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Posts posted by zak92

  1. Well not only is tennis a good fast paced sport but it also makes your body work hard so that you gain muscle, especially in the arms. Tennis trains you for stamina as you have to run after the ball here and there and you have to be very fast at it. Therefore it also gets your calf tuned up along with heart and triceps and detoids.

  2. Cigarettes no only turn women ugly but it also increases their rate of aging. Cigarette stops oxygen from getting to you and your body including skin therefore since we always need hydrogen and oxygen to live when both are cut through cigarettes the skin turns dry hence making the skin wrinkle way too fast and it can also make it sag. This is all thanks to my gym teacher and some videos that we watched during health classes.

  3. Well it is not so good after all even steroids help you build big arms but remember nothing is equal to nature and no one can come up with something without side effects. We will still wait and see what it turns out to be and i wouldn't say much because the last 10 years have been going crazy if you look at the technological advancements.

  4. My belief is that God was before time. Therefore according to me some elements are earthly made like time, space( i mean land space or anything that occupies volume). As for the big bang i really believe in it as Iam a muslim i believe that God created this world for the sole purpose as man. This is my reply and i really hope you learn something from it.

  5. Sorry for this second topic but guys really iam pissed.My dad has caught everything and he even reads my mails. LIKE F*#K iam pissed he watches everything I do as there is a limit to everything. I have stopped everything and become religious but still he does not stop. He is still spying on me and i really hate it. I have no words to explain my situation and i am really feeling *BLEEP*ing pissed. I just want to go somewhere and keep walking, walking, walking, walking, walking, and never stop. Thanks i feel a little better lets say 1%.

  6. This is a long story. I used to watch some bad movies and my parents caught me. My dad is very good at PC therefore he has found it out somehow through his office as he works in my ISP company. That can be understood but when i got a CD and unzipped it and saw it and deleted he still found out. Can anyone help me and tell me how he is doing all this. I checked the whole pc for software related to this but he still gets it out somehow.

  7. Guys i have almost completed everything for my site thanks to people that gave nice tutorials and nice things but i seemed to have encountered a problem. My site http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ is not working nicely as i hoped. When you enter it all the links in the menu bar have been directed nicely using dreamweaver. The problem is when you click on them they open all by themselves and not in their designated iframe. Please help me and check this problem. I will be blessing you for the help.

  8. http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex2/pagescroller.htm

    Similar to this i need a scrollbar tutuorial on how to make pictures scrollbar. I dont want such a big code and basically i want a simple small code. What i want changed from the code on top is that the two arrows should be up and down with space between them and i also want to add sideway scroll. I dont want t readymade code instead i want a simple basic tutorial to make me understand this or you can give me help with java script. Will reward up to 8 credits depending on the work.

  9. Women now a days are treated like a piece of meat that every guy wants to get a bite out of. I believe women are just like us men and should not be looked as a machine for sexual purposes. They should be respected and they should be married to instead of just cheating on them. Pretty ladies have feeling just like us they want a family, kids and a nice loving husband who actually cares about them unless they are the ladies that sell themselves but even they want those. Ladies have to be treated with respect and i really respect them for they are a wonderful creation for men.Like stated above women can be mean and they are meaner and smarter than men and much much more cunning as when a man does something bad to another guy he does it out of aggression and anger but when this is done by a woman it is done cunningly and she plans it in a way so that she hits him on his soft corner. They are smart and they can do a lot for the world as they can be leaders in the family. They can teach kids how to live life and continue the nice life we have on earth. There are certain examples currently and from history on how women have done a lot for the community and how they can change a lot of things.Mostly done in third world countries women should not be secluded or boycotted but they should be included in every field. Women in many Asiatic countries are deprived of education because of lack of money but on the same had their brothers from the same parents are not deprived of education. Women and men should be equal and there is no religion that states otherwise that women should not study and be advance. Most of the religions have given roles to man and woman to play.To sum it all up women are nice things that can be nice and that can be bad but due to the current circumstances in the world women are used only as sex machines and not as a powerful weapon.

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