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Posts posted by zamaliphe

  1. i get moor emails i wold like to share with you all


    just to let you know how the story end

    from Goodness


    Darling, i hope that you are well. i am happy to hear from you. i was asking the Reverend to call you so that i will speak with you.


    I have wanted to hear your voice, as you dont want to call me that is why i pleaded with the Reverend to call you and i will speak with you.


    Please, my love i want to know the response of the lawyer to you.....the lawyer called the Reverend last time and was requesting my information,


    and i sent it to him. and he said that he has requested your information and will be waiting to hear from you.....please darling, send your


    information to the lawyer so that he can start the processes of the document immediately.


    Your love,





    zam aliphe to Goodness


    show details Feb 29 (3 days ago) Reply


    ok honey i will send it soon


    thanks for the email


    Barrister Ben Ndiaye to me


    show details Feb 25 (7 days ago) Reply













    Goodness Goodness to me

    show details 5:30 PM (3 hours ago) Reply


    Hello darling, how are you and your day?


    i hope all is well with my darling, i felt warm in my heart whenever i hear from you.though, i have not


    seen you but i am happy that you are only there for me and me alone.


    i want to compose a poem for you and our love.


    Love is like a butterfly in so many ways.


    It brings a bit of sunshine evenb on gloomy days


    It makes our souls feel lighter just to know it's there


    Giving our spirits wings, as if floating in the air.


    It carries us to places that we never knew before


    And comes in many sizes, shapes and colors galore.


    Please darling, i want you to send to me all the response of the lawyer after sending your information.


    i really want to leave this place to be with


    you soon. so darling i wait to hear from you


    Your inlove,



  2. i replay to her email with this


    zam aliphe to Goodness

    show details Feb 19 (4 days ago) Reply


    OK the mail have been sent


    now I'm waiting for the next step


    since it seams hard to contact you by phone


    i will only email you at this time


    if you wish to call me any time


    here is my cell phone number


    +2 0103001472


    you can can any time day or night


    i will be glade to here your sweet voice


    and you will be most welcom in Egypt


    best regards mohammed tawfeek

    nickname zamaliphe

    Now i get this email


    Goodness Goodness to me

    show details Feb 20 (3 days ago) Reply


    Good day my darling, How are you today? I believe you are fine and the atmosphere over there is very nice to you. I thank you


    for your lovely mail to me, Honey i love and cherish it. I hope that i will meet this beautiful season in your country soon. Darling,


    Nothing stays the same. Sunrise becomes sunset; Morning turns into night; An angry storm can turn into a gentle breeze; A tiny


    seed can become a towering tree; A lowly caterpillar transforms into a colorful butterfly; A child grows into a man. I Will Always


    Love You and our life goes on. Remember Sweetie, Seasons change. Circumstances change. People change. But i know that i


    will always love you No matter what happens Or whatever changes, That will take place in our lives.Life goes on. My Honey, i



    hope to marry you, I am very happy that we will be together soon. i hope to hear from you soon. I want to know the response


    of the bank to you. please write to me now and tell me the reply of the bank to you.


    Please my love, i want you to be communicating me with this new email address goodnessand005@yahoo.com my previous


    email was not able to get through as i came to check my email inthe Reverend office yesterday.


    Write to me now, i wait to hear from you....


    Warm greeting,



    And i sent this email


    zam aliphe to Goodness

    show details Feb 21 (2 days ago) Reply

    oh my god you are so kind


    but are you sure of that


    its hard to contact you by the way


    and i hop to hear your sweet voice


    so you may call me


    my cell phone number is +2 0103001472


    weating to here from you soon


    you may also send me sms if you like


    your lover


    mohammed tawfeek



    And i get this email


    Goodness Goodness to me


    show details Feb 21 (2 days ago) Reply


    Hello darling, i am very happy recieving your mail. How are you? i always pray for you.


    Darling, i spoke with the Reverend concerning the reply of the bank to you and he went though it and said that he will help to


    look for a quality lawyer who could help us to provide the power of attorney and the affidavit of oath which will prerogate you to


    represent me anywhere as regard to the transfer of the money into your account in your country.


    Sweet heart, in everything, i pray that God will help us and make this transfer to come to a successful end. Honey, i would like


    to call you but i dont have money to call you and the Reverend does not give us access to his phone often.....I want you to call


    me with the Reverend phone unmber +221-7773-68424. tell him that you want to speak with me, he will send for me inthe




    Please darling, i will send to you the contact of the lawyer as soon as the Reverend provide me with the lawyer contact so that


    you will contact him and ask him to help us in procuring the documents as the bank requested....because this is the only


    documents that is delaying the transfer of the fund into your account in your country.


    I will send you the lawyer contact, immediately i receive it.


    Your love,



    and also i get this email :P


    Goodness Goodness to me

    show details Feb 22 (2 days ago) Reply







    Hello my love,


    I want to thank you for all your concern and your efforts to assist me receive my late father funds into your account.I write to


    let you know that myself and REV father paul has concluded on the arrangement of getting the reputable lawyer who is ready to


    carry out the assignment of procuring those two important documents requested from the bank.


    The lawyer will help us to get two documents since I have here with me the death certificate of my late father including the last


    statement of account the bank issued to my father before his death.Please keep this matter only for yourself as you can see


    that we are almost at the end of this matter and i want you to promise me that no body will know about this transaction, I pray


    that Almighty God will help us.Therefore, as a matter of urgency i advise you contact the Renown lawyer here who will help us


    to get those important documents without delay, Please contact the lawyer with the Bellow info:


    NAME : Barrister Ben Ndiaye


    EMAIL ADDRESS : barrister_benchambers@yahoo.com OR :




    TELEPHONE : +221-7725-60080


    Please my love, try as much as you can today to contact the law with the above email address and ask him to help us to get the


    needed documents required from the bank, as to enable the bank director for foreign operation to effect the release of the funds


    to you.



    As you can see everything concerning this transfer is coming to a perfect end, on that note,please do not fail to get in touch with


    the lawyer today.I will appreciate if you act according to my instruction,please after contacting the lawyer through email,try also


    and call him on his direct telephone number artless that will shows a sign of seriousness from you.Thank you for your concern


    and my love for you will never die,


    Yours love,



    now we get to intresting part


    some one call me


    the strang about the call is i didnot get the caller numper


    i use cell phone and any one from any where in the world call me


    i get his PHONE NUMPER


    but this time the phone numper apers as "un known"



    strang thing


    also the caller dos not have Good english

  3. Think about it this way,,,
    Would a large International Bank use a free email service for their confidential contacts?


    Check the email address in the above Contact Information.

    yes i know that thay are using free email

    thay didnot use the most pupler email service like

    yahoo OR gmail OR hotmail

    thanking that i'm stuped inuf to buy that

    any way i wish to know how the story end

    so i will contnue

    the story to the end

  4. Is it possible to get some kind of a debit card that is likely to be virtual one issued by some internet company or by the real one? I don't know actually it is true or false. What I know this debit card can be loaded by internet cash payment processors such as paypal, e-gold, e-Bullion and others. If you obtain this card, you can withdrawal money from any ATM machine around the world due to the fact that it's accepted by VISA/MasterCard stuff.
    The one web-site I found for it is http://www.epayarea.com/. So, what do you think about it?

    i dont know whay allot of beple refuse to deal using creadit cards

    even today

    yet we still like to deal using cash

    i'm traying to open small e-store that use creadite cards online

    what is your recomundtion fore it

    how can i use it safe way

    what is the creadit card was stolen one ??

    how do i get my money ??

    what do i need to have in order to accepte creadit card???

  5. This email smells funny, like SPAM... or is that SCAM?


    If I were you, I would blacklist that email address, dis-continue any further contact, and DO NOT give out any personal banking Information.

    will i did continue the contacts


    but what can thay do if thay have my banking information


    i mean i can gave my passwrd or ccv security code to any one


    not even my mam :P


    so what thay are hoping for


    [hr=noshade] [/hr]

    zam aliphe to Goodness



    will thanks allot for your very kind email


    this is the freist time in my live a gearl tel me that she like my photo


    and also a feirst time girle get intreasted in me


    i live in cairo - egypt right now


    if you are willing to visite egypt you will be most willcome


    witing for mor info from you :P


    best regards mohammed tawfeek


    your lover :P



    and i get this email


    I am more than happy in your reply to my mail this morning.How is your day?Mine is a little bit hot over here in Dakar Senegal.In


    this camp we are only allowed to go out only on Mondays and Fridays of the weeks. It's just like one staying in the prison and i


    hope by Gods grace i will come out here soon.I don't have any brother,sister or relatives now whom i can go to all my relatives ran


    away in the middle of the war the only person i have now is Rev father who is ( REV Father Paul Johnson) of the (Life Christian


    Church) here in the camp he has been very nice to me since i came here but i am not living with him rather i am leaving in the


    women's hostel because the camp have two hostels one for men the other for women.The Pastors Tel number is (+221-777-36-84-

    24 ) if you call and tell him that you want to speak with me he will send for me in the hostel.As a refugee here i don't have any


    right or privilege to any thing be it money or whatever because it is against the law of this country.I want to go back to my studies


    because i only attended my first year before the tragic incident that lead to my being in this situation now took place.Please listen


    to this,i have my late father's statement of account and death certificate here with me which i will send to you latter,because when


    he was alive he deposited some amount of money in a leading bank which he used my name as the next of kin,the amount in


    question is! $7.5M



    (seven Million five Hundred Thousand Dollars). So i will like you to help me transfer this money to your account and from it you


    can send some money for me to get my traveling documents and air ticket to come over to meet with you.I kept this secret to


    people in the camp here the only person that knows about it is the Reverend because he is like a father to me. So in the light of


    above i will like you to keep it to yourself and don't tell it to anyone for i am afraid of loosing my life and the money if people gets


    to know about it.Remember i am giving you all this information due to the trust i deposed on you.I like honest and understanding


    people,truthful and a man of vision,truth and hardworking. My favorite language is English but very fluently.Meanwhile i will like


    you to call me like i said i have allot to tell you,Have a nice day and think about me. Am waiting


    to hear from you soonest,

    yours in love Goodness.

    and i have send this email


    ok i can help you but you cant transfer all the money at one time


    it is aginset the low here in egypt


    but you can send me 500000 $ etch time


    if you agree you replay to me andi will tell you my acounting info


    best regards zamaliphe


    mohammed tawfeek

    now i get this last masseg


    My Dear,

    How are you today?.I believe that you are doing well.I am more than happy with your interest to help me to transfer my 7.5 million American dollars deposited in an European bank by my late father of which am the next of kin.Presently we are only allowed to go out of the camp only on Monday and Fridays of the week. In short this place is more of a prison and my hope is for you to assist me transfer this money to your position so that i can come over to start a new life with you.My dear i fasted and prayed to God when i got your contact and it was reveled to be that you are the right person that will assist me in this transfer.

    I send and receive e-mails in the office of Rev Father Paul office .He is the pastor here in the refugee camp in Dakar Senegal. He has been so kind to me since i became close to him during one of his visitation to the clinic in the camp when i was sick. I will like you to call me at his office with this number (+221-777-36-85-24) so that i can tell you more about myself. When you call tell Rev father that you want to talk with me and he will send for me at the females hostel.you know why i trust you before i made this contact with you i ask God to provide to me a man that will lead me to the right Channel some one that will not betray me but can you belief since ever i meet you my mind tell me that you have been giving to me by God listen i will make every thing to make you happy However,i will like you to contact the European bank where the money was deposited by my late father for confirmation and possibilities of transferring to your account in your country. The contact information of the bank is as follows,


    The name of the transfer officer is : Dr Jerry Paulson

    Email address : rbsinter_services@inMail24.com

    Or : rbsinter_foreignoperation@goowy.com

    Telephone number : +44-702-402-29-55

    Fax : +44-870-471-68-65

    I will like you to contact this bank immediately on how to transfer the 7.5 million dollars deposited by my late father Dr Serg Bahi of which am the next of kin. I have maped out 15% of the total sum for your assistance and 5% for expenses .Moreover, i will need your assistance to manage the money on my behalf since am too young to handle such money. God bless you as i wait to hear from you.




    Dear Dr.Jerry Paulson,

    It is a great pleasure to write you Sir in regards to the information pass across to me by one miss Goodness whose father's name is late Dr. Serg Bahi and that the father has an account no 026834093 in your Bank.

    Miss Goodness in several occasion has communicated with me over E-Mail to assist her receive a funds valued at $7.5 million dollars which her late father deposited with your Bank.

    I do here by demand that according to advise of miss Goodness that this bank should grant our request by transferring the said funds into my account in my

    country.I will appreciate if my request is urgently granted.


    what do you think ????

  6. Is it just me or is my website taking a very long time to load?



    It usually loads very quickly previously, and I haven't added anything to it recently to cause it to take a long time to load.

    its is not


    it louds very fast you must have slow


    internet conection or you have computer virus


    that take hi bandwidth from you

    it looks nice by the way


    and if that is your pic then you can email me if you are single :P


    [ zamaliphe AT gmail dot com ]


    not : i wrote my email like that to avoide spamers


    and you look cute :P

  7. on the Feb 4, 2008 1:53 PM


    i have gotten this email


    [size="2"] subject  Hello    signed-by  yahoo.co.uk   [/size][color="#FF0000"]HelloMy name is goodness, i saw your profile today and became intrested in you,i will also like to know you more,and if you can send an email to my email address,i will give you my pictures here is my email address (goodnessand500@yahoo.com) I believe we can move from here! Awaiting for your mail to my email address above. goodness.[/color]

    now i have replied with this email


    zam aliphe to goodnessand500

    Feb 7



    thanks for your email and yes i like to know you moor


    can you send me you pics pleases


    Awaiting for your mail


    i also have an acount at yahoo with the same username






    and i get this email


    My dear,

    How is your day.

    mine is fine over here in Dakar..Thanks for your mail.

    Like I said my name is Goodness Bahi ,Am 23yrs single tall and fair in complexion, Very good looking girl that is very sharing, giving, caring and loving girl, above all God fearing and trusted.I really want have a good relationship with you.A relationship of deep feeling that will construct a mutual understanding ,I'm from ivory coast in west Africa and presently I am residing in the refugee camp here in Dakar as a result of the civil war going on in mycountry.

    My late father Dr.Serg Bahi was the personal adviser to the former head of state of Ivory coast before the rebels attacked my house one early morning killing my mother and my father.It was only me that is alive now and we managed to make our way to near by country Senegal where we are living now in a refugee camp.I send and receive e-mails in the office of our Reverend,He has been so kind to me since i became close to him during one of his visitation to the clinic in the camp when i was sick. I would like to know more about you. Your likes and dislikes,your hobbies and what you are doing presently. I will tell more about myself in my next mail.Attached here is my picture and yours is very nice i like that.

    Hoping to hear from you soonest,

    Miss Goodness.

    now she is asking me to accepte 7.5 milione dolars

  8. OK what i hate and what i like in windows vista


    first what i like will Microsoft are a thief

    thy stole most of Linux stuff like

    Linux command line

    commands like "kill" was one of the best in Linux

    and Meany moor

    i think allot of people did complain about boor command line of windows

    will vista is much beater

    in this side now


    and the eay candy stuff

    i did try Linux with Beryl 3d effects

    and it much much much beater than Windows vista

    but the only way to use Windows vista is that most of


    mobile software work only under windows


    so I'm stuck with vista

    by the way i did use the same 3d effects and even beater on Linux with only 256 MB of ram


    but when it come to vista 1GB of ram is not good to run the system

    and i think that the next windows will need 4 GB of ram at last just to be installed


    by the way my MB maximum capletey of ram is 4GB :D

    are you still asking why we didn't like vista much :o

  9. yes i do care and i can help you out if you realy wish help


    i'm gon ofeer you online chate help


    you can chat with me at yahoo or gmail


    just added my username zamaliphe


    to your yahoo massenger and i'm online after midnight every night


    and we will see what we can do togethir


    i can even install an smf script for you if you wish


    by the way all this is for free i will not ask you any money at any time


    i just like to help any one


    because once i was moor lost than you fell right now

    and allot of beple helped me to stand


    so yes i care and i will help as mutch as i can


    all i'm asking you is to free your time for the next afew dayes


    because you have allot of work :o

  10. Hi guys,

    Can anyone tell me what is the main deference between IE and Mozilla Firefox ? I have been using IE (version 6.0) for one year but from now on I have decided to use Firefox. I just want to know as to what Mozilla can do which Internet Explorer can not.


    one of my main reson to use firefox is it dos not bug me not like IE for example


    every time i open IE after installing new windows it hav to go to microsoft web site

    even if you did chose your main hom site and that is chting


    that mean thay are traking every user who install their system


    and not just that but their web site are allwes down


    but in fire fox it gos to google as main pag that is the only bug


    and google have never been down never


    and it is also the fastest pag to load on the web


    IE7 have also tabs for viewing web pages like firefox



    but it looks ugly and usless


    the best browser in tabs viewing is opera


    but it dos not suport extintion and that is the main bug of it

    so any way you need the 3 of them



    opera - IE - firefox just to serf the web :o

  11. I have a few questions; how long do we actually have to change this?
    If we do not change this, then will our sites stop working?

    It's good that Xisto are still continuing to improve their services and are devoted to us.

    i have the sam questions and afew moor like

    i did the dns update today and it will take 24 H to get changed

    so what is goning to hapins at that time

    i did the change at my free domin control panel so what if my site get down after the update

    what should i do

    and when .
    when should every one update them dns records

    is their is a time limet for the frist dns to work

    and do we need to do any thing at the cpanel

    or just update the dns and every thing else should be fine

    i have did this now

    hop that tomoro i will see my site still up and runing

  12. question about ipb seo on Xisto


    how did you manage to get ipb to convert all the links to readable html links ??


    for example




    rather than




    what did you do to get that and what kind of hack or mod did you install


    and what are you using to get that large site map ??



  13. I am a big fun of ninja gaiden with Xbox. I also used to enjoy old NES ninja gaiden (ninja ryukenden) about a few years ago. I felt like real ninja while I was playing those games.


    Who like ninja gaiden?

    i have never play this game befor


    i also dont have an xbox


    dos this game avlble on pc also or not


    and what kind of games it is


    and dos it have great movis and great story ??


    can i play it using an emlator on pc ?? like playstion 1 games ??

  14. Hey anyone here knows Ninjutsu???


    sorry but i searched the forum, and didnt found any topic stating that!


    I am a Ninja

    will all i do know about ninja is what i see in movis


    now if your are a Ninja then can you flay like what ninja dos in the movis :P


    are you a mail of famel ??? :)


    if you are a famel ninja are you intresting to have a boyfrind from egypt :D


    and if you are a mail do you know a girl from your team that would be intresting in that :D :D :D


    soory but it is my dream to have a ninja girl frind :)


    do you have a video showing your actions


    hop you ansewr soon

  15. Looking for free website to send SMS anywhere in the UK...Sending an SMS message is just easy as you send message from



    your mobile.




    It allows you to send text messages to any UK mobile network for free.

    i thout that you have get some thing i have been looking for


    but you didnot


    it is just anther web site with limted to uk members


    only uk members can use it


    in egypt for example i can send sms but i have to us the internet for 3 h etch day


    and that must be at dil up internet


    and that casut about 3 LE


    and you get 3 sms that casut about 1.5 LE


    so you bay 3 LE to get 1.5 LE


    and thay call that free


    dam i


  16. i'm not use and i never tray any thing that say us only


    like the us won the internet


    no never only stupid compnis think so



    the us is not the only plase that have internet


    if you planing to do somthing you must know that


    when you uplad it to the web


    you expos it to the whol world


    so you must accept the users from all over the world



    becuase thier is somthing caled money transfer


    and banks


    if you wish to send me money its not that hard


    you can even attch thim to your email :)


    or mabe send me an egold money


    so dont act like you dont have the internet yet


    and say this only for ....


    and this is for ....


    and all other cuontrey


    just go home




  17. nice free stuff is always good. too bad you didnt think ahead and signed up a new email and gave them that one. I do it all the time too I sign up with my real email then end up getting spam right away ; ;. what dvds did you pick?

    dam spamer i hat them alot



    i hade to stop using my yahoo email


    and move once and for ever to gmail becaus of them


    and free stuff is only work most of times for us uk members only


    all the time i can see free stuff but only for uk us members


    if i can get an email box on us that forwerd every thing reseved to egypt direct


    i wold defltyly use it and have all the free stuff


    and enjoy free live for ever


  18. Yes, you do get 10GB of bandwidth per month, it's not an error :)


    The second package used to have, I think, 3GB of bandwidth, but that was increased. You've looked at an out-of-date page. If you let us know where that was, we'll get it changed.


    The MySQL disk usage, as far as I know, comes out of your overall space usage. So, for example, you're using 14.25MB, of which, 0.82MB is taken up by your MySQL database. Therefore the theoretical limit to the size of the databases is whatever free space you have left on your account.

    10GB 10GB 10GB 10GB 10GB 10GB WOW WOW WOW





    Free Web Hosting: Package 1

    Free Web Space 20 mb

    Free Bandwidth 500 mb

    Forum Credits Required 10


    Free Web Hosting: Package 2 DEFAULT

    Free Web Space 500 mb

    Free Bandwidth 10000 mb

    Forum Credits Required 30

    that was at the main but i never look at it i alwes enter the form


    now i only need ssh access and domain name


    and i will be having one of the best hosting for free


    and even so it is the best i get it for free


    no one ever gave that mutch of free space for free for real


    i mean i have tray every free web host for the last 3 years


    and when you just use 30% of the space or the pandwidth


    that thay are clame to gave you your acount just get deleted


    yes its tru i was testing every 30 free web host that get the top 30 at any free web hosting link exshange


    and i never beleve i could have sutch mutch oferr for free


    even in my dreams


    so i was just chking it is it true i still cant belev


    Heck if that was error then trap would be very unpopular, but sadly it isn't and you get 10GB of bandwith with your hosting plan. As for that 3GB of bandwidth yeah you must have hit an old page back in 2004/2005, and which is impossible unless you went to archive.com and search Xisto.

    yes i guess it is an old topic i thought it is still the only oferr i can get


    10 GB is too mutch for free web hosting to gave


    in the last 3 years i used to get delet if i use only 400 MB of band width at any time on eny host


    i know that free web hosting is costing too mutch even paid hosting lay about the band width


    i know a frend who get all his data deleted and he was paing about 200 LE every year


    for hosting and dsign compny


    about 35 $ for the host and the domain


    and even so he dosnot have cpanel at all


    he dosnot even have ftp


    i think you are the best host in the world :)


    if i know how i can transfear small moment of money from egypt


    i wold do alot of work with you


    but i dont have a bank acount or credit card


    and just to open one i need at last 1000 LE


    and i dont have that mutch now

  19. thanks for the upgrade but i do have question about it


    Domain name zam.trap17.com

    Hosting package Beta

    Subdomains 3 / 99

    Parked Domains 0 / 9

    Addon Domains 3 / 9

    Mysql databases 1 / 99

    PostgreSQL Databases 0 / 99

    Disk usage 14.25 / 500.00 MB

    MySQL Disk usage 0.82 MB

    Disk space available 485.75 MB

    Bandwidth (this month) 6.59 / 10240 MB

    Email accounts: 1 / 99

    Email forwarders: 1 / unlimited

    Autoresponders: 0 / unlimited

    Email filters 0 / unlimited

    Mailing lists: 0 / 99

    FTP accounts 3 / 99

    1-Bandwidth (this month) 6.59 / 10240 MB


    10240 MB !!! means about 10 GB is that is right


    or i gust get 1024 MB Bandwidth and the last '0' is just an error ??


    if so then why i thought that beta pkg is 3 GB


    and what is the maximum size of and the mysql Disk usage ??


    and thanks thanks thanks again

  20. I've thinking about this topics for some days, all of us had had dreams in our life.


    Sometimes things that happen in our dreams happen in a future, this is normally called Deja-Vu, but do u think that dreams are, in some cases, warnings of things that can happen in a future, are they trying to prepare us for the future??


    What do u think?

    will this did happens to me some time


    but i don't care much because of fast live i do have


    but it is interesting topic to talk about


    one time i have deem about jumping the see


    and even i know I'm in Cairo and the see is far away


    i felled that i will see the see soon


    and in the second Day get an invtion to sharm elshikh for work over thier


    and SO i went their fallowing my dreams


    and i did live some of my best and worth dye's


    like you live in hell and heaven at the same time :)

  21. Lol. Thats very true! You will be spending a lot of time reading [or pretending to read] emails and make very little earnings. And i live in the UK, so convert dollars to pounds, and its like, you hardly earn anything.

    will i did trayed this also and


    now i get over 1000 spam email every day and i only


    earnd 20.5$


    and even if you earnd the minimumm of 120 $

    i dont think thay will bay you

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