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Posts posted by moonwitch

  1. Well, I have Opera, IE, FireFox, Netscape and Mozilla installed.

    I USE Firefox, the other browsers but IE are there to test sites in.

    Mozilla, Firefox and Netscape use practically the same engine the Gecko engine. Netscape still is quirky about some CSS, but mostly it's all good.

    IE doesn't even support CSS1 fully, and even their latest piece of junk (pardon my stab at MS there, but they kept on announcing full CSS support and png alpha transperancy in IE7 and they only fixed 2 or 3 CSS bugs - so not even CSS1 is supported fully) which means that we still have to use box model hacks, and weird solutions for what works fine in FF.

    I am not even touching the topic of security yet, but the CSS, which seriously simplifies a webdesigners work, DOESNT even work in IE as it should. Just check out http://meyerweb.com/eric/css/edge/ in IE and then give it a go in Mozilla or Firefox. THAT is CSS2.

    Security : I used to have soooo many virusses, and after going to FF I do fine, I had 3 in 2 yrs. Of course not using Outlook Express and MS outlook does help :D But honestly, way less pop ups (if you trully wanna test it, just surf to a pr0n site with FF and look maybe one BLANK pop up, but nothing offensive -other then the site itself- and then try it in IE, have fun closing your 50 popups).

  2. And THAT is the render, I didn't change the render itself :DBut Buffalo, on the personality you're right, I can't not put some emotion or something of myself into these things, never have been able to just "do".That's why I normally fail in writing assignments about a set topic if it doesn't interest me. I am good at writing, if I take my time for it, but I need to have some feel with the topic :(

  3. 1. Since the total displacement is 20m in 5 seconds, that would make the velocity 4m/s, (and velocity should be expressed in km/hr here so 14.4km/hr)2. Average speed over 5 seconds is impossible to calculate, too little info to do it accurately. Over the total distance, -3m/s. (the object slows down or thurned around to return on it's previous path) so in km/hr -10.8km/hr3. The object travels 30m in total, in 5 s. So 30m/5s = 6m/s or 21.6km/hrOK I got tired of it LOL Physics is not my best course, especially not kinematics. Warmth is nicer :D

  4. I may start a flame war for this, but uhm, seperation of church and state... It may have been law, it may have worked... But thanks to Bush the two are now once again walking hand in hand. eg. anti abortion law : because God says it's wrong?At some point the world will once again be like the Medieval Times (and I'll be burnt on the stakes...)

  5. Well, this may be a surprise, to me it was not. I have a legit copy on WIn XP Pro that came with my new computer, I have the serial and all that. THe original box and whatnot. (bloody expensive too) and when I went to download MS Antispyware (which was a bad call btw) I figured to just try for the faster download and let it check whether or not my product was legit. Guess.... the program told me I have a pirate version. Yet THEIR certificate, which is glued on the cd case is genuine, THEIR cd has those holograms and all them whistles... :D So what they are saying is.. Even though I paid some big cash for XP PRO I can pay it again to fix stupid security holes THEY allow in their software... Good job in ripping off students Billybob Gates

  6. See, Johnny has "rules" to make sigs, Mike has those, I think most follow some set of rules in sigging. I don't.


    I just get a feeling and cling onto it (don't talk to me when it's a blackish feeling really, I've done BAD things in that mood) Then I chose a color to fit the mood, which at the moment is purplish. ANd then I go about chosing a render or a attention seeker for the foreground.


    So whatever is produced in PS (or a site for that matter) stems from my emotions, I need them to live off really. I can make a crying woman look sexy if the mood is right LOL (I think this is a good side of borderline and bipolar :))


    Like this today...


    Posted Image

  7. This is not a failproof solution, but I heard it does work, I tried it at one time BUT because I used external CSS it didn't work (the program creates inline css and I ended up with conflicts etc etc so I gave up after finding out that a lot of webbies had similar issues)Google for WEFT (it's an MS product that only uses the letters you use of a certain font, and then creates an OEF or EOF file so that visitors of your site can see the font, without having it installed on the pc - but like I said it's not fail proof)

  8. Now I would appreciate comments and the whole bells and whistles :)


    Just finished it and yes, Mike, it's with a render I got from you. I'ts been ages since I did a sig. LOL Back in the days we called them tags.


    Anyhow, without further delay I present to you ..... Despair


    Posted Image


    I would like to thank Ludwig Von and his Bagatelle in A Minor for company, Johnny for the comments in MSN about the font (I know you were right, just couldn't pin point which font would look better)


    PS. I first had the render blended with brushes, but decided the darker look was nicer.

  9. First of all : comments.Mike's siggie : I like it a lot, but find the text somewhat unclear, it is clear to reead, but not that obvious, so it can get better there. Also I am not a big fan of the partial diagonals behind the name.Phyre's siggie : Again I like it, but the slate like lines are odd. I would have let the render jet thing go over them partially (in the half of the Jet I'd have deleted the diagonal lines). Phyre's render is better blended in than Mike's. But despite the closeness of both siggies, I vote for St Mike.St Mike 2Phyre 0LilDude was faster than me LOL so had to edit

  10. It's not really doable. Hosting games on Xisto servers would use up all the servers resources (CPU etc). For that reason alone, it's not happening, game hosting is totally different than web hosting. PS. Our servers run linux in commandline, so I don't know how Never Winter Nights would work out on Linux. I don't know much about game hosting. If it would have been ok, I would have been running a MUD on my hosting LOL.

  11. Well I believe this thread has been made her before. I replied there. I am bisexual. Is that wrong? To me, no. TO others, perhaps. Some will feel it is perfectly ok, some will not. That's how human minds work. I don't see any reason to go about trying to have homosexuals deny what they feel, the gods only know how many killed themselves because they had to live against their feelings, how many are depressed etc. Is that right then?Is it right, that people get fired of their jobs, get shunned by societies, get assaulted on the streets, get beaten up for who they love? No, I feel that is wrong. icemarle,So you'"re saying that only those who'se bodies are "designed" for each other can be to together, that the rest is wrong. Well, how about the sizes of parts of the human body, they are not always compatible. Or the creation of new breeds of cats or dogs. That's having breeds reporduce with another breed. Yes, a cat and dog can not have babies, but the CAN fall in love. And homosexuality has very little to do with the longing to have babies (yes, it does happen), it has to do with falling in love.

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