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Posts posted by Atthack

  1. AdSense might be the most "reknown" network, because it's run by Google - The #1 Search Engine.BUT WITH "WORLD DOMINATION" comes GREAT DEMANDS, All my friends who has tried this have been banned because others clicked their ads intentionally (over and over again) to mess up for us. Therefore Google "must" ban you because it's SO OUR FAULT.Not only that , But they seem to ban people who haven't done anything wrong aswell. You can't always trust them. You've earned a lot chances are small that you'll just walk away with the money.BidVertiser - Haven't tried it yet, But atleast I hear there's a bigger "PayOut Success" than with AdSense.My choice would be BidVertiser, as no "Advertising Network" can be "lying", however Google are already at the top. No one can touch them.

  2. It does seem like the post numbers are going down, but if I look hard enough I can usually find a good article. I think it's because most people only post to keep up their hosting active. And since most people don't have hosted accounts for whatever reason, they have no incentive to post articles. However, I have found this site is can be used for learing, and conversing, instead of just posting in return for a decent web provider.

    Yeah I guess you're right on this one.
    But if it weren't FOR THE WEBHOSTING - You can have honest word that I wouldn't be posting here.
    Nor would many others I know, there's simply too much else to do and i'm lucky I keep reminding myself to come and check how many days I have left.

    And @ sheepdog - So you got a good "tutorial" for us? Well let's have it! You don't need to mind if no one else wants it or not - Next time someone wants it - It'll be here. :)

  3. Hah, "zou zou zou". I hear that alot from you hitmanblood. Isn't it "you"? :)Well - For the "ontopic";I think you'll need Adobe InDesign or something like that to open Clipart Vectors, you can then easily copy it to the clipboard etc and paste in f.ex Photoshop.I think if you GOOGLE how to open vector files you'd get the same answer.Good luck.

  4. Yeah yeah leon ;P Keep your posts coming.The disadvantage with QUPIS is that you get really little space, and bandwidth, and the "demands" and "rules" for your website are 10 times more strict.I don't know why MY APPLICATION was DENIED, but it just were.So now I regularly stop by to keep my website up, I know it's the only way. Besides paying of course - Which I can't because there's no such thing as "Debit Visa" or 'Credit Cards Online Functionality for underaged' in Norway (I'm 16, I can take care of myself, sheez)... It sucks.

  5. Well I've been looking around for a while for the second best free webhosting and I cant find anyone, all of them have the hidden disadvantages, which I find really annoying. :)

    Tell me bout it...
    QUPIS denied my hosting request for some reason, So I'm "stuck" (oh noes ;D) with Xisto... But funny no one knows alternatives... I guess every host has a weakness.

  6. I had a microsoft wireless keyboard once (don't know the model) - I REALLY had lots of problems with gaming, seems the keyboard would often "give up" when i was pressing the keys in for running etc it'd stop randomly.Don't know how it's today, but i've gone back to wire. Gives more reliability - Specially within' the gaming zone.

  7. Disclaimer: This is all out of opinion based on what I've heard, learned, and read about the phone. I don't have one myself and I don't plan on buying one. Ever.


    The iPhone is an overrated, overpriced, and shoddy piece of equipment slapped with the i legacy and the cultured trend that goes along with it. With its initial price tag of $600, it's one very expensive paperweight. Even with the recent price drop, it's still out of the affordable reach of most consumers.


    The iPhone, in theory, is a great little gadget to have. Who wouldn't want to do everything that you can do with a laptop and a cell phone, all contained into one little device that fits in the palm of your hand?


    It is very neat, in theory, that along with this, it looks sleek, shiny, and sexy, as far as technology goes. It features a touchscreen that requires no stylus, relying on touch. It features a 2.0MP camera, multimedia capability, but cannot record video. It is Internet-accessible and also is equipped with Wi-Fi.


    Yay. Now I get to rip it apart.


    The screen is made of glass. Which means you can scratch it very easily. (I hear differently, but then again, I don't know if people mean that it doesn't GOUGE easily, or if it actually IS scratch-resistant - as in not being able to make miniscule scratches that you can see easily when putting the surface up to a light.)


    The touch screen relies on warmth from the skin. Which leads to frustration in the wintertime.


    You have to buy an adapter to use some headphones with it.


    The network protocol the iPhone uses is the lesser EDGE band by AT&T, a step lower than the 3G (the fastest network available by AT&T). Which means that Internet usage will be slow at best.


    And although Wi-Fi may be faster, who wants to pay $10 per day use for WiFi HotSpots at Starbucks or airports? Every time?


    It doesn't support instant messaging.


    There's no keyboard for it anyway, so IMs won't be a huge loss. And typing on a touchscreen is going to be a *BLEEP*... it's already a pain with Blackberries, but at least we all know the QWERTY layout and can "thumb" it.


    The plans are horrifically exorbitant, starting at $60/mo up to $100/mo, the latter allowing unlimited minutes and limited SMS.


    The battery is literally built-in. As in Apple didn't think that you would ever need to replace the battery. Ever.


    Should I keep going?


    Bottom line is, it's the new thing and everyone's going to jump into the pool. But people should take a second look and realize that the pool is very shallow, because the iPhone is going to make a really bad run for your money.


    $600 for the 8GB variant + [$60 monthly plan (which is the cheapest) x 2 yr contract (minimum)] = $2040


    My phone right now, not being cheap itself: Motorola i580 w/ Nextel


    $300 for the phone + [$45/mo x 2 yr contract] = $1380


    And my plan already has unlimited nights and weekends, which for the iPhone the $80/mo plan offers unlimited nights and weekends. That would bring it up to $2520. And my phone already does everything the iPhone does.



    Just had to say EXCELLENT review! This totally opened my eyes... iPhone is in NO WAY worth 600$ - I could actually use all of this money to buy a phone with "Credits" / "Refillable Cash" instead of signing a contract, and STILL get a kickass mobile phone.


    iPhone is overrated - Get over it already...

  8. I would recommend you NOD32 - It's simple, easy to "leave" in the background and works a lot by itself without taking control (like Norton etc).

    A very high detection rate, and with an inbuilt "ThreatSense.Net" system which detects new viruses etc. They are then optionable to submit to NOD32's panel of experts (no "user" information is sent) and then they can update to protect you against this threat.


    Swift, Nimble, Relentless! Get NOD32 :)

  9. Well perhaps a thing that means a lot to you, such as an item in your family, I don't know. (Typical must be the "grandma's ring" etc, but no rings lol unless you wanna marry someone who's sixteen.)You could also make something, perhaps something dedicated to her, what that is - Well you know what she likes and how she behaves more than we do so take that into consideration.All ranging from bracelets to candies to photographies / scrapbooks with stuff from last holiday / event together.It's up to you, so good luck! And happy birthday to her from me ;P

  10. Yeah agreed with nol here. Besides, who wants to play RuneScape on private servers, or (lol) who the heck plays RuneScape anymore! :)I think we need to get some more "important" discussions going on, and skip the private server setups.Sure! I'm not saying DROP THEM - But at least keep the good things flowing and and the useless flowing around, to fade.

  11. LOOK!If it was as "easy" to get much money as any "Pay2DOSOMETHING" site would say - They'd be broke by now.It's too hard and too time consuming - and simply not rewarding in the end, as some sites simply cut you off if you have earned (FINALLY) a total sum of 10$.. The "sorry you've been banned" message is still flashing my brains out.So seriously - Go out there - Get a job - Or find a better way to make money than by clicking on some fat guy's ads. If you had the choice - You probably wouldn't pay out either. :P

  12. Oh my GOD that was the SICKEST thing i've SEEN...How can anyone BE THAT CRUEL to anyone? It's a POOR LITTLE CAT for f***s sake!I feel like going there and beat the crap out of those little punks! They think they're strong, YEAH - The cat is 1/10th of their size and innocent.Sheez... I SO wanna kick those major idiots' *bottom*!Someone care to join me? :P :P :D

  13. I agree on the case that there's a lack of Threads (especially in my favourite category - THIS ONE! (Trapinion)).Perhaps people (including me) are quite busy with school, I can feel the tension growing already hehe ^^.But yeah - It's not here - Create it.And people - You MUST HAVE tried something which you REALLY liked or REALLY JUST HATED? Well create a thread here, maybe i've had the same experience ! Let's discuss it and have fun.

  14. I had a similar original issue but I let it go 'cause I didn't have the time to get the repairs done and it kept getting worse(to the point where the right hinge broke along with the top closure clasp). I have an Acer Travelmate 4150LCi and so now I'm trying to get it fixed. But here's the biggest pain. Every time I call into Acer support, they want the serial #. Well that'd be fine and dandy IF the sticker THEY put it on wasn't paper and hadn't rubbed into illegibility. So they tell me it's in the BIOS. But when I got the laptop (brand new and in the case, still sealed directly from Taiwan) it had a BIOS password. So I called in again. This guy tells me it's either six zeros (which it's not, I tried.) or I can get my tech to flash the BIOS to get rid of it. So I flash it and it upgraded my 1.8 version to the new 2.30 version, great, but not what I needed; the password's still there. So I call in, convince them I had a technician do it and this rep says that flashing it won't remove a BIOS password. So she tells me to send it in. I tell her I don't have the serial # and she then tells me to take it to the tech again to get the CMOS battery taken off the motherboard. So I take it in after the shop tells me they won't charge b/c Acer placed the password on. They call me over a week later telling me my computer doesn't have a CMOS battery. Turns out I've bought a computer in one of the series where they decided (for the pure fun of it no doubt) to place all the BIOS info on an EEPOM chip instead which they can't fix for some reason. So I take my laptop home and decide that since I can't get the serial #, I'll get my brother to TIG weld the hinge and we'll place on some Velcro to keep it closed. But when I try to turn it on, it's whines and has a blank screen, it won't even post. So I take it back in to the shop. Apparently the CPU is overheating. They take it apart and say that the heat sync spacers got broken off when I "Dropped it." (which I never have) So they throw the hard drive into an external enclosure and give my laptop back. So I'm like well that sucks, I'll fix it my self. So my two brother's and I take it apart and it's apparent that the heat sync was originally designed to be screwed in with screws twice if not three times the length then the ones they pulled out. Not only that, but I found the Serial # under the battery (D'oh!) Yea it's a Work in progress but I'll let y'all know how it's going.

    Argh, that's SO annoying...

    Sometimes I actually wish Support Teams KNEW what they were talking about, wouldn't the world be a better place by then? :P

  15. I've just had the time to get Medal of Honor Airborne which is one heck of a WW2 shooter. I really really recommend this, the graphics are tremendous - the gameplay is heartbeating!


    First to mention - Ah what a great controlling system. Simple WASD (standards) - Mouse, Iron-Sight aiming with corner peeking and Iron-Sight Movement.

    Second - Ah, delicious graphics! My computer isn't really "Extreme" but i could play this at a fair FPS Rate, so to say, there's NOTHING to complain about if it's all eyecandy!

    Third - Why are you still reading this? ;P You should get it ASAP!


    Yeah it wasn't the best "convincing" way, but it's just so good you have to try it.


    Great thing about MoHA is it's more FREE than before (atleast I think it is), you drop out of the airplane and must land (hopefully) in the safe-zones, if you miss or just want to jump in the action, steer away from the (green) safe-zones and get tense!

    I simply love the way it's so authentic and realistic, you run to throw yourself behind a bunch of boxes, and the screen blurs out as you turn your aim quckly and ravishingly around. The AI is smarter than the previous MOH games (this is on ME again ;P), and you have to look over your shoulder all the time.



  16. I would say for sure that their website was generated by MS Frontpage. You cannot get a good web admin to design your website and you wanna offer webhosting to some other people.
    I would rather get my hosting with all them updated packages here in Xisto than go there and pay $10

    Well true this might be FrontPage generated, but there ARE things such as FREE WEBTEMPLATES all around the web.
    You could easily make simple pages through Dreamweaver without ANY HTML knowledge, so I simply don't get the point of such an ugly and hard to navigate website.

    ^ As post above - I wouldn't DARE to use their services, the design and "kiddynesshost" says it all. ^

  17. If you decide to use a CMS system, I recommend Joomla (though it IS quite a pain in the butt setting it up for the first time, getting everything to work etc, but in the end it'll all reward you pretty well!).phpNuke is too exploited, or plain HARD to set up I think. e107, Drupal, phpWebSite etc, there's a lot of them, but Joomla has really paid off once you get it working.There's TONS of stuff for it aswell, so give Joomla a try! : ) However there's many other Blog Systems too, but only WordPress is "the shiz" for me :P

  18. Well building your own laptop steps up the whole process a notch.I recommend getting perhaps an ACER or HP - Their latest models are quite cheap compared to AlienWare and stable and powerful aswell.I know people aren't very fond of AlienWare's insane prices, but you DO get what you pay for. A friend of mine has one, he chose one of the cheapest models they sold, it still is better than my stationary and has an insane processor force.Of course all this is "choseable" in AlienWare's store. So my advise:Get HP / Acer - Or go for the big daddy's AlienWare lol.

  19. BestWebHost.com was the definite UGLIEST webhosting site i've ever seen. And with those prices? Hell no - I hope they BURN to the ground, if not we could bring some people and burn their house down lol.The site looks like it's made by a 12 year old kiddie with Dreamweaver... Who's just learned to insert IMAGES and annoying flashy text.Seriously. Atleast they could get a free template or something.But 30$ for 200mb disk-space is a damn RIPOFF - Stay away from this host people! It's not always the domain name that tells much about a host :P

  20. In Norway the limit is 18 to get a working Visa (not Visa Electron, which I currently own at the moment). However if parents sign under, you can get Visa at 17. Still - I don't think there's gonna be major "economic" issues with 16 year olds having Visa's working Online etc. Of course maybe (should I say WE?) they'll perhaps believe in 'Suspicious' sites more but I use my credit card more than my PARENTS!It's no big deal letting us have responsibility, the problem is what to do with people overgoing their limits.

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