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Does Michael Jackson Love Young Boys? what you think
Plurk replied to truman69's topic in General Discussion
This one ain't too hard to judge. look up the "grudge report" on him, there's too much smoke for there not to be a fire. I mean LOOK at the guy! If you're gonna do that to yourself, at LEAST don't deny that you had surgery, it just makes you LOOK as crazy as you ARE...I'm not saying he's responsible for his own craziness, but there's no denying he's got a screw loose. He lives in his own imagination, in a world where, among other things, it's allright for an adult to sleep next to, flirt with, feed alcohol to, and quite possibly touch little boys...I'm glad I'm a Prince fan. there no denying he won "the race"... -
Wow man, maybe if waiting a couple of seconds for a web page to load is too hard for you, you should be rethinking your priorities.You are just the kind of person who'll have a stroke or an aneurism at 40 because you're allways freeting that everybody else is too slow. Have you ever thought about the possibility that YOU might be expecting to much? Maybe you should adjust the expectations you have from a FREE server, or an old person in front of you, or whatever "peeves your pet"... Slow down dude, mellow out, you're not going to last at this pace. Burning your wick at both end and all that...
Sjeesh man. I stopped smoking about two months ago. I've smoked of an on for about 15 years, usually with 2 year intervals. But I don't subscribe to the scare tactics you're spreading. Let me clue you in; LIFE is deadly. Cyanide is present in the air, soil, food and water around us. So is a lot of the other stuff you name. Tell you what; YOU lock yourself in a room with air purifiers, humidifiers, eat your organics without poison, meat, fat, carbs and taste, live to be a hundred and twenty. I'll be outside, soaking in the (skin cancer causing) sun, drinking a (liver busting) beer, smoking a (lung cancer causing) cigarette and die at seventy. Now which one of us do YOU think has really lived?
You really should be a little bit clearer when trying to educate people. There are plenty of Google Tutorials out there which are not as confusing and strangely worded as this. A 9 for effort, but a meager 4 for execution...
No, just the ending... You should put a spoiler warning on your post if you're gonna give away the ending of a movie. I know I won't be seeing it now...
I was asked by my family to set up an auction site. My grandmother had just passed away and her 12 kids wanted to bid privately for the items in her inheritance. (They each inherited a fair bit of money also, so bidding was slightly fierce!) I found some free PHP auction software. I did not want to abuse my own site for it (besides; they don't "do" scripting) so I searched THE ENTIRE INTERNET (well it feels like I did) for a Hosting Provider that was cheap (it doesn't get any cheaper than free...), dependable (no complaints here), no pop-ups on the site, no shenanigans with DNS redirecting to pornsites all of a sudden, and ofcourse a fair bit of room and bandwith. Well wadda ya know... This here Xisto-diddy seems allmost too good to be true! 'Xcept it aint! So I'm staying, even though the auction is over...
no9t9;You keep bashing the same drum. I have not the time or energy to completely submerge myself in your argument but, my oh my, you are flogging a dead horse there matey boy!"IF I BELIEVE IN TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE BETWEEN TWO MEN IS A SIN, YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO FORCE THAT INTO MY CHURCH. ALLOWING GAYS TO GET *MARRIED* UNDER THE WORD MARRIAGE BY LAW WOULD FORCE A CHURCH TO ALLOW IT IN THEIR PLACE OF WORSHIP EVEN WHEN IT IS AGAINST THEIR BELIEFS. "My believes state that I HAVE to sacrifice one homophobic christian every week. What right has the law to force me to set that believe aside? Well in fact; it has every right. You keep saying marriage between gays is unconstitutional, when in fact the constitution protects every race, age, or sexual preference from this kind of discrimination... During the Spanish Inquisition religion thought it justified to torture and kill anyone they felt like. Church (& society as a whole) once thought it justified to shut blacks out of their human rights. Wake up boy. This is the 21st century. Gays will get married everywhere within your lifetime. Let it go...Oh and marriage is not a Church (and by htis you seem to mean only the Christian church) institution. You just stole it and called it yours (like Microsoft), as you did with Easter and Christmas, and a lot of pagan things you couldn't get rid of...
You can't. Anything you put out there can be captured.Example; two weeks ago somebody began promoting what was essentially a pro-pedofile site on another forum I am active in. It had a lot of script and Flash protecting the site from american viewers and specifically from copying. Some of the other users on the forum could not read it and verify I was justified in chastizing this b@st@rd. They asked me to send them excerpts from the site, which the owner (who by then claimed he was not the owner at all) said could not be cut and pasted.I captured the despicable cartoon via PrintScreen - Paste into Paintshop.I copied the vile content by opening the page in IE, then going into my cache directory and saving the local copy as a text file. I sent it to the other users. Pedo never showed his face again.You can throw a "rightclick script" at it; I will open the page in Netscape with JavaScript disabled. You can hide it in Flash, Quicktime, PHP or whatever; as long as it's on my screen for me to view, I can find a way to copy it. In fact, it will be a challenge!
The Microsoft Spyware thingy already has a security leak which gives hackers comlpete access to your computer. Typical. It's not even a real production Beta yet! This is why I don't use Outlook. Too bad XP is really the only way to go for people who are NOT complete nerds... Otherwise I would have switched a long time ago...
I've got 1.6Mbit/s downstream (which translates to about 165 Kbyte/s max) and 512 Kbit/s upstream. I live in Holland, and pay about 36,- euro's per month.It's very stable and I think it would be hard to live without. I've also got "fair use policy" so it's downloading max speed virtually 24/7, and I have a 3 node network (wireless) behind my router. Could people also specify the going rate for Gb's downloaded (over a certain limit)? Mine is 0,-; I'm downloading literally gigabytes every day and never had a complaint from my ISP!
I don't know if this is very new but last week I saw the solution to the dilemma of clear indicator glass that a lot of new cars (or cutomized cars) have. You see, up until recently all you could buy for this were the amber bulbs. Because the mirror inside the indicator is completely focussed on the center of the bulb, the indicator would STILL be orange!Now they have coated the bulb with a oneway mirror, so it looks like a chrome bulb (hence no amber in the indicator) but the amber glas is still underneath it and when the bulb lights, it's still legal! (maybe not in some states or countries, so be aware)...
Ehm, it's FREE hosting dude...You're sort of stuck with whatever you get. If it means spending 15 minutes here 4 times a week; Just Do It! Or don't, and get supended. Don't whine, it just makes you look cheap and... ehm... whiney!Gift? Horse? Mouth? Makin' sense here?
Yeah, what they said... ! Xisto forums; I'm lovin' it...
Yes, beauty is related to skin colour. You see; beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I have a thing for Asian girls (I'm Dutch but grew up in Indonesia) so I like the milkchocolate skin.Sorry, just wanted to wake you up there. NO, beauty is not necessarily related to skin colour, allthough I would have to say; a clearly African type with light skin is not pretty. Some facial features are just meant to have a certain skincolour. In Asia nowadays girls have their eyes surgically rounded, and it screws up the correlation between "almond eyes" and "Bailey's" coloured skin, small stature and small nose. Look at Jackson (Michael that is)! He's got the PARTS right (in his head, if he wanted to be an 18 year old anorexic girl) but THE PACKAGE is extremely wrong.On the other hand; look at Naomio Campbell. Dark as night, but considered one of the most beautifull women on the planet. Personally I don't care for here, but then I also don't see the attraction in Elle, Claudia and whatever other skinny chicks parade around on the catwalk.I think the reason darkskinned woman think they are more beautifull with fair skin is that they have been bombarded with advertising showing white women, which have been targetted at (rich) white woman. These advertisements often run unaltered in the "3rd world" and screw with woman's minds. Hell, even the white woman go anorexic from them...
In my mind there is no doubt he's guilty. Read this article completely and tell me there is not a mountain of evidence against him. Besides, the guy seems determined to prove on every available occasion that he is crazy enough to be a pedophile. He just doesn't make sense, doesn't seem connected to the real world somehow. Now I know weirdness and even crazyness do not automatically make you a sexual deviant but come on, would you trust him around your 7 year old son?