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Posts posted by birudagmawi

  1. I feel you Tiki. I'm not a real church goer but I was raised to love and revere god. As I grew up it always made me feel safer to know that a higher power was looking over us. But I soon realized the reality of the world. People dying senseless and untimely deaths made me question why would any type of higher form of life lets the things that go on in this world happen. According to the bible god is all seeing, and that everyone born into this world has a purpose. That doesn't make sense when a child who is just beginning their life dies. What is the ultimate purpose that?So I honestly don't know. I don't know because I've seen amazing miracles and great tragedies unfold in my own life, each time I get a reason to have faith, something happens that makes me question the existence of god.

  2. Win98 is obsolete.

    I happen to know that although its a common misunderstanding that MS 98 is obsolete hardware, it can compete with Windows XP easily. My Windows 98 is powerful enough to play High End Games that still support windows 98se, and with unofficial packs such as the KernelEX, Rev. Pack, Unofficial Windows 98se Service Pack 3.0, Autopatcher 98 and other software, 98 can become as or dare I say BETTER than Windows XP and Vista. My Computer can easily run XP smoothly but I choose not to because of the simplicity.


    And its nonsense when I read Google has better things to do than spend time making 98 friendly software, its not that hard and I'm sure they got the resources and money to pull it off, besides almost all of the software they offer is free, so what do they have to lose?

  3. Verizon has one of the fastest Mobile and WIFI network available plus they offer the widest coverage stretching all over the United States.The second one would be T-Mobile, the are good but since my sister uses them, she tells me that when she goes out of town they tend to drop the signal unexpectedly. The worst carrier you could ever sign up to would have to be AT&T. They have the slowest network, (takes a LONG time to download ring tones) and their customer support is mediocre, I advise you to stay away from them.I suggest you stay with Verizon, as long as you can afford the premium pricing, they offer the best service availble.

  4. I was just about to see the new things that google were cranking out when I realized that most of the softwares don't support Windows 98 SE anymore.My question is, why is it that google stopped supporting Windows 98? I mean, Google Toolbar can work perfectly fine is they wanted to make it compatible, are they somehow acting like the lapdog of Microsoft and forcing 98 users to move on?

  5. Google is THE best search engine because Google is one of the only engines that uses specific commands and key words to find what you are looking for, it has a relatively Gigantic Index and is very rare that Google won't find what you are looking for.


    Google has special commands like









    and lots more that customizes your query into a more manageable and specific size.


    Google also has a built in phone book index and serves as a four function calculator as well as a stock ticker, all by the things you search!

  6. Well as a Texan and as a DISD Senior (Glass of 08' go COUGARS!!!) I feel your pain because I realize what the system is doing to the disadvantaged folks. While there are Advanced Placement Classes, TAG, and Magnet Programs for the academically excelling students, the ones having trouble are left behind to the point where they have to be in a sheltered class when they should be preparing for SAT.Local, State, and Federal Education system is at fault here because of the "Rich become Richer while the Poor become poorer" effect.Think about this, the "No Child Left Behind Act" awards Education Grants for Schools and Districts that preform to the Federal Expectation, while if you don't meet the requirement you won't get as much grant as the school would need.My High School BA, has been an academically Low preforming schools for a while now and we just got out of it, but prior to that, due to the low TAKS test Exit Level exam scores, we were penalized by budget cuts, I mean for crying out loud we still use the same frickin' book back when the USSR still existed!While my school rots in the mess the federal government caused us, TEA finds it amusing to cut back on funds after school tutoring and activities funding which is funneled down and distributed to local districts, at which time the money transfer is severed so teachers can have the big fat paycheck while driving the jaguar to the school parking lot while the dude sitting next to me looks at me in silent intensity so I could save him from the torment the teachers have put him through by not teaching him the basics, so what do I do? I let him copy me, can you blame me though?-Pissed off Bryan Adams Class of 08' Senior-

  7. Lets just put this to rest. The following are my final thoughts on this topicL


    1)While Open source Ubuntu Offers a better community and developer support it still gives away its source code to hackers who can easily reverse engineer it


    2)Ubuntu and its cousin Os's are all great operating system for beginners and moderate computer users, otherwise, you will be having a lot of trouble when installing Microsoft Friendly softwares, unless you are willing to compromise for Linux Friendly Open source software.


    3)Dell giving put Ubuntu as a Pre-Installed option is great for us, but to them its just a big PR stunt to put them on the headlines, but who cares, Linux is on a Major PC Manufacturer Cool!


    And I am done....

  8. Look its not that I HATE Linux, I love it, heck I use Damn Small Linux almost everyday but its just not practical as a primary Operating System.



    but open source has become a community, where there appears to be more programmer's helping each other than destroying each other.

    Simply not true.


    There are thousands of forums,sites,blogs, and wiki's out there that offer the same level of support, my favorite being the MSFN(Microsoft Software Forum Network) which has no affiliation with Microsoft but still create OPEN Source programs like Revolutions Pack, Unofficial Service Pack for 9x/2000/XP as well as other programs.


    Just because MS is CLOSED source doesn't mean there isn't the same level, if not better support for the Operating System

  9. Internet Explorer 7

    The Internet Explorer 7 Is the greatest Browser From Microsoft I've Ever Seen


    It Has a tabbed browsing...


    And a great Layout...


    Plus the page zooming (You can zoom till 500%)...


    And So On.... :XD:



    Notice from Plenoptic:
    Edited download link and made it directly from Microsoft's website.

    OH Wow Tabbed Browsing? REALLY? and Page zooming? Great! oh wait, Firefox had all of those features(Probably can't zoom to 500% but why would you need to?) and more.


    IE 7 is good for a starter computer user, simple type in an address and boom comes the site, but as you progress more you realize IE is holding you back. Lets say you have a website on trap 17 and you need an FTP client, does IE have one? Nope.


    See, you can add an FTP client like FireFTP on Firefox as an extension. Unlike IE, since FF is opensource, outside developers can create customization for FF to fit your needs, from Themes, to blog manager, to chat client and bookmark manager. There are so many ways to transform Firefox to your liking, that I don't see Firefox as a browser anymore but a complete web navigation tool that can be packed with everything and anything


    IE, since its Closed Source, you can only add a few, if any, extensions that really aren't that great.


    Besides, its just now that IE is adding features to their browsers that Firefox had YEARS ago!

  10. having the source code available makes the operating system more secure

    I STRONGLY disagree with that. The same freedom that lets people modify a program to upgrade can also be used to maliciously and eailsy find holes in the system, and anyone who ignores that problem is making a big mistake.


    thousands of people are looking at it and checking for bugs and security vulnerabilities.

    While I agree that the more people contribute to secure a OS makes it a lot better than a few private developers doing a 300-man job,thousands more are figuring out a way to get in to the OS, this is one of the main disadvantages if Open source applications. Since their code is open to the public, there will always be someone, somewhere on earth that will do anything to compromise the integrity of the system, developers of Open source application would be forced to play a never ending cat and mouse game with hackers. One finds a hole in the security and plugs it up, while one opens a new hole, you close the door and they open a window. You create a solution while they create problems. Get what I mean? How would you stop that problem?


    You reply me a real useful and reasonable solution to that predicament and I will format my PC right now and install my Kubuntu.

  11. Look, all I'm saying is that its not practical, Mac's are good for quicktime 3d movies and editing and thats the only reason they use it, besides, MAC is a lot better contender than Linux, not just for the excessive advertising but for home use, Linux well, it doesn't belong in an office desk. As soon as Linux becomes popular hackers will make customized viruses for Linux only.And I don't know much about GNU Agreement but if you give out your source code of an operating system to the public, aren't you pretty much asking to be hacked into?Soon Linux would become like Microsoft, releasing a package and fix for every little vulnerabilities....You Tell Me, wouldn't THAT happen, its happening to Firefox

  12. There are perfect free replacements for all the software I commonly use on Windows, and often software to complete tasks that you simply can't find a good equivalent for.

    Yes, but as a college bound student, most of the real world depends on Windows compatible Software like Photoshop, and Dreamweaver, as a Student Intern for a computer programmer, he told me that most of his work is done in windows, because its much more easier to handle, and there is no learning curve to get over, windows is an established OS for the buiessness world and will not change in the near future.

    Linux systems are oriented for more Family Freindly Usability

  13. I agree, as a moderate Linux User, I have tried the Live CD of Ubuntu and Kubuntu and I must say both are a smooth running operating systems. Although Kubutnu would be my choice because of the less system requirements, both offer a great experience. I still have my doubts though, I had to try out all of my Graphic Cards I had until I had one that was compatibile, and as much as I hate to say it, Linux is not ready for everyday use, there are a lot of system incompatibilities, you can't run most of your programs,games, and other applications that you are used to and is unpractical except as a tool to back up your files in case of virus outbreak or other windows errors and also manage a PC that has no OS on the hard drive, thats all I use it for.Whats worse is that some distros only offer genuine support of only 6 months or soMaybe 10 or so years from now, it may be good enough for a permanent installation on my PC, look in the bright side, DELL had announced to sell Computers with Ubuntu Pre Installed, how Cool is that!

  14. There have always been, ever since I can remember telemarketing calls. They always call looking to solicit crap that no one would ever buy in their right mind. Even after repeated calls to cease and desist, they never listen. My question is, is their some type of hot line where I could call to add my home phone to a do not call list? :XD: And what do you do to combat against telemarketers, and their pre recorded calls....

  15. Since I have Windows 98, these are intended for people with the OS.



    1) Download Tweak UI and go to the paranoia tab and check all the boxes except the delete last network logon.


    2)While in TweakUI go to menu speed and set it to the left said(not all the way though)


    3)Delete all .log files in the /temp folder, as well the the Temporary internet Files/


    4)Use the Disk Defragmenter at least once a month even if you don't need it, run it when your computer sits idle or when you're away


    5)Go to you add remove windows components and uninstall any trash programs(i.e. themes,custom sounds,online services,Web TV and other Trash Microsoft stuffs in the OS)


    6)Delete any of your old unused software, check regularly for spyware[spybot recommended]



    7)Don't use Antivirus programs that take a lot of recourses, by that I mean instead of using Norton, use Kapersky or other light but powerful security tools.

  16. Before anyone points it out, I searched this forum for similar topics and couldn't find any, I checked the FAQ's and couldn't find any one of them that addresses my problem:I just installed joomla in a sub directory (public_html/Joomla) and I wanted to change some stuff so I went into my FTP program and connected to my account, I checked, doubled checked and triple checked all the public html/FTP/WWW folders and I couldn't find the joomla installation, the site come up fine in browser but I can't seem to find the directory of where it is located, the directory exists because I can see the site as I said before but it won't appear in my FTP Program, whats the deal?My Guess is that it is hidden somehow but how do I make it visible?

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