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Everything posted by RedAlert

  1. RedAlert


    did you seriously just say that
  2. I hate people who think of their crummy work on Internet too highly and run to the mods when they fail to realize they are the butt of a crude joke.
  3. Wow, nice script, -Sky-! I am now using this on all 3 of my forums and it should give me a marginal increase in profits.
  4. You found them because I linked them to you AND told you what rule I broke. You would never had found them because I only edited them after the threads had already been long-dead.
  5. Very cute rvalkass, but a ridiculous idea? Really? It got me many credits and you didn't even "catch" it until I told you about it. It seems like a great idea to me.
  6. I'm his friend, and I learned from my mistakes too...I earned dozens of credits by exploiting the system in a fashion the administration could not detect. Since I no longer care about hosting here, I show you my year-old posts that gave me too many credits to count: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/48785-360-or-wii-you-decide/ http://forums.xisto.com/topic/44937-wii-sports/ http://forums.xisto.com/topic/1075-super-smash-brothers-melee-does-anyone-still-play-this-game/page-3#entry312798 http://forums.xisto.com/topic/37309-starcraft-team/ PS: If you don't get it, highlight the big blank area in my posts. also when I tried to log into this account and failed three times it locked me out for negative 179796 minutes and the number kept rising. I had to change my IP to finally log in. You might want to look into that.
  7. I know that this thread is old, but I just wanted to point out that 6469693231 is not divisible by 3, and anyone who knows how to divide should know that.
  8. I guess you don't understand that a theory has to have a scientific base to be considered a real theory.This belongs on a science fiction board.
  9. It's a tough decision. The Wii has a lot of potential with games like super mario galaxy and super smash brothers brawl, and some of the games that are out now are pretty good, but the Xbox 360 has been around a lot longer. It has a lot more games and a lot more to offer to someone who wants a lot to play now, but I'm going to go with the Wii since it has a lot more to offer in the future.
  10. The Church of England are considering suing Sony for using the inside of Manchester Cathedral in "Resistance: Fall Of Man" http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/manchester/6736809.stm In some ways, I do agree with CoE here. Ignoring any copyright issues, they should have picked a better location than that. Manchester is the worst city in England for gun crime (IIRC). If they wanted to use a real-life cathedral to base the game off, they could have picked a better one than that. The church is also the organisation most likely to sue if you rip off the interior to one of their buildings. More than anything, I'm surprised Sony actually went to the trouble of copying an existing building. They could just have easily designed a totally fictional new one.
  11. This issue has come up lately in politics. For those of you who do not know, the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy came up a while back as a policy that allows people of all sexual orientations to join the military, yet you cannot reveal whether you are gay. The thing is, nobody asks you. Gays can, at this point, join the military as long as they do not reveal their sexual orientation. Do you think this is right, or wrong?Personally, I think the policy should stay the way it is. First, let me explain that I am not biased against gays at all. The reason why I think the policy should stay is simply because it would disrupt the army at this moment. What would happen? Think about it. Of the people in the army, you know at least some will be uneducated. They'll say things like "Ew, he's bleeding, I'm not touching him! I'll get AIDS!". Something like this is bound to start up in our military. People will protest and want different bunkers, just because some people are asses. Personally, I don't agree with the policy, people should be allowed to join regardless of being gay or straight, but it's the others that I'm worried about, and having a huge ordeal like this is not what we need.What are your views on this subject?
  12. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fritz_Haber This isn't an urgent topic, but I did a report of Fritz for science in the beginning of the year, and I've been researching him more thoroughly as of late. I only chose him because of his *BLEEP*ing name, little did I know he would intrigue me so much. Where do you think the world would be if Fritz Haber was never born? Though many people aren't sure of who Fritz Haber is, he made a huge impact on the world, particularly during World War One. He developed the use of chlorine gasses as a means of warfare for Germany. These gasses proved to be highly successful (though also slightly blunderous at times), and were a large contributor to the astronomical death toll of World War One, as other countries adopted Germany's tactics. Do you think the population would be considerably higher? More survivors, more children, higher population. See next question for more details. Would the Jews be happier? Though Fritz haber did not develop Zyklon B, the gas that was used in gas chambers during the Holocaust, his associates, who were inspired by his work, developed the gas. Had Fritz Haber never sparked the Chemical Warfare era, these gasses may have never been developed and used to kill the Jews. The Nazis may have used other means to kill the Jews, but who's to say as many Jews would have been killed if there was no convenient way to kill them. Would chemical warfare have been developed without his innovation? Uh, see above. How much would WWI have changed? Would there ever be a WWII? Again, death tolls. Since gas had such a large impact on France's death toll, and they were the ones who pushed the Treaty of Versailles so diligently, perhaps with a more lenient treaty the Germans would have never allowed Hitler into power, therefore totally averting World War Two, though another one may have happened eventually in its stead, but you never know. It's impossibly to speculate what may have changed, but surely without Fritz Haber history would have been much different. How do you think Fritz Haber impacted the world?
  13. As you're probably aware of, the US Government would like to install an anti missile system in Eastern Europe. The justification for this project is, unsurprisingly, to protect Eastern Europe from rogue states such as Iran or North Korea. A rather odd claim, considering the positions of those two countries. North Korea has recently had successful missile tests, but their capabilities are certainally nowhere near what is needed to attack Eastern Europe. Iran is in the same situation, but even further behind in terms of technology. Now, does anyone honestly believe, propaganda against these two nations aside, that other government would be stupid enough to launch an attack that would result in their near instant annihilation? North Korea's nuclear program exists solely as a bargaining chip to secure desperately needed aid, and Iran's exists as a deterrent against western pressure on its policies. Of course, the average western government, along with most media outlets, paint the leaderships of these two countries as bloodthirsty extremists, capable of doing anything. At the moment, Iran doesn't even have nuclear capability. If, for some reason, Kim Jong-Il was to take immediate leave of his senses and dream up such an attack, and, ignoring the obvious technological issues, the vast majority of North Korea's generals would commit a military coup faster than you can blink, considering the alternative of having their nation turned into the world's largest nuclear wasteland. So, what is this proposed system for? Well, over the past few months, the American government has becoming increasingly critical of what it views to moves towards authoritarianism in Russia, and this is clearly a sign of discouragement. Putin's reaction is unsurprising. Of course, NATO and the US will ultimately play dumb, but Putin, having experienced the Cold War first hand, is hardly a foolish man. Honourable or not, the outlandish claims of the proposed defense system are a rather flimsy cover for a message to Russia. Putin's threat may not be very noble, but it is hardly surprising. To appear weak to a world that is increasingly isolating the Russian state, one that could have easily become an important ally in the post 9/11 world, is not something an ex-KGB official turned President is likely to do. I could go on for quite awhile, but instead I'll leave you with the very insightful thoughts of one Mikhail Gorbachev, and invite you to add your own.
  14. For all that writing, matak sure doesn't do much reading. Try reading the posts in the thread before you add your "2 cents", or you might as well be responding to a thread on what you ate for breakfast.
  15. Two months ago, the Democratic controlled Senate supported a pullout of troops in the war by next March. Earlier, the Democratic controlled House of Representatives earlier supported the withdrawal. Why? "Because America does not support the war in Iraq." America, of course, as in those who actually take the time and effort to go and vote against the war in online polls. Now I'm not saying that all of their decisions are based on those poles, but a great majority of their thoughts are. Everyone in a government position at Washington, D.C. are the best of their kind. Their smart, and for the most part know what they're doing. Our entire nation's, and the world's, futures are based on their decisions. Almost all of the decisions are bettering the world, but there are still some major issues that should not be controlled just by those in a government position. I'm talking about the war. So far, the Democrats have shown that they don't want to be in the war due to the interests of the people. But they honsetly can't say that. Its obvious that if you are against something, you'll speak out for that more than those who are for that certain thing. I am for the war, but I don't have a sticker on my car that says "I Support the War in Iraq." There are probably many more people in America who support the war than not support the war, but we don't speak out as much. And because of this, the minds of those in D.C. are somewhat changed. They think that the majority of the U.S. doesn't support the war. But nobody really knows that. This is our country, and our future. Everyone should be able to vote for or against the war, and other major issues that may occur in the future. Now I know a lot of people will say "Well, America isn't the most smart country when it comes to politics, so they shouldn't vote on what to do with the war." Well, if thats so, why do we vote for a president? This war is being fought by the men and women who sacrifice themselves to protect our country. They barely get a say in the war, and either do we. The only people who really get a say in the war are mainly trying to appeal America so that their party can get into the White House next year. We the people should have a say in the war, not just those in the government.
  16. I changed my IP and now it works fine...must've been a glitch in cpanel.
  17. Is this happening to anyone else? I get a blank page when I access it on firefox, anda cannot find page error when I use IE. I can still access the cpanel and I can see all the files are there, so what's the problem? Is the administration aware of this? My site is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ , in case anyone is wondering.
  18. *deleted phrase here* Just because you don't like a company's product doesn't make it evil. It has to actually do EVIL things for it to be EVIL. Ever think that microsoft makes a lot of money because their products are insanely popular? No? Well, get out. Notice from jlhaslip: Flaming is against the rules. Verbal warning.
  19. Thanks for proving my point, Mago. I don't think I'll be posting on the games section of this forum anymore...it doesn't really attract the brighest bunch.
  20. If you and your math teacher really think that, then neither of you understand what infinity is. .9~ is not a process; it's not growing. It's a number that's exactly equal to 1 without rounding.
  21. .9~ = 1, and anyone who doesn't think so should go back to school and take advanced math.Here are some proofs...pick one you can understand:Let us assume x = .99999~Now we know that when we multiply something by 10, wemove the decimal one place to the right.so 10x = 9.9999~ There is no 9 lost by doing thissince there are an infinite number of them.Now we do simple arithmetic10x - x = 9.999~ - .9999~9x = 9 This is allowed because every 9 after thedecimal will cancel with another 9.x = 1 and x = .999~ so 1 = .9999~.9999~ = .9 + .09 + .009 + ....here we represent .9~ as an infinite sumsum[i:0->inf.](.9*.1^i)We know how to solve infinite sums.sum = .9/(1 - .1) = .9/.9 = 1Since we said the sum was initially .9999~, we canconclude that .9999~ = 11/3 = .33333~This is true, and can be proven with an infinite sumas above.3*1/3 = 3*.33333~1 = .99999~We are allowed to multiply by 3 because no part isgoing to carry over to the next part. Thus, every partof the decimal will increase by factor of 3, making ita 9.The real numbers are defined as limits of Cauchysequences of rational numbers.*A rational number is a fraction of two integers*A cauchy sequence is a sequence x(1), x(2), ... suchthat for every integer n there exists an integer msuch that |x(j) - x(k)| =< 1/n for all j,k >=m.Two Cauchy sequences x(1), x(2),... and y(1), y(2),...are considered equivalent if for every integer n thereexists an integer m such that |x(k) - y(k)| =< 1/n forall k>=m.Let x(j) = 1 - (1/10^j)Let y(j) = 1.I'll leave it to you to check these are Cauchysequences.These two sequences are equivalent:Given some integer n, |x(k) - y(k)| = |1-(1/10^k) - 1|= |1/10^k| =< 1/n if 10^k >= n. So we'll set m ={smallest integer greater than log(n)}.Thus the sequences .9, .99, .999, ... and 1, 1, 1...are equivalent, so they have the same limit, namely,.999~.0.9~ = 0.9 + 0.09 + 0.009 + 0.0009 + ...S = 0.9~S = 0.9 + 0.09 + 0.009 + 0.0009 + ...S = 0.9 + (1/10)[0.9 + 0.09 + 0.009 + ...]S = 0.9 + (1/10)S(9/10)S = 0.9S = 1Therefore, 0.9~ = 1.If two numbers are not equal, there are an infinitenumber of numbers between them. Give me a numberbetween .9999~ and 1.All repeating and terminating decimals can berepresented as fractions. If .999~ is not representedby 1, what fraction does represent it?
  22. This was the debate I had in my American Citizenship class today.Apparently, my entire class thinks that gun control laws should be improved. They said our system of acquiring firearms is lacking, and that anyone could get a gun if they really wanted to. Guns are meant for killing people, yadda yadda yadda, Virginia Tech, etc. etc. etc., I thought it was *BLEEP*.When asked who thought that our system right now works, I was the only one to think so. I honestly don't see anything wrong with the way we've handled guns so far. If we were to strengthen gun control, the only possible way I could see a law being made was if the person had a criminal record. Since our debate was based on the Virginia Tech shootings, that wouldn't have helped at all, since the kid had no criminal record to begin with. Not to mention it's abridging our second amendment. I thought that people would just use alternate methods of killing people anyway: crime wouldn't go down, but crimes involving guns would. It really made no difference to me, and seemed like it would be a bunch of pointless legislation when we could be focusing on other things.What's your view? I really want to see something that changes my mind.
  23. I've noticing something: people who don't believe in a God tend to say "I have no religion." However, wouldn't the people who state this be Atheist? According to the Dictionary, an Atheist is Wouldn't this mean that those who state that "I have no religion or God" are Atheist? I think so, but it seems as in modern times that people do not want to be identified as one. There is a negative image in their view, and would rather just say "I have no God" or "I have no religion." I myself catch me doing this at times. There are just times I would not say Atheist, because no one would take me seriously. "I have no religion" gets the point across, but doesn't have the negatives that the word Atheist has. Anybody seen this behavior before? Or Does anyone do this?
  24. Super Mario RPG. I remember the first time I played it I was at a cousins house and I haven't even heard of the RPG genre, I just thought it was another Mario game. A mario game that I thought was the best game ever until I learned that there was a plethora of games that were just as good, if not better...
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