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Posts posted by HmmZ

  1. My god, I am soooooo smart >.>


    I first had the full script in index.php, after seeing the lots kb it would gonna have eventually (function bases structure) i decided to make a main.php and include it in my index.php...after that...i decided to put header stuff and footer stuff in separate files and include it aswell (leaving 85bytes on index.php


    You can guess...the output started at "header.php:8" to be more precise, I had the following:






    as you can see, while the header include in index.php comes BEFORE the include of main.php, it already has send headers, so the only thing i actually had to do was take off the header.php include in index.php and do the include in main.php






    and that works, no header errors anymore :lol:


    I hope that all made any sense, lotsa followups per line :rolleyes:

  2. I'm having troubles with my authentication function, if the the users uses wrong login info, it works like a charm, but it gives me errors when i set the cookies, so help would be appreciated...

    Function auth(){$user=$_POST['username'];$pass=$_POST['password'];$qry="SELECT id from Solarity where username='$user' and password='$pass'";$result=mysql_query($qry) or die("A problem occured during authentication process");$rows=mysql_num_rows($result);if($rows<=0){print "<font class=\"content\">Wrong username and/or password<br>";print "$user | $pass<br>";print "<a href=\"javascript:history.go(-1)\"><b>Go Back</b></a></font>";exit;} elseif($rows=1) {setcookie("logged", "TRUE", time()+(900*1));setcookie("username", "$user");print "<font class=\"content\">Successfully logged in $user<br>";print "<a href=\"index.php?fid=area\">Continue to Admin Area</a></font>";}}

    By the way, the headers errors kicked in when i inserted the font classes (to give a cleaner display >.> . I hope it isn't the problem..

  3. The frontpage (with working news system (yay finally lol)) is now completed,

    I have been struggling like mad with both the news system (yes its fully selfcoded) and the function based site structure (index.php?fid=Admin) wich i had to learn from scratch, still needs some modifying because i can't seem to figure out how to "extend" the line (meaning function within a function) but ill get it to work eventually.


    Also, more will be added to the frontpage, such as latest posts from the forum i may be adding ( as soon as i made one, expected release date....in 5 yrs :lol: ) and some more "statistical" blocks.


    For now, I would like some feedback on the design and suggestions for a more nice-looking news (what can be added, etc..), the current index.php is a mere 1.3kb with a total image size of ~27kb :rolleyes: (means fast loading).


    I would like suggestions, critics, comments and maybe even compliments


    Solarity Creations


    thanks in advance

  4. I'm sorry for going completely off-topic, but jerry, please keep a much closer eye on your grammar and spelling, irritations persist and from my believes, a person with good grammar and spelling eventually gets the answers he want, I, for one, get tired by your use of "the" or as you pronounce it..."teh".


    Keep the "1337" language in games, and not in a forum full of questions, queries, tutorials and lots more where hardly readable posts are a pain the *bottom*.


    make better use of "preview post", so that you can correct your mistakes and errors


    Once again, sorry for going off-topic

  5. It's 3 steps for the admin to make a new section, but before he even considers doing that, hes one of those admins that actually use their mind (yes im sucking up :rolleyes: )More sections means more kb to load, wich eventually will result in an even slower loading time for the forums (they are not optimal at the moment either and I agree with 20inches631, some boards can be combined)Remember, it's a free hosting forum, all they actually needed was support, news and announcements and a webmaster section, but Xisto has alot more! :lol: (Google...."Make money online"....ridiculous :( )

  6. I remember the day i got a Sega Mega Drive from my dad, I came home from school (i was like 8yrs old) and when i came i saw this big black beauty (no not a negro ~_~) and i was sooo ecstatic, when my dad came home i hugged him so hard he broke an arm, brilliant tactics, he'll buy me another gift some day (never got anything else from him since then :rolleyes: )I was crazy of Sonic: The Hedgehog and some of the fighting games i had for the console.But i still even have an Atari (don't ask me what series it is, its 3am and im not going to search for the thing now ~_~) wich is more then 10 yrs old.If you ever wanna go back in time, play these kind of consoles (or even just plain ol' Mario on the original nintendo (or DUCKHUNT! WITH THE GUN! :lol: ))

  7. I play alot of games (or played..) and it actually wasnt hard to choose a best game of all time, C&C: Red Alert is definately my all-time favorite, after crappy prince of persia (DOS version :rolleyes: ) one of the first real games i played was C&C. After getting the feeling for strategy games, AOE(Age of Empires) became my second favorite, i still play both games occasionally, it actually brings me to "the good ol' days" where gaming wasn't war (if you understand what i mean). Now i play more Online Games then PC games, with occasionally some Xbox games (Fable! :lol: )

  8. One word...Awesome!Great background, but your render still needs some work though, let met guide you a bitget your lasso tool and shape around the part of the render that you want visible, when you got a little oval or round, go to select>feather.. and choose 20px, it should 'straighten' your selection a bit, then go to layer>add layer mask>reveal selection. This will blur the outter part of your selection (from only the layer itself, and keep the revealed part visible, then hit ctrl+u and move your saturion to the left as you prefer (if you prefer to keep some of the colors you dont have to go all the way left, then hit oknow go to your renders layer blending options and experiment with the different 'visualities', overlay/soft light/linear light. (this is of course not necessary, if your using a layer for color balance (layer>adjustment layer>color balance..) you should place the render beneath it, so it catches the color balance.Hope this helps, great pic so far and an even better improvement, keep it up mate!

  9. Well, for a beginner, surely not bad :PNext time, try to blend that plastic wrap filter out more so it 'erases' parts of the filter, many, many people are familiar with photoshop, and they all can see you used plastic wrap.., just try by doing more layers, start your layers small(meaning not too much effects/brushing per layer) and slowly build it up, it gives that great 'deep look' wich looks way more professional :(what you could try with one of these pics, is either use gaussian blur(blur>guassian blur) and blur it a bit, you can also try a wind effect (stylize>wind), i think it would add some good effects to it.Also try to choose and blend the font better, it looks...as it was placed on it with ducktape ;)Do keep trying, because you seem to pick up things quick :PP.S. Love the style too

  10. I'm working hard on a fully self-coded community (after tons of errors you get depressed i know...but i need to see what i can), so i need some feedback on a Function i made (wich is basically reguser.php), here it is:


    Function regresult($uname, $pword, $cword, $rname, $country, $day, $month, $year, $gender, $email, $email2){Global $db;$datab="Users";if(empty($uname or $pword or $rname or $country or $day or $month or $year or $gender or $email)){exit("Please fill in every field."); }if($pword=!$cword){exit("Your passwords do not match."); }if($email=!$email2){exit("Your emails do not match."); }print "Have you inserted the correct information?<br>";print "<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" bgcolor=\"white\" width=\"400\" height=\"500\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">";print "<tr><td align=\"left\">$uname<br>$pword<br>$rname<br>$country<br>$day-$month-$year<br>$gender<br>$email<br>";print "<center><a href=\"home.php?module=regresult&answer=yes\">Yes</a> | <a href=\"home.php?module=regresult&answer=no\">No</a></td></tr></table>";if($answer==yes){$regtime=date();$regqry=mysql_query("INSERT INTO Users (username,password,real_name,country,day,month,year,gender,email,registration) VALUES('$uname','$pword','$rname','$country','$day','$month','$year','$gender','$email','$regtime')") or die("Problem occured when accessing database")";$db->Execute($regqry); }if($answer==no){print "<script language=\"javascript\">history.back()</script>";}}

    I need to know if there's a problem with this script, any potential errors, maybe potential bugs..the security such as hashing and stripping will be inserted once this script is...approved...:P )


    Thanks in advance..



    P.S. My god, the

     tagging is depressing in this forum version...bit tougher to read..

  11. Hello?:PPlease, i need to know and i can't figure it out.I thought of one thing, but it would require yet another field in my userstable :X$qry=mysql_query("SELECT messages where username='$user' and savetime='$userlastvisit'");but i don't think that works....aaaaaaarggh, please help :P

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