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Everything posted by GuySpook

  1. Hey everyone, I just heard about this Killer Network Interface Card and the whole NPU difference thing and all. Id like to know if anyone has this or knows if its any good. You see, I figure it has about a 1250mb transfer rate on it but the website http://www.hugedomains.com/domain_profile.cfm?d=killernic&e=com wont say the transfer rate, but what it does say is the difference in ping and such. One of my friends told me about a video experiment someone did with it and it actually worked really well and dropped the ping. So what im asking is, is it a get or no get? Yay or nay?
  2. Please read this first! Which do you hate more? myg0t or Champion? From what ive heard myg0t is the kind of clan that comes into your server and annoys you to your banning point, they exploit so they are impossible to ban, etc. one of their clan members made this movie: (not suggested for all ages) Click here Champion i havnt heard much about, I just hear they can be annoying sometimes. I dont know if they exist in counter-strike or not and I havn't had much contact with them. I cannot give you much information about them except what i have heard. Now that youve heard my descriptions, go ahead and choose the answer that best suites you.
  3. My computers are pretty nice, well kind of. I think they could use a bit of upgrading but here they are the specs! (applause) First up: Desktop Next: THE LAPTOP!!! (applause) Thats all! Maybe soon to come a server, if I do get one expect another quote box in this post. If anyone has any spec suggestions id be glad to hear them. My computers need tuning, BADLY
  4. Well from my extension of knowledge I think you must not let people choose what they want to hear. As I remember it you must have a player that randomly picks music for them. For example this is legal it randomly selects music and you can tell it what you like so it plays music you like. I would suggest a similar system.
  5. speaking of radio anyone know a site were i can host my own radio station for free? o and i have to be able to talk thru the mike to people
  6. Everyone is focusing on those cars now, and that includes ford! I am sorry i cannot provide a link but if you search google images for Ford Th!nk you will see the same concept for that car. Trends.... its always trends.... but why.
  7. Nothings right Nothings fine Nothings REG-U-LAR!!!!!!!!!! ITS CRAZED WORLD!!!!! A CRAZED LAND A CRAZED COUNTRY!!!!!!!!!! EVERYTHING IS CRAZY MY MIND IS GETTING HAZY I THINK I MIGHT BE... GOING CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the bar i hang out at closed up in the night..... my most hated store had opened inside it.... i think....NOTHING IS RIGHT NOTHING IS FINE!!!!!!! YOUR WROOOOOOOONGGGG IM RIGHT!!!!!!! im going crazy as we speak..... the world goes hazy as i read THE WORLD IS CRAZED!!!! MY MIND IS CRAZED!!!!!! WE ALL ARE CRAZED!!!!!!!! i guess its my...CRAZED MIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!that song is fresh off my mind(im not a very good song-writer am i?) Genre:Hard Rock
  8. My brother told me he found out that scientists are working on a why for a human to do such things as the following: Telekenisis, Mind Control(good god i hope they fail on this one),Levitation Pyrokenesis, Aura viewing(seeing marks where things have been moved etc.) and other things. If they come out with these for the possible army division count me in! Ive got nothing to loose!
  9. Im a gamer so i have every single comp and OS u could think of in my bedroom not to mention an AverKey IMicro (dont ask) so yea i got DOS comps in my room with every action game there is for em (notice: i keep them running cause they take a LONG time to start up) my comps are the oldest IBMS two used for games two for codin and i have an extra that i like to play with and torture (feel free to submit ideas to interstate82man@hotmail.com) its a good thing there not noisy lol otherwise i couldnt sleep THERE RIGHT NEXT TO ME!!! (if you ever need to know anything about comps just contact me )also i recommend Scope OS if ur lookin for complicated or just plain easy cause its however u want it;)
  10. when the 360 comes out im going to go to the store that very minute take the first 1 from the shipment and go home set up internet and the console personalize it familiarize and then play the **** out of it:D (yes, im a xbox 360 finatic)
  11. There once was a land along time ago, back when kingdoms prevailed, back when the close were piles of tow, and the dress being very low, although the land seemed very safe one person prooved that wrong. His name was Thomas E. Warvold and he was quite alarmed. So he built a wall around a place that he could call his home, he made three gates whitch later on would become roads. The more that came the more room needed the more extensions that seem to come, he built three roads and three more walls to make three safe places. This places Turlock Lathbury and dont forget *** i forgot this part *** Now that its safe he made a way to get back outside the wall. As the years passed he became a relic, and his face turned very bald. He died after telling someone Dear Alexa this is the wall. But now today the legend lives on beyond the dark hills of the lands. We wait for someone to make it to the mystical city of myths. Soon Ainsworth will kill us all for the space we hath preserved. Then they will tear down the wall and perish in the dirt. So now ive told you about the lands of Elyon with details more to come, so just wait a little more dear traveler and i shall tell you all. Based on the new book series: The Lands Of Elyon (book 1 The Dark Hills Divide)
  13. I live in the USA and am connected via Time Warner Cable's Road Runner premium whitch is in our terms about a t3/t1 Final Summary: its really really really fast
  14. Yoy've heard of Mozart. Very famous Mozart. He composed this symphony thirty-five. Are you sure? Are you sure? Are you sure? Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Symphony. Thirty-five. For the haffner family. Symphony. Thirty-five. End Refrain DS Al Coda
  15. OFFICE EXPO ADVERTISEMENT____________________________________________________________________Office expo sponsored by: well ummm we dont really have sponsors just volunteers THANK U FOR UR TIME____________________________________________________________________
  16. Is netscape explorer free???? id just like to know because if it is the best id like to test its capabilities:D
  17. Get ready office expo should start like april 20th REMEMBER u need to post on my website at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and also u must reach a post count of 30 and then i will give u the member award: Office Expo Participant (if i can find the plugin on the net that is http://www.invisionize.com/ doesnt work!!!!) Also should you reach a post count of 70 i will give you the award: Outstanding Member and for 100 you get Super Member (comes with mod and at 150 global mod) Thank you , GuySpook Office Expo Coordinator!!!HELP WANTED!!! office expo helpers apply at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ under topic Apply to Help
  18. Could anyone tell me what this is? everyones started to tell me sonys coming out with a beat-all hand-held called the psp. Could someone please possibly provide me with the specs of this hand held thingy sony is coming out with because i might be looking to by one to go with my collection of hand-helds (game-boy color, game-boy advanced, game-boy SP, DS, and maybe a PSP?) thanksGuySpook
  19. I have encountered a fake virus -=removed the link, why take any chances=- i dont know what i should do about but i just thought id give everyone one a warning on this so-called Spread-X fake virus i dont know if its fake or not is one thing so i ask everyone avoid this site at all costs. GuySpook Notice from NilsC: I removed the link so we don't get tempted
  20. Im going for shot now lets have a look at the bugs ive seen on the website:No email validationSlow DLRegistration system could be betteronly has english korean and japanesethats about it but my rating: 8.7 out of 10.0Good job shot-online!!!! information: free forever???
  21. news article: ok everyone pray that the next pope does not die in our lifetime as when the next pope dies the devil will come and the earth will start all over again and god will have to save us. GuySpook or pHaTmAt Notice from serverph: quotes added
  22. Thats right i want to know what u do what ur career is what ur occupation is and that stuff for my websites big office expo!!!!Benefits include office supplies and other things all ur office essentials!!!!! pls contact me via PM for more information on the upcoming office expo and if u want give me ur info so i can get u some office expo items!!!!!!!!!! also it will register u as a office expo participant thanks for ur time and remember this is a fun event!!!
  23. Sounds bad i also heard there was a exploit on phpbb that would allow u to get in to ACP and the phpbb website via AWStats if anyone has info on these pls let me know:DGuySpook
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