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Everything posted by Orca239

  1. @lonebyrd: I agree with your statement about if drugs come into a child's life early, then they are more likely to say "yes" and continue later on; but I don't agree completely with the whole peer pressure deal. I may just be different from most people or something, but I've never had any pressure at all with things like that, and I can't really see how most people would let themselves be pushed into it so easily for no reason (high school senior here, btw). Like I said, I might just be different, lol.
  2. Internet Explorer does, and has, supported favicons. I have used them for a while now and have always been able to see them. If you cannot see them it is probably because of something like your browser has it registered as not having one on that site. It took my Internet Explorer browser a little while to recognize that my site had a favicon when I uploaded one. Try deleting your cache or something and see if it will show up then.
  3. I agree that a person's surroundings and environment greatly affect things such as if they will smoke or do drugs or drink, etc. But it's still a choice someone made. There are probably some instances where people were forced to (for what reason I can't think of) smoke or do drugs or dring, but I really highly doubt that is what makes up even a medium percentage of the people who do it and are addicted.Also, the comment about seeing your friends smoke or whatever, the choice was also made to "be friends" with those people. Don't take this in the wrong way, I'm not saying people who smoke are bad, that's definatly not the case. But there are some people who would try to get other people to smoke for really no reason or just because they do it. Those aren't the kind of people I would want to be around really...
  4. I know, to think that we're so small in such an empty seeming place so huge! x_x; It's confuzzling! But nature always amazes me at how beautiful and artistic it is, and how it changes so much and how those changes make for new art! lol I wish I had a digital camera so I could take pictures of all the "wow" stuff I see. But they're too expensive for me, so for now I'll just have to deal with enjoying it when I see it.
  5. lol, wow. So you're on pretty much entire waking time or something? Give an idea or guess of how long a day you're at the computer. I'm just curious.
  6. Yeah, and it's more crazy if people actually bid on or buy them, lol (I feel ya with the flea markets =_= hate those). But with eBay you can generally look at a person's record and it'll give you a satisfaction percentage or something like that. My step mom is an eBay fanatic, and she doesn't buy from anyone generally if they have less than a 95% satisfaction. It pretty much gives you an idea of how reliable that person is so you can kind of tell if you're getting a good deal or not. There are still going to be scams and stuff like that, but it helps.
  7. Yeah, I've used RSS feeds before (recently actually) and they showed my entire articles, even though I put only a portion of it on the main entry. I guess a way around that would be to use the RSS feed to have titles and breif descriptions link to the main and actual articles. That would get people to keep coming to your site, but have the convenience of a single click to get them exactly where they want to be. I also like the idea of ads or something like that mixed in the article. RSS has always annoyed me though because I can't figure it out enough to use it efficiently. Like how to get other people's RSS into my feed viewer. Alot of the times it doesn't work, and sometimes it does. It gets annoying when things like that happen.
  8. I'd definatly like to use CSS if it could get around using all those annoying tables. You move one and it makes the rest go the other way, then the rest won't move back and then you try to space it out but it all spaces out... It's just way too tedious. I hate tables in websites x_x;; That CSS3 stuff looks nice, I'm gonna look up some more info on it later. Shadowed text and round boxes? Very nice, square-cut corners on everything gets annoying on some graphics, so that would definatly be a plus. And the multi-column support thing would help me sooo much.
  9. Nice tutorial, I always used hexcode because I could look at a chart and tell which code to put in (although there are charts for those as well). This RGB code is much easier though because you can play with the numbers to get the right shade easier than with the hexadecimal code. I never used it because I didn't know how, lol. I think I'll start trying to use this code instead of the hexadecimal code now because I can play with it to figure out my shade. Plus I use grays and blacks alot so it really makes it easier for those. With gray you just make sure all three are the same number and bingo! there's a shade of gray. Then I can just move the numbers up or down to get whiter or more black. Thanks again for the nice tut!
  10. Congrats on quitting drugs and alcohol. I can't really say anything about getting off of stuff because I've never done anything like drugs or alcohol or any of that stuff (and I don't intend to), but I do know it's hard. I'm actually surprised you did get off the drugs and alcohol because of your family situation (don't take that the wrong way), so good for you. But I'd still root for you to get off smoking as well if you could, but ya know, that's just me.
  11. School and at home, I probably spend about 5 hours a day on the computer. I have two computer classes at school, so that's two hours a day, plus I get on and do schoolwork and other stuff on here about three more hours at some point during the rest of that day. Weekends just depend on how much time I have, what needs to be done, and what else I have to do pretty much.
  12. Uhm, even though I haven't played EternalWars, I'd probably hazard a guess that it's better than Rune Scape because I was horrified at the entire deal about Rune Scape. Too many people in one area at one time, pointless chores, tedious to do everything including walking. The whole thing was just a big turnoff. Sorry, but Rune Scape is definately one of the worst games out there in my opinion (Notice I did say it was just my opinion).
  13. Yeah well the whole addiction thing is a bad corner, but maybe people should think about it a little more before they start? I guess many don't realise how much it will affect them at the time because some do it just to do it, and some do it for other reasons.Maybe one day people will actually think about it before making the choice to, and that would be great, just them taking the time to think it through. It still leaves the fact that some still believe they can't get addicted and stuff, but it would be nice for people to think more before they do stuff, not just with smoking, you know?
  14. Wow, they're selling nothing. That's funny, it's better than the "soul in a jar" deal that happened a while back though. I can't believe people actually bidded on that though, lol. But seriously, who would search for the keyword "nothing" when they're shopping on eBay =_= lol.
  15. No, those aren't my arts, they're just some renders. You wouldn't see the code because I took it out, let me just post the javascript I'm trying to place there and see if that helps any. <script language="javascript">//Vertical Scroller v1.2- by Brian of Updated for bug fixes//Visit JavaScript Kit (http://javascriptkit.com) for script //ENTER CONTENT TO SCROLL BELOW. var content='<p>Visit <a href="javascriptkit.com/ Kit</a> for JavaScript tutorials and over 400 <font color="#FF0000">free</font> scripts</p><p> <a href="http://freewarejava.com">Freewarejava.com</a>- direct links to Java applets and resources</p><p>Stay up to date on current news and events. Visit <a href="msnbc.com/ href="dynamicdrive.com/ Drive</a> is your definitive source for DHTML scripts and components.</p>'; var boxheight=150; // BACKGROUND BOX HEIGHT IN PIXELS.var boxwidth=150; // BACKGROUND BOX WIDTH IN PIXELS.var boxcolor="#FFF6e9"; // BACKGROUND BOX COLOR.var speed=50; // SPEED OF SCROLL IN MILLISECONDS (1 SECOND=1000 MILLISECONDS)..var pixelstep=2; // PIXELS "STEPS" PER REPITITION.var godown=false; // TOP TO BOTTOM=TRUE , BOTTOM TO TOP=FALSE// DO NOT EDIT BEYOND THIS POINTvar outer,inner,elementheight,ref,refX,refY;var w3c=(document.getElementById)?true:false;var ns4=(document.layers)?true:false;var ie4=(document.all && !w3c)?true:false;var ie5=(document.all && w3c)?true:false;var ns6=(w3c && navigator.appName.indexOf("Netscape")>=0)?true:false;var txt='';if(ns4){txt+='<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 height='+boxheight+' width='+boxwidth+'><tr><td>';txt+='<ilayer name="ref" bgcolor="'+boxcolor+'" width='+boxwidth+' height='+boxheight+'></ilayer>';txt+='</td></tr></table>'txt+='<layer name="outer" bgcolor="'+boxcolor+'" visibility="hidden" width='+boxwidth+' height='+boxheight+'>';txt+='<layer name="inner" width='+(boxwidth-4)+' height='+(boxheight-4)+' visibility="hidden" left="2" top="2" >'+content+'</layer>';txt+='</layer>';}else{txt+='<div id="ref" style="position:relative; width:'+boxwidth+'; height:'+boxheight+'; background-color:'+boxcolor+';" ></div>';txt+='<div id="outer" style="position:absolute; width:'+boxwidth+'; height:'+boxheight+'; visibility:hidden; background-color:'+boxcolor+'; overflow:hidden" >';txt+='<div id="inner" style="position:absolute; visibility:visible; left:2px; top:2px; width:'+(boxwidth-4)+'; overflow:hidden; cursor:default;">'+content+'</div>';txt+='</div>';}document.write(txt);function getElHeight(el){if(ns4)return (el.document.height)? el.document.height : el.clip.bottom-el.clip.top;else if(ie4||ie5)return (el.style.height)? el.style.height : el.clientHeight;else return (el.style.height)? parseInt(el.style.height):parseInt(el.offsetHeight);}function getPageLeft(el){var x;if(ns4)return el.pageX;if(ie4||w3c){x = 0;while(el.offsetParent!=null){x+=el.offsetLeft;el=el.offsetParent;}x+=el.offsetLeft;return x;}}function getPageTop(el){var y;if(ns4)return el.pageY;if(ie4||w3c){y=0;while(el.offsetParent!=null){y+=el.offsetTop;el=el.offsetParent;}y+=el.offsetTop;return y;}}function scrollbox(){if(ns4){inner.top+=(godown)? pixelstep: -pixelstep;if(godown){if(inner.top>boxheight)inner.top=-elementheight;}else{if(inner.top<2-elementheight)inner.top=boxheight+2;}}else{inner.style.top=parseInt(inner.style.top)+((godown)? pixelstep: -pixelstep)+'px';if(godown){if(parseInt(inner.style.top)>boxheight)inner.style.top=-elementheight+'px';}else{if(parseInt(inner.style.top)<2-elementheight)inner.style.top=boxheight+2+'px';}}}window.onresize=function(){if(ns4)setTimeout('history.go(0)', 400);else{outer.style.left=getPageLeft(ref)+'px';outer.style.top=getPageTop(ref)+'px';}}window.onload=function(){outer=(ns4)?document.layers['outer']:(ie4)?document.all['outer']:document.getElementById('outer');inner=(ns4)?outer.document.layers['inner']:(ie4)?document.all['inner']:document.getElementById('inner');ref=(ns4)?document.layers['ref']:(ie4)?document.all['ref']:document.getElementById('ref');elementheight=getElHeight(inner);if(ns4){outer.moveTo(getPageLeft(ref),getPageTop(ref));outer.clip.width=boxwidth;outer.clip.height=boxheight;inner.top=(godown)? -elementheight : boxheight-2;inner.clip.width=boxwidth-4;inner.clip.height=elementheight;outer.visibility="show";inner.visibility="show";}else{outer.style.left=getPageLeft(ref)+'px';outer.style.top=getPageTop(ref)+'px';inner.style.top=((godown)? -elementheight : boxheight)+'px';inner.style.clip='rect(0px, '+(boxwidth-4)+'px, '+(elementheight)+'px, 0px)';outer.style.visibility="visible";}setInterval('scrollbox()',speed);}</script><p align="center"><font face="arial" size="-2">This free script provided by</font><br><font face="arial, helvetica" size="-2"><a href="javascriptkit.com/;Kinda long, sorry. But like I said, whenever I try to put any kind of javascript in that panel it doesn't recognize it or let it work or something. I thought maybe it had to do with being in a certain kind of html tags or something but I really have no idea. I also tried sizing the scroller down to be smaller than the panel and it still didn't show. Thanks for your help.
  16. Here's the sig: I made it in Photoshop using a pixel-stretch tut from photoshop tower. It's only the third thing I've made in photoshop, so I know it isn't the greatest, but still... comments and suggestions please! =D
  17. Alright well I've been working and modifying this template for about a year now I think and I've started used JavaScript in it (bad to use templates I know, but I can't design them x_x). So I'm trying to put a vertical scroll box in my side events panel to save space, but it won't recognize the script. It takes the horizontal one I have as you can see if you look at the site, but not the vertical. Actually it won't take anything in that little panel. So my question really is, what could cause a javascript code to not work on a certain webpage or spot or something. Thanks. Here's the website: http://www.dothacktwilight.ampedhost.com/
  18. Whoa! That's cool. Looks kind of like an eye. It does kinda look fake, but that's really cool if that's an actual picture. A natural work of art!
  19. Just another reason people should stop smoking. With so many downsides, I don't see why people don't want to get off them. Well anyway, interesting calculations.
  20. Whoa, that's a nice development. I'd heard of some machine that made models of stuff, but not something that made paper heat into 3D objects. I don't know what it would be used for really, but it's cool. Maybe party decorations for tables or something? lol Or like 3D confetti, that would be cool.
  21. Hello everyone! I'm Orca239, aka Jag. I run and own a little 2D MORPG called Twilight Dreams and erm... yeah. I do photoshop work and web management and stuff like that. Anyway, hello!
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