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Posts posted by nol

  1. Hello all! I am NolDesigns on Gunz, and introducing a clan, which has been up since june 22nd 2007, and asking if you want to join. You must must be at least level 5 on gunz, and must be pretty good. I am currently level 18, but that is on june 26th 2007, so i might be higher by the time you read this, visit our gunz page to see our levels




    its a small clan right now but meh :\ hope ya likes it! To join reply here, we only play on quest 2 server, and clan war 1, but we havent started clan wars yet, so please don't go there XD. You must try out, and to try out you must 1 on 1 one of the administrators/leaders of the clan. To do this just talk to them ingame or something or setup a time. They will accept you, or decline you, please reply here if you wish to try out, or just enjoy XD

  2. Some guys tend to think they need a girlfriend and always try to have one

    I 100% agree with that statement. I had 3 girlfriends in the past like 4 months, but I have always loved my ex, and I still do, even though I was the one that broke us up. The other 3 girls were just for me to feel loved, I just liked the feeling of kissing them, even though everytime I did, I was thinking of my other girlfriend, yet I went out with more girls just to have a girl to be with, and pretend that everything is ok. If I were you, I'd tell him you love him, and you really want to be with him, yet you don't want him to break up with his girlfriend because they look perfect together.

    I know thats what always gets my friends, they really like this other girl, but are going out with another girl, and a girl says this, they go all over this other girl (by over i mean "crushing" on them) So just tell him how you really feel, itll help, and if he never knows, itll just haunt you the rest of your life, and if he does, and he doesn't feel that he loves you more then his current girlfriend, well at least you tried right? And theres nothing better then that feeling of knowing you tried your best.

  3. 1. I swear to god ive seen those before, like on ifsz or support.invisionfree , where did i see those, im pretty sure i did2. Work on the gradient, text, and scanlines3. Too basic4. Text sucks, backround is plain5. Too plain, horrible filters6. Trying making it invisible backround, and have more of a backround7. Way too plain8. Backround is a little too basic9. Same as 8, are they just copies but altered saturation?10. Basic backroundsorry just had to be a honest :s I didn't really like any of them that much, but if I hadto choose it would be the 6th one, otherwise I don't really like, work on them and make them better.

  4. Lol here its so much different. If your rich here your shunned, your automatically considered prep. Lol, i just laughed cuz that makes me laugh, but then when you live in a really poor/ghetto-like region, it must change some things. Rarely you see 2 story houses, which is why i kinda hide the fact that i got on vacation to my vacation house which is 4 stories, (if you include the above ground pool room) so i don't get called a rich prep. But otherwise, money is stupid, but its what motivates people to get things done.

  5. More secure... HA thats funny I've been running Linux for about 1 year and a half on my computer, guess how many anti-viruses or spyware removers I have, none, On a clean installed windows copy the first thing I would automatically have to find anti-virus, spyware removal and I firewall, If you call secure having to watch over your shoulder every 2 seconds then I'm sorry for you. It's a shame they are trying to claim this but the sad thing is most people will belive them as they have little knowledge of what Linux is, let them have their fun I'll stick to Linux, the smart thing to do.

    TBH I think you have no clue what your talking about. I have windows vista, and I love it. I have not had 1 virus, or anything (trust me, i download A LOT) Expecially from non-secure sites. I have not had ANY problems yet, so idk what your talking about, its just what you choose to think :).

  6. This tutorial will help you, in starting your own character on runescape, and starting. It will also discuss the finer details of money making in runescape, which i have found to be the best. Comming from a level 91 (with almost 2-3 level 99 skills) runescape is not hard at all.

    1. Starting your first account
    2. Getting through your first days on your account
    3. Advanced Details
    4. Getting Money

    1. Starting your first account

    Creating your first account, is the hardest account to pull away from. If you first start it, make sure its good, make sure its a great name, because chances are, you'll hate the name a couple months later, and will be mad, because you got so much work on it, and you don't want to waste it. So make a great name. Next, once you get through tutorial island, you will come to the mainland. Once your on the mainland, you will need to think of a couple things. Here are some basic questions to ask yourself.

    Do you want to be a powerful melee based account?
    Do you wanna be a all around powerful account?
    Do you wanna be a powerful mage?
    Do you wanna be a powerful ranger?
    Do you wanna be a skiller?

    you must answer one of these questions, as this is the base of what you need. If you want to be a melee based account, you'll be a GREAT staker, and or pker, this is probably your best option, as its the quickest money maker, but also not so much money drainer. All you have to do is train attack to 40, ranged to the highest dhide your allowed to (if your free i beleive its 40) and you must keep your defence as low as possible, strength you must get to 99 (or basically, really high). Keep your strenght higher then your attack, and once you can use rune, don't train attack anymore. The best thing for you to use if your a strength pure, is iron, and dhide legs, this is best if you want to be powerful, however you won't hit high, but once you get to level 20 or so strength, you'll see your hitting higher then your normal combat level group.

    If you want to be a all around power full account, just train all your stats to 99. If you want to be a powerful mage, you are gonna be getting decent money, but probably will be losing money. You just basically train your mage only, same for ranger. If you want to be a skiller, don't train anything using attack, just train skills, that don't involve combat.

    2. Getting through your first days on your account

    This is probably gonna be your toughest days, being called a noob, a lot. Basically all you can do is just leave it alone, don't try fighitng back. Also if you can, I would train some major skills, if your not gonna be pking, some good skills such as mining/smithing, and rune crafting are great money makers. So good luck :)

    Advanced Details

    The easiest way to training melee, is killing monks, the easiest way to train mage is killing anything, while wearing melee armor, but dont pk in this! You must only train in this while using curse. Kill any npc you want. Train range same way as training melee.

    Crafting, smithing, mining, and rune crafting are the biggest f2p money makers, i suggest you use these to your advantage.

    Picking up pk friends while pking is a BAD idea. Expecially if they claim they want you in their group, if I were you, stick to your own pk group, which was formed frmo friends, or a clan. Best idea.

    While pking, it is wise to only use items easily obtainable by you, maybe items you can easily smith, or kill to get.

    Getting Money

    The best ways to get money, as stated above is crafting, smithing, and mining. Although these aren't too big money makers, once you get about 50k, you should be able to start merchanting. If your a member, money making is 10x easier. You can craft bow strings from flax in cammy, or you can rune craft bigger and better runes, you can merchant more items, and you can definatly fletch.

  7. Nobody can answer this question. Why? Nobody knows what you look like. Yes, granted most people like long hair, i have long hair, but it all depends on what you look like (well at least when it comes to your hair). Nobody can answer unless they have a better idea of what you look like. And even then it all comes down to is opinion.

  8. Great tutorial, actually I think that hashing should be made so you must have it on majoy corp sites, and business, just to make things easier, and less hackable. Its really a great improvement on what our internet society has come to. This tutorial is great,expecially because it in-depth shows us the steps. Great job, and hope you make mroe just like this :)

  9. ????????????????????????????????????







































    ?????????______ True ______?????????

    ?????????_____ Legends ____?????????




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    thats my clans :) lol... their pretty intresting, i think their hard, but w/e lol. They really look complicated, but ya...


    Notice from serverph:
    added tags. quote tags render ascii art better. also, we don't want it to unduly take advantage of the credits system, what will all the ascii characters on a single image. :)

  10. unless your mixing some *BLEEP*, alcohol's addiction is 100% mental. You think you need it, take soda for instance. When you drink it, you keep wanting more, because it tastes good, and then it becomes a habit. If you wanna give it up, the only thing is cut it off, have your girl do the shopping, and don't drink for the next like 10-12 months, after that, start drinknig, but only at parties, make it a special thing. Alcohol really has no chemicals in it to make you addicted, unless your trying to get that high feeling, which is mental. Just knock it.Unless your experimenting with things, and mixing stuff, then it shouldn't be hard to just drop it cold. Its not hard at all, ive done it on and off befored, its totally a mental thing, and when you can control that, then you'll haveabetter life, because it doesn't just work for that, it works for desire, greed, and jealousy, and it all starts by the basics. If you can get over this, you will get over the fact that your life isn't perfect, and you'll live in a more enjoyable enviornment. Worked for me.

  11. It seems very un-likely. At least when it comes to actually thinking about it, when you get down to the technality, it seems actually very possible. But most people don't want it to happen, so they beleive it never will. Bassically, it probably will someday. I doubt that it will happen anytime soon. Maybe in the next 10 years, it will start to have problems, but if the internet goes down, do you know how much terror that could happen?Probably many security breeches, much theft, your whole life information, floating around in cyber space. That could really be bad. So I bet the ISPs are trying to keep it so this doesn't happen.

  12. 1.3 Million is a lot of money. Expecially when you think about the fact that a decent car pre-owned is what, 10 grand? Maybe less, your walking around, with 1.3 Million dollar equptment, of course you can't crash it like a car, but its harder to show off don't you think? Wouldn't you rather show off a nice new car? A really sexy car? At least I would, expecially at 1.3. Heck at .1 million I would get a car. It would be better then getting a cell phone, and my uncle owns a cell phone store, for cingular, so thats a big thing. $500-$1,000 is all id spend on a phone at max. Maybe $100, but nothing lower, nothing too high. 1.3 is Way too high, im sure its good, but its probably, my bets is its a 5$ phone, with tons of gems added on to make it worth 1.3. It probably has nothing a RazR does, or anything like that.Therefore this phone would be a pointlses object.

  13. <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">var pass, i;pass=prompt("Please enter password!","");if (pass=="null") {window.location.href="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/"+pass+".html";i=4;




    alert ("haha, you made it here, but can't go farther!");



    change whats in bold to your url, change the .html to .php if thats what the page you want it to go to is in .php, what it does is, if somebody types "acorn" it will redirect that person to "yoursite.trap17.com/acorn.php" ive only tested this in firefox, so idk if it works with any other browser
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