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Posts posted by nol

  1. Are you positive? Because I've seen tons of commercials for it and etc. It looks quite good actually. Not a huge fan of halo1 but I loved halo2. The story line gets old, but its pvp is awesome. Love sticking people. Anyways I also heard it was gonna be out in November. Where did you hear that microsoft wasnt even thinking about doing this?And I'm pretty sure many people bought xbox360 for 2 purposes. Call of duty, and halo 3. At least thats why I did. If halo 3 is awesome, then it will be all worth it. Simple as that. Microsoft will lose A LOT of cash, and sony will take the lead if they don't release halo 3.

  2. Hey tramposch!I know ya lol :). Even though I joined here before him, he's the one that told me about this place. So I would have never been here if it wasn't for that kid right up there lol. I think you should show us some of your amazing designs. (He thinks he sucks but hes AMAZING)

  3. I don't think any are necisary, but there kinda fun actually lol. I never knew they did that, thats really intresting. I don't even know anybody who uses that..How many other languages do they have? It's pretty intresting though, even if they aren't real languages. Shows what google has time for :). When their not coding in new websites, their creating new languages lol. Do they have one for the txt talk or w/e? like with abreviations? That would be pretty cool!

  4. On what connection speeds did they test it on though, and how many times did they test it? I would like to know if they tested it on DSL/Cable/T3/T1, etc; or just averaged them all out. I just did a search on the same thing on Google and Yahoo and Google was 0.02 seconds faster for me and on another search it was 0.05 seconds faster. I mean this really varies by day of the week, time of day, if school is in and what not as well.

    im sure it also depends on what your searching for, how many things come up. Because im sure google adds about like 100 different sites to their database a day, if not even that. Yahoo probably paid tons of cash for people to make this up. Google is just more convienient. I mean, https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl, bam its there, yahoo takes longer to get to. And I think google is just more popular, and recognized.

  5. I choose cingular, only cuz I work for them, but it all depends on where you live, like my sister lives in iowa, she uses sprint, sprint works up there, and cingular doesn't really. Cingular usually has bars all the time though. And it is so much easier to text, like you don't even notice it unless ur a bigger texter then talker, but there is a difference. Cingular is for people who can text fast, at least most of their phones.To be honest though, I really want that iPhone though, it looks really cool! Like amazingly cool, but im kinda mad cuz they said they were releasing it during christmas(it was announced it was gonna eventually be released) and that was like 5 days after i bought my ipod. So I kinda got screwed over there. Oh well, im debating wether to buy it or not when it comes out, i heard it was gonna be like 500 dollars or so, which is crazy high for a phone.

  6. Well, my site is a Runescape Private server. I am looking to grow bigger, we have reached about 50 members or so, in the past month. Which is pretty good. We have a site, but are looking for a better host (our old host fell too much) so we will have a lot of advertising space. Our members are pretty active, and we have a game, well runescape private server, which currently hosts over 200 character files, and growing by at least 15 each day. The "Banner" needs to be about 500x500 (ill check again in a bit) so it fits the advert box. It will be on a rotating banner, but it will stay up there as long as ours stays up on yours. Our banner doesn't need to be 500x500, but we prefer in the area of 400x100, or so. Which is a really good deal, as your banner will be shown at almost every update, which is about 4-6 times a week, plus it will be left up there, and it will be in the news archive.I also have another growing site, well I am re-opening it, but I will need banner exchanges here, although I will only want like 1-2 here, since theres about 136+ members that have registered, it will benifit your community a lotThe link to the first one is http://www.enrit.co.nr/
    the link to the second one is http://www.forumbuilders.co.nr/
    please email me if you have any questions, or just simply post here :)realfbplaya@gmail.com

  7. Hello everyone,Whats up? I'm here to join a new community, which I thought at least, saw some graphics things, which i am very intrested in. I also do a lot of java/php coding. So I am looking for a really good free host, which looks like this one. I hope to stay pretty active here. I used to have a IPB forum myself, but it fell awhile ago after I just didn't want to do graphics anymore. Now after the past like 2 weeks or so, I have been re-assured of my love for graphics. Tramposch and I are working on re-building my forum which has about 130+ members on it.I have another forum thats just reaching its peak, with about 50 or so members on it. Its a runescape private server (coded in java), and its a great start, probably one of my faster growing communities. Tramposch is like one of my best friends, we are on a lot of forums together, and he helps me code etc. I am 16, and work for my uncle at his restraunt, and also work for cingular on weekdays. I'm almost out of school, I play american football, quarterback. I enjoy rap/hip-hop and SOME rock. I used to have a sweet car but it got totalled about 2 months ago. Kinda embarrassing how. (rear-ended by a garbage truck) so ya :)

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