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Everything posted by lloydg

  1. Im wanting to make a program that can inject a dll into a process. Im trying to make an utility program for an online game I play.If any one can help with an idear of how to do this it would be greatly appreciated. if you need more information on what im doing just ask but i hope u get the idear.thanks, lloyd
  2. hey thanks, it looks good, nice ide
  3. I want to learn C/C++, i know some other languages such as some BASIC once and python, what should i download to get C/C++ is it Visual studio? and is that free and if possible could i get a link to the right 1.. i have looked on Google but there was to much stuff to pick from. also if you know nay good tutorials to learn the syntax of C/C++ i would like a link them as well.thanks
  4. well to make a mod if thats waht u want to do u need to download from the elderscrolls page the elder scrolls construction set witch i beleave were all the mods are made i dont think there are any third party program but i havnt really done much modding for this game. here is a link to the page http://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php?title=Main_Page and a download link http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ good luck with your mod p.s. Oblivion rocks!
  5. ok dont worry evry 1 :) i know what the problem is!!!!you need administrator for it to work so u need to log into a account with admin or 'run as' administrator or an account with admin!
  6. RPG Maker is a good one.. u might need to know a bit of ruby but im not to shore but u make like rpg's witch look kinda game boy style.
  7. This sucks i get the same error saying 'Failed to obtain a trial activation code from the nTitles server' when i open the game then it just closes it :)has any one fixed this problem im use a leagly downloaded version and you are ment to get a trail maby there servers are down?can some please help i really want to use this program
  8. yeah its wird i got no idear how it works my old site was on google but i never submited it.. lol i dont know how it works... i see google web crawler things on it pritty often.. well lol good luck with it
  9. your a good man

  10. lol my hair is way longer :) well think its like half way down my chest lol.... it dose have anythign to do with your orientation.... lol
  11. lol you know nothing u need to lern to make scripts there still not cheating but it geats pritty close.. i mean cheating as it VAC would not like it... lol like u used hax and stuff but they can get u ban but u can use scripts with dont get u ban waht they are is basicly a file u call apon with has a buch of commands in a row or bind some key to do stuff.... i had a script that let my do bunny hops and a scripts that let me go birst fire, single shot, and fully qutomatic option and automatic for pistalls.... witch is sweet with the dules ...btw this is for Counter-Strike souce but im pritty shore the work for cs...if u guys waht me to post any of these scripts just ask me or soemthing
  12. Hmmm what forums are set up to give the most is there a page about this or can u tell me or some please would be usfull but maby it would be aloud becasue its "cheep" or soemthing but please tell me some 1
  13. I like it ... Im not shore if they would do it lol.. its a good idear because if u have a site with lots of trafic u would not have to post as much... not that posting is bad its a good thing...i think maby 0.01 is a bit to low maby 0.1 or and maby there could be more credits for if htey click on it but maby 1 per ip butsounds good i would want it
  14. hmm looks good i might try it if i can get my friends to play it :)Is it free? like in beta testing or something?
  15. I pick saint-michael's cuz it looks the best
  16. i think maby the first one becasue of the free .com .net .org but maby i didnt see that on the second 1.. well i dont have much exp with host .. well payed hosts but good luck
  17. ok thanks guys :)728 x 90 IMU - (Leaderboard) looks goodwell now i wills start make it :)what do u guys use?im using paint shop prois photo shop worth getting how much better for this kind of stuff is it?
  18. Ok i googled it and i found too many diff answers what are like the standart banner sizes... or sizes that are for diff layouts or what not like e107 might be 213X31(random number i type there) yeah can any help me?
  19. HAPPY BIRTHDAY agen.. lol3 years is pritty long have who has been here sins the start?
  20. Uni is after high school collage is a name for any school, highschool or uni or primary school can have collage in its name it normaly just means its more ritch or special or something
  21. lol did u not notise you warnned me on my birthday :P:P

  22. Well to get good you could find friends that play and get them to teach you like you could play at internet cafes or something or i think there are AI version were u can play by your seff untill you are good unuf to play on bnet
  23. Dose any here play DotA.. because i do.. what hero do you use and what is your faverout mode.. Fav hero: Luna (just cuz she's my more currnt not really my fav but yeah) fav mode: apem.. lol n00b mode abit about dota from there web site so you can know what it is if u dont play. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  24. Processor: AMD Athlon XP 2100+, MMX, 3DNow, ~1.7GHz
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