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Everything posted by 9block

  1. What was the point of that? i've never played any newer version other than the original. It had me addicted for a few days as I do with any sim game. The only problem with sim city (original) was that once you build with the whole land, the game almost becomes pointless. I found the hardest point of the game was to simply build up, after it was built, it was ridiculously easy. As long as you balanced your builiding, it worked fine.
  2. Ya all the GTA's are fairly easy to beat. But if your a good gamer, ost games are easy to beat. I did finish it without the cheats. I never finished Vice City or 3... but I never had a memory card and that was the only reason. I should go back and beat them, but the graphics seem so inferio. Have you seen the trailors for the new GTA IV! Omg I cried of joy. It was so beautiful.
  3. completely ranges i ave got over $2 for one click, and ive got 0 cents for one click... I haven't had a website up in a while... but usually its about a dime to a quarter per click
  4. I had a buddy in school who did a similar site. He got a free ipod, and ive tried to do similar sites, but because im in canada alot of offers dont apply and i dont have a CC to do the ones that i can. I tried to work one that you dont have to refer alot but i couldnt do one offer, let alone 3. but it could definately work for some users.
  5. Number one point I have... Google search the best search engine online Number two point i have... Point three...Google is incredibly fast, simple. Not only that, they allow you to make money from a website. The largest and more publisher-relied site. And my final point, is why would they have to charge $5... they would lost %90 of there biz.Considering they own 44% of US search engine market, and they are making roughly 1.5billion a year now. Highly doubt they need to charge $5 and if they did they would sell out. As for your question... would i pay $5/month... if Internet providers didnt offer google free with their services i would pay the $5/month because I use them for various tasks 50 times a day. Plus i have google maps application on my cell phone
  6. I have read a few articles comparing the hardware specs/amount of games/cost ect. And while I was a PS2 fan over the xbox... xbox360 has undoubtably taken the lead in next generation. Wii is a joke in my opinion. Something for pre-gamers.. (ages 3-12) you know, those children who aren't big enough or can handle the games for xbox/ps. However, while Xbox360 is dominating, PS3 has been said to be able to out perform once developers can take advantage of the hardware which wont be for a couple years yet. Remmeber, double-layered blueray discs can hold roughly 50GB... imagine how many various objct skins, and how large of a level/game could be developed. I'm just dreaming of GTAIV, how large the level will be and ... i cant even finish. (wipes drool off keyboard)
  7. i have used these tips at my own discretions... I am playing around with various settings. I checked out the prefetch folder and I didnt see much worth deleting. I checked it out, and as stated above, you should not delete or empty its contents... Well, I thought i'd point this one out. I personally haven't defragmented in a while and am going to do so after i finish this post However, I have a a single 60Gb currently installed so I think I should be fine using the built-in. I also learned reading the link above, that tuneUp utilities is practically a fraud. But then again... dont believe everything you see/read/hear Every story has two sides.
  8. How is it spam, i put it in the no post count. Therefore it can not be spam Logically since my posts arent counted towards anything, smaller posts could go here. Thats why I posted it here
  9. Oddly enough, there isno header called... the code is as it goes in... (oops gotta fix meta tags) <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;>charset=iso-8859-1" /><title>Black Label - Home</title><meta name="description" content="Joomla - the dynamic portal engine and content management system" /><meta name="keywords" content="Joomla, joomla" /><meta name="Generator" content="Joomla! - Copyright ? 2005 - 2006 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved." /><meta name="robots" content="index, follow" /> <script src="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; type="text/javascript"></script> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; type="text/css"/><link rel="shortcut icon" href="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; /><div align="center"> <br /> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; <table width="958" height="109" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> And as for the index.php... I am gong to go above the code and just put html in. I'll play around and use your suggestions and try things out. Probably could have done this with out asking, but i asked around 6:30 in the morning... got some sleep now
  10. lol me too... i seen it on a joomla template site when i was checkin out the templates. I thought it was just text filler (which it was) but it was actually neat. I had seen it before and read a small email/article on it. Think I got a chain letter or something. Anyway thought id share it.Ok well, lets see if its true...Im dbaniteg if I sluohd wtire lkie tihs all the tmie. I hsoltney dubot taht you can uasntnredd tihs ctlpmoee scnnteee.see who can decode that... (The answer is below, highlight to see answer)
  11. I have this code already existing... (index.php) <?php if ( $my->id ) { initEditor(); } ?><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;><?php echo _ISO; ?>" /><?php mosShowHead(); ?><?php echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"$GLOBALS[mosConfig_live_site]/templates/$GLOBALS[cur_template]/css/template_css.css\" type=\"text/css\"/>" ; ?><?php echo "<link rel=\"shortcut icon\" href=\"$GLOBALS[mosConfig_live_site]/images/favicon.ico\" />" ; ?><div align="center"> <?php defined( "_VALID_MOS" ) or die( "Direct Access to this location is not allowed." );?> <br /> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; <table width="958" height="109" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">........ and it goes on. i am told to add this code in the head section... <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $mosConfig_live_site;?>/modules/mod_smo_ajax_shoutbox_css.php" type="text/css" /><script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $mosConfig_live_site;?>/modules/mod_smo_ajax_shoutbox_js.php"></script> I don't know much about PHP, but I don't see a <head> incorporated in the index.php and I am not sure how to add the code. Anyone help out? Notice from BuffaloHELP: Last warning notice** Topic title is IMPORTANT!
  12. dont sweat it I couldnt find it either. Im used to creating and managing the database in phpAdmin and i didnt want to ask where to set up a database because I felt like a noob. Luckily i realized after i read this post, that beside phpAdmin is a MYSQL Database link... hehe so I'm all good now.
  13. I would like to see an update of the story, a part two with everything that has happened since the end of 2004 to mid 2007. You seem like your going good, hopefully your profiting now. Hopefully you grow large enough so you dont have to work a 9-5
  14. I would expect more members with over 55k members. I figured atleast 10k would have active accounts that want hosting. But i guess if you deleted all inactive members, you'd probably be sitting at 5-10k members? Anyway, is the network profitable and who makes the money?
  15. damnnnn. I just installed Joomla because I didnt see any scripts I could install. Well, considering I got all my files uploaded, and Im at the installation screen I think Im just going to go on with it and dothe rest of the installation instead of running fantasico. Lol good to know though. Wow thats pretty funny cause I made a suggestion to add install scripts after i said fantastico didnt work. irony.
  16. I do not even know what fantasico is, and I dont plan on using it, however I clicked on it in the Cpanel and I got this message... Alot of hosts offer a larger variety of free scripts such as image galleries, blogs, and CMS.. particularily I was looking for the Joomlas... Xoops would also be a good script to install. I should have a problem doing this myself however so I am going to go venture out and do that now.
  17. I have an account on AGLOCO, I forget the username or whatever seeing as I haven't been on it in months. I was waiting for the user bar to drop and I completely stopped caring. Now this is what I want posted and unless you fit the criteria, do not post. Only post if: You have made money from AGLOCO. If you have, please tell us the story and your amount of referrals. Feel free to give tips. It might even end up getting you some referrals.
  18. Just curious... while I do see some advertisements in the forums, I dont see any solid banner ads or anything of that sort. Only imagefilez and that wellnesspoisitivty section.So the only money I could see helping pay for the forums are the wellnesspositivity, and imagefilez, and Xisto - Web Hosting. I dont see how that can cover a forum of 43,000 w/ thousands of hosting accounts (which you dont oversell) meaning you must pay for a good hundred TB's and bandwidth and tens of TB's of space.Just wondering, because the figures arent adding up in my head.
  19. Fine, free webs is very nice for the average noob, or someone who doesnt know how to bold font in HTML. It will create a template for you in which you can type the text you want. however it is very limited. Unless you are creating a website that tells everyone about you, with pictures of your friends/family/dog, and your favorite song as an annoying background... freewebs is virtually useless. I would give it a 0/10 for a webdesign and a 6/10 for a general computer user determined to make a free website for themselfs, but too stupid to use myspace or facebook as a profile instead. As for the blog/forum/chat...blog.. no one is going to read it. Let alone rate or comment on it. Maybe your sister, or co-worker or best friend,forum... you will have three people signed up. You, your second account to make sure its working, and your third account to make sure its still working.chat... you will be alone talking to urself, except for the odd five minutes you convince someone on msn or aim to chat with you which they are already doing on msn or aim.Now, this post isnt supposed to be offensive to seez, im only helping defend scientific facts.
  20. Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae.Hehe, some of you may have seen this before. Thought it was cool.
  21. I am going to be working on a CMS site using Joomla. However I don;t want to go out and download a free template and I don;t want to pay a web design to do it. I was wondering how easy it is and if any one has experience or knowledge on this subject. i am currently researching tutorials and what not, but before I dive into this project - how much will I have to learn? I already know CSS/HTML. Is this a project that will require alot of time and dedication to begin?For now I am just going to work on setting up the system and then content. Then I will work on a template and finally market the site.
  22. Let's see, if your younger, you might have to fend for yourself this summer. Me and my girlfriend basically eat the same thing everyday, unless someone else feeds us or we don't hit the fast food joint.Let's see some easy recipes for you too enjoy and easy to cook.Eggs... definately a must have. You can easily cook an omelette or friend egg sandwich in less than 10 minutes. My friend egg sandwich has toasted bread, with two slice of chese on the bread, then two eggs (over easy) slapped on top (sometimes with cooked ham). cut it in half and dip the sandwich in the yoke pouring out. So good.Pasta... its so easy to pour a bit of noodles in some boiling water and microwave some pasta sauce from a jar/can. takes about 20 minutes and you dont have to watch it boil. Just stir occasionally.Hotdogs/Hamburgers... hotdogs are easy to microwave (or toaster oven if your feelin ambitious), and you can put it on bread and fold bread. If your feeling more ambitious, start the BBQ up and cook some of those boxed hamburgers. def my favorite if we have hamburger buns.Cereal - If your really feeling lazy, or you only have 47 seconds before the next round of counter-strike starts... go pour your favorite bowl of cereal (cornflakes or fruity loops) and rush back to eat it in between rounds.Microwavables - I used to eat these alot. Pogos/pizza pockets/dinners/pastas. 3-5 minutes and your eating a half-decent meal that'll fill the hole.Sandwiches - Toast a bagel/bread and slap some cheese (cheez whiz) with some of your favorite meats (ham/roasteef/solami/ect)Kraft Dinner - Def a must have for the summer laziness.Heres what's on my bi-weekly shopping list...1 Box Kraft Dinner1 Bag Bagels1 Cream Cheese1 or 2 Packages of Sliced Meats1 Cartoon of Eggs1 Box of Cereal1 Package Hotdogs/Sauages1 Bag Pasta Noodles2 Cans/Jars of Pasta Saucedefinately serves me lunch/snacks for two weeks. infact, I think I am going to go grab some cereal now. hope this helps you out if your bored or just cant find something to eat. Add some other easy's to make for those lazy days/weeks/2 months off school. Notice from BuffaloHELP: Title modified.
  23. Ohhh snap. Thats a big one and seems easy to implement. So basically your saying its as easy as coding a firefoxurl:// link into javascript code and anyone who enables activrX controls could possibly be affected?Wait, so how do you turn off your active scripting. Disable java and javascript?
  24. I used to play this a couple years back. They only had 20-25 servers online but it was fun. Then I finally spent the $20 and got the 1.6/CZ package at zellers or something. How many servers is 1.5 running now-a-days. We ran 1.5 on school networks and use to play during class... it was fun to play against friends on the LAN, and when they were in other classes and stuff. Even the teachers played with us.
  25. I haven't had a chance to play source yet... I am not so sure my computer will run it regardless (amd athlon 1800+, 728mb ram, 128mb radeon 9200se)... regardless... I have played 1.5, 1.6 and CZ. We used to play 1.5 at school on the networks during class all the time, which was fun.Now, I would recommend anyone with 1.6 to update to CZ because it runs' on the same engine but it has better graphics/modified levels. Sometimes finding the perfect level you want can suck. Like I was looking for a rotation map server, not too many fun maps, pub, 50< ping, with rankstats. A place i could call home and only found one server that usually only has between 10-20 people. I found anice server but it didnt have rankstats so it 'turned' me off. Other than the server selection (there are hundreds still), CZ is definately the way to go if your not a source fan or can't get source due to computer specs.
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