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Posts posted by cwconline

  1. Lol, you and I are the same. I once thought CSS Why Bother, Right? Wrong!!!!! As I have recently came to realize if you dont know css it is extremly hard to get a job as a web designer or make a nice looking website dont get me wrong you can do it with html, but it is so hard... and requires a lot of images to to so... however CSS it only take maybe 5-8 lines of code max and i am talking about stuff this simple

    .main{position: relative;top: 15px;left: 0px;border-size: 3px;} 

    Its' just to easy of course thats probally a quick bad example but It is worth the effort to learn something new... there are tons of possiblities and if you ever learn Adobe Photoshop it will come in real handy when you are trying to add your template to a html file. instead of having to crop images which you have to do anyways... it just makes it a lot more simple.Best of Luck!

  2. Well, If you like spending hundreds even thousands of dollars, then I would suggest using Google Adsense, also YPN is very pricey and plus google and yahoo advertising hasnt been around that long. Dont get me wrong but have you seen how much google pays for a cpc like .10 or less for a typical content now home loans on the other hand WHOA! man thats good... I wouldnt invest in google... I would invest more along with a company called Value Click Media they are very very good I have an account with them and could not be happier. and plus they have great payouts as well. I make about 150% return in revenue plus the cost of advertising back in my pocket when i advertise with value click media, so its a win win situation. but we are talking about Google.. the only thing I would use them for is if you get denied from somewhere else and only get accepted in Google Adsense... Hope this helped

  3. <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; width="600" height="400"> <param name="movie" value="http://ww38.yoursite.com/file.swf; <param name="quality" value="high"> <embed src="http://ww38.yoursite.com/file.swf; quality="high" pluginspage="https://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/otherversions/; type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="600" height="400"></embed></object>To save you some time from looking it up this is it right here.... Best of luck just replace the domain with your own and you should be OK!

  4. Well, there are several steps in making a game... first is making the characters, the scenes the motions etc...I would use Alias Motion Builder for the animation....use c++ for the encoding, Halo 3 was encode in c++mmmm, also you can use Java, I wouldnt recomended it our even flash, for RPG type games....But just learn Animation First then start adding stuff to that...

  5. I am currently waiting for my version on Windows Vista. I hear great things. Especially the Aero feature where you can have a 3d enviorment, but i am worried about it still being buggy however, i will install it and go through everything if it is buggy i will install window media back... i will tell you all how it went and what bugs you can find in windows vista... also does anyone try the new linux os system? my friend said there was one with a box type of aero but i do not know...

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  6. hi all
    I'm VERY new to PHP and I'm having a slight problem... I want to be able to run PHP scripts on my computer without installing a web browser. Let's say I have this code....


    <HTML>  <HEAD>	<TITLE>PHP Example</TITLE>  </HEAD>  <BODY>[color=#009900]	<?php	  print "This is an awesome scripting example.";	?>[/color]  </BODY></HTML>

    ok. if I open this with Firefox or IE or any other Browser, I will get a blank document titled "PHP Example". I know that this is because the browser simply ignores the script between the <? tags.
    So, what I want to do, is find a way to run/execute 'myScript.php' and open the result in a browser.

    I tried using the php-cgi.exe program included in the download from the PHP website, running the script with that, then copy-pasting the output into an HTML file and opening that in the Browser, but the problem is, for really long output, the console clips off the earliest part of the output.

    So yeah, If anyone has any ideas I would be greatly appreciative to hear them.

    Thanks alot!

    Hi Guy... firt of all print is a CGI function you need to use echo instead of print... also you need to download a php apache program which should be installed in
    C:/PHP or such... secondly you need to get you a PHP editor like DzSoft Dreamweaver doesnt work even though you can edit it and such...

    ok man hope this helps at all

  7. Ok so i have been using html for about two weeks and i was wondering what PHP is and if there is a website that you can go to, to learn it. I heard that it is better than html but I'm not really sure.

    Yeah, Only 2 weeks... i would learn all the html you can... it takes some time to learn php... but it is easier and more simplier for example

    say you have a ad and you use iframe to show that ad instead of saying <iframe src="ad/whatever.html" width="?" height="?"></iframe> you can just say

    <?phpinclude "ad/whatever.html";?>

    it makes coding a lot easier as well...

    because you can set variables in php

    <?php$email = "EMAIL(a)whatever.com";echo "$email";?>

    which echo means you are going to be displaying it on the page which $email echoed would be the same as in the $email = mark...

    Later Dude,

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