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Posts posted by zak92

  1. Umm. I think I am sure about my age and I am 15 not under 13 so that was not the reason. And you always told me you were going to ask otto and never replied when i asked you what he said. He did say he did not mind. Plus AW I had admin access I could have done a lot of bad things but instead edited the forums for the better of it.Demanding is- GIVE ME THE ROOT ACCESSAsking like me is- Hey what did otto say or like most of my PMs - Hey man please reply .Yeah so I wouldn't call that demanding.

  2. You know what I still sent them a message but they are so rude they blocked me on MSN and all I did was ask for server permissions and its not like I demanded it and I even used please but oh well. Well also I told them they can say no I wouldn't mind but they rather not have a good member. Their loss.

  3. Hey everyone. Sup. Lets get down to business, I was looking around at many places and I want to be better than this one particular host that I have already posted about because they are bad! Now so to make them pay and make me feel better I wanted to start my own hosting business and I was looking around the reseller plans and they range from 6-9 dollars a month. Since this is too much of a amount for me I was wondering if anyone would want to become my partner and we can take a risk by buying a semi-annual plan. So thats the cheapest as $42. So if we can pay together and be partners we can probably make money and so I was basically looking for someone to start this with. I would not like a monthly one as it takes days to set up the forums and site up so I was wondering if anyone would join me. EDIT: Can anyone tell me where I can buy servers and not lease and pay every month. Thanks.Post under.

  4. This host is a small community which I though i can be a member of and maybe make my way up to admin position with access to server and I was trust worthy and more active than the current administrators. This forum was a complete mess with post sytem but I added the point system, made around 30-40 quality posts which changed the look of the forum and changed how everything worked and my work was appreciated. Then I asked Dan a admin to make me a admin with all privileges but I sent him so many PMs he never replied now when I go on there this is what I get.

    Sorry, but one of our Moderators or Administrators have banned your account. Usually, OxyHost staff only bans accounts for serious reasons, and if we are certain you have broken the rules. The reason that the Moderator/Administrator has given for banning you is:
    Sorry, Fired!

    Date the ban will be lifted: Never

    If you believe this message was in error, you may appeal our decision by sending an email to abuse@oxyhost.com. If we find that you registered another account, we will issue an IP ban for your IP address, so please don't do it.


    The OxyHost Staff

    This is so not good. I hope they fail and die and burn in hell plus they have only 100 members and they suck. I really hope they shut down. I never got replies with bad customer service so i recommend everyone to go there and flame their backsides.

    Thank you.

  5. I find that are to believe. You say that you were a "bad boy" and had many GF's, so your mom decided to ship you off to a country where different types of cultures live in. Also, UAE is not filled entirely with sand, unless you are put in the middle of a desert. And of course there is going to be mosques there, it's a muslim country dip *BLEEP*. Don't you find it weird that here in "America" there are so many churches, because there are mostly Christians, so a mainly muslim country would have mosques there. Also, who cares about Porn. How horny can you get to not be able to resist some temptation. I have relatives in UAE as well and they tell me much different then your story. They live in the city of Hawr Fakk?n in the division of al-Fujayrah and do enjoy it. The luxuries are not that expense, the same as Canada, as some things are going to be expensive due to how it was made. They are also white, but do not get discriminated as you so. Also, they speak Arabic there, and seems hard to believe that somebody who has spent their life in Canada (French+English) could be fluent in Arabic and be able to live there. So I do not believe you, but if your telling the truth i do apologize.

    Uh uh not at all i was a good kid. Not really that bad.

  6. Guys if you guys go to school in Canada its so hard here as we get bombarded with projects especially in English.For example here is a example of my essay which was worth like 1% of my mark and its so much hard work.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Eulogy on Rebecca.Friends, relatives and family members …We have gathered here, now for one of our greatest losses and the loss of our loved one. My great mother and as most of you called her, Aunt Rebecca has passed away. This will be a hard time on us as we try to keep her in our minds. As I remember, my mother was very courageous and a brave woman. Her mother had died at a young age but she has lived up to her 80’s. She had come to Canada during the 1850’s which was also the year she was born. The great days of our great railway and confederation were experienced by her. She has lived in time when they were isolated from the city in the prairies. It was tough to raise me and my 8 other siblings as she dealt with scarlet fever in which I had lost my 3 brothers. She had though us to believe in god and to be kind to our spouses. My mother thought us everything needed be and made us independent to which I’m proud of her. When I was moving out after marriage she had told me these words which I haven’t forgotten till now “Son, you take care of your wife as you did take care of me during your teens”. As many people here called her Aunt Rebecca, this was because of her great stories about everything in life which we all cherished and loved. I can truly say that she is in a better happy place as she was spiritual and loved god dearly. She had no faults in her as she was very generous and kind to everyone she knew. She biggest strength was not having any weaknesses because she was an angel and not many are lucky to have such a great mother who would give up their lives for their children. My mother was too great. We all have lost a great woman who is happy in heaven with my father. Let us all take a moment and pray for both of them and cherish their memories they left us. May god listen to our prayers and grant them eternal peace.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^I know mods might think this is copied but you wont find this on the net anywhere as it is written by me Zaid Khan(boo yeah)

    Notice from BuffaloHELP:
    Topic title modified.

  7. Well acne is just a normal part of a humans life and we have to deal with it. We can use products like clearasil but they can damage your epidermis with overuse(trust me it has happened to me). But its just better to keep yourself clean and clear as this solves your acne problem pretty well and keep your hair short as it gives acne a lot if you have dandruff. You guys can also try less oily soaps as oil is the main composition of acne. There are many products out there that guarantee you lose acne but if you just wait out till your puberty its not a big problem and guys can avoid sugary materials like chocolates, but if you tend to use products they you might be stuck with them for the rest of your age. Im clean and clear so nothing to worry about. Good luck to people that have acne.

  8. Hey everyone its your friendly zak92!I have a great idea for all of you to make great credits but for this you have to invest.This is how it works you choose a number between 1-50 and it doesn't start until all numbers are selected.1st Prize is 60 credits.2nd Prize is 20 credits.Sorry guys but no third prize. So just keep choosingTo participate you need to pat a fees of 5 credits(not really much if you look at the prize)It ends as soon as atleast 20 numbers are selected.Join in people.I will be using Random.org service to generate the winning number

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