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Posts posted by TikiPrincess

  1. Like the corny guy mentioned, you might want to set a price, then look around in that price range. Surprisingly, office chairs can be quite expensive, and those "ergonomic" chairs that are supposed to help support your back and stuff can run into the thousands of dollars. Pay attention to how you sit in your chair now and what makes you feel most comfortable. I find arm rests annoying at times, so if I finally decide to buy an office chair, I would rather it not have arm rests or look for a really wide chair so the arm rests aren't close and I can curl up in the chair with my feet tucked under me. It's definitely bad posture and horrible for my back, but it's how I always end up sitting. You definitely want to sit in the chair before buying it. Then think about style. Leather looks great, but it can get sticky during hot summers or long hours of sitting in front of the computer. Most manufacturers these days can upholster the chair in any fabric you want, even pink leopard print, so that's usually not an issue.


    Just as a side note, here's a bit of fun about a comfy chair from the genius that is Monty Python...


    Ximinez: Cardinal Fang! Fetch...THE COMFY CHAIR!

    Fang (terrified): The...Comfy Chair?

    (Biggles pushes in a comfy chair -- a really plush one)

    Ximinez: So you think you are strong because you can survive the soft cushions. Well, we shall see. Biggles! Put her in the Comfy Chair!

    (They roughly push her into the Comfy Chair)

    Ximinez (with a cruel leer): Now -- you will stay in the Comfy Chair until lunch time, with only a cup of coffee at eleven. (aside) Is that really all it is?

    Biggles: Yes, lord.

    Ximinez: I see. I suppose we make it worse by shouting a lot, do we? (shouting) Confess, woman. Confess! Confess! Confess! Confess!

  2. :P How did you know I turned my G.I. Joe into a voodoo doll of you? I guess I'll remove the fish smell curse and the sand that gets stuck in those inconvenient places. Thanks so much, SM! I :P it. I'll make sure I wear that outfit when I teach my first class. I'm sure all those high school boys will be paying attention while I try to teach them how to write in the proper MLA format and why we never quote two sources in the same sentence. :P

  3. :P Mike sniped my comment.
    I'm actually not surprised to see Intel using these practices since it seemed to work so well for Microsoft in the US. I'm not sure what the EU's anti-trust or anti-monopoly laws are though, so I don't know whether Intel is breaking them.

    The only problem is the fine the EU could impose: 10% of Intel's annual turnover. Surely this would be passed on to the consumer, and would be quite a sizeable amount on top of the usual price.

    I'm sure that when they distribute the 10% over their various products and such, it won't actually be a significant price difference at the consumer level. If, however, they are told to sell their chips at cost, you might see a raise in price.
    Either way, Intel is simply trying to stay competitive through whatever means they can.

  4. Sorry, I just had to respond to a particular part of Mermaid's post when I read it.

    Weren't you alive during the Cold War, were you. We don't always have that choice. There is always going to be some crazy @$$ communist dictator out there, who is bent on destruction, and to expand his empire, will use the threat of nuclear warfare. And of course, there will always be that free thinker who decides to rebel.

    Girl, I don't think you were alive during the Cold War since you say you just turned 13 this year, and yes, there is always a choice not to use them. That was the whole "Bay of Pigs" thing off the coast of Cuba. Communists aren't the only ones with nuclear warheads. In fact, the only country to actually use the atomic bomb was a capitalist country. :P That's right, it was America, and Truman got a little eager and pushed the button twice in the space of a few days without waiting for a report on the actual effects of it. Nagasaki didn't need to be bombed. Not that Hiroshima should have been since most historians believe that the war was already coming to a close and there were signs that Japan would surrender soon, but I guess it wasn't quick enough for Truman.
    As to when or how the world will end, I will defer to T.S. Eliot's "The Hollow Men,"

    This is the way the world endsThis is the way the world ends
    This is the way the world ends
    Not with a bang but a whimper.
    ~T.S. Eliot (1925)

  5. Well, I think that would depend on what type of gamer you are and what games you like to play. My husband would much rather just sit and relax when he plays his games, he's not interested in exercising. And we don't usually have company over because there's really not a lot of parking space, so party games - the coolest Wii feature - are kinda lost on us. We already had a GameCube that we gave to our niece since we never played it, so the fact that it's backwards compatible isn't a selling point either. But my parents got one because we have a lot of family parties at their house.
    I have to admit, it's really fun playing the Wii and I think it will only get better as they learn to really utilize the technology. There's a website called Wii Have A Problem that shows some of the drawbacks of the very interactive gameplay. Luckily, we've never broken a strap, but we've had some issues with nearly punching each other or some other innocent bystander.

  6. @9Block * Please note that I said I BELIEVE that women are equal to men in almost anything. I was not stating this as a fact, simply expressing my beliefs, as you have expressed yours. There's no need to jump down my throat for thinking that a woman could possibly be equal and, dare I say, BETTER than a man at something. Maybe it's just something your slightly larger brain can't seem to comprehend. I'm sure you've no doubt heard this before, but "bigger is not always better."


    Of course, you seem to have missed the ACTUAL point of this topic, so maybe I can put it in terms that you might actually understand:

    Women menstrate (bleed from the uterus) every month, which can be an annoying inconvenience and cause discomfort. I wish that men where blessed with a similar plague so that I would not have to envy them every month while I am suffering. I also wish it were as easy as unzipping my pants when I have to pee in the woods because it's rather uncomfortable and messy to squat.


    I hope that I have simplified my language enough for you to comprehend so perhaps you will be able to stay on topic.

  7. I usually love being a female. Despite my findings in this thread, I still believe that women can do just about anything that a man can do at least as well, if not better. However, I have to admit that I envy the male gender at certain times of the month and when I go camping. (It's far easier to pee in the bushes when you don't have to squat.)Why can't guys have an annoying monthly problem so I don't have to envy them every time I have to suffer through mine!

    Notice from BuffaloHELP:
    Topic title modified as per request.
    Edit: This was originally under "The Vent." Apparently, someone modified the topic title to something that did not reflect the intent of the original post, so I asked BuffaloHELP to change it to something a little more appropriate. Thanks Buff!

  8. I doubt that it's the blanket thing since the nurse said the one patient was prepped for death much earlier than the actual time of death and the cat didn't hang around the patient until about 2 hours before the patient died. Animals are much more sensitive to the surrounding environment and have better senses than we humans. It seems as though the cat was raised in the nursing home, so he's been around sick and dying people for most of his life. Our bodies probably emit some sort of chemical when we get closer to dying that the cat can smell or sense otherwise.

  9. I know that there are lots of great tutorials on the forums, but there's still a world of information out there yet to be Trapped. I think having a request tutorial thread might inspire our members to impart some of their vast knowledge. Sometime, it's hard to realize what you're good at until someone asks the right question. Since tutorials are screened anyways, there's less chance of someone simply plagiarizing from another website.

  10. Well, since this is scientific research you probably won't be compansated unless you were to have a severe allergic reaction to the jellyfish sting. If the scientists compensated otherwise they'd probably go over budget and no anti-jellyfish?sting sunscreen would be made.

    Actually, lots of companies provide monetary compensation for your participation in their research, at least in the US. For a product like this to be released for consumer use, it has to prove that it does what it says it does. Most companies would rather shell out a few thousand to pay volunteers rather than having to shell out millions for a law suit. Not to mention the PR nightmare. And don't let the University part tell you otherwise, UCLA does hundreds of clinical test trials from its facilities because some companies don't have the resources or facilities to hold and administer the tests.

  11. well... is there any way to artificially induce to shrink or enlarge the pupil of our eyes...???

    There actually is a chemical that forces the pupils to dilate, but I have no idea what it's called. I just know there is because I have to have an eye exam every year since I have genetically bad eyesight. They tell me to bring sunglasses and not to drive because they need to dilate my pupils which helps them look at the cones and rods at the back of the eye to see how they're functioning. Or something like that, anyways. My eyes stay dilated for about 6-8 hours after that, so lights seem much brighter than usual which is why they suggest not driving and wearing sunglasses.

  12. Having gone to a single-sex high school myself, I know how difficult it can be to socialize with someone of the opposite sex when you finally do get the chance. Of course, it's easier for girls because high school guys may have more than one thing on their minds, but their bodies tend to be driven by one thing. Anyways, I met my first boyfriend at a school dance and the next through work. However, I found it a LOT easier to deal with guys when I stopped thinking about them as potential boyfriends. I just considered them as potential friends without worrying whether it would lead to a relationship or not. Even if it doesn't go beyond friendship, then you still have a new friend and she might want to set you up with one of her friends!

    Not suggested:

    I wouldn't suggest going to bars or clubs because they're basically meat markets where you're often judged and found lacking no matter how beautiful, talented, intelligent, and otherwise wonderful you are.

    The Internet can also be a little scary because people aren't necessarily the way they portray themselves online, and not just their physical appearance.

    If you have a friend with a sister or cousin close to your age, you could try inviting her when you go out as a group, but friends' sisters are usually off limits.



    Get a job. Since you don't meet girls at school, try meeting them at work where you can both complain about how terrible your boss is. Even if you don't get a girlfriend there, you'll have some extra money to spend on a plastic, inflatable substitute. j/k

    Volunteer. If you volunteer for a cause that interests you, you might find someone who shares your passion, which could lead to something more passionate between you two. It's also the next best thing to a job since you don't get paid, but you'll get valuable (or not so valuable) experience that you can put down on your college applications or resume.

    Hang out. Do you love music? Look for free, underage concerts for local bands. You might find a new favorite band and the drummer's sister who was forced to sell T-shirts. Go to a coffee shop on open-mic night and order half a dozen tall, decaf mochaccinos from the cute barista.

  13. Greetings fellow mouse-potato! I'm delighted that you've decided to introduce yourself to our pleasant community. There's definitely lots of information posted in the many forums on Xisto, and something new to learn everyday! If you're looking for something in particular, you can use the Search option under the Community tab in the top-left Nav Menu. Or click on My Assistant, hit the Search tab, and enter your keyword. When you decide to post, remember "quality over quantity" and read the rules, yadda, yadda, yadda.If you have any questions and can't seem to find the answer, feel free to PM me or ask me if I'm active in the shoutbox and I'll try to answer to the best of my abilities. The moderators are extremely helpful, and most of our other members are as well.

  14. I can see that subtlety is lost on you.


    I think we need to add "posting" to the list of things not to do while drunk. Others would include:

    drunk driving - No matter how many hot, young female celebs do it, you will not land in the room next to them at the rehab clinic.

    drunk dialing - Your 87-year-old grandmother does not need to know how much fun you're having at the bar, nor does she want to give you her opinion on your chance of getting lucky tonight. And she probably doesn't know where you can score some pot. But who knows, maybe your nana is cooler than mine.

    drunk singing - Although you think you sound better when you're absolutely hammered, your rendition of M.C. Hammer blows bigger chunks than your last homage to the porcelain god.

    drunk texting - Poor motor skills and a tiny keyboard don't make a good combination. That text you sent to your ex-boyfriend Dan about how you're the best sex he's ever had, in very detailed terms, just might earn you a very awkward call from Dad wondering what kind of sick joke you're playing and multiple family sessions trying to explain to the therapist that you don't have an Electra complex.

    drunk math - as jlhaslip's profile says, "Alcohol and calculus don't mix. Never drink and derive."

  15. First of all, we need to define a few terms.


    - a*theist from the Greek a meaning without and theos meaning god. Based on the entymology of the word, an atheist is someone who does not have a god or gods, which basically means that they don't believe in a god or gods. This means that they reject the Christian concept of God or any sort of deity including satanism and some forms of Buddhism that focus on the path to enlightenment to reach a state of nirvana and therefore do not believe in a higher being only a higher state of being.


    - a*gnostics from the Greek a and gnosis meaning knowledge. The base word gnosis has evolved to signify the knowledge of the supernatural or divine. So an agnositic is one who is without knowledge of the divine or supernatural. They haven't rejected the idea of a divine being, but they haven't accepted the ones that have been presented. Most people are unfamiliar with this term since it was mainly used in the Catholic religion to describe non-Catholics. At least, that's how it was presented to me in my Confirmation classes.


    As you can see, atheists can practice a religion like the strictest form of Buddhism, so just saying you're atheist doesn't mean you don't have a religion. Furthermore, saying you have no religion doesn't mean you're an atheist, because you can believe that there is some sort of divine being without actually belonging to a religion.


    Perhaps people fear being called an atheist because it has negative connotations, perhaps due to narrow minds and slanderous remarks. Atheists can be seen as immoral because it's assumed that they don't follow a religious code. But religious belief doesn't always translate into moral behavior. When you delve into the history of the Catholic Popes, however, I'm sure you'll find behavior that would make many atheists blush. In fact, most atheists will follow laws and social norm (mores) based on reason rather than a sense of religious righteousness. For example, I will not steal because there are consequences. There are consequences because if something is stolen from me, then I would want that person punished. Therefore, laws and punishments are in place to protect me from stealing from other people, but also to protect other people from stealing my possessions. Someone acting on a Christian belief system would say that it's a sin to steal because The Bible says it's against one of The Ten Commandments, but Jesus forgives our sins if we feel remorse and ask for forgiveness. So if I feel really bad about taking this and ask for forgiveness, than I'll still go to heaven. (I don't mean to pick on Christianity, but it's the religion in which I was raised and which I'm most familiar with.) Of course, that's a complete generalization and not to be characteristic of any particular person in any way. But it gets my point across.


    Personally, I have rejected to follow all forms of organized religion because the organization is a human construct and, therefore, fallible and subject to hypocrisy. I also refuse to close my mind to the multitude of belief systems that exist, which most organized religions ask you to do. They ask you to believe only in the teachings that they approve and those that don't believe will not receive the benefits, whether it's heaven or nirvana or enlightenment. But I do believe that a force exists that is divine and beyond my comprehension. I seek to understand but humble myself with the realization that I cannot know.


    Absence of proof is not proof of absence. ~William Cowper

  16. Isn't it amazing how the brain cells just ooze out when you get a bit sloshed? :DAnyways, I enjoy writing and I'm rather opinionated, so I usually find lots of things to reply to or I start a new thread. Unfortunately, I don't have the vast amount of knowledge that Mike seems to think he's got with his obscene post count. :P But I'd rather write a quality post than look like a tart. I really like reading Plenoptic's posts in the FIR forum. He does a good job of summarizing the article, then giving his opinion of the topic. And there's always something happening somewhere in the world.Or, as Mike suggests, you could try making a tutorial about something that you know how to do. It doesn't have to be computer-related.

  17. I hardly ever wear makeup because I've got better things to waste my money on and I'd rather sleep in the extra 20 minutes than bother with a blowdrier and foundation. But I do try to pretty myself up for special occasions, which does include fixing my hair and makeup. Makeup is meant to enhance your beauty, not cover it up. The problem is that most women don't know how to put on makeup or they get stuff that doesn't fit their features or skin type. They wear foundation that's a lighter or darker shade or they apply bright lipstick on already full lips or they use a pink-based powder when they've got olive-toned skin. The best makeup artists know how to make it look like you're not wearing any makeup at all, which, of course, seems silly. If it doesn't look like you're wearing any makeup, why would you put it on in the first place? As Velma mentioned, first you have to hide any blemishes and imperfections. Then you accentuate your natural features, whether it's making your eyes look bigger and brighter or making your lips full and luscious. If you want people to focus on your eyes, go for a lighter, more natural blush and lipstick. If you want them to focus on your lips, then tone down the eyes and just use eye shadow and mascara but skip the liner. Most women accentuate everything so they end up looking like clowns.I'm sure that most of you would think differently if every woman had a competent makeup artist every morning, but we don't. Should you men love us any more or less because of the amount of makeup we wear? Definitely not. Prettiness is only skin deep, but beauty comes from the soul.

  18. meh, you have to pump the handle so that you can get enough air pressure to get the liquid out. It's fine when it's full, but it gets more tiring as the liquid empties. I can't imagine drunk people wanting to exert that much energy or fully understanding that you have to pump to get more liquid out. I'm guessing it'll get broken after the first use.

  19. I would recommend trying to watch this program its on at 9 P.M. east coast time. So far they have cover all the planets except for Neptune, Uranus and Pluto.

    Pluto has been demoted and it's no longer considered a planet. :P Uranus, on the other hand, continues to mystify and amaze us all with its deep, dark depths. :D

  20. HINT: It's not a button on your keyboard :DI was watching a NOVA program last night on gamma rays and discovered lots of interesting things, including this thing they called "red shift."For those of you who can remember your science classes, light produces a spectrum of color: blue-green-yellow-orange-red. Since scientists can't pull out a measuring stick to measure distance in light years, they use the spectrum of light to determine approximate distances for things like stars. Stars which are close appear blue, so the stars we see in the sky are those that are closest to us. The more distant the source of light, the more it moves down the spectrum towards red. This is what they call "red shift."The interesting thing about gamma rays is that they don't produce light, so scientists had a difficult time determining how far away the sorce is from Earth. Then they realized that the gamma rays had to pass through stuff before reaching Earth, causing explosions when it came into contact with space dust. The light emitting from these explosions could then be measured to determine the approximate distance of the gamma ray's source. When scientists used red shift to examine these explosions, they were surprised to discover that the light was coming from the red area of the spectrum. That meant that whatever was producing the gamma rays was something very distant, but still powerful enough to reach Earth.

  21. Heh, when I first went to Europe and walked into the bathroom at the hotel, I thought there were two toilets. One was a normal one, but the other had a faucet with hot and cold knobs and almost looked like a sink with a really long basin, except it was as low as the toilet. My cousin explained that it's a bidet and the water shoots out so you can clean up after using the toilet. The hotel also had a bar of soap on the ledge in case you wanted to feel extra clean. :DAnyways, it's interesting about the whole regulation thing because I live in California which is probably the most regulated state in the US. The local farmer's markets have everything from fresh fruits and vegetables to fresh eggs and organic poultry and even fresh fish. There's a farmer's market everyday in one of the many communities around, and they always have the freshest and ripest produce. The only thing missing is the beef and pork. There's a restaurant about 20 miles away that raises their own cattle on a farm nearby and I think they slaughter the cow either at the farm or the restaurant so they can say they literally have the freshest meat and the choicest cuts. I'm not a big fan of pork unless I'm eating something bacon-wrapped. As for the milk, well, I drink soy milk anyways because I'm starting to become lactose intolerant, but I don't think I could get it from anywhere but the market.

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