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Everything posted by beast099

  1. no one likes school, but its either shcool or McDonalds for the rest of your life, and thats no life.
  2. I go to Hillcrest high school in south carolina. its a farily large school and they offer a lot of classes. nothing serious has ever happened there, so its a farily safe school. they offer a lagre variety of sports and they have good lunch choices. its an overall good school
  3. my favorite animal is a guinepig. i currently own 2 and have owned 9 so far. they dont live long, but thieir great pets. my other favorite animal is the octopus. they are just all around cool. they can change color, change their skin texture, shoot out ink, and they dont have a single bone in their body
  4. anyone like lacrosse. i love the game. i have been playing it ever since i couldn't play hockey anymore. its a great game to learn and very fun to play, though the refs in south are terrible. Notice from BuffaloHELP: Please search the forum before making redundant topics. Merged.
  5. the NY Giants are my favorite team. they didn't do so hot this year but hey no matter how bad they are, you always stick by your team
  6. Hockey and lacrosse. the two best sports in the world, with all hitting, fights, and all around action you'll ever see.
  7. Rangers are the best... followed by the red wings. i love hockey. i played it for 8 years. i watch games on tv when i can, play pick up games whenever possible, and all together love the sport
  8. what are the most comfortable brand of contacts you have ever worn. so far for me its the frequency 55 extended ware.
  9. i wear contacts, and i perfer them, simply because people dont know you have them, they dont get scratched, and they dont get in the way. the only problems with contacts is that you have to take them out and some time they can irritate your eyes
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