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Posts posted by turbopowerdmaxsteel

  1. I bought a Dell Studio 1435 laptop, an year ago. The LCD started flickering after about 4 months of usage. Initially it lasted for a few minutes after being turned on. The effect was localized to the bottom of the screen. Increasing the brightness reduced the flickering. So, I didn't ask for technical support from dell. It was only in October (7 months of usage) that I called up dell. By then the Laptop was completely useless because the flickering had given way to a fluorescent bulb like glow which kept increasing & decreasing. Neither time nor increasing the brightness had any effect on the screen now.


    The system being in warranty, Dell replaced the LCD without any charge. The service was quite quick too. I started noticing occasional flickering on the same day of the replacement. But, it was very minor, like 1 in a day lasting for a second or so. 3 months down the line, the flickering started again. It was still not permanent as on the previous occasion. But because my warranty was running out, I called up Dell & again they replaced the screen & it's circuitry.


    After a month of usage, it started flickering again. The flickering, like before, would dissipate with time or increase in the LCD's brightness. A month after that, which is now, the effect seems to be permanent. I did get a 2 year extension on my Limited Warranty so it should be replace again (fingers crossed).


    But, I don't understand where the real problem lies in. Surely, it can't be the LCD because it has been replaced twice. Dell's engineers are happy to replace the kit. But they didn't say a possible cause as to why this would happen. Could it be the power supply, or using the Laptop on a bed is the cause? I don't quite like the positioning of the heat vents. They are covered up by the LCD's bottom half when the lid is open.


    Has anybody else had this problem?

  2. I bought an HTC HD2 Smartphone. Its a powerhouse compared to my previous one - the entry level, HTC P3400i.

    Here's a comparison of the two. It has all the features I was looking for and more. The GPS & 1 GHz Snapdragon processor being the main attraction for me.

    I had been waiting for it's price to drop for a while now. But it was only when the old set started having problems (like ringtones not playing, etc) that I decided to buy it. It did burn quite a hole in the pocket, being 3 times the price of the P3400i.

  3. I saw a 4TB HDD on ebay a few days ago. It was marked as RAID. Don't we need multiple Hard Disks slotted into a RAID controller to actually be called as RAID? Or could it be that this device has multiple 4TB drives inside it (seems kinda unbelievable to me)?

    It seems like it is such a controller with 4 x 1 TB drives. If RAID is enabled, the total capacity of the drive drops. I would have bought this thing if if had RAID at 4 TB capacity.


    My company requires a RAID arrangement for our CVS repositories & JIRA server. They were unable to find a RAID controller in the city. I will recommend this to them.


    Which is the most optimum RAID configuration in terms of reliability, effective disk space & recovery from disk failure?

  4. What are the differences (in terms of features corresponding to PHP) between the Windows Hosting & Linux Hosting packages (particularly between WPA & Logic Plan), given that WPA also supports PHP. Will the .htaccess file work if I use WPA's PHP? I noticed, WPA has HSPHERE CONTROL PANEL. Is it inferior to CPanel?


    I don't use the cronjob feature yet. But, there should be an equivalent feature that allows a certain ASP .NET script to run at a scheduled time, correct?


    The thing is that, I want to move into ASP .NET hosting. But, in the meantime, I would like to keep my existing website running.

  5. I submitted a ticket asking for KSH support to be enabled on my account, just like you said. After the payment, I believe SSH was enabled on my account. SSH & KSH are the same things, correct? Also, I used putty to create the repositories. Following my request, SVN was installed globally on the server. svn+ssh protocol seems to be working when I try it through putty. It is an issue with TortoiseSVN's customized plink which acts as an SSH tunnel.

  6. Subversion has been installed on the server. I am now having trouble in accessing repositories remotely.â¨â¨

    Here's what I did:-â¨â¨

    Use svnadmin to create a repository. For ex: svnadmin create ~/src/myappâ¨â¨I didn't create it inside the public_html directory because I don't want the files to be accessed from http.â¨â¨


    This creates an empty repository, correct? Now, I am trying to commit my files to the repository. To do so, what URL should I use in TortoiseSVN?â¨â¨I tried the following command from shell to check if svn is working.â¨â¨svn list svn+ssh://maxotek.net/home/myusername/src/myappâ¨â¨I entered the password when asked. This gave me a warning: stdin: is not a tty.â¨â¨When I try to browse the repository by using TortoiseSVN using the url: svn+ssh://maxotek.net/home/myusername/src/myapp.


    It asks for the password and then shows an error message: Network connection closed unexpectedly. For this, I followed the instructions and enabled the ssh tunneling option for TortoiseSVN.â¨â¨I also tried the http protocol.


    When, I use the URL: example.com/home/myusername/src/myapp, it shows the error OPTIONS of ' example.com/home/myusername/src/myapp/ 200 OK. I suppose, this is because the repository is not located inside the public_html directory.â¨â¨So, I created another repository using: svnadmin create ~/public_html/src/myapp. Again tested that the repository exists with the following URLs:-â¨â¨â¨


    • snv list svn+ssh://maxotek.net/home/myusername/public_html/src/myappâ¨
    • snv list svn+ssh://maxotek.net/public_html/src/myappâ¨
    • snv list svn+ssh://maxotek.net/src/myapp


    The first URL one worked with the same warning: stdin: is not a tty. The rest showed an error No Repository found in ...â¨â¨I now try to access the repository using: example.com/src/myapp/. TortoiseSVN shows an error, Repository moved permanently to maxotek.net/src/myapp/; Please relocate.â¨â¨What am I doing wrong? How do I access my repository from TortoiseSVN?

  7. Thanks for the response, guys. I have a script to manage uploads/downloads of my own. But, I need to be able to commit, rollback, etc, the files from inside visual studio or any IDE that supports SVN. Visual SVN plugin integrates the client end of Subversion into Visual Studio. They provide a windows only server side implementation.

    I tried OpenSVN which fulfills my needs, but is too slow (when uploading files) to use. Then there is Google's implementation of SVN and SourceForge. Both of which require that my projects be open source. So, they are out of the question too.

  8. I have some Visual Studio Projects on which I work from home & office. As of now, I transfer the files in between the two using a pen drive. What I want is an online system where I can upload the changed files after I have worked on them and download them back on the other end. Another thing I need is the ability to store previous versions of the file. In short, Xisto is to act as the server which stores the most recent copies of files for synchronization and version control management.


    Subversion (SVN) seems to be the best option for this. But, I am at a loss on how to get it's server end working at Xisto.


    Edit: By Upload & Download I mean to be able to commit, rollback, update, etc - just like you have in CVS or other such tools.

  9. Once again, I am looking at you guys for advice. The last time I did was when I joined this forum.

    Having recently completed my graduation, I'm on the lookout for a job. I did get a PHP developer job but didn't join the company because it was extremely small and the workplace was a person's house. Also, the pay was extremely less, Rs. 3,500 (~70 USD) per month. 3,500 here in Kolkata is a lot more than what it is in Mumbai, Bangalore, etc. But still, it was very less.

    I had a tiff with the people at the placement division because of this. I stated that the company was not fit enough to be called one; courtesy of the poor infrastructure. They didn't like my comments and told me to look for a job on my own. So, I have been trying through various job portals (Monster, TimesJobs, etc). All I have got until now were scams asking for money from myself. I was banking on an interview from my friend's company which is based in mumbai. But, the interview is still largely at bay. The thing is they only hire B-Techs and I am not one of them.

    What I have, is a lot of experience (extra-curricularly - 3+ yrs) in developing .NET based applications on my website maxotek.net. I also learned Web development using (PHP, JavaScript, CSS - 2+yrs) while trying to setup this portal for my softwares. Its my firm belief that I deserve a better job, even during the time of recession. By better, I mean, the company should have a good system in place where I would be able to learn and not just work like a mule. Salary is not that important and I am ready to work for less pay, but in a good company. My earnings from maxotek will help me out on this one.

    Despite the fight with the placement division, they are still trying to get me interviews in a good company. I am quite thankful to them for their gesture. Just a few days back, I was asked about my Core Java skills; to which I stated having learned it as part of our curriculum but having no real experience with projects. So, I wasn't sent for this interview. Before this though, I was asked if I was interested for a VB .NET developer job (pay 6K - 8K INR). I had said yes and was told that I would be called for the interview. Its been over 10 days now and that interview is no where to be seen.

    Another option I have is that of setting up my own company. In fact, it is my ultimate goal. But, before I do that it would be better to learn how the corporate world works. Then there is the uncertainty about the availability of projects. A client of mine (from maxotek) says he will be able to provide projects of around 10K - 20K USD (with a little share in it for him). Its very lucrative but risky too. Once a network of satisfied users is set up, I believe there is a guarantee of sustenance. But, is it worth the risk, until then? What do you guys think?

  10. I'm having the same problem despite having 30+ earnings. I think mine was because of inactivity, as I hadn't posted in a while. It could also be because we haven't purchased a hosting package yet. I was waiting to complete the new version of my website which is being built from scratch. The current site has a lot of cluttering in terms of databases used and with the new hosting packages having restrictions on the number of databases you can use, I wanted to start afresh with the new website. It seems the old Credits system has finally been dumped and as such, people who didn't order a hosting package have gotten suspended. I'll just order one now.

  11. I recently purchased a Dell Studio 14 Laptop with the following configuration:-Processor: Core 2 Duo 2.06 GHzRAM: 3GB DDR2HDD: 320 GBOS: Windows Vista Home PremiumPriced at close to 1000 USD (in our area), it has virtually all the features I could think of, in a laptop - Card Readers, WiFi, Bluetooth, Infra Red, Remote Controls, Fingerprint Scanner, Theft Recovery based on Computrace, etc. The only thing I don't like about it is that the CD/DVD Drive does not have an external tray that pops out when you eject the disc. It is quite similar to the VCR drives where we had to push the cassette manually until about the final 20% of its width, when it was sucked in. While, this had no effect on the well-protected tape of the VCR cassette, the exposed surface of the CDs are extremely vulnerable to scratches.Anyone else having this problem?

  12. That's an interesting point you state, Atomic0. But, would that be any different from the on-board graphics chipsets being offered by Intel motherboards? Performance wise, it should be better than Intel GMA series because of Nvidia being lot more experienced in building graphics chipsets. However, will it be able to beat the dedicated graphics cards?

  13. I tried Windows 7 on a triple boot along with Windows XP & Vista. From what I saw, it seemed pretty good. The taskbar is a great improvement. It is smart enough to detect ongoing operations in Windows (courtesy of progress bars) and show the progress inside the Window's icon. I used to have the Quick Launch toolbar disabled. Integrating it with the taskbar is also something I like.In terms of compatibility, I was pretty satisfied. All of the Vista compatible applications ran without a hitch. For installations of some legacy applications, the Operating System was able to suggest compatibility modes just like in Vista.Windows 7 is supposed to be lighter than Vista but for some reason it used up more memory on my 1 GB system. I have switched back to XP for now and will try it again when I upgrade my system.

  14. I had -700 MyCents or so after which $7 were deducted from my earnings. I didn't report anything because I remember getting $10 for one post sometime back, so it was probably just taken back. But, its gone to -25 cents again after my latest post. I am not sure how much more will be deducted.

  15. Modify the second line in your pointofsales.h to: void posmath (int *quantity, double *price, char *taxable);. Notice the missing * for the third parameter.


    You need to do two more changes. Change the 22nd line in pointofsales.cpp to } while (intCount < LIMIT); and line 7 of libpos.cpp to for (i = 0; i < LIMIT; i++){. This will prevent a runtime stack error from throwing up because you are trying to access an element at an index greater than that of the declared arrays' size. If the array was not zero-based like we have in Visual Basic, you would have to check the upper bound with the <= operator and initialize the lower bound with 1. For zero-based arrays it is 0 for the lower and < for the upper bound checking operator.

  16. I think I understand what you are trying to accomplish. The general term for this is flags. It can be easily created using enums in C#.

    [Flags]enum MyType : uint{State1 = 1,State2 = 2,State3 = 4,State4 = 8}

    MSDN states that that the Flag attribute should be applied to an enum which is to be used as a flag. Although, it'll work even if you don't use it. Also, you don't need to have the enum store the values as unsigned integers, inorder for this to work. But, its better to restrict negative values. I am not sure if doubling negative values will work or not.

    When using this data type you can assign flags to the variable and concatenate multiple states by using the bitwise OR operator |

    For example:-

    MyType var = MyType.State1 | MyType.State3;

    You can even keep adding flags to the variable like this.

    MyType var = MyType.State1;var |= MyType.State3;var |= MyType.State4;

    To check if a given flag is present in the variable, use this:-

    if ((var & MyType.State3) == MyType.State3){Console.WriteLine("State 3 exists in var");}else{Console.WriteLine("State 3 does not exist in var");}

    To remove a flag use the XOR operator ^.

    var = var ^ MyType.State3;

    or in one go:-

    var ^= MyType.State3;

    One last thing I must mention is that you can also create flag groups while delcaring the enum:-

    [Flags]enum MyType : uint{State1 = 1,State2 = 2,State3 = 4,State4 = 8,State5 = State1 | State 2, // Combination of State1 & State2StateAll = State3 | State4 | State5, // Combination of all prior StatesStateAny = 1 | 2 | 4 | 8 // Same thing as above by directly using the values}

  17. Initially, I used Microsoft Front Page to design HTML pages and make whatever little modifications in the code view. It was quick and easy but generated quite a bit of crappy code. What I most liked about Front Page is that it had so many templates for buttons/menus. I had grabbed the basics of HTML from http://www.w3schools.com/.


    Then, I moved on to Dreamweaver which offers much more features/tools. Code generated by Dreamweaver was significantly better than Front Page. The code formatting options come in very handy as it allows you to format the code in one go and as per your formatting styles. I am not sure, if this is possible in Front Page.


    After learning CSS and giving up on the old table way of creating pages, I hardly use Dreamweaver's Design view to create the page layout/design. Dreamweaver templates are very useful because they prevent editing the non-editable regions in the dependent pages. If you make changes to the template, dreamweaver can automatically propagate those across all the pages that use it.


    One important reason for switching to Dreamweaver was that I needed to create dynamic pages and PHP seemed to be the most popular and what most free web hosts supported. So, I went back to w3schools and learned PHP. I must say, that the tutorials they offer are very effective in getting you started quickly. Sure, they don't tell you everything about PHP, but enough so that you can create your own pages. I can always google or drop by Xisto, if I get stuck somewhere.


    I was introduced to AJAX by our admin, m^e and have been using the Prototype library ever since, in all of my web applications. AJAX not only provides rich content to be delivered to the web pages, but also helps save a lot of bandwidth.


    Other than this, we were taught ASP .NET and JSP/Servlets as part of our Software Engineering degree at NIIT. I haven't made anything apart from a couple of projects in these two platforms, though. I found ASP .NET quite weird with its view states and all way of submitting forms. Servlets were easy to understand and JSP is very much like PHP. Given the choice, I would prefer JSP over ASP .NET or PHP. I hate Java for Desktop Applications; mostly because of the lack of an IDE as good as Microsoft's Visual Studio and a bit because of all the stupid names that they come up with for various technologies (Beans >_#). Then comes the tongue twisting namespaces, Sun.jdbc.odbc.jdbcodbcdriver. Lack of properties make you call functions (getText(), setText()) to retrieve or set the text property.


    Not drifting any further away from the topic, I do want to try a CMS in the coming days. One of my friends got placed for a web developer job and is having to learn Drupal, right now.

  18. A browser decides whether it should open or save a web resource by looking up its MIME type. This MIME type is contained in the HTTP Content-Type header. The way I see it, there are only two possible causes:-1. Your ISP is messing up the content type header. (Has happened to me before, when I was using Reliance's GPRS which used to often go out of service and send a WML page which IE could not recognize).2. The registry keys that contain the MIME types to be opened by IE, have got deleted. (I am only guessing this one as I am not sure if this information is built into the application or stored in the registry or INI/XML file.)Possible solutions can include saving the file when the save file dialog box is shown and making sure that the content/source is correct. You can also install the firebug extension in firefox and check the raw HTTP responses being sent using the NET panel of firebug. You can also try re-installing Internet Explorer from Microsoft's website. It is possible that some of the files got corrupted while slip-streaming.

  19. I accept payments for software sales on my site maxotek.net. The payments are made through PayPal. After receiving the Payment notification through E-Mail, I mail the registration code back to the buyer. The buyer uses this registration code to activate the software at his/her machine. While making the payment, the buyer includes two extra fields - Product Name & Hardware ID. The registration code is a hash based on these two fields.


    Currently, I am working on version 3 of maxotek.net which will include support for user accounts. The users will be able to use the PHPBB forum, view their purchases, etc using this account. The problem I am having right now is that I need to automate the process of mailing back the user his/her registration code, so that they don't have to wait when I am not online. For this, what I need to do is be able to confirm with paypal, the validity and details (Product, Hardware ID & E-Mail) of the payment. Following this, the registration code will be mailed back. The flow of the current purchase process is as follows:-


    Product Purchase Page at Maxotek > PayPal Login > PayPal Confirm > Back to Maxotek.


    The Back to Maxotek page should do the job of validating the transaction and mailing and/or displaying the registration code to the buyer. I also don't want anybody to just access this page directly and get the registration code by faking the form fields.


    I checked the PayPal NVP API documentation and frankly it seemed like hocus-focus to me. Has anybody ever done something like this before?

  20. I use Windows Media Player to play audio files and VLC to play video. The best thing about it, like everyone has said, is that most of the formats can be played with the codecs that ship with the player. It is also able to play non-standard files such as that of Flash. I have yet to find a codec for the vodei format, though. So, I need to use Windows Media Player for it.

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