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Posts posted by HmmZ

  1. Sorry,
    I don't exactly follow you, "there's no was to tell".

    look at the following (more cutdown) script:

    <table border="#" style="border-style: groove; border-color: grey;" width="150" height="250" align="left" valign="top"><tr> <td bgcolor="#dadada"><font color="#000000"><b>Main</b></font></td><br></tr> <tr>        <td bgcolor="#ffffff"><img src="images/menu_img.gif"><a class="menubarlink" href="/">Home</a></td><br></tr>    <tr> <td bgcolor="#ffffff"><img src="images/menu_img.gif"><a class="menubarlink" href="forum">Forum</a></td><br></tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#ffffff"><img src="images/menu_img.gif"><a class="menubarlink" href="Reviews.php">Reviews</a></td><br></tr> <td bgcolor="#ffffff"><img src="images/menu_img.gif"><a class="menubarlink" href="Downloads.php">Downloads</a></td></tr></table><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="left" valign="top"><tr> <td height="10"><img src="images/logomenusep.gif></td></tr></table>

    I want these menulinks, to be right under each other, having 1 table, 150*250px, looking like this:
    | Main |
    | Home |
    | Forum |
    | Reviews |
    | Downloads |

    the <img src="images/menu.gif"> is just a small sumup image.

    while, my current table, looks this this:
    | M | H | F | R | D |
    | a | o | o | e | o |
    | i | m | r | v | w |
    | n | e | u | i | n |
    | | | m | w | l |
    | | | | s | o |
    | | | | | a |
    | | | | | d |
    | | | | | s |
    |___|___ |____|__|____|


  2. <!-- Navigation --><table border="#" style="border-style: groove; border-color: grey;" width="150" height="250" align="left" valign="top">	<tr>  <td bgcolor="#dadada"><font color="#000000"><b>Main</b></font></td><br></tr>  <tr>         <td bgcolor="#ffffff"><img src="images/menu_img.gif"><a class="menubarlink" href="/">Home</a></td><br></tr>     <tr>  <td bgcolor="#ffffff"><img src="images/menu_img.gif"><a class="menubarlink" href="forum">Forum</a></td><br></tr>  <tr>  <td bgcolor="#ffffff"><img src="images/menu_img.gif"><a class="menubarlink" href="Reviews.php">Reviews</a></td><br></tr>  <td bgcolor="#ffffff"><img src="images/menu_img.gif"><a class="menubarlink" href="Downloads.php">Downloads</a></td>	</tr></table><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="left" valign="top">	<tr>  <td height="10"><img src="images/logomenusep.gif></td>	</tr></table><table border="#" style="border-style: groove; border-color: grey;" width="150" height="250" align="left" valign="top">	<tr>  <td bgcolor="#dadada"><font color="#000000"><b>Members</b></font></td>   <?php	print $_server['REMOTE_ADDR'];?><?error_reporting(E_ALL);session_start();include("config.php");include("functions.php");if(!isset($_COOKIE['last_active'])){	if(isset($_SESSION['user_id']))	{  mysql_query("UPDATE tbl_users SET user_lastactive = NOW() WHERE user_id = '" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "'") or die(mysql_error());  setcookie("last_active",true,time()+5);	}}if(!isset($_SESSION['user_id'])){	if(isset($_POST['login']))	{  $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_users WHERE user_name = '" . $_POST['user'] . "' AND user_pass = '" . md5($_POST['pass']) . "'");  $result = mysql_num_rows($query);  if(empty($result))  {  	echo "<script>alert('Login Incorrect.'); document.location.href=('index.php')</script>";  }  else  {  	while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query))  	{    $user_id = $row['user_id'];  	}  	header("Location: index.php");  	$_SESSION['user_id'] = $user_id;  }	}	else	{?><b><strong>Log In</b></strong><form method="POST"><input type="hidden" value="1" name="login">Username : <input type="text" name="user" maxlength="15"><br>Password : <input type="password" name="pass" maxlength="15"><br><br><input type="Submit" value="Login"><br><br><img src="icons/register.gif"> <a href="register.php">Register</a><br><img src="icons/memberlist.gif"> <a href="memberlist.php">Memberlist</a><?	}}else{	$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_users WHERE user_id = '" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "'");	while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query))	{  echo "Username : <b>" . $row['user_name']. "</b>";  if($row['user_pm'])  {  	$msg = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM tbl_msg WHERE msg_to = '" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "'"),0);  	if(empty($msg))  	{    $msg = "<font color=\"#008000\">Empty</font>";  	}  	elseif($msg >= $cfg['max_msg'])  	{    $msg = "<font color=\"#FF0000\">FULL</font>";  	}  	else  	{    $msg = $msg . " / " . $cfg['max_msg'];  	}  	echo "<br>\n";  	echo "Inbox : <b>". $msg ."</b> ( <a href=\"msg.php?act=inbox\">Open</a> )";  }	}	echo "<br>\n<br>\n";	if(isset($_SESSION['admin_login']))	{    echo "<img src=\"icons/admin.gif\"> <a href=\"admin.php\">Admin Page</a>";  echo "<br>\n";	}	echo "<img src=\"icons/memberlist.gif\"> <a href=\"memberlist.php\">Memberlist</a>";	echo "<br>\n";	echo "<img src=\"icons/profile.gif\"> <a href=\"profile.php?act=edit_profile\">Change Profile</a>";	echo "<br>\n";	echo "<img src=\"icons/profile.gif\"> <a href=\"profile.php?act=view&user_id=" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "\">My Profile</a>";	echo "<br>\n";	echo "<img src=\"icons/logoff.gif\"> <a href=\"logoff.php\">Log Off</a>";}?>	</tr></table><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" valign="top">	<tr>  <td height="10"><img src="images/logomenusep.gif></td>	</tr></table><table border="#" style="border-style: groove; border-color: grey;" width="150" height="250" align="left" valign="top">	<tr>  <td bgcolor="#dadada"><font color="#000000"><b>Affiliates</b></font></td>                   <td bgcolor="#ffffff"><img src="images/menu_img.gif"><a class="menubarlink" href="http://forums.xisto.com/;     <td bgcolor="#ffffff"><img src="images/menu_img.gif"><a class="menubarlink" href="">Empty</a></td>     <td bgcolor="#ffffff"><img src="images/menu_img.gif"><a class="menubarlink" href="">Empty</a></td>     <td bgcolor="#ffffff"><img src="images/menu_img.gif"><a class="menubarlink" href="">Empty</a></td>     <td bgcolor="#dadada">Get<a clas="menubarlink" href="mailto: thehmmz@gmail.com?subject=Affiliate Request">Affiliated</a></td>	</tr></table><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" valign="top">	<tr>  <td height="10"><img src="images/logomenusep.gif></td>	</tr></table><table border="#" style="border-style: groove; border-color: grey;" width="150" height="250" align="left" valign="top">	<tr>  <td bgcolor="#dadada"><font color="#000000"><b>Community</b></font></td>            <td bgcolor="#ffffff"><img src="images/menu_img.gif"><a class="menubarlink" href="games.php">Games</a></td>            <td bgcolor="#ffffff"><a class="menubarlink" href=" "></a></td>            <td bgcolor="#ffffff"><a class="menubarlink" href=" "></a></td>	</tr></table><-- Navigation End -->

    It's not showing correctly, the tables i created in there should come below each other, like phpnuke has it (on the left)

    What am i doing wrong?

  3. It actually only is 9kbIf i make a seperate header and footer and menu, would i need to do the following to each page?include("header.php");include("menu.php");include("footer.php");would that work?And for the CSS, it's a small style piece, wouldn't need a whole new .css file, and, if i do the menu.php seperate (include("menu.php"):D it would cut down the css by 1/3 :DOw, I would LOVE to put it up, But i've requested the free hosting package 2 days ago now and still no response >.>. Ill try to check it out on php designer 2005

  4. Why is PEAR needed with this script, i don't think ive ever even heard of PEAR :D The thing is, the script should most likely work without the PEAR thing won't it? If so, why make it more more difficult, it's supposed to be a "simple" login system, I'm currently working on my own complete membersystem, with pms and such, but I will probably keep it to myself, something has to be unique about my future community :D

  5. I have no idea if this question has been asked before, but I'm wondering what the best message board is, with the following requirements I'd like to see:-not some ordinary crappy design-Redesignable-When a person logs onto my site, I'd like him to be able to see, write, reply to the forum without registering/logging in again in the forum itself-When I click the forum link, it only has to change pages, the header/menu/footer should stay the same.Meaning I'd like to know fi theres a completely integratable forum available for free?

  6. I finally have my first page done (index.php) but I know from experience that there always is something wrong ( :D )
    So I would like some feedback on my index script

    <html><head>	<title>Gamer Online</title>	<meta name="Title" content="Gamer Online">	<meta name="Description" content="Where Gamers meet!">	<meta name="Keywords" content="Game, gamer, community, online, gunbound, raycrash, cybots, asdf, asdf game, global, massive, everquest, dutch, login, register, reply, great, polls, reviews, submissions, technology, website, webdesign, webhosting, free, freebies">	<meta name="Revisit-after" content="1">	<meta name="Author" content="Ridouan Ben Chammach">	<link rev="made" href="mailto:thehmmz@gmail.com">	<meta http-equiv="Reply-to" content="thehmmz@gmail.com">	<meta name="Copyright" content="HmmZ 2005">	<meta http-equiv="Content-language" content="en">	<meta name="Rating" content="General">	<style>a:link { color: #868585; }a:visited { color: #868585; }a:hover { color: #ffffff; }a:active { color: #868585; }menubarlink a:link { color: #716F6F; }menubarlink a:visited { color: #716F6F; }menubarlink a:hover { color: #ffffff; }menubarlink a:active { color: #716F6F; }footer a:link { color: #555454; }footer a:visited { color: #555454; }footer a:hover { color: #ff0000; }footer a:active { color: #555454; }</style></head><body><!-- Navigation Header Start --><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" background="#ffffff">	<tr>  <td height="150" bgcolor="#ffffff">  <a href="/">  <img border="0" src="logo.gif" width="800" height="150" /></a></td>	</tr>	<tr>  <td height="10" bgcolor="#82B5D4" background="logomenusep.gif"></td>	</tr></table><!-- Navigation Header End --><!-- Main Start --><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" background="#ffffff" width="100%">	<tr>  <td height="10" bgcolor="#ffffff" background="images/logomenusep.gif"></td>	</tr><!-- Navigation --><table border="#" style="border-style: groove; border-color: grey;" width="150" height="250" align="left" valign="top">	<tr>  <td bgcolor="#dadada"><font color="#000000"><b>Main</b></font></td>                   <td bgcolor="#ffffff"><img src="images/menu_img.gif"><a class="menubarlink" href="/">Home</a></td>     <td bgcolor="#ffffff"><img src="images/menu_img.gif"><a class="menubarlink" href="forum">Forum</a></td>     <td bgcolor="#ffffff"><img src="images/menu_img.gif"><a class="menubarlink" href="Reviews.php">Reviews</a></td>     <td bgcolor="#ffffff"><img src="images/menu_img.gif"><a class="menubarlink" href="Downloads.php">Downloads</a></td>	</tr></table><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="left" valign="top">	<tr>  <td height="10"><img src="images/logomenusep.gif></td>	</tr></table><table border="#" style="border-style: groove; border-color: grey;" width="150" height="250" align="left" valign="top">	<tr>  <td bgcolor="#dadada"><font color="#000000"><b>Members</b></font></td>   <?php	print $_server['REMOTE_ADDR'];?><?error_reporting(E_ALL);session_start();include("config.php");include("functions.php");if(!isset($_COOKIE['last_active'])){	if(isset($_SESSION['user_id']))	{  mysql_query("UPDATE tbl_users SET user_lastactive = NOW() WHERE user_id = '" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "'") or die(mysql_error());  setcookie("last_active",true,time()+5);	}}if(!isset($_SESSION['user_id'])){	if(isset($_POST['login']))	{  $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_users WHERE user_name = '" . $_POST['user'] . "' AND user_pass = '" . md5($_POST['pass']) . "'");  $result = mysql_num_rows($query);  if(empty($result))  {  	echo "<script>alert('Login Incorrect.'); document.location.href=('index.php')</script>";  }  else  {  	while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query))  	{    $user_id = $row['user_id'];  	}  	header("Location: index.php");  	$_SESSION['user_id'] = $user_id;  }	}	else	{?><b><strong>Log In</b></strong><form method="POST"><input type="hidden" value="1" name="login">Username : <input type="text" name="user" maxlength="15"><br>Password : <input type="password" name="pass" maxlength="15"><br><br><input type="Submit" value="Login"><br><br><img src="icons/register.gif"> <a href="register.php">Register</a><br><img src="icons/memberlist.gif"> <a href="memberlist.php">Memberlist</a><?	}}else{	$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_users WHERE user_id = '" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "'");	while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query))	{  echo "Username : <b>" . $row['user_name']. "</b>";  if($row['user_pm'])  {  	$msg = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM tbl_msg WHERE msg_to = '" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "'"),0);  	if(empty($msg))  	{    $msg = "<font color=\"#008000\">Empty</font>";  	}  	elseif($msg >= $cfg['max_msg'])  	{    $msg = "<font color=\"#FF0000\">FULL</font>";  	}  	else  	{    $msg = $msg . " / " . $cfg['max_msg'];  	}  	echo "<br>\n";  	echo "Inbox : <b>". $msg ."</b> ( <a href=\"msg.php?act=inbox\">Open</a> )";  }	}	echo "<br>\n<br>\n";	if(isset($_SESSION['admin_login']))	{    echo "<img src=\"icons/admin.gif\"> <a href=\"admin.php\">Admin Page</a>";  echo "<br>\n";	}	echo "<img src=\"icons/memberlist.gif\"> <a href=\"memberlist.php\">Memberlist</a>";	echo "<br>\n";	echo "<img src=\"icons/profile.gif\"> <a href=\"profile.php?act=edit_profile\">Change Profile</a>";	echo "<br>\n";	echo "<img src=\"icons/profile.gif\"> <a href=\"profile.php?act=view&user_id=" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "\">My Profile</a>";	echo "<br>\n";	echo "<img src=\"icons/logoff.gif\"> <a href=\"logoff.php\">Log Off</a>";}?>	</tr></table><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" valign="top">	<tr>  <td height="10"><img src="images/logomenusep.gif></td>	</tr></table><table border="#" style="border-style: groove; border-color: grey;" width="150" height="250" align="left" valign="top">	<tr>  <td bgcolor="#dadada"><font color="#000000"><b>Affiliates</b></font></td>                   <td bgcolor="#ffffff"><img src="images/menu_img.gif"><a class="menubarlink" href="http://forums.xisto.com/;     <td bgcolor="#ffffff"><img src="images/menu_img.gif"><a class="menubarlink" href="">Empty</a></td>     <td bgcolor="#ffffff"><img src="images/menu_img.gif"><a class="menubarlink" href="">Empty</a></td>     <td bgcolor="#ffffff"><img src="images/menu_img.gif"><a class="menubarlink" href="">Empty</a></td>     <td bgcolor="#dadada">Get<a clas="menubarlink" href="mailto: thehmmz@gmail.com?subject=Affiliate Request">Affiliated</a></td>	</tr></table><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" valign="top">	<tr>  <td height="10"><img src="images/logomenusep.gif></td>	</tr></table><table border="#" style="border-style: groove; border-color: grey;" width="150" height="250" align="left" valign="top">	<tr>  <td bgcolor="#dadada"><font color="#000000"><b>Community</b></font></td>            <td bgcolor="#ffffff"><img src="images/menu_img.gif"><a class="menubarlink" href="games.php">Games</a></td>            <td bgcolor="#ffffff"><a class="menubarlink" href=" "></a></td>            <td bgcolor="#ffffff"><a class="menubarlink" href=" "></a></td>	</tr></table><-- Navigation End --><table border="#" style="border-style: solid; border-color: darkgrey;" width="400" height="200" align="center" valign="top">	<tr>  <td bgcolor="#dadada"><font color="#ff0000">Welcome to Gamer Online<br>The only Community with it's goal set to provide it's users with massive information<br>  and to give the users a nice experience<br> in both information displays as in interactivity.</font></td>	</tr></table><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" valign="top">	<tr>  <td height="10"><img src="images/logomenusep.gif></td>	</tr></table><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" valign="top">	<tr>  <td height="10"><img src="images/logomenusep.gif></td>	</tr></table><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" valign="top">	<tr>  <td height="10"><img src="images/logomenusep.gif></td>	</tr></table><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center" valign="top"><tr><td><?PHP $number = "5"; include("path/to/show_news.php");?></td></tr><-- Main End --><-- Footer Start --><table border="0" background="images/Footer.gif" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" valign="bottom" width="100%" height="100">	<tr>  <td><font class="footer">CopyrightŠ <a class="menubarlink" href="/">HmmZ</a> 2005</font></td>  <td><font class="footer">This website was created and designed by Ridouan Ben Chammach</font></td>	</tr></table><-- Footer End --></tr></td></table>?></body></html>

    The last tag closings are just for insurance (I understand they shouldn't hurt the script)

  7. ...

    I googled for the process information and this is what I come across too:


    svchost.exe is a system process belonging to the Microsoft Windows Operating System which handles processes executed from DLLs. This program is important for the stable and secure running of your computer and should not be terminated. Note: svchost.exe is a process which is registered as the W32.Welchia.Worm. It takes advantage of the Windows LSASS vulnerability, which creates a buffer overflow and instigates your computer to shut down. To see more information about this vulnerability please look at the following Microsoft bulletin: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/n/MS04-011.mspx This is a registered security risk and should be removed immediately.


    Doesn't sound like Microsoft took good care of the vulnerability of this process, if it has a registered worm, the security for this BOOT process seriously low..

  8. fsastraps, your solution sounds like an expensive one, buying another HD just like that is not everyones hobby, and to buy a primitive HD from the Stone Age, would only make things more difficult, because first of all, the transfer would be slow and second, every HD has his protection, and the primitive ones (of course) have less protection, also, if the dangerous file was to be on one of the files spawn wants to transfer, he would be transferring the dangerous file aswell to the other HD, making things only more complicated =/

  9. Hmm, I don't think dial-up has ever been fast :D


    It doesn't have to be a permanent thing, I don't know alot about dial-up, but the basics are the same, every connection has a low peak and a high peak. It could be that you were experiencing the slowness in a low peak.


    Also, if your dial-up is not on high demand, you would nearly have a dedicated dial-up connection (that actually sounds faster!), meaning it would be faster then the average dial-up. The problem would more be on the other side, where it is on high demand, the more people connect, the slower the connection will be (at that time)

  10. Thanks for the big help beeseven, I got the border-color and the most part of the borderstyle, but what exactly do you mean by multiple, it must be me, but i get confused by what you mean hehe.Yea, the edit button got scared off :DHey by the way, it's not possible to use multiple colors as border-color right? because you said (red green), just a fast question cause i thought that's not a possibility, if so, you just exampled 2 colors :D

  11. Hey guys,I have a question (duh!:D)I want tables in my navigation to have a border, but instead of a plain border i want to give the table border a special look (gradient for example), is this possible? if so, how would I do that<table border="" width="150" height="250" valign="top">

  12. Yes,A bunch of people do have experienced this problem, including me, and it's not a hardware problem, the problem I had was a virus that nested itself in the Bootsectors and the BIOS (yes the bios!), so formatting my pc wouldn't fix it. The best thing to do is bring it to a hardware shop and let them investigate it, they know how to solve such problems.

  13. Adware is a new method of advertisers to be able to reach its potential clients, because most banners don't get clicked anymore nowadays, adware are files that give the advertiser the option to automatically show you a popup once in a while, even if you dont browse the net, an agressive way of advertising.


    Spyware is made to get the users information, but there are alot of people that don't actually "hack", but just spyware nuke you, they make their spyware so it targets certain processes and sometimes even corrupt files, this kind of spyware are actually called Malicious Spyware


    Spyware doesn't NEED to run on boot, but if a spyware creator makes the file to target a WinXP boot process, the spyware gets run together with the process, meaning it runs on boot.

  14. Everyone has svchost as their system process in WinXP, and there are not many that have their svchost eating up their CPU like that, all that it could mean is that some spyware/adware can be using the process to startup or deliberately targeting that process to screw you up

  15. Both types of gaming have their ups and downs, whereas consoles are easy to use, they have a limited gaming experienceAnd whereas PCs have got the option to download games for free and paid, frequent updates on games, a large collection of games, many varietys, But as downside, crashes, corrupted files, long times of betas and in the multiplayer world, hackers, scammers, bugs etcetera..You cannot quite balance these 2 as they both have great ups and infamous downs, just have both and combine :D

  16. I have never liked Apple comps, and will probably never will. They produce computers with awesome design, and low specs. While, PCs are (usually) less nice looking, they perform better in all ways. I say usually because there are more then enough options to MOD your pc and make it look awesome (neon lighting/digital displays/etc..)And by the way, when you buy a pc to work alot with, you're not gonna be bothered by the looks, cause you will put the comp somewhere where you don't even see it nicely. Apple comps are made for their design, as home entertainment systems, and as stylish computers for offices where clients visit very frequently (at the main desk it looks alot nicer if the people work with nice designed computers, just an attractive feature of getting in clients)

  17. Have you got a "copy" of windows XP? Cause it's a known problem with copied/illegal windows XP discs...


    It could also be that you have a start-when-boot file on your computer that eats up your CPU completely, wich is usually spyware, get yourself ad-aware and search for spyware, if that doesn't fix your problem you can try a system restore


    also, Sourced from Styx (fellow member)

    if it's because of problems with Windows XP, check out http://www.blackviper.com/

    he has a great list of what to disable and get rid of in XP.

    i must have boosted my computer speed by 25% just doing the safe mode tweaks.

    And if that doesn't work, you can try to tweak your comp with probably the most advanced (free) tweaker, X-Setup Pro

  18. Just use what you normally use for a logo of a site..<a href="direct_to_this_link.htm"> <img border="0" src="your_pic.gif" width="" height="" /></a>It is as you see it, you start with the hyperlink tag and IN the hyperlink tag you display the image, that way it will display the image and have a hyperlink on it aswell. Correct me if i'm wrong :D

  19. Wait, you want the tables to adjust to the browsers resolution?So if your browser is made (by hand) smaller, the tables have to automatically adjust to the browsers height and width...and the text must stay the same, with horizontal scrollbars appearingThen you have to use % instead of px<table width="10%" height="20%"> <tr> <td style="background:..."></td> <td width="" height="">your text</td> </tr></table>That should adjust the table itself to your browsers res, while the text stays on the specified width and height.Not completely sure but it's worth a shot :D

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