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Posts posted by Atthack

  1. Funny how we all flatter Xisto here lol, why would we be here if it wasn't for the hosting in the first place :PYeah there's too many "one month hosts" popping up and going, it sucks.Always check their site out really well, see their Terms ( TOS ), Copyright (if it says 2007 only it's quite new and that needs a precausion) etc.Also try checking their prices compared to the plans.(You KNOW that 100GB FTP and 0$ doesn't go well together, it's simple as that.)Many other ways, but it's getting pretty standard nowadays I suppose.

  2. WordPress for the WIN!I've used WordPress for many months, It's simple to use, Easy to install skins and plugins, and is a fresh breath (which has been so for a long time) :PIf you can't be assed getting yourself some hosting and set it up manually (or through cPanel's Fantastico) then get some Blogger thing.I also think WordPress gives free subdomains plus small hosting (yourname.wordpress.org) or something.

  3. I'd say Qupis (if they would not DENY my first try to get hosted lol) but other than that I'm as lost as you in this jungle of webhosts.It's a simple cut and slice - You either get dead trees or something good. Only good piece of tree i've found (lol funny metaphor i'm using here) must be Xisto's fresh and green slice :D110mb - Yeah I already posted a discussion thread about that whole "Money Scheme", so kiss 110mb bye bye.:P QUPIS and Xisto ftw ;P

  4. Hah I knew of this website before, At first glance I was like "What the f*ck is this for real??" And by taking a closer look I noticed the funny stuff and realised it was a joke.Clicking download will redirect to the standard Internet Explorer 7, or show a Server Busy page :PBut the idea was kickass (joking with Microsoft).Got me a GOOD LAUGH anyways :D

  5. Personally, I think its better to be a Free Lancer.
    If your really good, you'll be invited into those really good clans instead of trying to find one.

    Let them find you. The skills is all that is needed.
    Clans are fun and all, but its really hard to find a really cooperative one.
    One that will listen to you, have code commands, have plans, etc
    instead of just running out trying to kill someone.

    Also teamspeak is a must.

    Agreed - TeamSpeak is a Must-Have for clanmatches, or just "gaming nights" I think :XD:

  6. My first day was quite interesting :XD:We started 10:30 AM (first day only of course!)Dad was gonna drive me (it's about 45-50minutes with car) and he was so sleepy lol he almost fell asleep behind the wheels on the road and got us killed ;D Now that's a good start!*cough*Ah - Finally there, I sumble to find out where the school is (2 ways to go :)) and of course we chose the wrong the first time so we found the school not long after.I didn't know where to go so I simply followed a few "hot girls" (lol yeah we DO have those around here :D) and it seems i got into a crowd of people heading to the GYM Class Hall.This is where we saw all the employees on the school, the principal etc. And CERTAINLY, YES - My group (Media and Communications) was shouted up last.We headed to our room, got shown around on the school, and funny is ALL at the school knows people - BUT ME :D Cause' i live so far away people are like "wtf why do you here if you live in *where i live* :D ?" Well - I'm not getting into that now.I talked to a few people and it wasn't untill' day 2 I got known with people.lol even FLIRTING already ;D hehe =D my school owns... though not the distance.

  7. I can't find a SOURCE but I DID read that nowadays "Reseller Hosting" is appearing and disappearing more than ever.

    With the easyness to get your own "RESELLED" account to sell hosting, it's really hard to say:


    "Is this hosting with a REAL company, or simply a 15 year old kid signing up for reseller and acting like a huge company with 'too good to be true' offers and 'insanely low' prices?"


    Yeah - You gotta ask yourself that!

    So here's some hints:


    1. Always test a host's support before joining them!

    2. The truth to why many hosting plans are scams.

    3. Be careful of hosts that force yearly payments!

    4. Never purchase your domain name from your host.

    5. A few tests you can run to check how good a host is.

    6. Why hosting directories lie, and the truth to customer testimonials.

    7. The truth to a hosts uptime and guarantees.

    1: Do not join a host without testing out their support first. The best way to test out a host's support is calling in. You'll be surprised how many hosts with an 800 number never answer their phones, or have long hold times. E-mailing a hosting company or submitting a ticket to their sales department is not the way to test a host! Many of the companies have incredible response times when contacting their sales department, very few have good times when contacting support. After all they don't make money by supporting you. They only make money by selling to you.


    2: If it sounds too good too be true it usually is! All hosts have the same basic limitations when it comes to server resources and specs. There is no magic server that has a never ending supply of RAM and CPU. If a host ever claims to give unlimited space or bandwidth DO NOT JOIN THEM. The thing to remember is that the average web site uses about 50 Megs space and less then 1 gig bandwidth a month. So what hosting companies do is they lie! They make up scam plans with tons of space and bandwidth for around $8 bucks a month. It's a numbers game... Only one or two of every 100 people that signup on the plan are going to use all the bandwidth advertised. So what do they do? They usually terminate the sites that use it saying "your site is using too many resources." They aren't lying about the resource usage. IT'S the truth! Most people don't realize that bandwidth and space used have nothing to do with the server resources being used. Resource usage has to do with the amount of CPU and RAM a site uses. If a site uses a lot of bandwidth they aren't kicked for using their bandwidth they are kicked for using up most of the servers cpu and ram. Another thing to remember is that the cheaper the plan is, and the more space / bandwidth included the more sites per server the host will have to pack in to make their money back. So the lesson here is don't shop for a host based on their plans! You should shop based on recommendations and experience!


    3: Another thing you'll notice is that most of these incredible scam plans force you to pay for a year up front to get the good pricing. Why would a hosting company care if you pay monthly or yearly? After all if you're happy with them you're going to end up staying much longer than a year. Merchant fees aren't that much so why? It's because most have horrible support, slow servers, or even tons of downtime. If you were paying month to month you're not going to stick around, but if you paid for a year up front what are you going to do? You won't get your money back so you have no choice but to stay with them. ONLY PAY MONTHLY! We have one plan that requires a year payment up front (hatchling) Why? because most hosts advertise a low monthly fee if paid yearly and a much higher price if monthly. We still need to be competitive so we made one plan showing this option. We would however prefer you sign up for a monthly plan. Remember paying yearly to anyone is always a bad idea, but the choice is yours. We would do everything in our power to honor the year but anything can happen to anyone. The state of Texas where our servers are located could be wiped off the face of the earth. If this happened we would most likely be out of business instantly and have no way to honor your payment. All we're saying is no matter how good a company is anything can come up, and you could lose your upfront payment.


    4:Do not join a host that includes a free domain name with their hosting package, and never purchase your domain name from a hosting provider, unless you are positive they will be putting your information in the WHOIS (We do, most don't). If your information isn't in the whois they could blackmail you into staying with them. For all technical purposes whoever has their information in the whois is the owner. A domain owner doesn't go by who paid for it; it goes by whose information is on the whois. To check a whois on the domain go there and type "domainname.com" and click submit. Whoever's address, email, and phone number shows up is the domain owner. We recommend purchasing a domain from https://www.namecheap.com/ or https://de.godaddy.com/ after you purchase the name all you would do is put your host's dns in and your domain name will then point to your hosting company.


    5: Do a whois on their domain name. Then look for the creation date of the domain name. If the domain name was created less then a year ago it's more of a risk to join that hosting company. They could be a great host, but considering more then 95% of new hosts go out of business within a year that really isn't something you should be taking a chance on. It's too easy to become a hosting company. All someone has to do is join our reseller plan and they are now a host. Sure the hosting may be good, but that doesn't mean they are going to provide good support nor does it mean they are going to pay their hosting bill. We end up kicking resellers of ours all the time for not paying their bills (after many warnings) and in many cases their unsuspecting customers lose their site.


    You could also test the speed of a host's network to your location by...


    Clicking start > run > type in "command" enter, and then type "ping hostdomainname.com" wait for it to finish and look for the average ping. The lower the number the better, and chances are the faster your site will load if you should host with them. Any number around an 80 average would be good. Anything over 100 is very bad (unless you're living in another country from where the host is based.)


    6: Don't believe anything you read on the hosting directories. They don't care who they recommend as they are all paid listings. The highest bidder gets the spot. What you should do to find reviews is search google using the company's name. If they have been around a year you should find many real reviews of people who use their hosting. Another good place to check would be the company's forum, but don't always believe what you see. If someone writes something bad in the forum most hosts will delete their post and ban the user...


    7: If a hosting company claims 100% uptime they are lying. All servers need to be rebooted every now and then for security and software updates. If they never reboot that means their server is insecure and they will eventually be hacked.


    When a company guarantees an uptime, that doesn't make it true. A host has as many uptimes as they have servers. It all depends on what server they put you on, and how well they manage it from the time you're put on it. We guarantee a 99.9 uptime but that does not mean we will hit it every month for eternity. Our guarantee means we give you a 100% refund for the month if we should not hit it. Many hosting companies will give you a prorated refund based on the amount of downtime. So say you pay $10 for a month of hosting and your site is down for 24 / hours. They will refund you for one day of downtime which ends up being about 33 cents. A guarantee is worthless! What is worth something is how they define the guarantee, and if they do in fact honor it.


    ^ Thanks to HostGator for the info ^

  8. lmao actually (no lie) i beleive hes selling it to a guy for 2.1 mill (including everything in it of course) but its like 1 block from the beach. I know, i woulda let you come...but i couldnt get a hold of you..your just too dang buy :D, ya Plenoptica is having a great time :D. lol...and thanks...still a year till we can move out and live with each other though..all this means is i promised not to look at other girls chests (which is ok cuz my real father bought me the beer fest unrated movie for a bday present a month ago). :XD:

    Hah congrats man! :D

    And yeah... Beerfest is a cool movie with lots of... *Cough* DRINKING :( Nooo topless german babes in that movie... noo... :):angry:
    Good luck ahead mate!

  9. Yeah if something's too good to be true, it's probably either


    A: Not stable at all and will crash.


    B: It'll drown by the massive ammounts of registrations and won't be able to keep up. (crash)


    Problems with free hosting today is:


    Most of them is as any other - Promise Big - Get Little. In the last years more "reseller hosts" than EVER has gone up and down during a few months, and this is really ANNOYING for us end-users who want nothing but a little space to host our sites.


    That's why I chose Xisto in the end - Because I know I don't NEED all that "mumbo jumbo infinite FTP space" crap. Because I NEED a host that is stable and uptime can be as good as 99% (which is MAXIMUM, no matter what).

    Xisto, you're already hearing this a lot but - THANK YOU :XD:

  10. Man I HATE these kind of schools.First of all - At my school (just gone there a week) and since we're MOSTLY a bunchy GEEK Class (Media / Design / Photoshop etc) anyway, it won't get so bad.But there's ofc "PARTY" weekends for everyone (which I HONESTLY am not too much into) and as far as i know no one dealing DRUGS or anything like that.Still there's (regular) smokers, and a big school overall.The problem is, WHY doesn't anyone STOP the massive fights I've read so much about in this topic? WHY? The schools are JUST as much responsible as you are. And when you and your dopeheads (not pointing at anyone here :)) are having a bash, no one's there to stop - Just watch - Walk by - Ignore it...*Sigh* I wish there was nothing but "peaceful" schools around :D And I'm not saying I haven't drinked before or anything, but it's not NECESSARY with alcohol to have fun :XD:

  11. Suicide is scary, it struck my mind (as much as we all know EVERYONE has thought about it).It was a few years ago (or maybe 1-2 to be exact) I went through a lot of *BLEEP* at school, people calling me stuff for no reason, spreading rumors about me and making up lame jokes, even sometimes trying to beat me up (aka Physically push me to a limit).These people - I hope they one day DIE of the (whatever) worst possible way to die!! :XD:I don't know what stopped me from killing myself then... NO ONE stood up for me, maybe a few blokes at school were saying "just ignore them, man. they're losers anyway." or that ONE TIME I remember a guy in my paralell class stood up and started hitting the guy who attacked me (again - for no reason, but the thing is - Someone stood up for me!).*Sigh* So I took the smallest / ONLY memories I had of people who would actually give a *BLEEP* about me and that kept me from doing whatever first sucidal thought flew into my mind.Also - I know my parents and siblings would be crushed and i'd ruin their lives too...So don't give in! Just ignore them, and try to fit in other places. It sucks - May the BULLIES DIE A HORRIBLE DEATH!! :)

  12. Yeah I feel that my smallest brother is getting too "not" punished whenever he does something wrong.

    Maybe ONCE in a while we get so mad at him he gets to know it! But ... 5 minutes later it's the same sh1t...


    Why? I try to yell at him but he won't listen to me, and Mom simply "ignores" it all, and Dad's not there usually...


    *Sigh* I can practically foresee his future as a punk, criminal, or just plain *BLEEP*. No offense but he can be so "annoying", "greedy" and will always refuse to say "sorry" if he does something wrong.


    Nor does he ask "nicely" (the whole "Can i please have *something*" deal).



    SO PEOPLE - DON'T GO EASY ON THEM , OR THEY'LL GET WORSE AS THE DAY GOES! He's even beginning to become rude to my parents... (aka HIS parents :XD:)

  13. Yeah man Byethost was SLOW, "Not As" advertised, and extremely CRAP overall..And why does people need the whole "Upgrade Pyramid Scheme", they make the front-page look great, big texts / pics with "UNLIMITED BLAH BLAH" and "STABLE FREE HOST" etc.When you actually sign-up, you get nothing but a bunch of *BLEEP* in your face, and you feel like most of us then; *BLEEP* on :)Stick with Xisto, never let me down a second :XD:

  14. I say WAIT for the PS3 (to both advance in tech. and price). Xbox360 sure as hell is one great gaming console, but in the long run - We KNOW ps3 will be the best. :XD: (NO! Don't QUOTE me on this!)I've only tried a few games on ps3 and as much as that - I can with no problems say it was BETTER than the 360' . Still - If you can't wait, waste 400$ on that premium now, or save them up, and by the time PS3 drops at PRICES and features go UP - You might aswell have gotten a few hundred bucks more - USE THEM ON THIS WONDERFUL CONSOLE ;DBut yeah! Xbox360 is a cool gaming system overall, and lots of nice games both upcoming and released.So conclusion:"Gotta' game! Gotta' game!" < Get 360 now and save your nerves. >"I want the best, but i'll wait for it!" < Save yourself for the PS3 - I know I would. >

  15. I've never heard of such a rumor nor fact.But since I'm no computer expert, I'd make a wild guess and say NO that's not true : - pStill If you feel it's making the PC slower, try f.ex Easy Registry (which is @ time posted FREE on giveawayoftheday.com) ! Hurry!

  16. Seriously, if you can't run The Sims 2 (at all) then upgrade your PC.And this "Spore" thing seems great! Will surely be another marvel that we'll get in 08' :)To The Sims 2 "ideas"... I'd say "Online Gaming" in general, just the ability to invite a friend over to your house (via internet) and he can go around , chat, do stuff etc.Will not be as ENTERTAINING but surely cool :XD:

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