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Posts posted by Watermonkey

  1. Slaves need to be monitored by their masters. Free men need to constantly monitor their elected (and NGO) civil servants in order that they stay in line.Any questions?Clearly, you are slaves and you're only now realizing it after being shackled. I dare say, too late. You've no firearms or other deadly weapons used to defend against tyrants. You let them take that away from you, and now you're surprised they've taken even your individual privacy? It doesn't take an Orwellian scholar to understand these things must transpire before total outright bondage takes place. Next up: forced vaccinations and mandatory euthanasia for "useless eaters". Wait and see, or flee. Your ability to resist your masters has been removed; you've been neutered. They're well on their way to neutering us (U.S.A./N.A.), the last bastion of freedom, and when that happens, the whole planet will be fair game and the fight will be won by the slave masters who themselves serve the Torch of Baphomet.

  2. Well if that's the case, you've made a good case for the MAxHD, but I'm kinda liking that CW4000 HD now that I've looked at the specs. Apparently those even work with IKS which is the only N3 solution out there at this time. They're not giving them away either. I thought I'd see better bargains right now with the current situation, but I'm not. Still around $500 for either the 9000 or the 4000. Say... Do you know anything about the LNBs Dave uses on the HD setups? I was thinking of looking at that antenna with my receiver and see what might be showing up on it. Seems like a few sats should be there. It's the five bird antenna that looks at 99, 101, 117, 119, and I don't recall the fifth even though I used to work for them installing the things. Oh, I think it was 105. That rings a bell. The reflector is huge, but I'm wondering if it's big enough to see FTA birds like Galaxy 15 or whatnot. No time to test it right now, though, going to Seattle for a few weeks.

  3. Silly people. It's basic astronomy 101 type knowledge that the sun is a star. Like all stars it's in a perpetual state of nuclear explosion, specifically the combining of H atoms resulting in He. Once all the H is converted to He, the sun goes in to the next phase of its life meaning the inner planets, even Newfoundland, will be consumed by the resulting expansion caused by the off- balanced mass/ gravity equation. Anyway, while in its controlled state of fission, throwing all the nukes on planet Earth at the sun, even the core of the star, would have exactly NO affect whatsoever. I'd be like throwing a fire-cracker into a pool of molten steel. Or think of the Terminator lowering itself into the liquid metal at the end of the movie. Did it have any affect on the pool of metal? No? Why? Because they were both metal, so no reaction was caused. Further, the mass of the pool was so much more than the mass of the robot, it was easily absorbed.

  4. Well I never watched too much T.V. FTA or "Non FTA".. so N3 isn't bothering me too much. The fun for me was in pointing the dishes and the thrill of finding something up in the sky. I had one of those old BUDs: Big Ugly Dishes for true FTA.. but the receiver to control the motor went kaput. I have a VS9000HD and a VS Platinum. I think you'll like the 9000HD, provided there's ever something to watch on it again. It had a great HD picture and a very nice modern looking GUI.
    There's a newer viewsat alternative to the 9000 as well, called the VS MaxHD, maybe you've heard of it. I've never tried it, I think it's like the 9000 but costs a bit less.

    Without looking, I think they downgraded it by removing its PVR capability or pulling one of the tuners or something silly like that. It's like a 9000 Lite, basically. I've thought along those lines, but really don't shell out money for half a$$ products like that. I've been thinking about the CaptiveWorks CW-3000 HD which is basically a desktop computer running Linux. I just found out that model has been discontinued though. I wonder why... I hope they're releasing an improved version or something.

  5. The USA is a country one in it's own. The only country in which a draft doger can become president and a veteran will live in a box. No nation will be perfect but america is the closets one to being perfect. We have fought for both our freedom and that of others many times. We have liberated two countries of leaders that were both detremental to themselves and to us in the US. Also France owes its country to us. Had we not came into the WWII France would just be a name in the history book.

    Voting is a wonderful right. To bad the rest of the world doesn't have the ability to vote because i bet the world would be a better place and everyone would finally have a saw in what there country did. Politics suck. To many lies on both sides but it is better than being told as a nation that one person is in power that his family will forever be in power and that there is nothing you can do about it.

    America is awesome and I would galdly die in her defense. God Bless america

    And the only country, apparently, where an illegal alien can become the president. Don't like that? Well it's a county full of pu$$ies who don't stand up for the one central document that keeps us all (50 states) cemented together. I think you know what I mean.


    France? You want to bring up France? Are you serious????!! France was saved by a generation of honorable men whom you may or may not be related to, but not by you or me, nor "us". "We" had nothing to do with it any more than "we" had anything to do with enslaving Africans who are far better off now than if their ancestors had stayed in Africa.


    Voting, while a wonderful right, is nothing when the vote is manipulated by the media and rigged at the polls. We haven't had an honest election here in your lifetime. This nation, the United States of America is a third world country, you just don't know it yet. This country is at the bottom of the cesspool of nations on this planet, all of which are on their way to the bottom just like the West. We're going to feel the pain more, though, because of our previous status as the most powerful nation on Earth. Wait a few months and tell me how you feel. I'm seeing nothing but pain and darkness in our future.

  6. Yep. My vote is for hardwood. Having both, I'd just as soon rip out all the carpets because of reasons stated above. Nasty things, chemicals, jungles for unseen infestations, dust mites, animal urine, all manner of odor generators, impossible to clean... The key is to go with radiant floor heating, thus you'd have comfort on the bare feet as well as the solid surface on which to tread. Indeed, go with a stone floor if your budget allows.

  7. I've been a telecom contractor since being laid off from Global Crossing in 2001. I've had to learn something new on each and every contract I've worked, but it all adds up. Currently as a "Telecommunications Consultant" I'm performing "site audits" for the engineering group so that they know what's actually occurring at their sites compared to what is in their spreadsheets and engineering diagrams. Often, it seems, the two are different. It's at cell sites and I take about 85 photos of various things at the site as dictated to me from a list I've got. Furthermore I take notes of specific details in the sites like serial numbers and battery capacity and generator capacity as well as a hand-drawn mockup of the site with measurements of the equipment as to where they are placed related to walls and other pieces of equipment and their orientation to true north. Each site takes about two to three hours and pays $250 working with a tower climber (monkey) or $500 if I do the site myself.

  8. Ok, I'm back, I've got the same "grumpy old man" attitude, but with an even better perspective and I just thought I'd re-introduce myself: Born about 40.5 years ago, I was old before I was young and getting older ain't pretty, but then is it ever? Life is as it's ever been but with new and even more annoying challenges that have given me a bit more patience, perspective, and prerogative - to better myself. And you get to benefit from all that incredible wisdom. Now, don't you all feel better about the whole thing? :(

  9. I'm sure this will PO all those greenie weenies out there, but a fairly recent assessment by none other than the United States Geological Survey (USGS) in the Dakotas revealed that there is an untapped reservoir of some 3 to 4.3 Billion barrels of sweet crude under the region known as the Bakken formation located in the Eastern MT, ND, SD, and lower Alberta/ Saskatchewan region and it's virtually untapped. Peak oil, kiss my A$$! Here's the link: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    I guess I can drive my diesel Ford Excursion for a while more without worrying about running out of fuel.


  10. Anyone out there into FTA stuff? I don't really watch the free tv, just acquiring more toys to play with! Too bad about 'ol Nagravision3.. wonder if it will be cracked?

    Well, actually, I've been into "FTA" for at least a year now. And, yes N3 is a bummer, but now we're talking about something altogether different, aren't we... I packed up my 90cm dish for our move so I'm stuck waiting, but if I had it out I'd be in business on Galaxy 15 or one of the several other birds that broadcast in English. Good luck with your wait. Which receiver do you have? I've got the VS 7000 PVR. It's been pretty good so far but couldn't handle the motor on the antenna. I'm looking at upgrading to VS 9000 HD PVR in the future.

  11. As an update, I finally decided to take down the 90cm antenna since I'm not able to use it with this receiver, and I put up another DN500 dual LNB antenna in its place. Easy install, it seems to be already tweeked (skewed) correctly, and I just downloaded the channels off of Echostar 5 and 9 satellites. Just one more to go to get the HD satellite that used to be VOOM! Of course this receiver will probably not like switching between birds and it'll be a pain, but now I've got that middle eastern and other alternative content I was looking for.

  12. Your use of "born again" implies reincarnation. But your use of the word "God" in your later quotes implies the Christian God, because you state "his children." You seem to be talking about two different areas that are totally separate. There is no human reincarnation in Christianity. Reincarnation, in the sense of Buddhism, if i remember correctly, is a constant loop that occurs, which would mean a lack of hell.

    Born Again in the context presented:

    In Christianity, the terms born again, regenerated or transformed are synonymous with spiritual rebirth i.e. salvation. It means having a personal faith in Jesus Christ. The term is most frequently used by the Evangelical, Fundamentalist, Pentecostal and some Mainline branches of Protestant Christianity. It is sometimes associated with non-denominational individuals, groups and churches.

    This, according to a Wiki article. Wiki is your friend. I'm surprised you haven't heard of this term. It's all the rage here in the states. I can only assume it's taken fire and spread out throughout the world. As for hell...


    In Sumerian Mythos Enki was the eldest (though illegitimate) son of the Father of the gods, AN or Anu, and was quite rebellious in nature, partially because he was in competition for fraternal affection with his half-brother, Enlil, the first legitimate son of Anu. When a slave race was called for, according to archaeologists and other scholars, it was Enki who was called upon to direct the genealogical science that finally created the slave race, human, to work in the mines in Africa. When the gods were infatuated with the daughters of man and things were just getting way out of control, the gods decided to not warn their creation of the impending deluge about to sweep over the lands, but Enki, in love with his creation, sent to "Noah", plans to build a submersible vessel capable of withstanding the calamity and contained therein was enough human genetic material and the DNA of all the other life on Earth, to re-start the whole thing again. The counsel wasn't too pleased that Enki had gone behind their backs and saved his creation but they forgave him his trespass because they, too, loved humanity. But before this, Enki had given to The Adam and The Eve the "forbidden knowledge" of the tree of life thereby and thereafter they were able to procreate without the aid of the Annunaki from whose labs they were born. Basically, Enki made his creation independent of their gods and this angered the counsel. After several of these maverick trespasses against the counsel, they finally voted to leave Enki stuck here on this miserable planet, to rule the world below or to become the ruler of the damned. Thus Enki became what we know today as Lucifer, though, he's long since died (it's estimated that his birth is somewhere around 500,000 Earth years ago), his offspring are alive and well, real, and capable of avenging their ancestor's eternal excommunication from his family of gods. And, no, I'm not making all this up. Go research Sumerian and Babylonian history and folklore. Hell, in antiquated language, means "down under". This could mean Australia ( :D Just kidding), any and all points south of the equator, or could refer to the entire planet under which the moon circles. It's a matter of interpretation.


    Read, William Bramley's The Gods of Eden for further enlightenment. Always seek the light.

  13. The final tally is in (barring a freak snowstorm during this wild, cool spring) and it's the second snowiest winter on record in Spokane, WA with a total of around 96 inches. I believe we probably had a foot more then they did here, but I don't have a weather station to measure it with, so I can only guess. This spring has been so wet it reminds one of the maritime regions like Vancouver, B.C. or northern Oregon Coastal areas. Green, ferns, giant Red Woods, Cedars, overflowing river banks and full creek beds, I guess we've pretty much got it all except for the giant trees (Wood industry took most all of them long ago). My garden hop plants are absolutely loving the weather, the largest one is about four feet up the fence already. I planted four watermelon plants two days ago and they've already recovered from the transplanting and resumed their growth. Our garlic is over a foot tall and the potatoes are starting to pop out of the soil now too. I foresee a bountiful harvest in a few short months...

  14. I have no idea how animal-rights advocates or groups like PETA define "abuse", but I bet my definition comes pretty close. It's got to do with suffering. How would you like to be kept on a chain while your master is gone to work for the day? Think it's alright to be in a dog-crate for a while? Get in and find out. My bet is they look at how the animal lives in the wild. Yeah, there are wild dogs and wild turkeys (close enough for government work to chickens), there are wild cow-like animals such as buffalo. These animals need to be as close to their wild existence as can reasonably be expected within a domestic situation. For instance: A dog (and cats to a lessor extent) is a pack animal. As long as there's an Alpha male to keep them in line, the dogs are "happy" or at least they feel they belong. When you leave them on a leash, even a dog run, they're vulnerable to real wild dogs (and malicious humans) attacking them, and they're genuinely lonely for company, and they'll bark and irritate your neighbors all day long. Seems cruel to me, and if it's not cruel to you, that concerns me.


    Let's look at the practice of slaughter. Is there a humane way to kill an animal? Yep. There is also an inhumane way to do it. Same as if you were going to be killed. Would you like to have your neck slowly sawed off, or would you rather fall to the quick, painless guillotine? The point is, if you don't want to feel pain because it would be inhumane, how is it any different for the animal? Why should it be? I think you think an animal is incapable of feeling pain, or you just don't care. Either way, that's just sad and someone, in my opinion, who is as indifferent as that toward another mammal or other living thing is a cold, cold, callous, frightening individual.


    Did you know that mass murderers started, nearly every last one of them, with the horrendous abuse of dogs and cats? There are some real gems working in the slaughter industry, too. I've seen the same sort in American Uniform in Iraq /Afghanistan. Today they're giggling like little girls when they throw a dog off a cliff, tomorrow they'll do it to an innocent Iraqi child, and in a month they'll be patrolling the streets of America as law enforcement officers, looking for the next old lady to test out their tazers on. What goes around, comes around, we reap what we sow. All because there aren't reasonable restrictions on the amount of abuse you can dish out to your dogs. This society in America is barbaric and it's not getting better. (I know there are much worse societies or cultures, if you will, but I live in the U.S.A., so it's all I'm going to comment on for now because it's the place where I can make some impact.) Why would anyone argue over something like this? Could it be you run an illegal puppy mill that's been investigated for animal abuse? Just curious...


    You've cited the incident where some PETA employees rescued some animals from a lab, then threw them in the trash dumpster on the way home (if memory serves) twice now as a reason to stain the entire organization's reputation. Granted, it didn't do them any good PR, but that's the extreme exception, not the rule by any means. You keep going on about PETA and how they define abuse as a chained up dog, and you're using the intellectually dishonest reasoning this can't be so is because the entire organization likes to rescue puppies and throw them in the trash. Forget about PETA for a second. Think about the animal's welfare. Let's go back to the confined dog for a minute. I'm sure you're aware that there is a special device known as a FENCE that any responsible dog owner needs to have when they've got a dog or three. When you adopt a dog from the humane society they'll often actually come out to where you live to check that there's a proper fence in good order to ensure you don't intend to tie the animal up and to make sure you're who you say you are and you're not going to use the animal to fight other dogs. (As an anecdote, true story: A neighbor of mine ties their dog, "Tupper", up whenever they leave and it barks non-stop the entire time. About six months ago, the dog was attacked while it was outside tied up (they were home, but it was still tied up outside, go figure) by a marauding pack of dogs belonging to another neighbor who's apparently running an illegal mill as well. I passed by there a couple months ago and counted no less than 23 dogs that all looked to be from the same genetic lineage. Tupper recovered from his wounds which cost in the thousands of dollars and the owners didn't learn their lesson -they still leave it tied up when they're gone and never built a fence for it to be confined to when it's out.) The point is it's irresponsible and creates a psychotic animal (often this technique is used to make a mean dog to fight in backyard dog fighting games.) that barks at nothing all the time which completely goes against its natural instinct. Now contrast that to a simple fence which allows your dogs to have room to run and play, and an added benefit is they're able to protect your property from human invaders! See how easy that was? Now you're not being cruel, and your neighbors aren't complaining about the incessant barking day and night (also illegal in the more civilized places). It's really just common sense here. Like killing a head of bovine. Is it really necessary for the animal to be alive throughout the first minutes of the slaughter so that it's being stripped of its skin when it's still screaming? I think not. It's just wrong. It's a reason I won't eat factory farmed meat.

  15. So you're voting based on Race or Gender? You know what that makes you, right? A racist or a bigot. That's what. I have a really unique idea. Try thinking for yourself for a change instead of letting the TV think for you. Try voting for the BEST candidate. Try and imagine them behind curtains without knowing who they are and just look at their voting records. Let that do the talking for them. They're all in congress afterall. They can't hide from their records. There are now two very highly desirable candidates for President, and none of them is the "Three Mainstream Candidates" the MSM is shoving down our throats...

  16. It never ceases to amaze me that 300 million people can be so petrified of a few hundred punks. So Al Qaeda hijacked a few planes and hit the twin towers. Obviously, the FBI and CIA screwed up. They've successfully thwarted over 600 terror attacks in the preceding 40 years. They won't mess up again for a while. More people die from falling in their bathtubs than from terrorist attacks. Terrorists are impotent. They're only capable of making people feel scared if those people are irrational cowards. What does this say about Americans?


    We'd hand Bush a lighter to burn the Constitution from an insane fear of some little Saudi punk.

    I'd just like to point out a couple things here. You're parroting the party line (either party, take your pick) here so, maybe you should take notice of the fact that "Al Qaeda" is a creation of the CIA and is controlled by the CIA. Now. Inject that into your current understanding of the above... What are your conclusions now? Links? Sources? Here's the first one that pops up doing a simple scroogle.org search. Try your own...

  17. PETA is a wacky, extremist organization for sure, and you'll not catch me writing them a check, ever. But, on the other hand, they do some good, too. You might consider that not everything they do is ridiculous or insane as you've portrayed them. I, for one, agree that a wild cat in a circus in this day and age is beyond reason. This is what they did in the Roman Games way back when. Centuries ago. Have we no ability to progress past such inhumane acts? I fully support the bearded lady, midgets on ice, and other human freak shows, but then these people, like athletes, are making a conscience decision to publicly humiliate themselves or to train to the point of injury and permanent disability. I don't imagine the animals have those choices presented to them. God didn't give Mankind domain over the animals to be cruel masters, but to exhibit care, compassion, and kindness toward them. We should all be considerate and aware that when an animal screams, that means the same thing as when you or I scream. No animal should have to suffer pain for our gratification.

  18. True so true. So I take it you don't have the PVR right now? You need to get it... Really. I don't know how I'd live without it. Well, probably pretty much the same, but this way my life doesn't revolve around the TV schedule, and with dual tuners, you're not stuck watching something you'd just as soon watch later... You know... So, do you have the motorized antenna? The Pansat moves it well, does it? I'm really strongly considering that Captiveworks 3000HD receiver... Sweeeeeeet.... And, as long as you never ever say anything that might make someone from a certain company's law firm think you're pirating that companies content, joining ftatalk.com and downloading certain files won't get you in any trouble...I know what you're saying about al jazeera channel. I was watching that back when my receiver was moving the antenna. That's why I want a new receiver. There's so much unique content up there but I'm stuck on two mainstream satellites because this stupid receiver won't go with the program. It's almost like it was designed to be a pirate's receiver only... Very annoying.

  19. As negative as this may make me sound, I have to say that illegal immigrants from Mexico have benefitted us in the United States more than hurt us. Let's consider some facts.
    Who do you see working on roads and buildings the most often? Generally Mexican men.
    Who works for the lowest pay in the US? Generally illegal's because they cannot get in with real companies.

    Think about how many less houses we would have here were it not for the immigrants doing things for us.

    Therefore, I have to say that we would not be half of what we are today were it not for them.

    You just spouted off several reasons why most Americans are sick and tired of illegal aliens in their country! Not that long ago, LEGAL Americans were working on our roads, cleaning office buildings, building residential homes, and they were doing it better and they were keeping their money right here in the good 'ole USA. They paid property taxes, paid medical insurance or otherwise paid their hospital bills, and were LEGAL! We wouldn't have any less houses if the immigrants weren't doing things for us. Immigrants don't "do things for us" anyway. Immigrants "do things" for their own large families. Have you seen the annual amounts of money that flows from the US to Mexico? It's staggering! Stop kidding yourself. If the Mexicans (illegal) weren't out mowing your lawn, you'd be paying the same wage to an eager teenager (like I once was) to do it or you'd do it yourself. Lawn care was once a very good business to own as a first small business before the illegal competition came in and undercut everyone. I mean, who can compete with slave labor? It'd be like competing with a prison whose inmates work for pennies on the dollar. I could go on and on, but the bottom line is, kick every last illegal alien out of this country, I don't care if he's from Ireland, Israel, Vietnam, Guatemala, or Mexico. Kick them all out and don't let them back in for ten years as a penalty for coming here illegally, and stop the anchor-baby clause in the constitution, what is it, like the 14th amendment or something like that?

  20. So, you're saying for the equivalent of $584 USD you can get a motorized system in its entirety? Including the receiver? That's not bad. Two things to remember: First, I could do it for that price by scaling down the size of the antenna and going cheaper with the receiver by buying one without the PVR capability and dual tuners. Also, this is the U.S. and corporations are out to screw over every dumb American consumer they can here. The receiver has a card slot, but the idea for me is to not have to pay for any programming any more. That's not going to last forever, like when www2 is forced down our throats, the internet will be heavily and accurately monitored by corporate interests like the satellite providers here and they'll come a knockin if you've been downloading decryption files off the internet. Home of the slave, land of the cowards... And if I'd bought the right receiver, I wouldn't care if they did come a knockin cause with the motorized dish, there are probably about eight good satellites up there with enough free programming to keep me happy. It's completely different on your side of the globe, though. I couldn't comment on that at all. I bought the $20 sat finder and installed it myself successfully. There was a weeks worth of hassle, but it was worth it. I should've done a little more research, though...

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