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Posts posted by moonwitch

  1. Let me explain this to EVERYONE. There's no need whatsoever to alert the admins in this case, because it is not within their power.This is not an issue that lies with Xisto, but with the DNS servers all over the world. It can take up to 48 or more hours to have your website visible there. And also not all DNS servers work with class D URLs. Every website has an IP, let's say 123.465.789 as example. To memorize websites like that will be a real hassle and next to impossible. So we use alpha-numerical values (letters LOL). Those DNS servers are what allows us to use the name instead of the IP. But we do not control those. Give it some time and it will be sorted. If it is not, please post again, then it's possible your ISP (whose DNS servers you normally use) can't handle Class D.

  2. Well, the Ubuntu FOrums use vBulletin, where we use IPB2.04 if I am not mistaken. Currently I am working on a few skins for IPB, but all but one is still in testing phaze. I have put the graphic projects on hold for the time being since in a few days I will have a brand new comp that works over 10 times faster than this one (compare PII 333MHz and AMD Athlon64 3400... 256MB and 1024MB RAM).. However, I would LOVE suggestions, or links to examples, themes you like etc. Please don't just post a link, but really do tell me what exactly you like, or what style. While I can't incorporate all suggestions, I will definately listen and do my best to make a few nice skins. But I am only learning about skinning IPB2, so for me skinning is still very time consuming.Eg. For some reason when I delete the COMMENTS in the CSS file, it DOES alter the look :unsure: which is something I have never seen before. The CSS file itself is usually 1000 lines of code or more. The graphics and colors need to be adjusted (colors adjusted, graphics made). Then tested and more editting. :D Anyhow I am sure you get the idea. I wouldn't shoot you for not liking a skin, in fact I encourage suggestions, comments etc. :D

  3. the person I hate most, is part of the reason of my existence. While I still love him. which is normal since blood goes deeper than water... my dad..I can't even begin to explain why or how.. He did just about anything that a dad can do wrong to a daughter (or son for that matter). I lost my innocence, my child within, my self-respect... my will to live at some point even. He left me with a natural distrust in men, scarred for life and he still stalks me and mom. The other person I hate is myself, I am my own worst enemy. I have tried to kill myself, I still fight the urges to hurt myself (SI), I talk myself down often... Sometimes I am ok and feel good, sometimes I dont. But that's life.. I suppose everyone has their own "issue".

  4. The BW for the second packe is 5GB a month, I don't know if it's the same for the starter package since I've never had it.. sorry. If you mean that you want to create a second account to get hosting for a second account, the answer is no. One account per member, if you try it, we will find out and you'll lose both accounts.

  5. Hey St Mike,Well, bandwidth is alloted per month. Which is nice, if it was for the entire account duration, I'd be out already on asta :rolleyes: If you want some more BW I think you have to switch to paid hosting. My best guess, talk to OpaQue about this one..

  6. Tyssen,Obviously there is a need for moderators here or we wouldn't be here. Ok, given I am not here that often and I have just returned from a vacation. But the point is, this is a forum, yes. But it's also a company. Imagine let's say Microsoft without any manager, CEO or whomever had an "in charge" job. It would be total chaos since there are services provided. Forums that have no rating, no services in return for posts, will do ok without admins or moderators, but in this case that's next to impossible. Even though our "crew" is far from small, it's almost undoable to read every single post. Here's how I stumble upon no no posts. I read ALL unread posts when I get online, moderate where I have to, but before I step to the warning center, I go and check all (or most) posts made by a member. If I see broken rules, I will also act upon those posts. The same goes for members who ask for hosting, they're posts get checked. Even by me, a simple moderator. Since the rule specifies that when requesting hosting you need credits. So a hosting request and I don't see posts, I just deny the hosting instantly and save the admins some work. It seems simple and easy, but it's a very time consuming task. But I do enjoy being a moderator, the knowledge that I just made it fair for those that do follow rules, makes my happy. Even though it sometimes means making a hard decision. The way I see this, snildude did an excellent job, it's how it's supposed to go. Nothing more to it. Also the fact that the banner states "Best free hosting".... which company will say "we're not the best, but hey choose us"... It's the basic marketing issue...

  7. Ok, first of all, next time please use thumbnails or off site links, this takes ages to load even on dsl.And uhm... I hate to sound nasty, but you made her look like a prostitute (it's a dutch expression) ... the bright red is not done equally, and it's overkill, so is the eye shadow. I am a girl, I can comment on make-up :PTry using a brownish pink or so as lipstick.. Also eye shadow.. You made the eyes green from brown, it's hard to make that one work. And then used blue eyeshadow... too bright blue.. no no in make up too. Stick to shades complementing the eye color. Brown eyes - warm earth tones, or sandy tones, soft pink may work. Blue is NOT ok with brown eyes (or green)Edit : spelling error

  8. Now, I'll give you a quickie in Unix :PSee where you went wrong is you installed stuff in a HIDDEN folder (folders preceded by a .) Let's say you installed geeklog in a seperate directory in your public_html, then THIS would be your correct path.

    Whatever you want to put on a site HAS TO go into
    Whatever you do, do NOT touch the .folder (any folder with a . in front of it), 99% of those folders, if not all, are needed to have your account work decently. If you have sufficient knowledge of UNIX and servers, then you can try it, but I suggest before trying to back up the ENTIRE
    which in your case is
    Just download it with an FTP client to a folder on your computer and zip it.So unless Nils or OpaQue can fix it, your account needs to be reset, because Fantastico will no longer work ok.

  9. I don't see how ones sexual preference should dictate what you can and can not do. If you love each other, you want to be close, you just want the world to you and your loved one. So why shouldn't that be allowed? I never understood this, I probably never will understand. Does loving someone of the same sexe (gender) is less valuable or less equal or less important? It's love... no matter what.. It actually angers me that a government takes the right to "dictate" someone's private life (ok I am NOT refering to illegal and criminal stuff .. but homosexuality, bisexuality is not criminal, not illegal - and I am only talking about consentual relationships here).

  10. /.fantasticodata/Geeklog/


    That's the path to the install data. Normally your geeklog should be something like


    In this one, geeklog represents the folder where all your files are. But it shouldn't be with a . in front of it.


    SInce these are Unix servers, a . means a hidden folder, which is probably WHY your install.php can't be found. When I come to think about it, .fantasticodata is probably where the INSTALLERS of Fantastico are and not your actual geeklog folder.

  11. Ok this will sound more cliche than ever... but Becca that so sucks... I visit your site from time to time, it actually inspired me to try a more css approach :D The only thing I dislike about your layout (the temp dirt one and the previous one) is that it only fills half of my browser... But nonetheless I'd hate for that to happen to anything I do, so yeah... I mean, judging from your graphics, your pixel art and all, you spend DAYS working on a lay out and to then have some *insert a beep here* rip it, is just beyond ...pffft, I think your site rocks nonetheless.

  12. Well, I have MYST and Exile. Sadly I didn't get Riven. I admit it, it's not an easy game. I first played Myst at a friends place. I was hooked. I do HIGHLY recommend to take notes when playing. Some puzzles require you to remember something from somewhere else and don't let you go back there. Also the order in which you do things is very important. Personally I thought Myst was nicer than Exile, but that's because in Myst I got way further in 2 wks than in Exile (still haven't finished it)

  13. At some point in this thread I saw someone say that thise pedophiles are worse than normal criminals... I agree, I would even go to the extent of saying that they're less than animals. Even a one celled organism is more.... I used to know a prison guard. He told me that sex offenders, child molesters etc have to be kept seperate from the other inmates. No matter what crime the other prisoners commited, they have this unspoken code amongst them. They do kill offenders who did something with children. They beat them to death, they kill em in cruel ways. Sometimes they don't even get extra time for doing that. There's this big case that went on in Belgium some time ago, Dutroux. He had kidnapped and ra**d kids. He locked them away in a specially built cell in his cellar. While he was in jail (during the investigation) his wife had to feed the children, she claims now she was scared (WTF?? what about the children then???) and basically let those children starve to death. I swear, they day they let that (insert serious insult/curse word here) out, half (or entire) Belgium will be waiting, and stone him to death. I swear, I'll be one of those people.... Still makes my blood boil! Ok. I'll hush now before I start to toss ugly word into this window (yeah, there's very little anger management within me LOL)

  14. Disorder | RatingParanoid: HighSchizoid: ModerateSchizotypal: Very HighAntisocial: HighBorderline: Very HighHistrionic: Very HighNarcissistic: HighAvoidant: Very HighDependent: HighObsessive-Compulsive: HighNow I have a few comments LOL I did answer the test to truth, not to shock. Depending on where I am in the mood swing, the answers will differ.I know I am paranoid, LOL, it's part of my actual personality disorder (assessed by a psychiatrist LOL)... The high score on schizotypical stems from my religious beliefs, so it's not accurate. Obviously Borderline is very high, since that's the actual disorder I have LOL)OC... oh yeah, sadly... I have the tendency to wash my hands about 120 times a day :(So do I scare you all??? *insert evil grin*

  15. For me it also depends on the topic I post on, and on which server :( I tend to get more here than on Xisto. Mainly because on Xisto I have over 220 posts on my name, and over 190 credits. Thus I gain less credits per post (if I compare an Xisto post to a Xisto post I made OF THE SAME LENGTH) on Xisto than I do here. However, it strongely depends on the lenght of post as Nils said :D I actually don't pay attention to it much anymore. My goal was to get to 200 credits on Xisto. In a day or so I will get there, then I reset my goal to a year :( I make it a contest to myself. I have to admit, I do NOT post unles I have something to contribute or really want to have a say about it. This is actually a bad poll sorta, because it really does depend on how much credits you have already, how much posts you have, what your level of english is (I think the script also checks for repeating words, but I am not sure, if this is not the case that the level of english doesn't matter :()

  16. OK, I am going to reply here and will try my best to absolutely not swear and use foul language. I still can't type the r-word, sorry, but I am sure that with the topic title, you all know what the r-word is. Ok? First and foremost, r*pe to anyone, male, female, adult or child is wrong. No matter what the heck the perp says or thinks. In this topic, it's some twat who did this to a very young girl. Those perps should be put in a tub of acid, that slowly burns away their skin, set on fire, but made sure that they DO NOT die. I can not even think about enough painful things to do to a r*pist or molestor. The rest of ideas I will not put forth here, don't wanna give the wrong example here and use "adult" language.Now I will explain WHY I said that. My dad is such a perp, it doesn't matter who does it, even though if it is one of your close family members it scars your trust in mankind because your close relatives as child make up your safety net. It doesn't matter how old you are, the scars and hurt are the same. Even if you're young enough to not realize what happened, you will realize in due time. And then you get the blow from it.Happened to me from about 4 or 5 upto 16. Almost every night I have nightmares, I can't stand anyone standing behind me. If some guy is nice to me, I naturally assume they want something in return. I even tried to kill myself because of it. It will never leave me... I'll always carry it with me for th rest of my life. As far as what I would do if someone would try to do that to my baby sister (she's 4), I would kill them. I don't care if I'd go to jail or fry for that matter, but they'd die. I swear.. I tried for years to understand why it happened. I can't understand or grasp. Because even though I have Borderline (which is a mental disorder - most likely it manifested itself because of the abuse), I am not so very sick as my dad is. I don't hate him, for the record. I don't feel about him at all. PS please don't start going.. oh poor you and all that... I kinda hate it.

  17. The warning system is actually there for moderators and admins. If there's a member with 20% warning, you can click on the warning percentage (it's a link) and you see a popup window saying why that member was warned -_-It is just a system to aid mods and admins to keep track of which action was taken for which "crime". For example, we find a member spamming. Thus our normal action involves "warning" them member, which means we click on the red button which increases the warning level of that spamming member. Then we enter the reason for warning (which can be seen by other mods and admins - I am not sure about non mods/admins though). While warning we also send out a pm to the person in question, saying why we warned. It's not so that on 100% you will have your account terminated, but in a lot of cases it is. Usually if it's about spammers and repeated offenders even after a pm, warnings, then after a warning or 3 that account will be suspended. It actually greatly depends on why the warnings were given. While warning a member mods can also remove the rights to post (for a certain amount of time or permanently). So... to conclude, the warning system is a key element in the job mods and admins do :D an essential tool :D

  18. Hey Robot... I am from Belgium as well, we even have the same ISP :D

    Anyhow, on topic.
    Alchemy is not just some tale, it's a religion. Alchemy is not dead -_- It's very active still, in a select group of the Pagan Community :D It's not about discovering gold, it's a way of life. Alchemy is also very ceremonial, like Hermetics :D

    It's not the fancy Harry Potter magic, but true majick, the majick that stems from within yourself. It's about a microcosmos and the macrocosmos. Big and small.... Anyhow, since I have not had the honour of studying alchemy I may not be the ideal person to explain. BUt I can share my links I have on the subject :D

    Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry
    Alchemy Website
    Levity - site with good general info on alt religions
    Alchemy Lab

  19. Aaah music...*sits down and beckons all to join her in the circle around the bonfires*Since I am *only* 21, this may sound odd LOL.. I mainly listen to music from the late 70's, 80's and early 90's. My prefered groups are Fleetwood Mac, Europe, Whitesnake, oh and so many more that I just can't list here. Depending on my mood I switch music, for example, I also love HIM, Evanescence, Within Temptation, Inkubus Sukkubus, My DYing Bride, Cr?xshadows.. For mellow, relaxing moments Loreena McKennit plays through my speakers, or Zen Garden... It all depends..I only hate a few types of music, rap, polka, and a few more LOL I can easily listen to classical, opera, instrumental. It just really depends on my mood. If I jump to the depressed side, I am most likely to be listening to Cr?xshadows and My Dying Bride, even though I can listen to that music while feeling ok LOL BUt when I am down, it's all I listen to.

  20. Could a .co.nr domain be used here?

    Anyway there offline for a month but i really want one so...



    If that's a redirect service such as uni.cc or no-ip.com then you don't have to set up there. Then it's all in the account manager of that service.


    This tutorial only applies if you had a subdomain from Xisto (eg testuser.trap17.com) and have purchased a domain through a recognized registrar.

  21. I have the Logitech MX1000 -_- Cost me a lot of money (considering I got the laptop I use for free LOL) But I did find it to move SOO smooth. It does take some getting used to, I constantly had to "search" for my mouse pointer LOL, but once you're used to it, you will not wanna go back to something else :D The mouse is extremely comfortable in my hand, combined with very smooth movement (it really does slide over my mousepad, which is a hard plastic one with a gell wrist rest), the battery is handy, I just put it in its craddle when I stop putering and it's all fine :D Yep, I do recommend it. And as Logitech said/promised it is more accurate than an optical one (well that's my opinion). The reason I wanted cordless is because I was tired of the wire clutter.

  22. I wrote this tutorial for Xisto, but I thought I'd add it here too :D


    In case you've just created your account, the DNS servers will not be updated, thus you will have to use the IP to get to cPanel. This info is available in your account info (which you should have saved B))


    I did change the nameservers in the quote, as obviously in the original post they were pointing to Xisto's nameservers.

  23. Thought so but why is the welcome page still coming up when it shouldnt exist?


    Hi munchie (I thought saying hi would be nice :))


    Anyways, just delete the index.html file in your public_html folder. And have your files uploaded, that's all you have to do. Just don't touch the permission of the public_html folder and whatever you do, don't touch the www link. Mainly because when you change that shortcut, your account can end up messed up. :lol: (Believe me, I once did that on my old school server and basically trashed their website LOL)

  24. Well, I see two folks beat me to it :)

    Anyhow, to prevent things like this in the future, make sure you select RELATIVE links and not ABSOLUTE... OR do the coding in a different WYSIWYG editor. (WYSIWYG = What You See Is What You Get). My suggestion for this is a freebie called 1rst Page 2000. You can download it here. It will generate better pages, as Frontpage tends to mess up most pages. Believe me, you're better off looking at other editors. When you think you're ready for the leap into code, notepad is your friend :lol:

    Frontpage also creates sluggish pages because of a bad coding style.

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