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Posts posted by cwconline

  1. Well, if you are thinking about "OH MY GOD SOMEONE DIED IN THIS HOUSE!"You have got to think how many creatures, people, that have died on your landsome places are burried over cemetires without them knowing. someplaces arebuilt over where a battle was fought thousands died, someplaces are old hospitials,think of all the people that have died there, but if your house is haunted you shouldfeel lucky, people would pay big bucks for proof of a haunted house. and your right atleast you do have a house.

  2. Hello! Buying your own sever is going to cost you 600$ - ENFINITE I found once little server on dell.com for around 600 but it was garbage, and before you decide hey I want to get my own server you must understand a couple of things1.) Secuirty - People may want to try to destroy my server2.) Static IP never changing3.) About a T1 Connection internet speed4.) Who is going to admin it? are you going to provide hosting5.) Where is your datacenter going to be? 6.) What happens if there is a fire?7.) How will you back up your data?8.) Who is going to provide support?These are just the basics of getting your own server. I would recommend just getting a dedicated server and leaving it at that.

  3. I think the US is in for a rude awaking, and I live in the US, there is more violence here now than there has ever been, people killing people for there shoes, and over parking places, the VT tragedy... It's just all so scary :-(. the scaries thing to think about is the people that are over seas that are wanting to destroy the US, and all it stands for. Which what does the us stand for now? Big Business? What a Second all of our big business are going over seas!! Ugh, we need a new president to stop the tranfering of business over seas.

  4. Yeah, I dont really think computers will take over the earth, there are always things, like EMP... that could disable them... and so many other things, but is it possible? Yeah, i think it could be once we start getting more into robotics thou, but not just computers, and computers do run a lot of stuff now, from the gas you pump, all the way to what controls are nuclear missiles. Scary!

  5. I found Xisto when I was giving technicical support to one of my scripts. I asked him who was there host, and they said Xisto I was like WHO? Xisto.com, I was like ok... give me a minute so I can see what the specs are of the host, so I went here and looked at it to see if my script was compatiable yes it was, so I told him it was compatable, and told him how to fix the error... and thats pretty much how i found Xisto,

  6. OK! I need to let you in own a little secret. PayPal doesnt charge for PayPal to PayPal accounts all accounts small - business or whatever... they only charge you a fee if you are using a credit card. thats the only processing fee that is charged to your account, and I believe that 3% is being nice. some companies charge several dollars to process that high amount of money... although 200 isnt a lot anymore.

  7. Well board games are getting old arent they? Well anyways... I play chess a couple times a week to keep my mind going, and it does take a lot of strategy you have to realize that every pawn has the potenitial to be a queen and that is ok to sacrice a queen in order to do what needs to be done....Now mononpoly is said to be strategy, i believe its just more luck, because there is no strategy in rolling dice and moving the amount of spaces buying/selling/renting the land out or whatever it is you do... just more luck in my opinion, also checkers is a good board strategy game...

  8. My friends where telling me that halo the first one is able to be played online... similar to xbox live just without the subscription. However, I just bought Halo to see if it would... Now Im not usally big on games but YAWN! so far.... it makes me board... now anyways, is it true that you can play Halo online... and if so HOW? I cant find ONLINE or anything to that nature on there, Thanks in Advance.

  9. Well, I dont like to abuse my things, but I do threaten my things. "IF YOU DONT WORK! I'm going to break you!" after the next couple of tries it works... but about that virus... the virus, is spreading all over... it affects everything it is so horrible that someone would want to create something that would destroy someones computer that probally cost around 600 - 2000+ mine cost 1600$ USD and I got it on sale... I would be furious if it happend to me just if you are out surfing, make sure that activex doesnt run on anypages this is one main cause of the virus and scan each download file very carefully I recommend PCillien... thats what I use and it scans the files as they download and lets you know if there is any malicous software in it and gives you the chance to stop download immediatily and even STOP internet access so it can be dealt with easily.

  10. Well I believe time is relevant and that it doesnt really matter what the day is... or the time, because You can always set your machine back correct? What a bunch of idiots to come up with some theory, it's just usally to scare you and make you buy software... like Y2k... Whatever!!! I guess the will do anything to sell software..

  11. Yes! I would agree dell is one of the best laptops in the world. of course it doesnt beat alienware but they still are super on customer support even thou, you may get connected overseas. Plus dell has accidential insurance incase somethings gets damage by accident I dont believe to many companies have that. Plus dell is one of the oldest, except it is not as old as IBM or anything. so when you are looking for a laptop, just remember you get what you pay for, I paid 1600 dollars for my E1505 when it first came out, well best of luck and happy shopping.

  12. Wow! You have your work cut out for you... I believe you can do it your Xisto... ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE... I am curios thou is this algorithm reads the amount of characters and spaces then like calculates, then like checks to see if it's a true word or similar, instead of putting like dummy text? I know you would catch dummy text but is it similar to that. I'm just curios thats all... Well Good luck with your project.

  13. Well, well well looks like it's going to be a long night tring to get that 280 credits Yippie... Mmmm, man Xisto is so cool to do that. I wonder why they would? Just a great hosting company I reckon... I wonder if there is a place to donate to them... I also wonder how does Xisto stay in business without advertisments... :) A mystery... Well anyways good night people im going to post tomorrow after work so think of some good topics while i go night night...

  14. I am pretty sure there soon will be... or there probally is already! Hosting, diskspace, bandwidhth is getting cheaper by the second. For an example100 Gig - cost 100$ back 3 years ago (Dont really now just giving an example)Todayyou can get300 - Gigs of hosting or more for under 10$So I am sure, as the months go by you will see things come up things go down. you are very fortunate to have a host like Xisto, especially with mail() enabled or SMTP... Yeah! Thats good... i tell you but dont abuse it also, there are tons of free file storage places, similar to a webhost just get the like to the file and host it that way, or go to um, email me for the link... dont want to advertise for someone in here... and they offer free hosting, with good stuff to, not as good as Xisto thou :-) Ok, so I basicly think I covered what you where asking if not please feel free to contact me,best wishesjody

  15. welcome, and hey to you to... Xisto is like a paid webhost. If I owned it I would charge :-) j/k... but anyways you have a problem post it, and someone will help you out. Well best of luck and take care.

  16. Perhaps, you could do this to make a functional demo... Create just a completely new seperate test database, which I assuming it works on and config files as well... What I would do is set a cron job to auto-renew the database config file and all other folders back to default... I know it's possible I have done it when I was trying to sell a couple of my php scripts... Well, so far so good on the Cpanel LOOKS SUPER, hope I get to enjoy it ;-)

  17. You know... I really havent heard of pigeons doing that! Weird But what the person said a little above me said they fly home, there is logic in that... And No question is a stupid question that is worth asking... I have heard of hawks, and sparows doing that... but i have seen research shown that several birds where taged before migration there nest where tagged as well, and when the migrated south, and then came back a 3/5 birds went to there orginal nest... kinda like what you are saying, but finding the right pigeon esspecialy in new york where most pegions are may be a problem hope i helped

  18. Hello, I did some search's to see if anyone had covered this apparently not! So ok! Lets set up a Ip Site blocker using php and mysqlThe First thing we are going to do is make the form that is actually blocking the site.Note: You Must have this in a PHP file to work, it must be at the VERY TOP!!!!!

    <?php$vip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];include "config.php";############################### See if the Ip is in the blocked list               ###############################$get_info = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM blocked WHERE ip = '$vip'");$do_block = mysql_fetch_array($get_info);#############################################  Now we are just checking to see if we need to block the user      #############################################         if( $do_block['ip'] == "$vip" ){        die("Sorry! Your Ip has been blocked from viewing our sites content");} ?>

    The above just save it however you want to... I would recommend ipblocklist.phpbefore that works we need to create the table inside of a database that will have the ip's stored inside of themSo in phpMyAdmin or your MySql Query Window type in

    USE 'databasename';

    Excute it...

    CREATE TABLE blocked( id int not null auto_increment primary key,ip varchar(15),added datetime);

    Excute...Now you are set up! Ok, Good Job on the MySql Database set up...Now, we need to create a config file which will store how we are connecting and what database we are using

    <?php##########################    Config File                                 ##########################$dbhost = "localhost"; // This is your database host name usally localhost$dbuser = "user"; // This is your database user name...$dbpass = "pass"; // this is your password used to login to the database$dbname = "database"; // this is your database name.########################### Edit the above to suit your needs    ############################  $conn = mysql_connect("$dbhost","$dbuser","$dbpass");               mysql_select_db("$dbname", $conn );?>

    Then Your Done...I would save this as config.php because thats what we imported into our ip checker file(e.g. inlcude "config.php"; )Ok, as I said you need to put this line of code on your first line after <?php or if you are using session_start();after thatit's should like this

    <?phpinclude "ipblocklist.php";// The rest of your code?>

    Now, it's time to make a admin type area so you can add or remove blocked Ip's...

    <?phpsession_start();###################### Get the Config File               ######################include "config.php";########################## Set the admin credentials              # #########################$admin = 'admin';$pass = 'password';$s_user = $_POST["admin"];$s_pass = $_POST["pass"];if( $ses_user <= " " ){########################## Admin Login Form                         ##########################echo "<form action='ipadmin.php' method='post'>";echo "Admin: <input type='text' name='admin'><br>";echo "Pass: <input type='password' name='pass'><br>";echo "<input type='submit' value='Login'>";echo "</form>";}    if( $s_user == $admin and $s_pass == $pass ){         $ses_user = $_SESSION['admin'] = $s_pass;        $go = 1; }if( $go = 1 ){echo "Add a Ip to the Blocked List";echo "<form action='ipadmin.php' method='post'>Ip: <input type='text' name='ip'><input type=submit value='Block Ip'></form>";}if( $_POST["ip"] > " " ){$ip2 = $_POST["ip"];echo "Are you sure you want to block $ip2";echo "<form action='ipadmin.php' method='post'><input type='hidden' name='ip2' value='$ip2'><input type='submit' name='block' value='yes'>";}if( $_POST["block"] == "yes" ){  mysql_query("INSERT INTO blocked SET ip = '$ip2' added = NOW()") or die("Could not Block Ip, MySql Error");}echo "<center>Remove Blocked Ips<br><br>";echo "<form action='ipadmin.php' method='post'><select name='remove'><option value=''>Select One</option>";$ips = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM blocked");while( $showips = mysql_fetch_array($ips)){$ip_value = $showips['ip'];echo "<option value='$ip_value'>$ip_value</option>";}echo "<input type='submit' value='RemoveIp' name='Remove Ip'>";echo "</form>";if( $_POST["Remove Ip"] == "RemoveIp" ){$del_ip = $_POST['remove'];mysql_query("DELETE FROM blocked WHERE ip = '$del_ip' LIMIT 1");echo "The Ip $del_ip has been removed from the blocked list!";}?>

    OK now save that above as ipadmin.phpEverything Should work succesfully any question

  19. Hello, My name is Jody, I am a PHP,MySql,CSS,HTML,C++,ASP,ColdFusion,Flash,Maya,Alias, and all that other stuff type of guy... so I am here to just let you know... if you need help with anything, I will try to help you out the best I canmostly strongest in PHP and MySql, if I cant help you I will research, go through trial and error to help find or fix the problemthat is presented to me... nothing is to big or small, I will help all you guys out just pm for help and tell me what you need.I am also a good graphics designer which I will also help you with... Just take the time if you need help and contact meXisto - The Best Web Host! Your Lucky your a member :-)

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