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In the Special Edition of Using Microsoft PowerPoint 2002 there is a section on color. It states that color has an impact on your emotions. They list several colors and give the suggested colors to use for different effects. Their suggestion for the combination that is the easiest to read from any distance is dark blue backgrounds with yellow and white shadowed text. A consistent background color and template will add to your presentation. And be careful with colors, too many will make your presentation look like a circus.What do colors represent to you? How do they make you feel/act? What combinations do you like the best? And, the standard line, "What is your favorite color?"
Commitment To More Activity - I'm A Mouse Potato
Laurie replied to Laurie's topic in General Discussion
Well my commitment to stand up was kinda mushy the last few days. In fact, I had forgotten that I had made it. Thanks for the reminder. I have also added walking around the block at least once every other day. I have kinda fallen short of that as well but at least I have gotten a few trips in and today is another day. I guess that every little bit I do does make a difference. -
Seeking Writers need well written articles for website
Laurie replied to Laurie's topic in General Discussion
The only payment is that you can advertise anything that you want (within reason) and that you can get assistance in revising and editing your work. It is an opportunity to have others read what you have written and comment on it. I am working on creating a way to comment within the Library but for now the blog and Xisto are available to comment in. -
Where is this game available? Can you download it? I would be interested in trying it out. I am also interested in other strategy games that can be downloaded. Do you have any to suggest? I am also interested in finding someone with a game idea that they want to see developed. I have the desire, just not the concept. I would also like articles written about strategy games and why they appeal to so many people to put on my website (link in my sig) or any other topics that you would like to write about. Give it a try, I know you have something to say!
This is one of the types of articles I would like to see posted on my website http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ There are many other types as well but this one has a solid topic with something to say about it. It is logically laid out in paragraphs that make sense. And it is enjoyable to read. Can you write something that would be as interesting? I give you the opportunity to give it a try. Post your interest here, in a PM to me or by email idkingsland@mmogn.com I will set you up as a writer in the new program written by Ghostrider that I am beta testing. Not only will your articles help to inform, but you will be helping to test a valuable new product. Go ahead, I know you have something to say!
I took a computer class in my senior year of high school. That was in 1985. The year before my brother had helped them install a computer system. It was state of the art at the time. It consisted of a host terminal and 16 offshoots. The system used TRS 80s (trash 80s to us). We learned pascal. I was good at it and often helped other students. It was there that I discovered that not everyone thought like I did and they had alternative ways of doing things that often worked just as well or better. I had an assignment to create an alphabetizing program. My version took 2 hours to alphabetize 2000 names. It was considered fast for the time and they used it for the schools administration records. What I learned in that class was very valuable and I use it even now. Programming principles are pretty much the same no matter what the language is. It is funny to hear these people complain about not being able to use the computers fully at school. Remember there was a time when we didn't have them at all.
I am seeking writers to produce well written articles for publication on my website Laurie's House http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ They will be able to submit articles, edit them, have them posted and have them available for reading by visitors to the site. These articles can be on any topic but should be informative and useful. If you wish to become a writer, post here, send me a PM or email me at idkingsland@mmogn.com So many of you make such great posts that I would like to have your ideas add content to my website.
What Would You Do If There Was No Internet? hmm...
Laurie replied to whyme's topic in Science and Technology
It was 4am. I was sitting at the computer. I had been there for an hour as I had gotten up to follow up on an idea that I had. Suddenly my pointer wouldn't move. I tried using the mouse but there was no response. I could use the keyboard but there is only so much that you can do without a mouse. I remembered wistfully the time before there were mice. But I went on to more troubleshooting. I have a wireless mouse so it has a red light underneath it and a green light on the part that goes to the keyboard. Both were lit up bright. I fiddled with the battery anyhow. No change. I restarted the computer. The pointer showed up on the middle of the screen and wouldn't move. I restarted it again. No change. I began to believe that my mouse had died. I had no backup. At 4am where could I get another mouse? Then the withdrawal symptoms set in. I began to panic. I was not going to have access to anything with my computer until I could get another mouse. What would I do instead? My first thought was to go back to bed and avoid the morning until I could look for a mouse. I thought of this topic and resolved that I would make a post as soon as I could get back to it. I just hoped that Xisto wasn't down like it was for awhile yesterday. That was another case of withdrawal. I couldn't do what I had grown accustomed to doing. I played around with a couple of other things on my computer. It became obvious to me that being at the computer is my chosen activity.At this point my boyfriend Bill came into the room. I told him what the situation was. He pulled out his laptop and let me test my mouse on it. It didn't work there either. He took out a battery and replaced the one in the mouse. Suddenly it worked again. I felt a rush of relief. My morning was saved. I have been thinking about what I would have done if I couldn't get my computer working again. What would be a 'worthwhile' pursuit? I have my crochetting, reading, walking, doing errands, calling someone, starting a new hobby, eating, sleeping, sewing, and whatever else I could think of at the moment. People say I could do 'more productive' things than being at the computer, but what is 'more productive'? This topic shows that people believe that there are such things, but I haven't seen very many examples of what they would be. What do you think they are? -
We have had Pony Express, snail mail, telegraph, telephone, fax machines, radio, computer, wireless and other methods of transporting ideas. We have also developed ways of moving items from one place to another. Suppose we could combine the two and transport items without having to physically move them. jThis could be similar to the transporter beams used in Star Trek or the machine developed by Willy Wonka at the Chocolate factory. This would allow me to send my cinnamon roll to jlhaslip, or mail the cup of coffee to the person on the shoutbox who asked for it. I know there are people who have been working on this technology. I wonder how close they are to coming up with a solution. The first steps would be to define what we want, then design it. When I brainstorm about this idea I come up with lots of suggestions. I bet you do too. Take some time to put words to it and post it here. Maybe we can develop a 'transporter' from the ideas we come up with.
Review My Site Help me improve my website
Laurie replied to tedallsearch.com's topic in Websites and Web Designing
I have registered. My site is awaiting approval. I need to be recognized by Google before I can be included. -
Ribs are not slowing me down much anymore. My resolve to become fit and healthy is in place. I will stand at least once an hour while at the computer and I will walk around the block at least once every other day.
A lot of weight loss is dependent upon your mental attitude. It is easy to say that you want to lose weight and then never do anything about it. Or you do stretches and walk the dog for about a week and then you 'just don't feel like it today' and put it off until 'later' which never gets here. I find myself sitting at the computer for hours at a time without even moving from my chair. And that walk around the block that used to be easy isn't anymore. I need an 'on' button to trigger me to be able to lose more weight. I am 60lbs over my ideal weight. My diet is fairly healthy so my only other option is to get more exercise. I have been told that if I start out slow and gradually increase I will be able to stick to it easier than if I do an all out explosion of energy at once. If I pushed myself to hard, in a little while I would quit because 'it is too much work'. So here I go. I resolve to stand up at least once an hour while I am at the computer and I will walk around the block at least every other day. It may not sound like much but for me it is a great improvement over what I have been doing. If you see the same info from me posted in other places it is because I am pounding it into my head (and body) that this is what I am going to do. Do you find it helpful to reinforce your intentions by repetition? I do. That is what affirmations are all about. And I use them. Do you?
Breaking my ribs helped me to continue to recognize how out of condition I am. I had noticed it before but wasn't really at a point where I was willing to do anything about it. The subject would come up, I'd do a few stretches and then I would forget about it. Result? I am now 60lbs above my ideal weight and I sit at the computer for hours at a time without even moving from my chair. What would it take for me to be willing to change my habits? Breaking my ribs! I know it seems a bit drastic of a way to get motivated but if it works I am going to use it. Some of you may know that I recently resolved to stand at least one time an hour while I am at the computer. A little step but it will make a big difference. I just returned from a walk around the block with my dog. What used to be easy is now a big struggle. I want it to be easy again. I want it bad enough to do something about it. Once every other day to start with until that is not a struggle anymore then increase it to everyday. Who knows maybe I'll get to where I can go two blocks. Good health comes from proper diet and activities. My eating habits are pretty healthy so I am left with changing my activities to get more healthy. I don't drink alcohol, sodas or coffee, I don't smoke, and I have a healthy sex life. What is left for me? Physical activity. I spend a lot of time sitting at the computer. It is time well spent but it doesn't promote good circulation or lung capacity. I have been diagnosed with sleep apnea and now wear a CPAP machine. For those of you who don't know what that is, it is a machine that provides constant air pressure down your throat preventing your throat from constricting and cutting off your airflow causing you to wake up enough to start breathing again. The sleep/wake cycle keeps you from achieving REM sleep and leaves you unrested even after a long sleep. My sleep cycle has also been in the pattern of being awake for a couple of hours then sleeping for a couple of hours. My sleep doctor and I are working to change that so that I get a solid 8 hours of sleep and have 16 hours available for other activities. So what will these activities be? What are my resolutions? Stand at least once an hour Walk around the block at least every other day Eat healthy Control my sleep habits Update my website http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Post on the Xisto forums What recommendations do you have in order to motivate and encourage me to keep these resolutions? Maybe you could share your experiences and the steps you are taking to keep yours. This would help me and you would do your good deed for the day by posting your answers.
This morning jlhaslip requested me to share my cinnamon roll with him. I am in Washington, USA and he is somewhere else. How can I get this roll to him? I have often wanted to share with those I am online with but havent figured out a way to transfer it over the phone lines (I had dial-up at the time I started thinking about it). It got me looking for examples of where this transference has been used. Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory Honey, I Shrunk the Kids Star Trek Cartoons What other examples can you think of? Have you got any ideas yourself? What uses can you think of for this technology?