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About RedAlert

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  1. http://www.bloomberg.com/businessweek top 3 are non-christians, top 2 are atheists.
  2. jack chick was last generation's ray comfort, the neo-apologist. And your 'sources' for religious charities are just more religious websites. It might also be of worth pointing out that many religious charities get very little in donations from members, and actually run off public funding.
  3. of course, this is only because the vast majority of people are believers. You aren't talking proportionally. In fact, many fundies (like Jack Chick) advocate living your life worshiping jesus instead of solving world problems. I understand that. I was pointing out that this is the case for someone in particular. In this case, the poster of this thread.
  4. yes, believing is very natural. People are terrified of death and the suffering in this world, and feel comfortable when they can convince themselves that they will live forever in paradise and all the bad guys will live forever in torture. It is also a big part of why no one is actually fixing our problems. The OP's signature is a perfect example of this; he uses religion to avoid dealing with death & not feel guilty about anything he does. As they say, ignorance is bliss.
  5. the god of the chrisitan bible is very fond of killing, just take a casual stroll through exodus
  6. if the earth is 6k years old and all of the massive erosions were caused by a massive flood, why do we have fresh water plants?bam! ka-pow. reason #327 on why creationism makes no sense
  7. since our resident fundie seems to be AWOL, I recently found this funny bible quirk! Taken from the king james translation: You can't make this stuff up! Anyone who actually believes some omnipotent being wrote this book is severely misguided.
  8. you are thinking of astronomy. Astrology is the belief that what time during the year you were born will influence you throughout your life.
  9. i don't think you guys 'get' itwhen alex sees what you guys are saying about him he won't be happy
  10. wow dude, why do you have to be like that? Alex isn't evil, he's just a normal guy like you and me. Don't be jealous of his promotionedit: wait you changed your sig? Jeeze sky, you work me too hard
  11. Alright then, so you admit it? You say god could have done ANYTHING and it would have redeemed us, as long as he said it did. So there was no need for a human sacrifice. No, it is an utmost act of arrogance. I don't want a god to sacrifice someone for my sins, especially when this apparent god prefers it to more peaceful alternatives, despite his "holiness, justice, and righteousness".
  12. wow dude, don't be mean. the first thing i'll do as mod is give you a stern talking to
  13. you're right, how could I be so naive! You aren't using circular logic, I'm asking circular questions! Makes perfect sense, just like how the jews did 9/11 and how noah chilled with dinosaurs.
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