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Posts posted by TikiPrincess

  1. After perusing your posts, I really haven't seen much of a "quality" contribution to the Xisto forums. If you had read the Xisto Readme, you'll notice that under the thread Hosting Credits, it reads,


    The Hosting Credits depend only upon the size and Quality of the post. It does not depend on the number of post you make. All posts are counted except posts like "thank you", "LoL"...

    The majority of your posts consisted of one or two lines, other than your speech, which should have been in quote tags since you are referencing another work. (Yes, you need quote tags even if it's your own work!)


    Whenever someone hears the word FREE, they automatically assume that it means there's no work involved. It's a complete fallacy. While there is no monetary value associated with getting hosted here, you do have to earn your website. That means putting some thought into your post, which isn't a bad trade-off for the amount of features and services that Trap provides. I really don't have any sympathy for your plight, and I support BuffaloHELP's decision in denying your application.

  2. My friends and I decided to run around Burbank for a bit and did a double take when we noticed a Kwik-E-Mart down the road. We just had to take a look!
    You may be asking yourself, what is a Kwik-E-Mart? For those of you who have been living under a rock, it's the local convenience store in The Simpsons, which celebrated it's 400th episode this past spring. As a promotion for the upcoming movie, 20th Century Fox and 7-Eleven have teamed up to convert selected stores into Kwik-E-Marts. Instead of Slurpees, they sell Squishees. There's also Buzz Cola, Krusty O's, and the infamous pink donut. No Duff beer though :D
    Anyways, if you want to know more about it, click here.

  3. Here's a pretty cheap solution. My neighbor fills some empty milk cartons with water, the plastic, half-gallon ones, and puts them around her garden. Like someone previously mentioned, it causes vibrations in the ground, so when the critters are tunneling away, they get scared. It's less exercise than jumping and it works when you're not there. :D

  4. This actually explains alot. A friend of mine as abnormally large pupils. The police always ask whether he's on drugs because they look dilated. He's also a man-*BLEEP* and gets all these hot women to date him, and we could never understand why. We assumed that it had to be something related to sex, but his fiance said he wasn't anything special in that department. Must be something in his eyes.Then again, it could be that all those women have enough emotional baggage to fill a cargo plane... :D

  5. The thing about addiction and abuse is that it can alter your personality - even after you've quit. Your body adjusts to the chemicals, producing more of one thing or less of another. Kinda like if you wash your hair everyday, then your scalp produces more oil and your hair actually becomes more oily than if you washed it every other day. Sorry, that's the only analogy I could come up with right now.

    It seems to me, as jlhaslip suggested, that you may be suffering depression. Honestly, who wouldn't after going through what you've been through. Your post shows that you've got some guilt over your actions and some pain over the estrangement from your parents. You may also be experiencing some withdrawal if you've stopped taking drugs or you may just be crashing if you haven't. Either way, I would also recommend seeing a doctor. Perhaps you'll be able to see things in a more optimistic light if you can figure out what's causing your lack of motivation.

    As for the parents thing... we all say and do things that we don't really mean. Most parents have blinders on and they see their child as the person they want that child to become. When that curtain is raised and they see you for the person you are, it can be pretty shocking. Your parents were obviously hurt and angry that you broke their trust. You are hurt and angry by their reaction and the extreme measures taken. Unfortunately, the hurt and anger sometimes keep building up over time instead of going away. Every discussion becomes fuel for the next argument. If you truly want to reconnect, then you have to be the bigger person and reach out to them. Don't meet them halfway or make them come to you. Go to them and do it with an open heart and an open mind. It's a very hard thing to do, and it will take awhile for them to respond and start reaching back. If they loved you enough to trust you back then, then they still love you even now.


    And if you're motivated enough to watch a movie, there's a great one called "Pieces of April" starring Katie Holmes and Kevin Spacey that you might connect with.

  6. When I was young, I signed up as spoi1edbrat, but I quickly grew up and grew out of that. Then I started using a combination of my married and maiden names. I used that for awhile when I did online gaming and things like that, but I got involved with all of that personal drama that sometimes happens in the virtual world, so I'm distancing myself from my old moniker.
    My husband and I love all things tiki. We even commissioned a hand-carved tiki god for our wedding from Crazy Al. I didn't want to be TikiGod because I'm a female, and I thought TikiGoddess seems rather presumptuous. My favorite movie is The Princess Bride, so I decided to combine Tiki and Princess. ButtercupTiki just didn't have the same ring to it.
    I probably should have changed the order, though. There are less reasons to make fun of PT. Just call me tiki for short.

  7. I looked through the CSS subforum under programming before I looked under tutorials, but more often than not, they were specific problems that users were having with scripting their CSS. So I wandered over to the tutorials. The problem is that I can't search the forum for CSS. I get an error saying that there are too few characters or an invalid entry. I think it would be efficient and effective to categorize the tutorials especially since the search parameters don't allow us to search for programming languages like HTML, CSS, or PHP.

  8. I was weeding through the tutorials trying to find more CSS stuff, and I was just wondering if we could group the tutorials by content. I think there are 11+ pages of tutorials, and it would really save time if they were categorized. Since mods have to review the tutorials anyways, they can also make sure that the tutorials are placed in the correct category.

  9. I agree that a TV subforum would be a great addition. I like to see other people's opinions and see what their perspective is on different shows. With so many shows now being broadcast on the Internet, it's possible for a global discussion rather than waiting for a show to be aired in other countries. I'd also like to discover shows from other countries since US programs get pretty watered down and mundane since they're trying to appeal to the masses and the lowest common denominator.

  10. I really didn't agree with any of the poll choices. I didn't wait until marriage to have sex, but I'm not ashamed of that fact. Nor have I had 10 partners, but I don't feel that I'm inexperienced.
    Though I was raised Catholic and, like someone mentioned, taught that sex is a sacred act between a husband and wife, I have come to realize that sex is a sacred act, but it doesn't need to be restricted to the sanctity of marriage. Of course, Catholic doctrine also states that the purpose of sex is procreation not enjoyment, and it's considered a sin to use birth control other than abstinance and the inaccurate calendar method. I prefer the pill and good ol' condoms, and I feel that there is absolutely nothing wrong with sex. It is a completely natural act and can be a beautiful expression of love.

    Its an interesting thing, because the concept of virginity is completely different for us guys than women. A guy has sex, and nothing changes physically. A woman loses her virginity and her body undergoes a complete change, and physiologically thats a big deal.

    Great insight, but I think it has more to do with culture than biology. Yes, sex punctures the hymen, but some women are born without one or have such a thin one that the pain from the rupture is almost imperceptible. Girls are conditioned to protect their virginity, to hold onto it while boys are conditioned to try to get it any way they can. A throwback from the ages when a woman was only as good as her dowry, really. These days, however, girls are getting mixed signals from the media and our culture. On the one hand, they are being taught that a highly sexualized person is more popular, more desirable, and more enjoyable than the dowdy, nerdy girl that refuses to "put out." On the other hand, they are told that "good" girls don't have sex before marriage.

  11. Hmmmm.... seems like someone's trying to steal mike's identity. :D

    First of all, your example has nothing to do with your topic. How exactly does a girl getting run over by someone on a cellphone have anything to do with the FAFSA application and something about drugs? I'm really not clear on that at all.

    Second, your organization seems a little off. If you do a search for speech outline format, there are a number of universities that publish the standard format. I would suggest looking at the University of Hawaii since they have PDF files that help, like a checklist and some suggestions on transitions.

    Third, your research should include specific quotes from your sources, even if it's just a few words. You need to establish credibility as a speaker, so unless you can enumerate books that you have written, degrees awarded, awards in the specific field, etc., you need to state your sources in the introduction of your speech.

    There's definitely a bit of work ahead, and your grammer could do with a bit of polishing.


    On a side note, I think you're supposed to use quote tags when you're submitting work on the forums, even your own.

  12. There are two types of jobs: skilled and unskilled labor. If you're looking for a job that doesn't require any experience, like many service jobs, including telemarketing, fast food, etc., than employers are looking for someone who will be cheap and undemanding. They often choose high school students because they can pay minimum wage, students still live at home and are under parents' insurance, and they only work part-time hours which means that employers don't have to give out full-time benefits. If you have no work experience when you graduate, employers assume that you are getting a job because you need the money, but they have no evidence of your work ethic and whether you'll be a good employee. At least that's one perspective. And people who work at unskilled jobs, even if they get promoted, will usually make less money than someone working at a skilled job.Skilled jobs are harder to come by these days. In my parents' day, a high school diploma was a benchmark that showed an above average level of competence and basic education. A high school diploma today doesn't carry the same weight. The new benchmark is a degree, and specifically, more often than not, a bachelor's degree either in the arts or sciences. You can eke out a living off of an Associate's Degree, but most companies are requiring at least a Bachelor's or equivalent work experience.My suggestion to you is to try taking some community college courses and work towards an A.A. or an A.S. It's cheaper than going to college or a university, and it will show employers that you have some sort of ambition. The next thing would be to try networking. Ask your parents or your friends' parents or your parents' friends if they know of any jobs that might be available and if they can put in a good word for you. Volunteer for a non-profit. It doesn't pay, but you'll meet people who may have connections. If that doesn't pan out, then rethink your work hours and ask a manager at a nearby store if they need an overnight employee, like a stock boy or something like that. It's not glamorous work, but it's work and it pays. You'll need to work at a job for at least a year to be able to put it on your resume, but it will start opening some doors that weren't open before.

  13. I understand, to a certain degree, where you're coming from. However, we cannot always eradicate the glaring differences and pretend it's not there.

    In the same way, would you, as a person, seriously ask a woman to serve as one of the ship's crew, considering that majority of the crew is composed of "filthy, lustful, barbaric males"? Would you just assume that that woman can defend herself from sexual assault as well as any male can?

    I honestly see no reason why women can't serve as equally as men. I have a female cousin who did serve in the navy and did spend months at a time on a ship. And why is it that women, who are the victims of assault, should be penalized for men's inability to control their libido? If men would see women as equals and respect them as such, I fully believe that there would be less cases of rape and assault on women.


    Similarly, would you trust a male salesman of female Avon products? (Uh, I'm not sure but does Avon have any male products?) Would you buy bras and panties recommended by a male sales personnel?


    I that respect, you can never achieve absolute equality, however, just because two things are not equal does not mean one is higher than the other. I think, what it means, is that there are things each can do better than the other.

    Seriously now, what's the deal with this competition? What on earth is the point of comparing two completely different things? It's like asking if carrot cake tastes better than Pepsi. Oh yeah, for ace5, it's not feminist nor is it chauvinist. It's pointless, that's all :D

    I have a friend who is heterosexual that works at Victoria Secret. I used to go to a male hairdresser who would talk on and on about his wife and son. I've had my nails done by a man who owns a nail salon with his wife. I have bought make up from a man at the Lancome counter at Nordstrom's. I really don't see why buying these things from a man is any different than buying them from a woman if that guy is knowledgeable and competent at his job. Why is it, then, that men won't take their car to a woman mechanic or hire a female contractor?

    As to trivialize the issue by comparing women and men with the taste of a carrot cake or a Pepsi, that only proves how little progress has been made in women's efforts. When I started this topic, I was simply interested in the perspective of whether people actually believe that biological differences makes a difference in equality. Little did I realize that my idealistic world where women and men realize that despite gender differences, we are all humans and capable of working together towards a better and equal human civilization. It saddens me that despite the scientific proof and everyday examples that women are as capable of being as intelligent, as strong, as hard-working as men, the world continues to simplify that cry for equality as simply another nagging, *BLEEP*y woman. What saddens me more is that this belief is instilled and nurtured in the home, from what mothers teach their children, from the way wives treat their husbands, or the way husbands treat their wives.


    That being said, I'm retiring from this thread because it pains me to see how women are disregarded in society. I encourage further discussion on the subject, but I ask that you all keep an open mind and perhaps my idyllic world will someday be realized and people will live and work together without regard to race or ethnicity or gender. In my eyes, we are, all of us, unique and special in our own ways, but we are still members of humankind.

    ***steps off the soapbox***

  14. Nepotism in the workplace is pretty much patronage by the sounds of it. Patronage was banned in government practices years ago at the turn of the century because so many politicians were doing it. This is something that you could talk to your senator about and possibly outlaw(of course, if the family member was more qualified then you, it should be justified).

    While civil service tests have prevented patronage in government jobs, it doesn't prevent it in the private sector. While most companies claim to be an "Equal Opportunity Employer," this simply means that they won't discriminate on the basis of race or sex. So they find other ways to discriminate.

    I really can't complain too much because I've gotten jobs through networking, which you could consider a form of nepotism or patronage. I get more substitute teaching jobs because I'm friends with teachers, so they request me when they go on vacation or call in sick. Yeah, they probably wouldn't request me if they thought I was a horrible teacher, but lucky for them, I'm not. Or at least, that's what I tell myself.

  15. I find it interesting that no one is countering my arguments which clearly address some of these issues. Oh well, c'est la vie. I suggest everyone take another look at that South Park episode with the "go backs." Some of you might find it enlightening. Or not. Maybe 'cause your heads are too far up your rear ends to see any position other than your own.

  16. My husband's old boss got that stomach staple surgery to reduce his weight. After the surgery, he went to seminars and support groups to try to keep the weight off. One of the speakers got up on stage, opened up a 2 liter of Coke, shook it up a little and let the extra fizz die off. He put a deflated balloon over the spout, then he talked for about an hour and the balloon was almost completely inflated by the time he was done. The carbonation in soda, even soda that's relatively flat, still had enough gas to expand the balloon, so imagine what it's doing to your stomach. Scientists have also shown that carbonation inhibits absorption of calcium in your bones.My suggestion is to stay away from soda all together. :D

  17. We survived the 4th of July! Thanks for your helpful comments. We decided to do a bit of a trial run on the 3rd and brought her to my in-laws for dinner without giving her anything. She ended up freaking out at the first bang and clawed the door, so I took her home straight away. We made up her bed in the bathroom, gave her a pill, turned on the radio and stayed with her until she started calming down and the drugs started taking effect. Then we went back to the in-laws to visit with my husband's sister who's in town for the week. Honestly, if she wasn't visiting, I would be snuggled up with my dog all night. I hate seeing her scared like that. Anyways, we pretty much left her inside all day on the 4th and stuck to the whole routine, I gave her one sedative a few hours before the sun went down. She did fine, didn't scratch up the door or anything! The only problem we had was that she didn't want to sleep alone when we came back home, so I plopped down on the bathroom floor and stayed with her until she fell asleep.

  18. Hahaha, I love Dr. House because he's completely unapologetic for his behavior because he's always right. Of course, if I were to deal with him in the real world, then I would hate him for the bastard that he is. And that's the thing, it's a TV Show that's made for entertainment purposes only. While some of these episodes are based on actual medical cases, the truth is that it's never as simple as they make it out to be. Even CSI, which my science professor praised on getting the actual science part right, is highly dramatized and their quality control is starting to deteriorate. If you're suffering from migraines, I suggest talking to your doctor before deciding to self-medicate using LSD.


    On a side note, you might want to be a little more descriptive in your topic title.

  19. I personally always found this very wierd in western countries like Australia and America. The most important question is "why?" Why would a woman want to do a mans job? I mean by all means they should be allowed to if they want to, but this feminist crap is really getting to me.

    Allow me to try to put it in terms that you might have an easier time understanding.

    Let's say you have a job. Someone of another race comes in and starts working the same job. It's demeaning for him to have the same title as you, they give him another title and twice the pay for doing the exact same job. Then he gets promoted to a supervisory position despite the fact that you have worked there longer. All because he happens to be the "right" race.

    Now change race to gender.

    You can't put a woman on a pedestal and then treat her as an inferior. It just doesn't work that way. You choose one or the other. Respect her for the contribution that she makes to society or treat her like a slave and deal with the consequences. This "feminist crap" is just asking for equal rights and equal opportunity. Most people agree that racism is wrong. Sexism and gender bias should be considered just as wrong.

    As for your example, women are smart enough to realize that getting caught for stealing bread isn't going to help her family. Sad to say, but rather than risking everything for a single loaf of bread, it's better to find a john with enough money to pay for the loaf, some eggs, and some milk. Women are just as capable, if not more so, of being as calculating and emotionless as men, we just know how to pretend better.

  20. The fact of the matter is when I was young, I was the guy who mowed lawns to earn a little extra money in the summers. That's a good job for kids. Now days, kids have a harder time finding these unskilled jobs when they're in high school because of the "competition" you embrace.

    The operative phrase there is when you were young. Most kids these days don't have a sense of work ethics. I substitute teach at the high school level and kids are much more affluent and spoiled than I ever was as a child. They've got iPods and designer clothes, PSPs and the latest cell phones, and even though they have money, they all want more. The problem is that they don't want to work for it. They're all about instant gratification.

    Thank you Tetraca for pointing out that illegal immigrants don't just come from south of the border but from the north as well. It's just easier for them to blend in because they're the same race and speak the same language, but they're still here illegally. When you think about it, though, this country has been fueled by the blood of our immigrants and founded upon the ideals and beliefs of foreigners. The British colonists who forced the Native Peoples off their land and brought slave labor because they weren't going to do it their damn selves. Or the second wave of immigration during the Industrial Revolution when factories took advantage of the newest immigrants and paid them the cheapest rate. Then the foremen realized that they could get child labor even cheaper. Thankfully, someone decided that there were just too many kids dying from accidents and lung disease at the factories. You know, for a time it was the Irish who were despised and looked down upon in this country.

    Every time a new wave of immigrants flows into this country, there are complaints and racial tension. They don't look like us, they don't talk like us, so they don't belong here? Then America should stop spouting out the fallacy that this is "the land of opportunity and freedom" because they're buying into it. The same way our ancestors did when they came here. And unless you are from a tribe of the Native Peoples, your ancestors were immigrants too. Most people can't even imagine the kind of life that these people fled from. Poverty, rape, warfare, the uncertainty of whether you'll live through the next day or whether you'll be killed in your sleep. And I don't just mean poor, I mean poverty where your stomach gets distended from not having eaten in a month. Poverty where you can't get off your butt and get a job because there's no work to be had by anyone. Their lives have to be absolute *BLEEP* to make them go through what they have to in order to cross the border.

    So stop your hegemony and realize that kicking them out or tightening up the borders isn't going to help and will only result in more companies outsourcing and relocating to areas where labor remains cheap. Try being more of a humanitarian and help build a better world so that immigrants would be just as safe and happy to stay in their own country rather than here.

  21. Contrary to popular beliefs, cutting isn't related to suicide. Yes, people who cut can be suicidal as well, but cutting is often a sign of a different psychological problem. Girls have a tendency to internalize the world around them, which can sometimes be overwhelming psychologically and emotionally. Some girls discover healthy ways to channel this into physical activity, artistic endeavors like art or music, or by escaping into their imaginations. Others aren't so lucky. Instead of lashing out against a world they cannot change because they lack the power to change it, they affect the things that they can - themselves. It seems that more and more girls are cutting themselves these days. Unless your friend has found a way to channel her emotions in a positive way, she's going to end up cutting again if she isn't already. When girls get discovered, they just find better places to hide it because they don't know how to deal with the pain and emotions. Ultimatums don't work because it's not solving the problem of why she's cutting in the first place. My suggestion would be to give her a journal and tell her to write in it whenever she gets the urge to cut and KEEP WRITING until the urge passes. It's one of those therapy tricks I've picked up. It doesn't matter what she writes, just so long as she keeps doing it. On one hand it gives her a healthy outlet for her emotions. On the other, she can look back and discover what exactly sparks the urge to cut. She can also start to recognize patterns and maybe get to the root of her unhappiness.I have a feeling that she was abused as a child. Many people who are in abusive relationships as adults experienced the same trauma as children and have not been able to process and work through those emotions. Though you want to rush her out of these relationships, and no doubt you should, she will still continue to seek out someone who will abuse her unless she can resolve the issue of why she feels that she should be abused. The journal may help her uncover these emotions, but it takes a lot of soul searching.As to what you can do to make her feel better, just be a supportive friend. She obviously needs one.

  22. Wait, you mean From First to Last isn't punk? OMG, I'm gonna kill myself now. >.< j/kPunk bands aren't supposed to be well known, they're supposed to be non-conformist and build a small group of loyal followers in an organic fashion from grass roots using cutting edge technology or completely antiquated means or a weird mixture of both. But they are out there.

  23. The fourth of July is celebrated in the US as Independence Day. And it's probably my dog's least favorite holidays. I think she'd even rather be boarded for a week than have to deal with the fireworks that go off around July 4th. Last year, we had plans to go out, so we locked her in the bathroom and turned on the radio to try to drown out the noise. Usually she gets locked out of the house when we leave because she's pretty bad a chewing things up when she's bored and there's just too much stuff within reach. I also gave her a sedative but didn't tell my husband until a couple days later when he said she did really well. So this year, he wants to see how she's going to react without using the sedative, but we'll be going to my neice's birthday party, so we're not sure whether we'll be able to take our dog along. So she might end up being locked in the bathroom again. She gets really freaked out by the fireworks, especially the screaming ones. She curls up in a corner or she gets clingy and won't leave my side at all. Or she does both if she can.I know that my husband means well, but he's always been the type who toughens up to get through things. Our dog just can't understand all the noise and stuff and she gets scared. I don't think that it's something that she can "get over" or even get used to since it's not a daily occurence. I'd really appreciate any suggestions and your opinion on whether I should slip her the sedative or not.

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