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Posts posted by zamaliphe

  1. will i have seen allot of string cod but this is very hard fo me to read i didnot think that you can actly rot sutch code in ci thout only bash of perel scrips can be like thati know that you can make sutch cod in bash but doing it in c no wayi cant even count how meny if then else in that codebut i know that he use it like thisA?B:Cif (A) then (:rolleyes:else ©and so on

  2. A friend of me, is working on a mod for a tournament where I am a co admin off... The problem is... My friend uses Windows. Are there any Windows programs that can ccompile .so's to use on a linux server / box?
    Thanks for any reply's

    whay you dont download a live linux cd
    and make your friend use it to compile his mod on
    their is allot of linux live cd on the internet
    and that is the easist way of doing this
    ansted of traying to use linux under widows
    and if you friend dont play computer games allot (windows computer games)
    then i bite he will became linux user :rolleyes:

  3. I've recently gotten interested in expanding my programming horizons. I know a bit of C++ and am working on Java right now, but I also want to get into Python and Ada. I've found great Ada tutorials online but the problem is that all the compilers they suggest I work with are either no longer being supported (and they have bugs in them), or I just can't find them on the net anymore. Does anybody here who have any recommendations as to what compiler I could use for Ada? Link would be appreciated as well.

    sorry when i read the post i thout you need c\c++ compilerbut i dont know Ada or Python
    i dont like things that the end user might have trabile using it

  4. I am sorry if this is in the wrong forum, but
    How many languages can you speak? I can speak english (obviously) a decent amount of French (no where near fluent though :rolleyes:) and a bit of German. Ive been speaking English since 1992, and German I learnt in 2002-2004 but in 2005-2007 I switched to French so most of my German has left me ;)

    How about you?
    Avec vous?

    will i can speak english hardly
    and arabic the natral languege
    but i know 5 defrent computer languege

  5. Actually, #include tells that you want to include a header file that contains code.#include "hi.h" would mean that you want to include hi.h from the directory that the file containing that code is in.
    int argc, char* argv[] isn't really required as parameters for int main() unless you want arguments to be passed from the command line

    And overall, printf is mainly a C function. C++ has a better way of outputting.

    thanks for reblay i will edit the post
    and i know that c++ use "cout" for outpot
    and i useed the argc, char* argv[] because i will write som examples about them later
    i meant the full line
    #include <stdio.h>
    not just #include
    that tels the compiler that i need to use the input output function in c
    that means the code for this functions is in the file "stdio.h"
    once moor thanks and fell free to fix any error
    in my topic

  6. Hello every one
    Today Im going to write good c c++ tutorials
    The tutorials are mine showing my experience in c c++
    i my be using some examples rote in some books (if i do i will pot a link or name of the book)
    And all the tutorials are at the main topic
    I dont know how my topic count in this case because all Im going to do is updates the same topic
    Any way lets just tray and see
    First sings first in order to compile your code you need compiler
    That compiler is an application that converts your code from human readable code to
    Binary cod or machine code
    There is allot of compilers out their
    (I will post some links soon)
    The first code you might wan do is simple
    And do some actual work
    Lets start with the oldest and greatest and simplest code
    Hello world

    You can get that code from almost any compiler as a simple project

    // hello world.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.//#include <stdio.h>int main(int argc, char* argv[]){	printf("Hello World!\n");	return 0;}

    Now what is that code
    Lets explain
    Line after line

    1-#include <stdio.h>
    You tell see that you want to use the input output library
    In English you can use the keyboard to input and the
    Screen to output
    Thats all
    2-int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    This is the main function
    You cant compile your code without this function
    I will explain it later
    3-printf ("Hello World!\n");

    [To be continuing ]

  7. Y'know a really annoying thing about Internet Explorer (possibly not 7.0+ though) almost always when there's a faulty internet connection or no connection at all and you try to load a page, IE attributes it to a DNS server error. Although, I suppose it is because it can't connect to a DNS server to translate the domain name in to an IP address. Still, very annoying if you're a newbie to the whole computer thing and are trying to figure out why you can't connect to the internet. [nostalgia}Ah, the long gone days of n00bdom...[/nostalgia].

    will i think that is because you have the tcp ip ver 6 enabald

    try goning to

    control panel > network connections>local area connection>properties

    and uninstall it

  8. will i do like Splinter Cell also but i have no luck with itthe first time i trayed it was require hi graphic cardthen and i was just bout my PCand i see it fill on ruining a gamei was shottedbut i made allot of upgrades to my PCand i trayed the last version but it told me that i must have 1GB of ram at listi hit my Head into the walland sowered the GOD that i will never try this game agin

  9. when i create new file using ftp or the file manger the file get the default permission of (rwx-r-r)when any php script create file it gets the sam permission rightbut i cant edit any new file crated by the php scripti cant even Chang the permissions for iti have to delete the file and create new one why ????and if the new file was a folder i cant edit any thinginside of itand how can i fix this???I'm fumler with the file permissions cause i use Linux debian :rolleyes:i just don't know what is happening herehow can i set the default umask to force the php scripts giving me the ownership of file already mine ;):D x:D can i set spacial umask for single folderso any new files or folder created inside that folder get the default permission of (rwx-rwx-rwx)how ???can i do this using .htaccess filehow ???thanks allot

  10. This is a very dangerous idea. Google guys are smart enough to trace this kind of clicking being carried out. Because google ads are to be click-through and the visitors are expected to visit the new targetted pages. According to this idea they will only click once and will never click again inside the landing pages which is a very dangerous idea. Google adsense team will find out those accounts and disable them.
    For me I do not like this idea and do not recommend anyone to join such ideas less you are ready to be disabled your account. Once disabled it is not easy to get activated again.

    That's my frank opinion and take on this idea. Thanks for sharing though.

    i agree with you
    this is very dengrus
    and if you get banned you never coming back

  11. will i have trayed almost every way to make mony onlinewith no sucsees so fari even creat avideo for the metacfe and revveland get no whreyet i never giv upcause i see peple with less knowledg that i have making allot of moneyand i have some ideasso i'm keeping it hoping it workmy last hop is my corrent web siteand thaks GODits very good so far

  12. thanks for sharing but i advice you to upload your imgs some wear safe stay away of images sharing sitestray free web sites even if thy have ads just upload your imags some wear safeI'm Mohamed tawfeek (Muslim)from Egypt and I'm glad to see you heretrust me as far as i know this web site is worthhop you get hosted soon

    Notice from jlhaslip:
    Remove spam content here

  13. How do you get the best SEO result in easy way?

    Its simple and easy steps:

    1-use an SEO support script
    (Joomla CSM is one of the best and its free)

    2-Get your self a (sitemap creator)

    You can find a allot of scripts for free out their

    But the best of them all are
    Standalone Sitemap Generator
    You can create your web site map for free if you have less than 500 pages

    Tray it and see by the way it will cost you 5$ only

    And trust me it worth moor than that

    3-Submite your web site too the search engines

    You may do that in 2 days

    Just open Google and type

    (Submit your web site)

    And you will find a hundreds of results

    You need to work hard and submit you web site in as much as you can

    4-Now after you do all this steps you start working on your web site content

    Why you do that in the last step after all the above steps

    Because search could take up too 3 month before you get your first website listed

    So you have to do that at the begging to save your time

    And you have all the time in the world to work on your site

    moor info about this and video tutraials at my web site


    And tell me what you think

    Regards Zamaliphe

  14. will i know that google is the first hacking tools ever usedand will be like that for everpebble are crazy about googleand want to put every page of their web site on ityet you can find in google pages you cant find any wear elsethat is the google hackingyou can find online web cams i mean privet online web camsyou can find writable directories you can even find printersin google next step i think you gone get your girl Friendfrom google right from the screentype your girl style and hit enterand she will jump on you from the screen :rolleyes:;):D

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