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Posts posted by DjLuki

  1. ronaldo has always been my favorite soccer player but he has messed himself up, i guess with all that money he didn't know waht to do and started eating..who wouldnt do that? but after watching that france-brazil game, Zidane really showed some skills, more than ronaldinho, but to bad he's retiring.. so i guess for now, i woud choose Ronaldinho, there's really no other good player like they used to be before. i did not know Maldini retired, he used to be one of my faves to.

  2. hey im looking for a script or some code where i can add downloads and it will put the downlaoads in order from newest to oldest or from most popular to least. and how many people have downlaoded that specific thing , so if you know of such a script where i can get it, post it here or where i can get it.

  3. i like the sounds on the text when they disappear..and yea the pictures are kinda blurry on the intro...also i think you should use different font on the content and for the links..i think Times New Roman would look better than the one you have right now.but flash is hard, i've tried it before.. you did a good job overall.

  4. ah i wonder the same thing sometimes, what are we here for, what were we brought here to do? there are many religions in this world so it's hard to know nd we don't even know if there is an after life excpe that we have to go by our holy books. I don't know if we can change our future, i dont really think we an. we're in gods hands and thats the person who controls it.

  5. i think the english were lucky they got taht far. in my opinion, england has nice players they just don't know how to play.. and they do need a better coach than the one they got..nd good taht he got fired. and Rooney asked to be left, u don't kick a person like that...but they had no chance anyways so the better team won it. maybe next time england can do better and actually have another forward to go with rooney, crouch can't do much except that he's tall.

  6. thanks for the replies and your comments, much appreciated!RVKLASS, im not sure why it looks that way to you, but here, using internet explorer, it doesn't look like that..everything is connected..i'll have to look into css and see what i can do with the links, im not very good with that.

  7. tell me what i can do to make this site better, or if you have any suggestions or any examples to show me so i can make a better layout for my site.. rate this and tell me what i can change or if ot doesn't work at all, than ill just work on another one, none of the links work, im just talkinga bout the layout so..i used photoshop to make it. if it sux than, guess ill try and make abetter one :)

    here is the link below:
    My Webpage

  8. there are always customers trying to ripp you off or trying to get something more, but the only reason is that many times the companies try to rip us off as well (tell me that's not true?)...it's not your fault but whoever is in charge of doing those things should od it right or else you'll have to go through the trouble..anyways, many different kind of people in this world and you will run into them but that's life..u can do nothing about it.

  9. i used to play darktrhne but im just getting tired of iter because the gold version is not coming out, and they been saying it's gona coe out next month for about 2 years. but it is nice and very reliable though, loads easy and everything wors... it's much faster than the army system that is hosted by Xisto.. but i don't play that one because there's no way i can win when people started way ahead of you, and one time i had 56 million dollars getting ready to deposit it and this guy attacked me so i just quit from that day..i got too mad to play it anymore. i worked so hard for it :) !

  10. Why not make the fireworks illegal for just for drunk people than? what i mean by that is.. if a drunk persion gets hurt than sue them or something...and no fireworks and drinking shouldn't be mixeed, but know better.. do it before you're drunk or if you know you're that kind of person than don't buy them at all, let the other people do it..but ther's always someone to screew it up for all of us for everything so they're probbably never gona be legal.

  11. hey there, well im from europe myself and it is weird how many people don't know where many of the small countries or porr ones are. Not even teachers know where they are, that realy shows something! It sucks that you have to tell every person you meet about your country, it gets kind of old. Well, when i hear the word europe i think of my home! im hoping to move back there back in a couple of years..it's just better than any other continent in my opinion. It has many ancient cultures and other things, that's what makes up eruope. it's a beautiful place!

  12. ok, i have a problem with this law, why are they not allowed? like wher ei lie they don't allow like missils, rockets stuff like that that fly into sky... just because there are people that wanna act stupid with them and joke around not everybody else should have to suffer for them.. at least for 4th of july they should make them legal, you know...it's once ina ayear so let us have some fun and they are not really that dangerous if you not being an idiot and poiting them at other people.. what do you have to say about this? maybe they are legal in your state/country ...but wher ei live they don't allow us here to have the good ones.. they only let us have the crappy ones for 5 year old...where's the freedom??? isn't that what we are celebrarting?

  13. Well, i guess im the first one to get started on thsi one..I don't smoke and i really hate it when people smoke around me because i have to breath more smoke than they do..sometimes i can't even breath because of it..and i'm not sure if it does much damage to you because i know people that are living 70+ years and they smoke like crazy...I like the way how they made it in some public places, like seperate smokers and non-smokers..make a seperate place for smokers..As for the prices, i dunno i guess thy should be cheaper, if people wanna smoke let them smoke.. everybody ecides for themselves so why whouls we care..

  14. i played the first one, at first it was fun but soon it started getting old because you do basically the same things over and over...maybe if you had more control over the character, like actually you talk to other people and hear them talking it would have been more interesting. when i built my own family, i couldn't even build a freakin house, not enough money! had ti find jobs first and sleep outside for months!! but maybe "2" is better" what are the changes? anything new from the older one?

  15. After looking at all three sites, they look very nice over all.. ill try and break it down.. nowPimpMyArea.com -- This site looks very professional to me. Very easy to navigate through and theres is enough content and pictures. it looks good. The only thing that,my opinion, doesn't really work for me is that blue banner under the site name and the ad. But everything else looks raelly good! good job.PimpMySMS.com -- I think this site is too small to have that much advertisements, that might drive people away but maybe you should add more pictures on the front page and more content and info about the site or services you offer. That's all i have eto say about this one..AvailableArcade.com -- Everything is fine about this one..looks very nicely done..As long as you don't put pop-up ads, those re the ones that drive people away. but good job, i like this one, il be coming back to play some gmes there :). Oh ya, blue is my fave color ;)!hahaI won't rate since im not a professional, but i gave you my opinions hopefully that helped you.

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