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Everything posted by Ao)K-General

  1. If anyone is good with game coding I would like some help. I need some one to code a game for me. Me and my friends could do the rest. I will get you waht you need. And you could put yourself in the credits. I would also wanna be able to add myself and my friends. I would really like the help. if you want more information you can talk to me on aim: generalds2001 I would really like the help.
  2. DBZ Budokai 3 is cool except for stuff like no cut scenes. You go through Dragon Universe and all you get is the picture of the person with a bubble. And when there is a fight that you don't do, they just disappear and you hear fighting and than they appear again. It is really stupid how they do that. They shoulda kepted the cut scenes. But otherwise it was fine. I am trying for Omega Shenron. Its cool.
  3. Once I can finally get an elemental set and I get both my academy crew and regular crew to about 200 members I will ask the staff if they can make the max number of people in a crew to be 500 instead of 200. People are getting to that point so fast. Before some of the updates I think the maximum player cap for crews was 1000. It is stupid. But still fun.
  4. Do you got elemental or better? And can you help me get elemental? I seriously need it. Being attack a lot and I keep losing money and all my other stuff. Elemetal would mean not getting killed all the time and being able to let my self go a day or 2 and not lose 99% of what I have.
  5. OutWars Staff is now a lot of bull. This is what some1 wrote about OutWar because it ain't being fixed: Stop deleting my posts/description otherwise you only prove me right and you cant handle the truth. For a business its PATHETIC. Its true what they say Ow Staff care more about making $$ then they do about there players. Now isnt that just DISGUSTING. You know I REALLY love this game, its fun, its a challenge an u get 2 meet some GREAT people.Ow Staf cares more about there $ then they do there players and there players is what makes there $ I see myself being suspended or deleted,and in essence that only proves my point OW STAFF DONT GIVE A SH.IT ABOUT U ONLY YOUR $ Prove me wrong Staff,FIX UR GAME.Ill just await my suspention now.Crew u have all been great 2 me and I think ur all gr8t, but I cant handle STUPID people I think there annoying.I really want 2 stay but I think Ow will get rid of me after this 1 No DONT ask 4 my items my items go down with me, I worked WAY 2 hard 4 everything I own. PEACE CREW read TRADEBLOCK message for MORE info here is the rest: Notice from darkmeca: Please quote any text that is from another source other than you and please if instead of double posting just "report" the post with the report link so that a moderator can alter it to how it should be. This is your first warning.
  6. Join outwar today. A great internet game that is free and you don't have to buy it. Just click the link and join from there. If you need a crew you can join the one I am in. We are going to grow strong and beat all. Our crew will get people cobalt and gangland as soon as we can. Join fast. Just click my link here!
  7. Looking for clan members. An almost dead clan. Trying to keep it alive. Looking for people who will be active. Good ranks. Site is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Only for Battle.Net and OutWar people currently.
  8. I am trying to do the cash hack thing and dunno how to or where to find the add currency thingy.
  9. How do I add some of the hacks and add games and so on?
  10. I currently play the Alto Saxophone. It is very cool. But I don't practice enough so my parents threaten to take me out of band. I dun wanna go to Choir or Music Tech. If I get better and practice enough I wanna switch to the Soprano Saxophone. It would be cool. And I would be the only one in my grade playing it. Only 1 person plays Baritone Sax and 1 or 2 people that play the second lowest sounding Sax. Bad memory= forgetting an instrument name. lol
  11. Did you make the games on your site? If so they are pretty good. I dunno how to make even the crappiest game. Do you think I could get atleast one of those for my site?
  12. What is the kNews. And can some one help me find a place where I can find a game like the Army System game that would be able to be added to phpbb forums. The game would help get people to join the clan. Trivia bots work well but I can't get one to work so it would be nice to have a game on the forums and/or my regular site. If anyone could help me on that it would be nice. If you could figure out how to add a game to my site it is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I would really like to have a game or 2 on my site(s) And can some one tell me how to add subforums? Would really appreciate it.
  13. I was just wondering if it is possible.
  14. Lets say you and a friend sign up. You got hosting and than had to go inactive. Would you be able to have your friend do posting still and keep the hosting active? Cause I would really like that if you did.
  15. Ya cause that code they put in doesn't work. And I really want my hosting back to I can work.
  16. I have over 7 hosting credits and have waited about an hour. Nothing happened. It ain't back yet.
  17. Its nice but I would like a registration that the Admin can either let them join or not. Cause it would be used for the UCA for joining it as a member. Does anyone know one that is shorter and won't add them till the Admin or some one else at a high enough rank accepts or declines them. Can you please help me here?
  18. I ain't really a PHP Programmer but I am trying to create my own site. I haven't worked on it in awhile cause of my short attention span. Does anyone know where a good place would be to type up PHP scripts and be able to look at em? It would be nice to know. And does anyone know where I can learn PHP in a day or 2 here at home for free? I would really like to know those things.
  19. Is anyone ever going to reply to this post? I am still waiting for my answer and all. Is anyone gonna help me?
  20. Ya. 7 would be better. As long as it isn't too high to get unsuspended. I will go crazy if I am still suspended while having about 8 or 9 hosting credits. lol
  21. Paint Shop Pro works with making simple banners. I used it to make an easy banner. Its fun and easy.
  22. I just really want my hosting back so I can get back to work.
  23. My account still hasn't been unsuspended yet and i have above 4 hosting credits and have waited an hour after I got them back to above 4. Can you please help me? I really want to get back to work on my site. Can you please get it back up?
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