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Everything posted by GM-University

  1. I love PhpBB, however it is easy to hack into, I know from experience (hacking into my own boards...) Whenever i use it I find several mods and things to make it more secure, and look at the code a bit myself to look for exploits... I just saw that, I saw that like 2 months ago, and tested it on my forum, it did not work, then again I hardly read the directions, but I think I did it right...P.S. I actually use IPB more now because I like the mods more...
  2. Lol, that's like me with the shoutbox, I had like/about seventy shouts the first day I REALLY used it... The first day I REALLY used it was the day I started talking to NilsC, he's awseome, the coolest admin I've ever met, and ever will.
  3. I am trying to install a mod on my forums, but I have to edit some of the exsisting files first, how would I go about doing this? I also need to add some files to exsisting directories, I am not sure how to do any of this either, can someone explain this to me, say where to go in the CPanel too, I am trying this for the first time...
  4. Cool, I both like and despise those specs, like because I love Xbox, and despise cause I'm trying to make my own hopefully succesful system, at least I now know what to expect and try to match/ beat, stupid Microsoft with their millions in development money...
  5. Yeah, but you get more soldiers at the beggining if you have more posts, I found this out today.
  6. The army system is fun, I'm waiting to get 5000 soldiers so I can attack this rich person that my army could probably beat now, it's fun, and when I wait to get turns and soldiers and money and stuff I play the game it's based off of, lol.
  7. Woah, that's strange, how are they running a virus on MSN messenger? I'd think it'd be more secure than that, they must have hacked the MSN servers or something.
  8. How/ can we install modifications to our phpbb boards? I wan't to install some mods to make mine suit my site's needs more.
  9. I use Norton's, to answer the posty above I have heard that too, but I (from personal experience) can say that is not true, most of the time it picks up to much, like when I made a fake prank virus thing, and Norton's thought i was hazardous, I just ran a scan, it found 9 at risk files, that to me is good...
  10. Hmm, no I haven't tried it, but I heard it's cool, It seems cool with the little touch pad thing...
  11. I recently changed my domain, and lost 10 credits to do it, so I was innactive, when I got back my CPanel password stoped working, I wrote it down and know i am entering it in correct, what is wrong?
  12. I like pentium much more, although over that I would pick XEON, I'm a fan of Xeon processors, they are cool and good...
  13. Wow, that's brilliant, you guys are pretty bright, nice bypass method, I lov e doing things like that, babelfish, who would have ever thought? Too bad about the no graphics thing though...
  14. I hate any pops whether they up or under, they are terrible, theyh are annoying, and I would only use them for sites that people really get addicted to it (like quality phpbb's), and only on the home page, I think banners are much better.
  15. 1. I would be so sad!!! Lol, no I would just be bored for while. 2. I would become socialy depressed and cry. lol No, I would not care, I don't use the phone or anything very often... 3.I would be bored and nothing if they both happened.
  16. Your laptop isn't too weak, just not meant for games really, but yuo can change that, get a NVIDIA or GeForce 5 or some other good graphics card, and make sure your running DirectX 8.0 or higher (if you use windows).
  17. Ok, nothing happened, the alert mechanism caught even though it didn't apear though, it was cool, when Web Devil is finished and out of beta it's all I'm gonna use....
  18. Wow, nice post, that helped me, and I program in Java and C++, lol. Really, nice guide thingy, I like it.
  19. Wow, thanks for posting this NilsC, I use Mozilla... I just got the patch thingy. I am going to test to see if this happens in Web Devil, I hope not, I don't know how to fix it if it happens in Web Devil...
  20. Wow, nice scripts, I too will use them when my hosting is renewed, I will have to try to find a nice purpose of course though, what kind of graphics are displayed with this, you should work on a version where you can add backrounds and stuff. Nice work!
  21. Hmm, your hardrive might be pretty full, i'm on an XPS, and my laptop runs slow because of that, but if you get a top-of-the-line graphics card you should get higher frame rates... Also, what version of DirectX are you using, go to start>run>dxdiag to find out...
  22. I like firefox much more, it is faster (for me) and is easier to use. Your right, we all do hate IE, stupid IE with it;s suckiness ...
  23. Really, I don't see it as E-Comerce, maybe the forums, but the sites aren't nescarily, I hate it when schools enable those things, they don't work all the time...
  24. Java is a good langauge, but it lacks the ability to use .dll's and stuff, because it is unable to use points or whatever they are called like C++ and Delphi and all of those langauges, that is one reason why it works on websites.
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