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Posts posted by zamaliphe

  1. Have any of you heard of overclocking? or the process of increasing the clock speed of a certain processor? It can be done to virtually anything but it is most common in computer processors and graphics cards.


    I have a 3.0E HT Prescott running at 3.85ghz stable with reasonable temperatures for about a year now.

    Have any of you heard of overclocking?


    LOL LOL :)


    ofcurce man what did you thought you are the only smart guy in this form


    i have been using overclocking for about 2 years now


    i have intel p4 3.0 GB with 1MB cash / 800 MH


    and i have overclocking it to 3.6 / 960 MH


    i also have NVIDIA xfx 6200 TC VGA card


    with 128 MB memry 256 suporting


    and i'm using it as 256 MB now


    and it also have ramdac 400 over clock it to670 MH


    by the way if you wish to get the best result on overclocking


    is too have goo moutherbord and i think asus is the best for moutherbords

  2. 1000 point seems to be too mutch to earn and you have to bay some money



    because sutch oferr is not free

    even if it is free you have to gave them your credit card nume and that is un secure


    even so so oferrs is for certian country only lik US OR UK only


    so for you and i think that your site is very pupler you get your points in 4 mounth


    fo us it should take 2 years to get that far


    i think free domain on Xisto with 250 pints is not that hard at all


    and by the way its only 6$ for the domian will safe all that


    its too culd now so thats it for today ......... zzzzzzzzzz

  3. will checking the amoument of space is very nice but i dont think i will be needing to bay for moor space soon my acoun on gmail have over that 6 GB of space now with file size lime of 25 MB and it keep geting beger every day i even have alot of backups to my web site at my email adress and yet i'm still using 0.5% of total starge i think that gmail on the 1/1/2009 will be moor than 15 GB of space and so i dont realy think that alot of users will bay for moor starg the only thing that gmail falls in is the massenger it is bad realy bad so i think google need tray new evlotion on the google talk also with video clips like meta cafee then every one will just use google only from the web sevice everything else will be trashed :)

  4. As I am reading through some of the (Mostly PHP) scripts posted here, the following posts are that of people saying that the script does not work.
    I suggest that you should test and make sure that your script works BEFORE you post it here.


    as start ok i will test all my scripts thanks but i would like to say that

    not every script can work on every host some scripts recowre so addedons the web host dosnot have

    so you cant mak sure that my script will work with you

    and i cant mak sure that your script will work with me

    but if any eroor shold hapins you can ask and users should tray to fix this eroor

    it is also usfull to include some information like link to phpinfo and so

  5. Well i purchased a computer, Dell Inspiron 530s (desktop)cost I am upgrading heavily, im upgrading my motherboard now..

    I chattted to dell support.. I hear that the operating system is not married to the motherboard... heres what she said.
    (sorry if its hard.. to read lol)

    What do you guys think about my situation?

    the only selution for this situation is that you change the motherboard

    and i think that cold be hard and moor costing than

    just sell your old pc and bought new one

    in my opinian you chose you pc pice with pice that you can know what exactly the cost

    and what you can do with your pc

  6. Alan AwakeAlone in the Dark
    Devil May Cry 4 - Feb '08
    Fallout 3 -'08 4th Quarter
    Far Cry 2 - '08 2nd Quarter
    Mercenaries 2: World in Flames
    Splinter Cell: Conviction - '08 1st Quarter
    Tom Clancy's EndWar - Feb '08
    Turok - Feb '08

    will what is the strategy game here ?? non ???

    whay ??

    Alone in the Dark - i hat this game the frist 2 vers was 2 bad grafics and soo dark

    Far Cry 2 - '08 2nd Quarter - i like this game but i didnot play it mutch the grafic almoust real

    you freel like real peple but i like moor the aline and futres game than the real world games

    but this game is one of the best

    Splinter Cell: Conviction - '08 1st Quarter - i have no luock with this game at all

    every tim i get new pc or video card i tray the new ver of it

    and gess what it never work

    i have to play the old ver on my new pc

    i work in belding new pcs so i mak this gam my main test

    if i wish to know if the pc is goon inf for games all i have to do is traying this game :)

    Alan Awake

    Devil May Cry 4 - Feb '08

    Fallout 3 -'08 4th Quarter

    Mercenaries 2: World in Flames


    Tom Clancy's EndWar - Feb '08

    Turok - Feb '08

    i dont know any of this games

  7. Most people just use Firefox's video downloader and then play the files through VLC. Konqueror also has an mplayer plug-in which has a record button; it'll record anything streamable.

    i have trayed every thing and every thing fals apart

    nothing work for me perfict than this small script

    it is not perfct but it work

    this script you can just creat a list of videos on text file and pass it to the script

    and it wil download them all for you not just that it will decode them also so you can play the videos using any video player in linux

    like mplayer kmplayer kaffeine and so . youdont need to use flav player in linux

    and it take times to download videos so you beret do that will you are not a round

    me i just find the videos

    creat list to download and start the script from the command line

    with a command to hatl the system when it finsh

    after it finsh

    and that some thing you cant do without this script

    it take fom me about 7 dayes to wrote this script bay the way :)

    and it is one of 6 apps i have created allredy

    one of them fore backing up your web site to your email using bash script also

    so you can corn it and you get email every day hav back up of your site

    i will pos it here soon god willing

  8. The advantage of a Linux server is that you get better security and reliability compared to a Windows server. You will also find a lot more of the advanced features on Linux hosting, that aren't available on Windows hosting.

    in my openin if you wold like to know moor about linux tray to use linux os

    it is not that hard just download 700 mb cd and bearn it then boot the live cd

    then you can see the live of linux world

    if you like to go for linux hosting make sure it dos offer shell access

    that is the power of linux on the shell command line

    you can zip unzip chang permissons of files folders and so on

  9. No IP. Board is no longer free the minimum price for a licence is $185

    gnu lincess is not working as it should
    now the programrs mad the program for free for only litel time

    and if allot of peple are interested in the program he mov on geting paid from it

    even so he sill it for very hi price

    180$ fo one lincess

    even the free vision of the soft wer has som bugs securty

    and so on

    you have to pay the programmer 180$ or you on your one

  10. i was looking for video capter on linux and i coldent find one

    so i rote one of my one

    if you use linux then you can try this script

    and if you need any hep just ask

    #!/bin/bash#	  # mplayer auto dump stream script#this script will download all the stream files in the ./zam_list files#this script by (mohammed tawfeek) zamaliphe@gmail.com#i have do this to be able to watch the video on Linux#if you think it is illegally or some thing just  don't tel me that ha#Š #bash 6/6/2006download_folder="./video/"#grep -e HREF ./asx/*.asx > ./list1.txt#sed -i 's/[^"]*"\([^"]*\).*/\1/' ./list1.txt#nl ./list1.txt >./list.txtlet max=`grep -c [:alnum:] ./list.txt`echo "$max files will be downloaded"if [ -d $download_folder ]thenfor ((i=1; i<=$max; i++))dodownload_src=`gawk '$1 =="'$i'" {print $2}' ./list.txt`download_file=${download_folder}${download_src##*/}	printf "please wite...\ndownloading file number:%d of:%d \nfile is : %s\n" "$i" "$max" "$download_file"mplayer -dumpstream -dumpfile "$download_file" "$download_src" doneelse echo "folder "$download_folder" notfound created "mkdir "$download_folder"for ((i=1; i<=$max; i++))dodownload_src=`gawk '$1 =="'$i'" {print $2}' ./list.txt`download_file=${download_folder}${download_src##*/}	printf "please wite...\ndownloading file number:%d of:%d \nfile is : %s\n" "$i" "$max" "$download_file"mplayer -dumpstream -dumpfile "$download_file" "$download_src" donefi

    reated " mkdir ./asx

    fi #!/bin/bashasx_folder="./asx"asx_list=./asx_listif [ -d $asx_folder ]thenecho "folder "$asx_folder" notfound created "mkdir "$asx_folder"fiif [ -r $asx_list ]then wget -T 60  -t 0 -c -nd -P ./asx -i ./asx_listelse echo "error: no file list found  pleases add the list of '*.asx' fils you wish do download to file './asx_list' "fiif [ -d $asx_folder ]thengrep -e HREF ./asx/*.asx > ./list1.txtsed -i 's/[^"]*"\([^"]*\).*/\1/' ./list1.txtnl ./list1.txt >./list.txtelseecho "folder './asx' notfound created "mkdir ./asxfi

    fell free to edit this script as you like under "gnu gpl" linsses :)


    link to my post at egptian form


    the post under my name also


    and if you have any qustion fell free to ask

  11. will i saw the movi too it is bad movi all the time you see only will smith face and his dogno one elseyou dont even know the story like resdintevel you know what hapins and you can see the monstorsbut in this movi you cant see the monistors face only at the end of the movi when thay attak himand the hiro dai at the end also a bad thingthir is no reson for him to daiyou feel like this story has medvide allot of timesand maked just for himhe has allot of cars plans hilcpotars and every thing in the worled and he just stay at his housand go to shping every day watch the movislike nothing hapinsit is bad movi for my opinins

  12. So are you a perfectionist?

    no i guess not

    So for the first example, its my bedroom. Its basically all in order, nothing is askew. Every book has its place, and theyre all in order if its a series. My DVDs are in order, and so are my CDs. My clothes in the wardrobe are in their own places. You can pinpoint the trousers there, and the t-shirts here. I fold my socks up Or does everyone do that? If theres any mess, I have to tidy up. Just because Ill find it hard to find something if its in a mess. Its really frustrating if you need to be somewhere, youre late, and you cant find something youre after. So I just keep everything in order.

    for me i'm totlay disagree
    my bedroom. Its basically all in askew, nothing is in order
    That might not be so bad also , but when it coms to the computer. My music is sorted into the correct folders
    with the correct information on every track. All my computer stuff is in icons,. My word documents are in a folder, in a folder. Same with my pictures. If theres stuff that doesnt have a folder, I have to put it in one, otherwise its messy
    just as you xpect i live in vutrul world
    live in the computer work in the computer love in the computer
    so it cant bee massy but i'm shure my live is massy

    on the internet, I always have to delete my emails in my inbox because keeping stacks of them is untidy just like you
    and i dont know where all this spam came from:D
    I always thought that was just me but come to think of it I have my bookmarks in folders as well
    if i didnot do that i wont be neding to use the bookmark at all over 1000 bookmark mak it hard to find any thing
    if it was not in folders
    Then in facebook, i'm not very pupler in them i do have page on facebook hi5 and so but i dont rely use them

    Then about work
    i alwes late never come erler
    and homework
    i never mak any homework after i finish my primry schools
    even so I want good grades also 73.5%
    If I do an exam i do it without even opening a book for all year

    Maybe, reading the above, you wont think Im a perfectionist but do any of you keep your lockers tidy, and the books in the right order of size?

    no i'm not but i think i will gave it a try

    I also have to make sure everything is in the correct place, aligned correctly by mentally going over them in my head, and making sure its well, in its proper place really

    will that is what i'm doing

    My standards in a person is not high. I only judge a persons heart and personality. If theyve got a good heart and isnt plastic or fake, then theyre alright.

    I forgot this bit: I disapprove of chat speaking, and text speaking. I guess everyones like that but I also disapprove if the right punctuation isnt used, like a comma or an apostrophe is missed out. If someone forgets the capital letter at the beginning of a sentence, that gets on my nerves as well and when people go me and my friend, when its meant to be my friend and I, and when people go I done that, when its I did that That gets on my nerves.

    will i tray hard to do the spell check only but some times i tootly mass
    i use the ie spell check and some times i forget to use it so my english became hard to understand

  13. what is your day dreamsdo you have a day dreams what is iti have allot of dreamsi have a dream to have my one work to won my one please to Mary beautiful women to have cute kidsand a dream to travel to all the world alone and to have an adventures and allot of girls fall in love with meand dream to be a komgfu masterand be the powerful than the rest of the worldand the hardiest dream is making money online :)

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