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Posts posted by DjLuki

  1. if you are very new, i suggest using microsoft frontpage, it might not be as good as dreamweaver but its easier to use for a beginner. Dreamweaver is more advanced and harder to use, but i think is more accurate...but microsoft fronpage is stil ok, cheaper to ;)..and notepad is one to.. but you have no pictures there...i still use frontpage to code my sites, but i make them in photoshop so..yea..microsoft frontpage comes with the MS Office tools. (word,powerpoint and all that good stuff)..Peace

  2. well my favorites softwares are the following:Internet Explorer..very easy to use and i like the look better than any of the other browsers, some peole don't like it because of security reasons i think, but i havent had trouble with it so its cool.Second one is : Msn Messenger- i use this to talk to friend and family all over the world, its a good one!and the last one is photoshop- i like working with graphics, even though im not very good at it, im still learning but its fun so yea.Those are my top three.

  3. i think that its Monday, that's what we always used in my coutry, but since i came to us, i've seen that most people use sunday as the first day of the week. i think that's in the calendars to and i do not know the sotry behind any of them but i go with monday, and sunday the last because its a weekend, after a long week of working , than comes the end where you have sme fun, ust like in real life, you work and work at the end, you retire and just chill, and the end comes ;).

  4. ok i found this very interesting and scary, we are learning about the Mayans in my history class and according to them, this life cycle is going to end in december 23, 2012. The only reason why its scary is because withuot any technology, those people wre only 30 or 50 seconds behind at time,dates etc.. and they were not even as advanced as we are now, so should we really believe that? it's kinda scary but also very interesting. what do you think? is it gonna happen? another fact is that they counted dates and times by stars , and everything that had to do with nature..

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