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Everything posted by Norrad

  1. As the topic says, if you had the opportunity to go on a deep space mission but you knew it was a one way trip, would you do it?Lets say fro arguments sake, that you would see the following sights:The moonMarsJupiter and its moonsSaturn and the outer planets.I would like to see what everyones opinions are, I would personally do it if I had the opportunity.
  2. I love space and anything space related. Thank you for the images.Have any of you browsed through the galleries on the Nasa site? Some awesome pics there. Especially in from the Hubble space telescope.
  3. Hahaha, that site is quite funny.When I first saw the topic title my heart sank, I thought Microsoft may have bought Mozilla and would either screw up firefox or kill it altogether
  4. Living in Thailand is like a rollercoaster, things change all the time. For everyones information, the former prime minister sold his company to Singapore, this deal included all of Thailands satelites. The deal went through more than a year ago and the new government has just realized "Oh, crap, we don't have any satelites and singapore can intercept all over military communications" The military here is even planning to launch new satelites with costs well into the billions of dollars, and lets not forget that Thailand is very much 3rd world with many people living below the poverty line. Apparently, they haven't been able to grasp the concept of encrypting their communications yet.
  5. I couldn't vote for my favourite food, it's not on the list I would rate Thai food as some of the best in the world, very spicy, but once you get used to it, you can't go back to western food, it tastes to bland.I also think it is some of the healthiest food around, you never see fat Thai people and they eat all the time.
  6. Back, when I was still living in South Africa, Aquafresh used to be my toothpaste of choice (You know the one with the multiple coloured stripes in it) But now that I'm living in Thailand, I can't find it in the stores, so I've changed a salty tasting Closeup brand. It took a little getting used to, almost used to gag from the salty taste.
  7. I had the same problem a few weeks back, the earthquake in Taiwan really played havoc with all intenet connections here in SE Asia. It was like going back to dailup here in Thailand Atleast it prompted the government here to pay up and install more international backbone links so that this is less likely to happen in the future.
  8. Thanks for the comment rvalkass. I will experiment witha column on each side tonight. I'm going to post some new posts tomorrow morning. Just busy preparing for my students exams tomorrow
  9. I find that everyday throuws up something new in terms of stress here in Thailand, the language barrier, the culture, the work etc. I've often felt as though I was near breaking point.So my question is, what do you guys do to deal with stress? I enjoy playing sport, it helps me vent my frustrations.
  10. Controlling the camera by satelite back in the 60's Remember that your average car today has far more computing power than the systems NASA had back then. I believe it was faked, if not, then why doesn't america just rip out the old blueprints, apply some 21st century technology to the designs and send people back to the moon? Bush wants people back on the moon and NASA says it is going to cost Billions, wouldn't modifying the old designs cost a lot less and then go from there.
  11. Thanks jlhaslip,The concept of "Sanuuk" can get on your nerves though. A thai will not do anything unless they are having fun. For example, my girlfriend won't let me work in the afternoons because she doesn't have fun then She also won't do her homework until I've gone to bed so as not to interupt my fun.I hope it is successful, I want to move it over to Xisto's servers ASAP, so I can add SE friendly urls etc. And improve my uptime, I think it is down more than it is up at the moment.
  12. I still can't do it, I get too embarrased. I used to cringe at the thought of sex scene appearing in a movie, so much so, that if I new it was coming, I would get up and go make a snack to avoid being in the room when it came on
  13. I don't believe in Ghots myself, but here in Thailand, the Thais really do believe in them. So much so, that all thai houses have a small spirit house outside for the ghosts to live in. They feed them everyday and believe that if the spirits are happy in their own little house, then they won't come into the real house.Heres a little story from last week:I noticed the lights were on in one of my classrooms. So I popped my head in and didn't see anyone, I walked out and turned off the lights as I left. This was greeted by screams from some students, who it turns out were hiding in the back, they were practically crying as they truly believed the ghosts were going to get them. Oh, and these aren't small kids we are talking about, they are 17 and 18 year olds.
  14. I've spent a few days redoing and optimizing the design on my blog, I moved from a 2 column layout to a 3 column one and dumped support for 800 x 600 resolutions. Please let me know what you think and please be gentle. Please list the following: Your OS Your browser Your screen resolution If you notice any layout problems, a screenshot would be most appreciated. Also please let me know if the loading time was acceptable.
  15. My sister went for accupuncture to help with weight loss. She said it was completely painless and it helped her very much.I personally wouldn't do it as I am one of the biggest babies in the world. I hate needles and would probably pass out once the first one touches me. I aint nobodies "Pin cushion"
  16. Norrad

    Starcraft 2

    They are going to bring out Starcraft 2? Awesome. I hope it will be Mac compatible, like the first one.I remember spending countless hours playing the first one. Actually became quite good and would often play on international servers (even though I was only on a 33.6K Dailup connection).
  17. I have to admit I didn't really taste it, I blocked my nose and gulped it back It had a really weird after-taste though. Stayed with me for hours.
  18. I tried this last weekend and it didn't work, so I put it down as an urban legend until I read this post. I'm going to try it again tomorrow.Perhaps it is because we don't get Diet coke in Thailand, only Coke light
  19. Please post screenshots of the crop circle. I'm a big UFO nut. I love anything that is unexplainable.
  20. Hi There,First off, I would like to congratulate you on a great service you are providing. The points for posting systems makes it feel like I am actually eraning my hosting instead.I have one quick question though Is it possible to have more than 1 hosting account on the same forum username?I am thinking of creating a new site, but I don't want to do it if I cannot host it with you.
  21. My first system was an old Atari, it still had a wooden style finish to it. I loved that system <- wipe nostolgic tear from my eye I remember spending hours in front of the tv playing classics like: Space invaders, Pong, Slinky etc. Hey, I probably still have it somewhere back home in South Africa. I wonder what it would be worth now.
  22. Thanks for the welcome jlhaslip,You might be overwhelmed by my interests, they seem to change hourly Yeah, I was a bit of a traveller until I settled here in Bangkok. I've fallen in love with the place.I did my degree back in South Africa and I got my teaching certificate here in Thailand.Both Thailand and South Africa are lovely places, you should plan a visit .
  23. I like keeping my dock free and uncluttered So my list is quite short: Default Apps Finder Dashboard Safari Mail iChat iTunes iMovie iPhoto iDVD Quicktime Programs Photoshop CS InDesign CS Dreamweaver 8 Flash 8 Cyberduck MSN Messenger Entourage Excel Word Powerpoint System Utilities System preferences System Monitor Thats about it, I constantly add and remove programs from my dock.
  24. Hi All,I had the misfortune of leaving my phone in a taxi cab over the weekend and I'm looking for a replacement. I would like to stay with Nokia and I'm not looking for a corporate type phone, more like something that I can take anywhere with me and it won't look out of place.I saw the Nokia 5300 in store near my house and I was wondering what everyone thinks of it. I like the style and the integrated music player.Any opinions would be welcome.
  25. Buddhism is the major religion here in Thailand and I am exposed to it every day. I see Buddhist monks all over an I am very interested in their religion, I think it is beautiful.I see meditation on TV and it seems very easy but I cannot sit down long enough to relax my thoughts. I am always thinking of my next move.Does anyone have any tips on meditation?I would love to join a temple here as a buddhist novice, but, alot of being a monk is meditation and I am affraid that I will never understand it.
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