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Posts posted by hitmanblood

  1. Well there ar e some misunderstandings with this google phone, the point of the platform is that it is platform independent but only suppliers of mobile phones that worked on it with google in its development and production will be able to use it on their mobile phones or they will habe to to use other producers hardware in order to work with this very new google platform. So in case some developers missed call from the google they are probaably too late to enter into this new race with google however I am not sure what to say is it good to allow such good platform, I expect that it is good platform since it is from google, to allow only to certain developer houses for mobile phones althouh there are mostly all developers one way or the oder smaller developing houses the ones that usually push new innovative ideas might stop working I don't know future will tell but one way or the oder. They most certainly in the next release should make it more hardware compatible.

  2. Trust me we are using tons of masking so we cannot be traced, but the government knows who we are anyway, the only thing that is keeping them from stopping us is the fact that we relocate every day. The only reason we are risking going onto the net is to spread the truth incase we do not make it out alive.

    And how do we know that you are not jsut government people sent here just to speak about these things to cover one new great lie with another great lie. I think that you just want to cover some project with mind control or something new what government is working on.

  3. You seem to think this is a joke. This is nothing of the sort. Me and Galahad are truly on our way to the ice wall. We have infiltrated 2 more bunkers since we last posted here. We are so close to getting over that wall. Nobody can stop us now.

    Well OK but there are so many loopholes in your so very carefully masterminded plan. So please check them out. Firstly of all it is connecting to the internet trough phone line as it is easier to track connection from the phone line then the satellite uplink.

  4. this topic is just so hillarious I am laughing out loud. However though this site has some basic things correct it lacks mathematical and phzsical approach to be ultimate truth. However there is mathematical and physical proof that earth is flat. And if you do not trust me search some reasources like scientific america and so on they were talking about this phenomenon if I may call it that way. a lot few years ago and came with proof that earth is flat.So I will represent several things why earth is flat.Firstly we have to defien that earth is flat surface now if earth is flat surface how come that we can travel around it. The problem is simple the earth is in one parrallel universe imagine this space as chech board and each space is one universe or in our case one earth and as we travel around we in fact enter another universe and so on. Furthermore how would we prove that if we dig up down that we will find again earth simple earth is two chech boarda attached one to each other on diffeent sides.If we continue now the problem arised how come that when ships move off the coast first their body dissapears then their sails. And how come that earth is in fact roudn when you look at it from universe. Well the answer is very simple even though you might not understand this at first or remembered it at all the answer is in light. Round earth physics describes light as stright beam however flat earth physics represents light as curved beam and if you write few drawings and few skecthes then you will find out that light should move like cubical function. Of course many people would like a bit higher and some other things would change but we would adjust. Thenn if I continue furtermore how come that we have weight it is because of the closnest to certain particles bozones and so on. But this is the end of the proof.and finally I must say that this proof (or at least part of it) may be true for the basci physics when you move to higher level it loses because there is hall bunch of physical laws proving otherwise that earth is in fact rpound and not flat.

  5. Thanks for the help. I was wondering how to make somathing like this. But do you know how to add AI so that something's chasing you?

    Hello I don't know if I am of good help but since this is very basic game I would suggest either that you fill your so called AI (artificial intelligence) with random number and move it according to this or you fill it with position of the persons dot and then it would follow it. And you could add some more good things like level which would increase AI's speed and accurancy in the following and choosing the closest path and so on.

    Generally thing with the AI is that if you write more code you are better with it. So stick to this rule even in simple games.

  6. I don't know about this topic and I haven't even realised that science if working on explainging the wormholes though I am close student of science and these wormholes are not alike those worm holes in the star trek but nonetheless important thing is that we are moving again to the space because sixties and seventies were very nice age and we have discovered so many things and I am happy to see that we are advancing once more and preparing to set off the planet earth maybe even for some other planet or the moon "again". And one more thing about this wormholes what I would like to say is that I do not assume thses so called white wormholes as antigravity but more or less some kind of energy maker since matter enteres the black wormhole and its massive gravity occurs because of that this matter might be transfered into some special kind of energy one which we haven;t yet been a ble to obvserv or it is exposing matter back into the space something that is black wormhole might be acting osmething like recycle center repoducing matter back to itsbascis hydrogen atom. Much much sooner then the radioactive decay. Or similar processes.But I think that we will not soon find out more things about this not in the next 15 years unlless they come aout with some kind of the breaktrough in the CERN.

  7. OK I would like to add few things to your writing. Hard drive speed of today is set at 7200 rotations per minute rpm. And 5400 rpm is considered to be too slow also if you consider the fast ram (RAM - random access memory) h owever there are are also faster hard drives if you need intensive writing for your programs usually these are used on the storage farms and so on. Or if you hvae some computer acting as server then you would use faster drive there because you want your sites to be responseve as they can.Today the slowest component in the computer is hard drive and this is very interesting because it is developing relly slowly and this is the main reasons why it is the bottle neck of todays computers architecture. Also I would like to point out very important thing and that is new breaktrough in the way how data is written to the hard drive plate. Commonly used way was to write horizontally however if you have hard drive that has more then 500 GB then it most certainly uses vertically way of writing to it. Vertical way makes it possible to write more data and searching for the data cylinderes is much faster then in the usual horizontal way. Also Because of the more dense structure more data may be stored allowing disks up to 1 TB on a single plate...

  8. I forgot to mention if anyone here is for link exchange please contact me via PM or mail. or anywhere on my site.And one more thing anachro I like basic idea behind your new template however the thing is that the background somehow doesnt fit in it might be just to me but I dont like it maybe if you would put some content up then we might see. But nontheless keep it up.

  9. Well yeah a bit advertisement is not too bad to do.

    My Blog - this is my blog here I write most of the time a things I program and some other things like solutions and tutorials to the online hacking sites in fact sites that are mainly used to learn hacking so if you have any intentions then this is place to go :)

    If you have any questions you may write down in any mission comment and I will answer it as soon as possible.

  10. Well topic title says its all I have problem with ftp access to my account here on Xisto so if anyone has experienced similar issues lately. The problem is when I try to log on it disconnects me from the server. I am using filezilla however I have tried to access trough file manager and it works fine though it is not the same protocol. I must admit I have deleted some folders recently however I am quite certain that it is all connected to the joomla installation and not some system files but if there is some specified folder for ftp could you plese write down so I could check.ThanksHitman.

  11. Honostly I am going for the microsoft in this race. They have hit the market and are proceding really fast I haven't been able to pull out any data and statistical research lately but situation before one month was something like 10% for the silverlight and 70% for the flash. If you check how long is flash online and how lng people are developing in it it means that silverlight is just hitting grounds against it and might even overtake it if Microsoft pulls some good moves in the 2008.OK here are things that are good for the silverlight:Firslty of all you do not have to know and learn new lannguage to programi in it because you can program in any .net compatible language whihc is no t the same with flash where as you have to learn action script and learning new language is taking time and making you less productive. And if you check silverlight applications are more or less similar and there are many companies that are taking on silverlight very fastt many computer based magazines are taking silverlight instead any other platform. So I assume silverlight is working good and procedeing as planned. Furthermore the other thing is that silverlight is compatible with all application adn with all major browsers and with all platforms and operating systems making its reach very wide and contrary to the classical microsoft technologies this one is taking its part and might stand really high. So go on. I put my faith into Microsoft's Silverlight.

  12. Well it looks nice however, there are things that might be corected. firstly of all the two columns don't fit into design in my very personal oppinion. And you should correct them as soon as possible they have tendention to jump out and you should make it fit more into the black and blue colors of your site because gray somehow doesn't fit in really it does not. And another things start it as soon as possible because many people now just come and see and leave you cannot get any real feedback.

  13. Well, I am reading replies from zou guzs and I have just got idea to write something more that I havenćt mentioned before and that zou all should consider currently as it seems not many people use cms systems that in fact means or the abbreviation stands for content menagment system. And it is great way to control your content and in really good manners and I strongly suggest using content menagment systems that are specified for the means. Because if you would check the best currently in my opinion content menagment system for the blogs is wordpress and it is really great however if you are targeting something else like articles or some online magazine. I strongly suggest that you use joomla because it is exstensible and it is great i n the real sens of that word. You hvae many different valuable things that you might use extensions modification packages icons groups and so on. Also every oart is exstensible and so on. I do not have much experience with joomla but I have done some experiments however, and from what I have saw it is really great and workable. And before everything easy for use for any customer and developer even without php mysql and other skills usually needed for developing web sites.In the end decision is yours. :)

  14. Yes I agree with the previous person that has provided you with the actual answer. Do not change and alter any code and do not describe and use any other third party codes and script to alter the behaviour of the google ads since google has quite good detection systems and if they detect that you are cheating then they will delete you from their program as soon as you collect the neccessery money to be paid out. This is google policy with what you in fact agree and should obey since you act as you agree with it when signing down for google ad sens.

  15. Well this topic already has two solutions and both are valid and probably for beginners the second one is better then the first one because many people are trying to avoid tempering with htaccess files.

    Also another thing I would like to note is that you do not require any mysql ddatabases this might in fact prove to be nsecure the best way if you need only three codes that is ip addresses is to write and use small script above it is very simple and usuful however I would like to add something to it. I hope gogoily will not be angry.

    <?$ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];if($ip != YourIP1 && $ip != YourIP2 && $ip != YourIP3){	die("You're not welcome here.");}else{?>you may now write your code of the page you would like to provide to these guys in here<?}?>

  16. First of all that code is not intended in such way that is I think that you are misusing the code provided :) why? because this code is in face intended to help developers because different browsers have different ways of showing very different things and if you are clever enough to use some programs like dreamwaver then you may find that it has compatibility check this is one of its integrated options and this will help you because then you can adjust your code to return correct encoding for the computer that is using your site.Also remember that the thing that is very important is that internet explorer is still the most used browser today and something else internet explorers things that infacted me and most of the users the most are in fact its integration with the micrsoft operating system windows and as internet explorer was integrated into the kernel in windows xp this produced many problem and security issues however now things should have changed since it is no longer integrated in the kernel of operating system making it more reliable and a lot more secure.And one more final thing I use mozilla firefox because it is a lot betteer and more usuful then internet explorer or any other browser nto because other browsers "suck".Regards

  17. Hello I must say that this is good tutorial however there are few things to attent first of all write more comments user secure password and name all your files with the .php extension instead of html because if you have some code in the html file it will not be executed on the server.And the other question to attend. PHP and MySQL are already installed when you obtain your account on Xisto. sO don't worry about it especially if you are beginner.

  18. Welll I have once saw x Files episode in which mulder and scully were following traces of el chupacabra and at first they though that it was alliance however later on they have found out that it was some sort of virus that did altered human genome and in such sense that they recieved some special abbilities however it stayed unclear whether virus is of the origin from earth and in the aftermath it has proven that it might be side affect from the experimental results of the alliens on the people on earth. I belive in x files not every but some of them have high recognition of truth and some have depicted things that in fact happened in the aftermath in the real world and are proven to be correct. One simple issue is cloning. And from the same author there is series called the lone gunman which in fact depicted attack on the twin towers with airplane remotly driven from secret compaound on earth which in fact had to attack twin towers however attack has been prevented by these guys. And one more thing very important this was depicted just few months before the real attack happened :)

  19. Yes this technology is nice and usuful and quite safe (unless someone pokes your eye out :) ). However the thing is that usage of the technology and its applications are expensive meaning that you have to invest a lot of money for the equipment and the following technical changes to the buildings then computer power databases and everything else also important thing to note is to consider the people like technical personal. And since it invloves today large expenises it is ought to be implemented only for small and rellayy secure parts of the buidlings like some offices and some labaratories where people ought to be accessed by not so much personal.

  20. I'm from Bosnia, and Bosnians are of a Muslim religion. That is the reason why we were massacred by the Catholic Serbs, and why I am in the United States today. Bosnians are far from extremist Muslims. We do not even believe in polygamy. Our women do not cover up their whole bodies and face as some Muslims do. And innocent Bosnians were killed; our women and children raped in the name of GENOCIDE; ethnic cleansing. We suffered through many atrocities. But our religion teaches us peace and to love even those who hate us. All religions are pure and good. Catholicism, Judaism, Islam and Christianity. It is people who mutate these religions and turn them into tools of hate. I don't believe any religion is wrong, as long as it teaches you to be good and to do good unto others. I would not push my beliefs upon anyone, because that creates war and problems. I am fine with whatever religion a person chooses to be. As long as you are a good person, I will be your friend and I will not judge you. Only ignorant people judge others because of what they believe in, and only vicious, evil people kill "in the name of their God". I personally wish that religions didn't exist sometimes, because if it didn't I wouldn't have lost my father in the war.

    Firstly of all if you are Bosnian that means that you are from the country named Bosnia and Herzegovina and it doesn't mean that you are art of islam religion or in any fact connected to the muslims.

    People from Bosnia divide in three groups. Croats who are of cathoolic religion, Serbs who are of orthodox religion, and Muslims who are of Islam important notice is that these guys were in fact named muslims and they have decided to change their name into Bosniak and not Bosnian just to confuse further uneducated international community.

    Since you are not familiar with this fact I assume that you are not from Bosnia and just one more discrepancy is that there are no Catholic Serbs Serbs are associated with Orthodox religion and even thouse who live and work in Croatia are Orthodox and not Catholic.

    And furthermore you speak of rapes genocide ethnic cleaning however are you familiar with the other attrocities against the other two nations. You see in any war there are people who are making such deeds and on any side, I will tell you few examples what did muslims do to the croat people in the town of Mostar and Serb people in the city of Sarajevo why don't you m,ention this as example. You are taking this example as innocence of muslim religion when there were 30,000 mujahidwho came to Bosnia to perform Jihad (Sacred muslim war against the other nations). They came under slogan we will make clean Bosnia. So you see what are you saying is nonsens and today islam is aggressive religion and there aggressive actions that they perform against other nations. And in fact in Bosnia muslims were the first to strike. So that gives you much about your saying that muslims are innnocent and peaceful religion.

    No other religion in the world has anything similar that would resemble to something like islamic Jihad or sacred war against infidels.



    One more thing I forgot to mention is that the thing you are saying about that they don't dress is totally untrue because now there are more then ever people dressed as muslim women ought to be dressed including the facial covers.
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