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Everything posted by ImageFilez.com

  1. I am really interested in what image hosting script u were using ?? as i knew that the turnkey image hosting scripts had these problems
  2. Well It is slightly risky using the Adsense videos again on this site & also this site is again monetized by Adsenese.. & YouTube is owned by G ! So u know what is next :XD:
  3. Can u sign up for these offers bieng in India :XD:
  4. Guys I am really happy that Our Taj Mahal made a huge jump from being at #14 a week back & then jumping on to the #7 position. Hurray ... I am so happy that Taj Mahal is one of the Seven wonders & It really makes me feel so proud.
  5. Yes I agree, the original essence of MySpace.com networking is lost, with lots of false profiles created & sold. MySpace is biggest home of spammers these days.
  6. Congrats... Opaque, I am so proud today after reading your story.
  7. I have used mediamax.com & it is one of the best file hosting service & was also featured in Last month's Digit magazine.
  8. I have not seen Army of Darkness, But I will still say the Evil Dead was the best among the three movies. I still remember some years back the kind of horror I went when I saw that movie for the 1st time in the good old school days.
  9. That really a very Sad news, he was the most technical wrestler in WWE. He had a very tough entry in WWE & then became the most perfect wrestler. I will really miss this guy & his deadly submission move.
  10. Well my maximum earning per day with Adsense was on May 6th as i made $7.96 that day.
  11. Well I was invited to gmail account by my friend, when it was in the Beta Stage.I still remember that invites to Gmail being Sold, It has been a long time now... Well I just love my Gmail account.
  12. Yeah man that red background is very bright. So u need to work on that & also try to u lighter shades of Pink.Designing in Flash is a Big no, as it will not allow spiders to read the content & site will suffer in SERP's.
  13. Hi Guys, Just completed the make over of Imagefilez. I tried to give it a web 2.0 Look, well they say that no one is perfect. So please give me you feedback on how we can make our image hosting site better & best in the business.Some features I am working on right now for ImageFilez is integrating a real time progress bar to display upload progress.Waiting for your feedback... Warm Regards
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