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Posts posted by HmmZ

  1. Instead of directing the user to the registration page right away , you could just echo that they are not registered and then give them a link to the registration page.

    I am a newbie php'er, but:

    <?$register=$_POST['register'];$login=$_POST['login'];if($register){echo "Please register first";header("location: register.php");}else {if($login){$username=$_POST['username'];$password=$_POST['password'];$remember=$_POST['remember'];}if($remember==1){           $member_class=check_login($username, $password, true);echo "succesfully logged in, redirecting you";header("location: membersarea.php");}else {            $member_class=check_login($username, $password, false);echo "The username and/or password you provided is wrong";header("location: login.php");}$logout=$_POST['logout'];if($logout){           $member_class=logout();}}

    Its probably completely wrong (doh!) but it was worth a shot, what i dont understand is the use of ->, is that actually php? :P

  2. if(!mysql_connect(what_ip?)){
    <img src="offline.gif">
    else {
    <img src="online.gif">

    its based on a simple code that i use to check and show if my forums are online:

    if(!mysql_connect(localhost, ***, ***)){?><img src="http://online.trap17.com/images/status_offline.gif" border="0" height="14"><?}else {?><img src="http://online.trap17.com/images/status_online.gif" border="0" height="14"><?}?>

    I dont know if it works with an ip instead of localhost tho, and im not sure if it has to select a db and pass.

    Also, if you want to get a whole list of members to be checked, you could use a db for it, selecting $username and $ip from the db for example:

    mysql_connect('localhost','db_name','db_password') or die("could not connect to db");
    $username= "mysql_query('select username from table')";
    $ip= "mysql_query('select ip from table')";

    if($username=!$ip){ echo "username doesnt match the ip"; }
    $connect= mysql_connect($ip);}
    echo "<img src=\"offline.gif\">";}
    else{ echo "<img src=\"online.gif\">";}

    something like that? im a newbie php coder so sorry if it is all wrong :P

  3. UPDATE!



    -Changed font colors for news titles

    -Created and inserted 2 logos

    -Finished the screenshot gallery



    -Working on a block for the gallery

    -Links section

    -Reviews section

    -Interviews section (I want to give gamer online an edge by doing interviews with game companys, if i get to reach them that is :P )


    Additional feedback please?


    P.S. Ill, i dont understand your comment on the background, how is it flashy, i am not noticing it, has anyone else had this problem?

  4. PHP-Tutorials are everywhere, but my recommendations go to
    also offers a wide variety of tutorials and howtosPHP-Nuke skins are also crawling all over the net, making your own theme isnt that hard, the only real hard part is a forum skin, I recommend:

  5. Kimiko, someone mentioned it before, go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    They have a real easy to install shoutbox


    The code:

    <!-- BEGIN MYSHOUTBOX.COM CODE --><iframe src=\"http://201027.myshoutbox.com/\" width=\"152\" height=\"300\" frameborder=\"0\" allowtransparency=\"true\"></iframe><!-- END MYSHOUTBOX.COM CODE-->

    Explaining it:

    *The iframe is used to create an internal frame into your site, this enables the shoutbox to refresh occasionally


    *src directs to the source of the hard-coded shoutbox configuration, they host it for you


    *width and height lets you adjust the size of your shoutbox


    *frameborder lets you decide to use a border around your shoutbox or not


    *allowtransparency is a default setting made by myshoutbox.com, dont mind it, leave it there


    NOTE: Do not use that code as it refers to my shoutbox, you would get my shoutbox messages and thats not what we want.


    Just go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    Register and follow the guides, they guide you through the whole process intensively

  6. Great tutorial, nice effect


    I tried it and got a nice effect and went experimenting, duplicated again (after another merge) and colorized it elseways differently, then I gave it a color halftone effect, this is what I had

    // image missing //

    it made it all less pretty tho, looked much nicer before i went experimenting :P

  7. I have completely redesigned it again :(


    I found the theme too black, so i gave it more accents in red (just a bit :P)


    It's not completely done yet, and please dont complain about the content because I am first doing the design before I start putting real content in it


    [+] Update on site [sumup]:

    *new design, less black more red

    *Shoutbox completely configured now, fits nicely into the site now

    *found a nice user stats script so i altered it (changed login form, content design and added pageviews)



    feedback please :(

  8. Like ive said, I just started this, as you can see in the main menu, im placing selfmade arrows to the left, so they wont touch the borders, i could adjust the padding (yes its posible) but i thought arrows would look nicer.The shoutbox is in development too, but ill rearrange it :( (colors will match no worries)I usually create my own websites, but I found out that its a crazy amount of work, making a selfmade news system, selfmade review system, selfmade download system, selfmade user login system. This is why I started using php-nuke, as it will be a community.(btw, why use another CMS when php-nuke has all i need and its easy to adjust. I couldnt care less wich CMS i use, as long as I can skin it the way I want)Anywayz, thanks for the feedback :(

  9. First i was trying to get animation+rollover buttons and it worked, so im hopefully getting a positive reaction on this.

    What i have is an animated header:


    What i want is the last image to resize, as you can see it ends with a small logo and i want to centralize that WITHOUT resizing the particular logo to fit better in this image size.

    So right now i have a 280*200 image and i want the end to be 175-200*100

    IS this possible? if so how?:S

  10. ive been trying to create a header with menu build inside it, after making all the needed layers i went into imageready to get the buttons done, the buttons work..then i made a animation from 2 layers, but when i previewed it, it didnt show the animation, but the buttons still worked...so thats why im asking:is it possible to use buttons AND animations in 1 image?

  11. I have been working on a fansite for a game thats coming out soon, Rakion. And it seems that i am about done ^^

    currently you can get redirected by just addressing online.trap17.com -_-

    Rakion Online

    This is actually the first time that i was this close to finsihing a site, completely written myself (except for the forum...but I have modded it a bit ^^)

    Id like some feedback on the design (boxed website) and of course on anything else you can mention ^^

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