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Everything posted by JDameron91

  1. Good points, guys. :PI talked to him, he seems to have calmed down a bit, but any more ideas are welcome and I will use your guy's advice if he starts to do this again.
  2. Yeah, the banner looks very good, and proffesional.If I might suggest something, can you make it slow down a bit? Other than that it looks great.
  3. Wow, thanks for the info man. :PI was curious as to see what Windows Vista is like, possibly upgrading to it from XP. But hearing you makes me want to change my mind. xD
  4. I would recommend Defender Pro 15-in-1. You can get it at Wal-MArt or any other store. It costs 40$ USD but it cleared my PC of 191 HORIBBILE spyware/virus stuff. :PThe only thing I dislike about it is there technical support, but other than that, it works great. -JD
  5. @truefusion: Sorry, his girlfriend is always mad at him he says, and she keeps threatining to dump him. His mom and dad split up, and his brother went to Iraq. That's some of the stuff he tells me a lot.@buffaloHELP: Thanks for that post man, it was really helpful. He doesn't seem to be seeking attention, it just seems like he's deppressed more than anything, it's probably part of his "growing up" from turning 18/19 to 20. You know? Thank you both for you help so far.
  6. GM = Game MakerHello, I am JDameron91, also known as Flea1991 on Game Maker sites. I started programming simple video games first in may 2003, with GM. I started to get better slowly, then I satrted web-programming in 2005, with HTML/XHTML. Moved on to learn some Javascript, and CSS, now I am learning PHP. I found this site because I needed a web-host, prefferably free with MySQL(still not sure if it has it...) database(s). I really like the idea of having users come to this forum and post/stay active in order to gain points and get hosted. So far, the forum is very nice that I can see. If anyone has anymore questions about me, feel free to PM me. -JD
  7. Hi. I just wanted everyone to know(if you didn't know already. ) of a pretty cool program called Game Maker. From my experience with it, it's very simple, yet you can still make awesome games with it. Now, when I say "awesome" keep in mind, you won't be able to make games like "Halo" or something like that with it. But you can make pretty cool games still, it is capable of 2D and 3D games, although 3D is a newer concept to Game Maker. If you want to download it, you can find it here If you need any help with it, you can PM me here, email me at jessedameron@gmail.com or go to my site which can be found here and look at my example page. It is free, but you have to pay 20$ USD to register it, otherwise you can only make 2D games. -JD
  8. Hi everyone. :PI was just thinking about suicide, no, not commiting it. Because my friend is always talking about killing himself. I was just curious to see if any of you had any ideas of what I can/should say to him to help him, without making it worse. He has been speaking of it more and more lately and I'm just a little bit worried. :DThank you all for you help.
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