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About everflame

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    Member [ Level 1 ]
  1. I cook too, well even the worst thig I've prepared tasted better than anything my girl can come up with. Anyway usually I experiment with exteme mixing of different ingridient and if all goes well .... yum. If not....heck I know I'll do better nezt time.
  2. Now imagine those 3 combined into 1 powerfull station and you will get what kind of system I sit infront.
  3. Hmm, I am a fan of intel, but as long as you use your PC for games, or some multimedia delelopment I'll say stick with AMD, if it's a 64bit AMD even better, but still I've got a Core Duo processor, and it's doing a great job so far, my other PC has P4 HT processor, and I use it for both Game development and movie making, and a lot of stuff that require powerfull computing. They both handle tempreture and data overloading pretty well, In my experience Intel processors are what I prefer, but AMD chips are not to be underestimated....they are cheaper and hotter, but they are made for working that way....if you need speed than intel is what you need, if you need performance, a 64 bit AMD will do just fine for you.
  4. Back in the days of Dial up I was fan of GetRight, I still remember the time it was free. But today....speed is what mattest most, and wifi is what connects you from anywhere with access point nearby. And from what I've seen 3 weeks ago FlashGet accellerated a download like nothing I've seen before...and trust me...I've seen a lot of speeds....this was a rocker. For my pptp internet I prefer LeechGet ... this thing got me speeds far beyond anything imaginable....but still...for WiFi I am going to use FlashGet From now on...and besides download managers give you a good way to trach what, where from, when and where to you have downloaded.
  5. Neither of them! Why choosing between 2 expensive OS when you have all these Linux distros out there and each of them is in times more powerfull than any of these 2. But since there is no place for Linux in this topic I guess it all depends on what you are going to do on your computer. If you are going for game station then go for Win, but if you are going to do some serious multimedia development or something like it...the Mac is what you need. Linux can do both...but its faith is being always the next step, while those 2....lets call them stepping stones in computer experience
  6. I recommend you deviantart.com. It has a lot of cool Anime graphich posted on it, There is a lot of junk sketches also, but if you dig up into it for a while you can end up finding some really pro-stuff.
  7. In Bulgarian it goes like : Obicham te.Nice idea by the way, some time ago I had found the same list with I love you on 100 languages and more....I've found later similar list of popular curses and stuff you don't want your kid to say to your mom next time she visits .In Macedonian I think it is : "Sakam te."....at least the some friens used that a few years back. But it is more like "I want you." I think.
  8. Yeah, it's going to be the best in years...that is if you can see it at all....the stupid weather was so clear all day , and in the last few hours it got so cloudy, there is not a single star up there....Damn, I can't see a s**t even if I step in it outside...excuse my language. ...I so hoped I will see the lunar eclise....well maybe next year...or maybe the sky will become clear in a few hours...doubt it. It even started raining. Well guys....enjoy it. Take pictures, post them so we can all see this thing happening.
  9. I just love using Picasa and Google Talk. The search itself is the default thing I use. It first, then yahoo etc. The thing about picasa....it even supports unicode characters in album names, and it makes very hard for people to find out my hidden albums if they don't know the access path....this is so cool. It is there but you cannot see it....I've always liked this part of stuff....even when I make my own programs I leave some small and neat features hidden, and I disclose them to only a few chosen ones . One other thing I like about google is its Google Earth software....at least after it updated the map of my own city recently....It may not be as real time as it looks like but there is nothing better to calm your mind when you away for a long time like a vew from the top of your homeplace.
  10. I've done some servlet and jsp programming in the past and passing values from one jsp to another was no problem using the request bean. But now I want to try and make something with portlets, and when I try to pass the values between 2 jsp pages or just 3 elements on the same page nothing happens. It says on java.sun.com that you cannot pass values between portlets using request bean....But I don't want to load up the session bean with too much stuff, so is there a way to pass some values between the formfields in one or 2 different jsp pages in my portlet app.
  11. I'll suggest you put a little bit more colours, not all people enjoy the dark look. And I think you can do better with the font. The size needs a liitle ajusment, but it doesn't look too wizardy to me....In general it looks cool. Nice idea. Put some shoulder into it and it may become a place someone will gladly bookmark.
  12. Until recently I had these dreams of time distorsion....some of my days turned out to be more than 40 hours long. The thing is I dream I overslept...like waking up in the middle afternoon, and then do something and suddenly I awake in 10 in the morning....I live my day and suddenly when I open my eyes it turns out to be 7AM the same day and my phone is going to ring in 15 mins, calling me to wake up. Lord I miss those, hope they'll return to me someday. Maybe I'll find a way to do even cooler stuff with my mind while sleeping.
  13. Duh. Just another date problem, not a big deal, this kind of bugs are not so hard to fix. I've coded a complex bug in one of mine A.I. apps at work. I didn't do it intentionally or something. I just was under a lot of pressure and it so happened that by skipping to write 2 simple checks my bug triggers if a certain function of the app is called exactly on the fist day of the last month of the year...and probably a sideffect would have been the first day of the first month of the next year...well I did't had the chance to check the 2nd thing because the system crashed bigtime during the test that fist day....and to think I was off from work that day, and not even in a 200km radius. Well sh*t happens. I fixed it in exactly 15 minutes....maybe less.
  14. My inspiration usualy wakes from the breathtaking nature sights. The best ideas I've ever had came to my mind this one time when I was high in the mountain, on its very top. Then I closed my eyes and I could feel everything , from the winds passing straight through my whole body, the warmth of the pure sunlight on my skin slowly indicating the sun's going to it's resting place somewhere over the horizon then when I opened my eyes all I've felt suddenly came to life and it was so unbelieveably beautiful. I felt like I exist to create, and I turned into a reality almost all of the ideas I had in the next few days. Of course, you don't go to a place like this carrying you notebook, so If you are about to try if this is going to work for you better hook up with a good memory....or some PDA. P.S. sometimes inspiration comes from deep within inside, so I sometimes just turn the music up and close my eyes and new world appear where there was blank space, so this usually works for me too.
  15. Yol! I'm going to check out the tutorials link....I've tryed using it for making a small game of my own a few months back, but with all the work in the end of the year and the upcoming exams I had to put my project in the deep freeze until I get something useful to rocket me into the environment. Maybe I'll find it in there;)....maybe.
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