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Posts posted by RedAlert

  1. I've never heard of Jack Chick or of his practices, but believers tend to know the implications of what is meant by living your life for Christ. Better yet would be if the following verses were referenced: Matthew 25:34-40.



    Here's a short list: link. Here's another as a back-up: link. From this you should be able to derive that i can keep the list coming, along with Islamic and other Abrahamic religion charities. However, i do not necessarily mean to exclude every other theistic religion, but the topic is related to the Abrahamic religion. But i can also provide an argument, though i consider it slightly weak, that implies that most world-problem solvers or helpers are believers. We can use the world's population for this. Though i prefer not to use Wikipedia as the supplier of the world's population, they tend to provide references themselves. Click. From this we can conclude that approximately 3.614 billion people in the world are professing that they belong to an Abrahamic religion. According to this page the world's population is 6.794 billion. 6.794 - 3.614 = 3.18, which means the Abrahamic religions fill over 50% of the world's population. However, this is not to exclude other theistic religions. But giving to charities and volunteering requires motivation, of which believers get from their churches, Bibles, and other believers. Unbelievers do not have many, if at all any, sources for motivation that would want them to provide for those outside of their self or families. Though you could argue that believers providing for others could be a motivation for unbelievers, whether it be out of envy or other, but that is desired and wanted by believers anyway.


    Now, if you would be so kind as to provide me with charities that are proclaiming unbelievers, we can have a decent discussion.

    jack chick was last generation's ray comfort, the neo-apologist.


    And your 'sources' for religious charities are just more religious websites. It might also be of worth pointing out that many religious charities get very little in donations from members, and actually run off public funding.

  2. Ironically, the ones doing the most problem solving are believers. But to say that no one is fixing anything includes unbelievers, too.

    of course, this is only because the vast majority of people are believers. You aren't talking proportionally. In fact, many fundies (like Jack Chick) advocate living your life worshiping jesus instead of solving world problems.

    Ignorance doesn't follow from the statement. However, Christianity requires admitting your sins; people don't admit their sins without guilt.

    I understand that. I was pointing out that this is the case for someone in particular. In this case, the poster of this thread.

  3. Actually there is an active part of the human brain scientists have attributed to believing. So you could say some have a natural disposition towards believing depending on how much they utilize that part. Personally i don't believe in this last day thing, it's been said many times before, i think it just serves to reinforce atheism in some poeple more than anything else.

    yes, believing is very natural. People are terrified of death and the suffering in this world, and feel comfortable when they can convince themselves that they will live forever in paradise and all the bad guys will live forever in torture. It is also a big part of why no one is actually fixing our problems.
    The OP's signature is a perfect example of this; he uses religion to avoid dealing with death & not feel guilty about anything he does. As they say, ignorance is bliss.

  4. how do i convert a christian


    How Do I Convert A Non Christian?




    Seriously - everyone from history knows that Qur'an was written by Muhammad who just collected stories from travelers and those stories were from already existing Bible!! the reason Muhammad excluded Christ as the son of God is because Jesus preached love but Muhammad had so many people to kill to get what he wants but if Jesus is son of God than Muhammad would go against God's will by torturing people to convert so why not make Jesus just a prophet, and just so people would not compare Jesus to Muhammad lets make Muhammad a bigger prophet so that people listen to him more.


    - if there is one God

    1) One God can't say to one person kill and to other don't and to one you can do that but to the other you can't

    2) God is not someone who just sits there just because but He is the RULER - who wants to be obeyed who created us for certain purpose




    -reply by jeje

    the god of the chrisitan bible is very fond of killing, just take a casual stroll through exodus

  5. EXODUS 21:17: and again in LEVITICUS 21:9 And he who curses his father or his mother shall surely be put to death.

    EXODUS 21:20-21: And if a man beats his servant or his maidservant with a rod(and he or she)remains alive a day or two, he shall not be punished; for he (or she) is his property.

    EXODUS 22:19 and also in LEVITICUS 20:15-16 Whoever lies with a beast shall surely be put to death.

    EXODUS 31:15 Whoever does ANY work on the Sabbath day, he shall surely be put to death.

    LEVITICUS 20:10 The adulterer and the adulteress, shall surely be put to death.

    LEVITICUS 20:13 If a man lies with a male as he lies with a womanthey shall surely be put to death.

    LEVITICUS 20:27 A man or a woman who is a mediumshall surely be put to death.

    LEVITICUS 24:16 And whoever blasphemes the name of the Lord shall surely be put to death, and all the congregation shall certainly stone him.

    LEVITICUS 25:45-46 Moreover you may buy the children of strangersand they shall become your property. And you may take them as an inheritance for your children after you, to inherit them as a possession; they shall be your permanent slaves.

    LEVITICUS 26:29 You shall eat the flesh of your sons, and you shall eat the flesh of your daughters

    LEVITICUS 27:5 Your valuation of a (human) male shall be twenty shekels, and for a female ten shekels.

    NUMBERS 15:32-36 they found a man gathering sticks on the Sabbath dayThen the Lord said to Moses, The man must surely be put to deathSo as the Lord commanded Moses, all the congregation brought him outside the camp and stoned him with stones, and he died.

    NUMBERS 31:15-18 And Moses said to them: Have you kept all the women alive?Now therefore kill every male among the little ones; and kill every woman who has known a man intimately. But keep alive for yourselves all the young girls

    Notice from jlhaslip:
    quote tags added

  6. since our resident fundie seems to be AWOL, I recently found this funny bible quirk!

    Taken from the king james translation:

    John 13:36 - Simon Peter said unto him, Lord, whither goest thou? Jesus answered him, Whither I go, thou canst not follow me now; but thou shalt follow me afterwards.John 16:5 - But now I go my way to him that sent me; and none of you asketh me, Whither goest thou?

    You can't make this stuff up! Anyone who actually believes some omnipotent being wrote this book is severely misguided.

  7. Everyone knows that sun, moon, stars and objects in the universe will have effect on earth and to a certain extend, human beings. Since astrology evolves around the studying of sun, moon, stars and signs, why is it that people keep saying it is fictional?

    you are thinking of astronomy. Astrology is the belief that what time during the year you were born will influence you throughout your life.

  8. Now, you mention God arbitrarily deciding what is able to redeem us. So? By definition, since He is the highest authority, wouldn't everything He does be arbitrary? It has to be by definition. If this is how He decided it will work, then that is how it will work - no matter how arbitrary it is (which it has to be). This does not mean what God has decided is arbitrary in the sense that it is chaotic and randomly decided. It is a reflection of His holiness, justice, and righteousness. His laws and decrees, and the things He has decided and done are all in harmonious perfection. They do not contradict each other and they are perfectly consistent.

    Alright then, so you admit it? You say god could have done ANYTHING and it would have redeemed us, as long as he said it did. So there was no need for a human sacrifice.

    The reason God purposed that Christ die on a cross and bear our sin for us is so that He may demonstrate His love. Think about it. Christ died for sinners. It is possible that some might die for a good man, or a friend of theirs, but someone dying for a complete sinner? Someone who is utterly opposed to the things of God? That is a demonstration of the utmost love.

    No, it is an utmost act of arrogance. I don't want a god to sacrifice someone for my sins, especially when this apparent god prefers it to more peaceful alternatives, despite his "holiness, justice, and righteousness".

  9. you don't seem to get it. He is basically "OK guys, because my son died NOW I can break my own rules." It makes absolutely no sense.If justice is really god's nature, then he has disobeyed his nature. You use circular logic when you say that it's OK for God to break his nature because God said this was a nature-breaking event. Why did god need to kill his son? Because he needed a price to be payed for sin. Why did he need a price to be paid for a sin? Because he said so. If he can just arbitrarily decided what counts, why did it have to be a horrible murder of a human being? Because he needed a price...It goes on and on.

  10. We all believe in the same God, we call him Allah.But some of the christians accept Christ as god, and this idea is absolutely wrong Christ is only a prophet like Moses, like Adam, and like Muhammed.

    Let me say something about RedAlert's post.
    RedAlert said for Qur'an as Muhammed's book. No, Qur'an is not Muhammed's. Qur'an's words are Allah's words. There are lots of miracles and scientific events are being understood written in Qur'an which has come about 1400 years ago.

    Yes, I know all about Islamic beliefs. It doesn't make them rational or even reasonable. Obviously it is impossible to convince people they are delusional, we can clearly see that women from the Manson Family are still unquestionably loyal to charles even after his arrest and life sentence. If you walk into a discussion with the ASSUMPTION that you are right - that you are infallible, there is no real argument at all. Just stubbornness.

    I understand you have your reasons for thinking the way you do, and I also understand there reasons for this, mainly the inability of humans to fully comprehend randomness and thus the need to personify it in a way that makes it seem intelligent.

  11. How about shut up?? You've not been with Trap long enough to know Alex. Alex is a good member and is known around the forums. I KNOW he'll do a good job, so give him a chance!
    And remove my Avatar, signature and award goddamnit! You didn't even ask for my permission to edit/use them!!! :lol:

    hey now, I registered a year before you! I don't think YOU'VE been around long enough to know Alex.

    in fact, judging from the tone in your second paragraph and your PM, I know you haven't

    btw can you make an edit of your current avatar that crosses your name out and says Red Alert? I don't have the time to do all that opacity stuff

  12. WOOT! Does this mean your demoting the old ones? (The ones who have been complained at.. :lol:)
    Congratulations Alex, I seriously hope you'll be a better Mod then most of the old ones. Please, don't be an a.. like the old ones. :P Hope you get the respect you deserve mate!

    everyone knows Alex is a horrible mod and only got the job because he donated a sizable sum of money to Xisto

  13. Let me be honest.It is imposible to convert into Christian without force (which they always do).
    And it is always questionable that you are still staying Christian! even there is lots of different bibles around and all of them writing different from the other bibles.
    We are offering you Islam which has only one book Qur'an, and never writes different from the other Qur'an which the Christian Bible does not have.

    Islam was spread with just as much force as Christianity, don't take the moral high ground here.

    Above all else, Muhammad was a military genius. His "book" likely came from a good idea to gain support and obedience among those he conquered, or just plain insanity.

  14. <p>I love how every single one of the NAY sayers refer to human rights! "That guy has the right to believe whatever he wants"What are RIGHTS? Are they things that every person is allowed to have just because he was born? What a ridiculous concept! Rooted is materialism! We are allowed to breath the air...Be are allowed to drink water. We are allowed to eat the meat. Everything that is material or worth something on a spiritual level we have to either earn...Or receive as a gift! </p><p><em>Ge:1:26: And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.</em></p>
    <p>Where did this Idea come from? Why don't these Nay sayers ask themself why they think this way? Why are they trying to stop the flow of information(possibly crucial information!) by saying that even the most uninformed/misinformed people are "protected " from being informed by a man made law that encourages them to stick to their guns! </p>
    <p>Information should be allowed to flow! </p>
    <p>ALSO anyone who tries to trick someone else into a conversion( any subtle techniques of persuasion) should read the Bible himself. Jesus did nothing in secret. </p>
    <p>If you go around and try to brow-beat or trick someone into believing then you arent exactly trusting God. Who will speak through you at the right time.</p>
    <p>WHATS SO bad about someone trying to convert you anyway? If you believe something you then surely you should be able to defend your position. Unless you are to lazy to listen or to BUSY! </p>
    <p>And if your logic is found wanting...WHY ARE PEOPLE SO ASHAMED OF CHANGING THEIR MINDS?</p>

    trying to convert someone while under the assumption that your beliefs are correct and unchangeable is impossible. Plain and simple.

    and it's why you will probably never be able to convert an atheist.

  15. Matthew 16:19 - I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.

    if you believe the the bible is the word of god, you must believe that the church is infallible. Basically, if the bible is right, Catholicism is. So you bible thumpers better convert asap

  16. that is rather odd; but im a democrat, and even with ms palin exterminator on his side, i still wanted him to win;; anyways.. offtopic, but theres a theory that he is going to get killed.. before/during/after inaguration, by racist people.. possibly the KKK, anyone know whats up with that??? i thought such thing didnt exist, until i saw a post on CNN, i believe, about how the KKk beat up a latino..

    yeah dude the KKK beat up a latino that means they can kill the most protected man in the world no problem

  17. I'm pretty sure I did just say that. Can you tell me what difference would it make if you voted rather than not voting? That's right, none. What difference would it make if you recruited one hundred thousand people who were going to vote one way, and you changed their views and now they are going to vote for another candidate? You might change half a percentage of the popular vote, and at most, maybe change a state one way or the other (if they are all in the same state and the state is relatively small), but in reality that won't make any difference who wins presidency, and also in reality I'd like to see you change the views of hundred thousand people.

    why do you think presidents campaign? It's not to make them feel better about themselves, that's for sure.


    also, I find it funny how you can berate the democrat and republican candidates when you didn't even know the candidate of the party you support.

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