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Posts posted by saladferk

  1. Oh man, I LOOOOOOOOVE manga! Only the ones in English, though. It'd be cool if I could read Japanese, but since I can't I've decided it's too much effort... Love anime too... By the by, I read regular books as well. You have to have balance!

  2. No. i have no hobbies. I'm a hermit who sits around all day chewing on my toes. Just kidding! Of course I have hobbies. Who doesn't? I snowboard, snowmobile, write, read, occasionally teach writing or reading, and I offer therapy and counseling, which are technically hobbies. I also love to dance and sing... Acting, too... I'm pretty wierd. Oh, then there's all this computer stuff--graphic design, HTML, etc....

  3. I belive that honesty and free speech are the way to go. Adults should be able to see, read, and hear whatever they want. Kids shuld be allowed the truth, but not potentially damaging things like pornography. The way to prevent kids from doing dangerous things is by tellnig them what they are and how they could hurt you. Don't leave out the other side, though. Pot is a great example of this. Make a list of pros and cons, and ask if the cons or pros list is longer. If it's the cons list, its bad, if its the pros list, the stance is up to them. As for swears... They're just words. Unattractive ones, but words noetheless, and they can't hurt anyone.

  4. Since my friends and I have school on Monday, we're celebrating today. A bunch of us are going snowboarding and then my boyfriend and I will be going out to dinner--Italian! Then we're going to see the Rocky Horror Picture Show and Monty Python and the Holy Grail. It's a double-feature at this great old movie theater. Then--then we'll see.

  5. I'd want some old school punk rock! They were for freedom, change, and individuality--having fun while doing whatever you want, and standing up for what YOU believe in. Not your fols or yoiur friends beliefs, but yours. I completely agree with that. Plus it was fun music. I want my last party on earth to rock!

  6. Oh boy. Diets. We don't really live that long to begin with. I understand if you want to be healthy or help animals by cutting out their products, but come on. If you're being sensible and balancing what you eat, then junk like that is a okay. It's not good for you, but it's better than starving to death on food you don't like! Once again, I don't include vegans and vegetarians in that. They have a purpose beyond themselves most of the time! By the way, women are meant to be soft. Not skinny boobless stick things. FAT IS OK!!! and you need carbs (cholesterol? i dunnoo) to have energy. FAT is a big part of your diet. You'll die without it. Whoo....

  7. Well, um, I'm sorry my phobia's not wierd or anything, but I'm deathly afraid of being stabbed or cut with a knife. I've always been scared of itm but then I was with my boyfriend in Boston a few years ago, walking to meet up with his friends, and these guys started giving us *BLEEP*. My guy said, "It's ok, i know these guys--they're all talk. Besides, I'll take care of you." He's tough. Then the guys got out of control and I got stabbed in the leg--guy's aim was awful. They were put in jail, minus a few fingers and one eye, thanks to my boyfriend... He cares too much. Either way, stabbing and cutting on anyone's body is ferkin' scary.

  8. I'm from Bartlett, New Hampshire in the far northeast of the USA. It's really beautiful here, what with the snow and Mt. Washington, and those other mountains that nobody ever says anything about. Um. Yeah. I feel kinda bad for them in a wierd way... But anywho, it's the perfect place to SNOWBOARD!!!! and write. That too.

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