missed any information out, please ask away, as long as my problem can be solved.


    Thank you in advance.


  7. I am posting this here, as I did not find any appropriate topic to post this in.


    Could one of the admins please have a look at a post I placed a good while ago in The Internet=>Web Design, it is called "Any CSS specialists here?" or something very similar.


    The reason why I post this is because the post in question has so far not appeared (It is a topic where posts have to be approved before they can be seen).


    Since the post has not appeared yet, nobody can reply to it (obviously), and it was a post about a bit of help I require with a CSS issue, so I am not getting any help.


    On the other hand, this is not helping for collecting MyCents neither.


    I do not remember how long the post was, but there should probably some MyCents in it.


    So, if any of the mods could have a look at the post and approve it, I would be very grateful.


    Thank you in advance.


  8. Well, Nitin,

    maybe not bitten by the new rule, so far I still have my sites up and running, although other users might not (like yourself, if I read correctly).


    However, it does affect everybody in some way or other, like (if I am correct the change in the script has something to do with it) for example the long periods of time between MyCents updates.


    Fortunately I have not lost my account (yet) because of it, but I will have to wait and see what happens by the time the next invoice comes.


    There are, however, as I can make out by what I have read here, people whose hosting has been affected as a result of this, but I know Opaque was working on it, so hopefully he will be able to have it fixed on time.

  9. Well, Sheepdog, the error was also fixed quickly after sending in a ticket, but that is scarcely the point.

    The point is that my site says "Account Suspended", sometimes for hours (probably starts during the night).


    And, as I said, when that happens, just like in your case, it might mean a loss for me.

    Apparently it happens because of a script (to do with credits) that is not running properly, but in the mean time, my account gets suspended, and I get an email my account has been suspended due to overdue payment, which is obviously not right.


    While I do appreciate that IT and scripts sometimes go wrong, it is a bit too much of a good thing when it happens for two days on the trot.


    And, in the mean time, MyCents have still not been updated, and a post I wrote 4-5 days ago (a post which needs approval) has still not appeared on the forum.


    I am beginning to wonder if this forum is still being looked at/moderated.

  10. Yes, demonboy, the Xisto supportsite is where you can see your total balance.

    The red figures you see here are what you have earned with posting so far, and as soon as that reaches 1 dollar it is reset to zero.


    However, this morning, I had a message that my sites have been suspended because of an overdue payment.

    I only paid an invoice seven days ago.


    And, the red figure underneath my name has not changed due to the MyCents not being updated, so the overall balance will not change neither.

    (Although, of course, only the account holder can see this figure).


    I must admit I am definitely not happy with this situation.

    On one of my sites, I run an Internet radio station, now it has been suspended, people cannot reach it to send in requests, they cannot even listen to my station because I put the player on my site.


    This is a terrible loss for me until it is fixed.

    (And how many listeners am I not going to lose as a result of this)?

  11. Looking at the red figures with the MyCent balance underneath my name, I conclude it has not changed for goodness knows how long.


    My balance has remained the same since at least July, which means, if the invoice was due now, I would not have enough to pay for it fully and get an email telling me my account has been suspended.


    We do have a duty to post to keep our hosting (unless we pay in real money, of course), but has the company then not got a duty to adjust our balance on time?

    You could argue, "then pay with real money", but what is the point of posting then?


    This is only a friendly question to ask Xisto to stick to their side of the bargain on time.


    Come on, please, update those MyCents.


    "Reddite Caesari quae sunt Caesaris".



  12. Hello,


    I have redesigned my website and used Adobe Dreamweaver to do it.


    I chose for a two-column design with body, left sidebar and a header and a footer.


    The model I used was one that came with Dreamweaver.


    However, the problem I have is that, on pages with a lot of content in the body, the sidebar stops far from the footer, and if I set the "height" value of the footer too high in the CSS stylesheet, it leaves the body container with a lot of white space underneath the contents.


    I have tried everything, I set "height" to "auto" in the stylesheet, then tried to set it to 100%, but none of that made any difference.


    I have, so far, come up with a "very clumsy" solution, but at least it does the trick:


    I filled the empty space after the last item in the sidebar with "<br>" tags.


    I know, very clumsy and probably unprofessional, but it does do the trick so far.


    Here is the CSS for the pages:

    .sidebar1 {	float: left;	width: 180px;	background-color: #0CC;	padding-bottom: 10px;	height: 100%;}

    And this is the HTML:

      <div class="sidebar1">    <ul id="MenuBar1" class="MenuBarVertical">      <li><a href="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/'>http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/" title="Naar huis" target="_self">Naar huis</a>              </li>      <li><a href="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/'>http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/" title="Gastenboek" target="_self">Gastenboek</a></li>      <li><a href="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/'>http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/" title="Over ons" target="_self">Over ons</a>       <li><a href="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/'>http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/" title="Contacteer ons" target="_self">Contacteer ons</a></li>            <li><a href="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/'>http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/" title="Verwijzingen" target="_self">Verwijzingen</a></li>            <li><a href="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/'>http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/" title="Verzoekjes" target="_self" class="MenuBarItemSubmenu">Verzoekjes</a>        <ul>          <li><a href="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/'>http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/">Gewoon</a></li>          <li><a href="http://forums.xisto.com/">Zoekmachine</a></li>        </ul>      </li>            <li><a href="http://forums.xisto.com/" title="Mededelingen" target="_self">Muziekkeuze</a></li>            <li><a href="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/'>http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/" title="Word lid" target="_self">Word lid</a></li>            <li><a href="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/'>http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/" title="Luister in nieuw venster" target=""popup" onClick="wopen('speelblad.htm', 'popup', 640, 480); return false;"">Luister in nieuw venster</a></li>    </ul><p><a href="https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?url=&original_referer=" class="twitter-share-button" data-via="RadioVlNationaa" data-lang="nl">Tweeten</a><br></p><p>U kunt ons station nu ook beluisteren op uw Android of Blackberry. Klik hieronder om binnen te halen:<br>Dit is tans ook moontlik om op u Blackberry of Android na ons stasie te luister, kliek op die  gewenste knoppieom die toepassing af te laai:<br><a href="http://www.nobexrc.com/Download.aspx" target="_blank"><img src="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/'>http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png" width="120" height="50" alt="" title="" border="0" /></a> <br /><a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nobexinc.rc" target="_blank"><img src="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/'>http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png" width="120" height="50" alt="" title="" border="0" /></a> </p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />  <!-- end .sidebar1 --></div>

    You ca n see the "filling up" with "<br>" tags, but in my despair, that was all I could come up with.


    I also noticed that I am not the only one struggling with this issue, as a Google search showed me many people asking about it, but I have so far not found one suitable solution.


    I basically want the sidebar to expand as content is added to the body of the site.


    If possible, could it be something that does not require to alter too much in the CSS, as that would probably confuse me, as I am still learning in that field.


    Any help will be gratefully accepted.


    Thank you in advance.


  13. I think it is time the MyCents were updated again.

    I see from a previous post (hopefully I am wrong) that the last time was on July 29.


    However, even if I am wrong, it has been a number of weeks since the last update.

  14. Hello,


    I was wondering if anyone could help me with the following:


    I have a .m3u file (a playlist in other words) which people can use to click on, and when they do, it starts the music of my online radio station in their default media player.


    I have it under a URL, and when people click that URL, the m3u is downloaded to their machine.


    Now today, someone said he saved the file to his desktop so he could start the programme from his desktop with just a double click.


    However, the icon just gives the generic blank page icon.

    I have turned in into a shortcut and then done "Change Icon" in the properties, and that is fine on my own machine, I am using the favicon of my radio station logo.


    But how can I make it happen that other people can see it with that icon too, either when it gets downloaded via the URL or when I send it to them in an email?


    Any advice will be gratefully welcomed.


    Thank you in advance.


  15. Anyway, I managed to get there.

    I just put my whole list in a MySQL table and then used PHPRunner to make the search page.


    However, is there anybody here if I can repair the following:

    One of my fields is the Item number, and it is an Auto-increment field.


    I noticed that I had a duplicate entry on items 1000 and 1001, and stupidly, I deleted one of them.

    Now, when I do a search by number, 1000 gives me an empty field.


    Does anyone know if i can do something so that what used to be 1001 now becomes 1000 and so on, so that my whole list remains numbered properly without skipping any numbers?


    Thank you.

  16. Good to hear from you, Jim.

    No, the songs do not come from a database, I use Tagscanner to order them nicely from the directory where they are stored, and then let Tagscanner generate the HTML code.


    It is obviously one heck of a long list with nearly 1500 songs.


    I had thought of using MySQL/PHP, but that is a bit beyond me to do it myself.


    Thanks for your reaction.

  17. Hello,

    I am looking for a search box to put on my website (Java, PHP, HTML, whatever, it does not matter, as long as it does the job).


    There are still many people out there who are not aware of the combination [CTRL-F] to search for particular words/phrases on a web site.


    That is why I would like to have a box on top of my page where people can enter a search term and then see the searched for terms highlighted.


    I had one yesterday that seemed to do the trick (A Java app), it highlighted what you looked for, except, it did not jump towards the highlighted terms, so you still had to scroll through the page to find the highlighted words.


    After all, we are talking about a very long page, it has a list of all the songs available on my Internet radio station to offer people an insight into what is available and to help them make a choice for the request programme.


    If anyone knows about such a feature, preferably with no ads, would they please let me know?


    Thank you in advance.


  18. Hi,

    I was wondering if we have people among us who are either technology wizards or good problem solvers or both.

    I would like help on achieving the following:


    I run an internet radio station, and I broadcast from my laptop (when I play live, of course) using SAM Broadcaster.


    Now, in order to use the microphone, you have to click on a button and hold the mouse, or there is a lock button which just switches the microphone on and leaves it on until you click the button again.


    Now comes the hard part:


    Does anybody know if it would be possible, without too much equipment or additional hardware needed, to make a light switch on (not on the laptop, an external lightbulb) as long as the microphone is switched on?


    That light could then go outside the studio door, or somewhere above the DJ table, or even both, so that a)people outside the door know not to come in while the light is on and/or the DJ can see the microphone is on so he does not broadcast his whole love life over the air (or something similar) :P


    Touch wood, so far I have not forgotten (yet) the microphone was operational while I was broadcasting, but you never know....


    And, like I said, it would also be a good warning signal to the outside world so they do not mess your broadcast up.


    Any ideas anyone?


    Thank you.


  19. Thank you, Iniyila,


    well, to be quite honest, I do not Use WMP either, but I am trying to find out what can be done to make it show the metadata


    I know it is probably not important to the managers of the radio provider, as it does show the metadata in all other programs (WinAmp, VLC....) but I am doing it for listeners who told me they wanted to use their default media player to listen rather than the online Flash player.

    (All they have to do to achieve that is click on an .m3u file on the website which is then put on their machine and always openss their default player when they activate it.


    However, some people who use WMP as their default player said "it plays all right, but now I cannot see what is playing".


    And, before I forget, yes, I have tested it with the latest version of WMP 12.


    Anyway, thank you for your reply.

  20. Hi Nitin,

    you are quite right, I would not go back to previous OSes.

    (Although I liked Windows 7 too).


    However, I was asking this question for my sister, who has always used Windows XP and who is not very computer literate.


    And since I do not use that Internet Explorer rubbish, I obviously did not have a clue, as a matter of fact, the first thing I did on my new laptop was install Google Chrome, so I have never seen the address bar at the bottom in Internet Explorer.


    Anyway, thank you for your explanation.

  21. I run my own Internet radio station, and it has got s flash player, which you can see on the radio manager's website, or which you can embed in a website.


    However, there is also a possibility to listen in your own default media player such as Winamp or Windows Media Player.

    To achieve this, you have to put a small playlist(.m3u) file on your machine, and when you double click that, your default media player will open and play the programme.


    I use Winamp personally, and, since it is obliged (for copyright reasons) to display the metadata (Name of the song, Artist), I have made sure all my files display those data when played.


    This works fine in Winamp, but not in Windows Media Player.

    The music plays, but no metadata are being shown.


    Does anyone know of a way (plugin or setting) to make this happen?


    I have Windows Media Player 12 on my system (do not use it, of course), but it seems this problem exists in all versions, as some listeners have made me aware of the fact the player was not showing which music was being played.


    So, if anyone has an answer, I would really like to find out how I (or rather, my listeners) can let Windows Media Player show the metadata.


    I have checked the menus and the help files, all to no avail.


    Thank you in advance.


  22. Hello,

    my sister bought a new laptop recently and is not really familiar with it, especially having used Windows XP all the time and now having switched to Windows 8.


    She tells me that in Internet Explorer 10, her address bar is at the bottom.

    I have looked through the various settings, but I cannot seem to find a setting where you can switch the address bar from the bottom to the top.

    After all, I never use that Internet Explorer rubbish. (I have not used it for many years now).


    Does anyone recognise the thing I am trying to explain?

    Is there anyone who knows of a way (except from turning the laptop upside down :P ) to get the address bar back to normal?


    Thank you for any advice.


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